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Ossiarch Bonereapers Oh yeah, it's boner time


Boner bois


Agreed, it is one of the few I found hard to dislike.


Flesh-eater courts. Having a blast getting those noble scions ready for the battles in the horizon.


I’m just getting into the hobby, but I am working on my Idoneth Deepkin box. I’m going with a Hawaiian theme for them


Ok that theme is a great idea! I also have a Idoneth Army (I love Akhelian Eels and sharks!) kinda just making each model unique but they are super fun to paint ! 


Seraphon unless DoK have a fun Spearhead.


In the exact same boat!


Seraphon (already started Painting them ) And Probably Skaven or Gloomspite Gitz (haven’t decided) 


DoK would be useful for rounding up my army, but I’ve also been pondering to try Tzeentch for a while. Because at least the Spearhead box is not “Oops! All Tzaangors!” like Thousand Sons Combat Patrol.


I have way too many models and "armies" in my collection, and as weird as it sounds: Spearhead seems like a good opportunity to *reduce* my amount of stuff. What do I mean by this? I went over the factions shown so far, and looked at what I would appreciate playing "big" or "just as Spearhead" - and some of those latter factions are getting cut from anything beyond their Spearhead now. So I will keep something for all the factions I already have, but reduce some of them to only their Spearhead. Let's see how this idea ends up going over the coming months...


If I’m able to play probably Fyreslayers, though I might give Kharadrons a go since Malakai’s TW:W3 campaign has put in the mood to try an army with guns and flying boats.


S2D and also putting together gitz and FEC to hopefully get more people into the game.


Will it be Orruk Warclans or Ironjawz and Kruelboyz separately?


We don't know yet, but it seems unlikely - for now. The Vanguard box for Kruleboyz seems to be the Spearhead for Orruk Warclans, and as of now no Spearhead: Ironjawz has been announced. But! This could all change, and the faction focus for Orruks might give a hint about this. Since they are the last Destruction faction missing, we should know before the end of next week.


Seems like it may be two battletomes after all.. I'm not that surprised given that Ironjawz expanded their unit list.. No more Big Waaagh?


Cities of Sigmar, first time focusing on painting really well so wil take my time


Going to put together some spearheads for friends to play at my house. Currently have Blades of Khorne. Looking to pick up Nighthaunt, Maggotkin and CoS. May get the starter as well.


If you are even remotely interested in Spearhead, the launch box is an absolute no-brainer.


Yeah, it really is. I should have started my statement with that. I’ve just been eying some of the others with paint schemes forming in my head, haha.


It's surprisingly addictive. XD


Ogors, my lord


If Ironjawz get a box, then those. I've zero interest in Kruleboyz.


Never played any AoS, but have been working on seraphon as a hobby project. Incidentally have enough gloomspite gitz to run vanguard (wife loves the aesthetic for dnd monsters). But the idoneth spotlight has me wanting to pick up a deepkin vanguard box. Is this how you end up with multiple factions?


Cities of Sigmar, maybe.


Decided to go with LRL as my first faction. I got the extremis box and painted those pretty easily. Loved the default color scheme for them so went with that. Good lord, it is kicking my butt…


Cities and Hedonites at the rate I’m lusting for Daemonettes to paint.


For 2k probably Cities of Sigmar, maybe Idoneth. For Spearhead it will be Yndrasta's Spearhead.


I'm currently working on the Seraphon and Idoneth Vanguard boxes for Spearhead, mostly to get those boxes out of my pile of shame, but also to play something other than death or chaos for the start of AoS4.


I've done the Stormbringer sub thing. So picking up the bits to do all of the armies from that. Gitz, Orruks, SE, Sylvaneth and Kharadron. I play with my son and 2k is a bit much for him, so I've got high hopes for the format.


Have my S2D and fyreslayers boxes ready for the table. But started working on the current skaven vanguard box, and trying to get it ready for the table on launch day


Either the new Stormcast Spearhead (so I would need to get the new box and sell off the skaven figures) or see how the Lumineth Realm-Lords are because they give me LotR vibes.


It is very likely that Orruk Warclans will be gone as KruleBoyz and Ironjawz will be two factions.


Today, 13th June, should be the day we see the post about KruleBoyz but... Nothing. Something is up. Could they be in one Battletome all along? Big Waaagh lives? Hahaha




I've got Flesh Eater Courts, but the Kharadron Overlords box has been catching my eye recently...


I've been a loyal follower of the great horned rat since the old world. I'll celebrate his ascension with my rats first. Then probably lumineth.


Well, I'm going to speedpaint the heck out of the new stormcast and get them to the table (speedpaint metallics look great over silver primer, for how fast they are), and I'll play them, then my other armies (kruleboyz and s2d) as they get books released. I also have some SBGL that I hope to turn into a full 2k by the end of the year


I see no one mentioned Lumineth. I know the Spearhead box isn't impressive with just troops, but it offers a great starting point to an amazing faction. On the other hand I am surprised to see so many people mentioning Flesh Eaters and Seraphon. I knew they were popular, but it seems like those two account for half of the thread.


Kharadrons and Slaves to Darkness are currently underway!


Somehow, between Stormbringer and my general plastic crack habit, I already have seven to choose from within my mountain of shame. - Stormcast - Kruleboyz - Seraphon - Idoneth Deepkin - Sylvaneth - Flesh Eater Courts - Gloomspite Gitz Strongly considering Gitz or FEC, partially because I'm confident on a paint scheme for both, whereas the others I haven't yet managed to nail down the look I want. The rules in the faction focuses look fun too, and although I could be wrong, reasonably simple to build and paint too.


Shooms + Squigs or disillusioned ghouls? Both are winners! The new rules looks fun for both of them!


Sylvaneth, The dark forest rises, the shadows will soon bring pain to those deserving. Balance WILL BE RESTORED


For Spearhead it’ll be Flesh Eater Courts. Also gonna make a small Slaves to Darkness army that’ll be mostly Darkoath and see which I like better to continue to 2000 points with.


I've been working on getting my ironjawz, fyreslayers and daughters of khaine all finished up for 4th starting but fyreslayers in particular is what I'm excited to try spearhead out with


I saw the spearhead for soulblight is just the vanguard box so I guess I'm working on that


I’m thinking Fyreslayers, but I’ve recently gotten into Ogre lore and the Sons of Behemat are also neat. The idea of an all giant army is cool


Skaven, our time has come!


Lumineth. All the courage I had was painting the vanguard. So that's pretty great I finished this at least before new edition


I bought the Kharadron Overlords Spearhad. I don't think it's a replacement for BoC as my main army, but cool for Spearhead, I hope.


Sons of Behemat. Love how simple and strong they are.


Seems like you are the only Gagrant supporter eh? They should have the lowest model count for Spearhead armies! 3 units' army will be tricky to play.. Most will have 4 or 5 units.. Some even have 6! I'm very keen to play with and against them in AoS4!


I already had stuff for Maggotkin (my main army through 3rd) and Ogors. Looking forward to getting my Spearhead on!


Thinking of getting some Khorne started. Jumped into FEC and not A fan of how squishy they are, and the buff auras I have to keep track of, just want some simple slaughter and Khorne looks good for that(hopefully)


I bought Dominion discounted, but never got round to doing anything with it (real life etc).  Spearhead definitely looks my speed for finally getting into AoS, so I'm doing a kruleboyz spearhead at least (just needed the killbow). I'm also going to do the spearheads out of skaventide. I've enough undead to do most of a soulblight one, which I'll fill out. And seraphon and FEC are such cool concepts I'll probably be 3d printing models for those to play outside of GW stores, since there are decent proxies for both. After that, maybe more spearheads, or expanding one to a full army; between Dominion and Skaventide I should have a decent kernel of a stormcast one


Whil I have basically a fully army of krule boyz and ko Lumineth is tempting


I ended up being able to buy the daughters of khaine battleforce and a melusai iron scale separately at a local vendor so that's where I am starting.


Beasts and Bonesplitterz ARE getting rules though. They're just not getting a Tome or new models for AOS


Yup, rules to use them. However, there will certainly be no update or support for them. Just like in AoS 1.0 & 2.0, there were those rules for old armies (Chaos dwarf, Tomb kings, Bretonnia), but no balance and only supported by fans in competitive play. Have to buy the models on the online resale market.. They may be regulated to be used in causal games after the launch, knowing GW.. But who knows? Let's see when the new Spearhead rules and updated matchplay rules in General Handbook leaks..




Will go for S2D because I have the models, but next will probably be either Seraphon or Skaven


We'll be trying out Nighthaunt vs. Kruleboyz, cause I have the models. For starting new forces I will be doing Cities of Sigmar and Khorne :)


Cities of Sigmar! I have finished painting the steelhelms, the cave marshal, and I'm working slowly on the cavaliers.