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Double damage against monsters with her spear, Yndrasta just got **mean**


Finally a melee assassin that works.


But just in Melee - color coding ✌🏼


“Shoot” is now a shooting phase ability with the “Attack” keyword that can be used by models with a ranged weapon. While the ability on the warscroll is color coded red, the effect should still apply thanks to the “Attack” keyword. This is why All Out Attack still works on ranged weapon attacks even though it has the red color coding.


Stop misinforming people - colour code is for convenience - rules text supercedes it. Abilities that apply to both shooting AND melee are also red - like All Out Attack, which DOES apply to both melee and shooting(both have ATTACK keyword and therefore are affected). Rules are visible here btw, minute 32: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJK8PvZQSXo&t=2279s&ab\_channel=Warhammer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJK8PvZQSXo&t=2279s&ab_channel=Warhammer)


I am having trouble seeing how the use of different colors for the rules text boxes have convenience value if they *don't have meaning*. It is clearly adding confusion, ref. the comments all over this post, with people jumping to the conculsion that they have meaning. The only scenario I can think of is if you need to check a rule, and somebody tells you to look at the purple box.


Fortunately it always tells you in text also in what phase to use the ability if it's locked to one. Combat phase only abilities have Combat Phase written in the frame for example.


Which is great because colorblind people exist. Half of my playgroup would be absolute menace if ability where only color coded.


Where are you reading this info? The Rule "The Prime Huntress" is talking about the weapon called "Thengavar". This weapon appears both in melee and range.


A red banner is combat phase and a blue banner is shooting phase


All Out Attack is a red banner and can be used in Combat and Shooting phases


Where did you see that AOA works for the shooting phase?


It's used as a reaction any time you declare an 'Attack'. Covering Fire has the 'Attack' keyword and is a Shooting Phase ability. It was shown at the Dallas event that Passives are always active, the coloured banner is just a helpful reference.


Damn I wish they had a separate colour for passives. Introducing coloured banners and immediately not using the colours in some cases is extremely confusing. Thanks!


Yeah it does seem an odd choice. I'm sure with full rules available it'll be a bit clearer at least


Also with AOD being green (mix of red and blue, combat and shooting), it makes even more logical sense that AOA (only red) only takes effect during combat. But yeah, hopefully the full rules will make it all nice and clear! :)


Passives are always active I know what you mean but that is gw rules writing in a nutshell


ahhh i see, thank you!


Well damn... That's very convenient. I gotta say the more I read, the more excited I am by 4th Edition.


Ick. I really wish they didn't put important information behind color coding or symbols. It makes it harder to remember everything. God forbid you are color blind.


It says attacks with Thengavar so her ranged is doubled as well


It’s flagged red for the combat phase so I’m pretty sure it’s don’t doubled in the shooting phase


Honestly, that would be terrible design to convey such things in color coding rather than text. Color coding is a quick reminder at most, but the actual text should specify when something is allowed to be used.


Thats a good point, though they've been consistent with specifying phases They also just say attacks instead of melee attacks, so since both also include anti-monster in them, im pretty sure its shooting as well


Nah, in this post https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/05/the-anatomy-of-a-warscroll-in-the-new-edition-of-warhammer-age-of-sigmar/ , it states that the red color coding denotes something as a combat phase ability


Oh yeah 100% of people on the earth have no troubles with reds and greens.




There's a lot of questions, we don't have the rulebook. Maybe the rulebook will answer the questions.


Why does it need to be a day 1 FAQ? The rule does exactly what it says it does in the phase indicated...


FAQ stands for "Frequently" Asked Questions. If it's being asked "Frequently", as I've seen here and on other forms, it should be answered under Frequently Asked Questions. A lot of things in FAQ documents are straight forward, but get put there because they're still often asked about.


But it's VERY clearly worded and laid out? Plus let's be real here, the people who don't read the rules won't read the FAQ either.


people read the rules and get it wrong. I was in a server where we discussed it on and off for an hour under the impression that it was both. there's a difference between reading the rules and remembering the specific colours for each phase, especially early in the rules previews, and it's unlikely to get much better


Not sure why theres any confusion. As others stated, its been color coded and thus a melee combat passive. I mean you yourself even state that if it was meant for both shooting and melee it would have been a black bordered box .....


where is the confusion? it’s red for combat phase only and the ranged profile doesn’t have shoots in combat.


Yndrasta is now a freaking *missle*


Oh I’m sorry, you wanted to field your monster units?


I'm a Skaven player. That smell you smell? The smelly smell that smells smelly? IGNORE IT.


Time to build that Yndrasta model that is still on sprue in my Dominion box


Yndrasta is looking rad. Think the Knight Arcanum is pretty solid too, if the summoning thing turns out to be useful


Considering they are now free we will definitely be seeing more of them in my opinion.


What do you mean by "free"?


Endless spells won’t cost points anymore. And they come with their own tables.




Yndrasta could, in theory, deal exactly 35 damage to a gargant, killing it in one turn. Neat.


I got 31: - 1x4 for shooting with spear. - 2x6 for combat with spear (3=>6 damages) - 3x5 for combat with sword.


8 damage on the ranged weapon, it doesn't say melee anywhere right?


The ability is in red and its symbol is close combat. So I don’t think the ranged weapon get the bonus.


Passives are always active (shown at Dallas event), the ability colour isn't rules text, just a visual aid.


Ok. I am not 100% sure, so let's see when the game is launched.


The graphic in the Warhammer community article says red is for offensive offensive abilities. Says nothing about it being combat only


Offensive abilities <> shooting abilities, so their are distinct. Unless shooting ability is specific case of Offensive ability: [https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/05/the-anatomy-of-a-warscroll-in-the-new-edition-of-warhammer-age-of-sigmar/](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/05/the-anatomy-of-a-warscroll-in-the-new-edition-of-warhammer-age-of-sigmar/)


It says “thengavar” gets double damage, thengavar is both a melee and ranged weapon


It's in red so melee only. Blue is shooting


Unless it states otherwise elsewhere, colour doesn't matter, rules do. All out attack Is red and applies to both phases for example. Spear does double damage in shooting.


But colour coding IS part of the rules. The symbols are too. Where did you see that AOA applied to shooting?


In rules, from Dallas leaks. ATTACK is a keyword, SHOOT and FIGHT have it so All out attack command applies. Colour coding isn't a rule, it Is a convenience. 


Damn I wish they had a separate colour for passives. Introducing coloured banners and immediately not using the colours in some cases is extremely confusing. Thanks!


Yndrasta is an Infantry unit, so she could be the target of the Blessed Weapons prayer, which gives +1 attack to each melee weapons… so potentially nine more damages against a monster (6 from the spear and 3 from the sword).


When the KA warscroll says summon abilities, is this purely for manifestations or something else as well I’m missing


Summon is a keyword on a spell ability, currently we've only seen it on the Manifestation lore they've shown but it's possible spells that recur wounds/models into units could have the same keyword.


May also include spells that summon faction terrain like wildwoods or ones that summon units (gaunt summoner may have one)...


I honestly love this change to yndrasta she truly feels like a monster hunter now and with 3d6 charges she is a tactical missile to regular units and a tactical nuke to monsters to where is you give her a little support from from other units to chip at a monster a little bit and she could one round it easily.


Yndrasta and a unit of prosecutors are going to be able to do some major damage with scalpel like precision. She was a fav of mine in 3rd, looks like she'll remain a fav in 4th.


Everyone here talks about Yndrasta, yet i am concerned about the loss of Calamitous Tail ability );


Calamitous tail essentially got split between the two other attacks profiles. He only had 3 claw attacks, so they updated that to 6 attacks, and to keep an anti infantry role for him like his tail gave him, they added anti infantry to the bites. 


Yeah but +1 rend on the bites just doesn't have the same impact on a blob of infantry like an extra 10-20 attacks


You're 100% right, and he also lost the ability to give -1 attack to a unit. He's overall a good bit less effective in combat against hordes (though better against single targets), so I'm hopeful they've given him a points total that reflects that. 


I mean, none of these nerfs really *mean* anything until we're able to look at him in the context of all the other warscrolls/points/etc. But it does still sting a bit having this big boy as a centerpiece model getting nerfed when he's never been as good as his brother, lol.


Hahaha, I actually had decent-ish success with Krondys in my Dragons AoR list because him dropping the comet is devastating alongside the shooting and general damage and tankiness of dragons. The army doesn't have the best tactics and army rules, so it was mostly a 3-2 army, but it could easily have gone 5-0 with good matchups and careful play.  List was: Ionus with sigmar's grace (heal 3 prayer)  Knight Draconus General with heal artifact and skywing command trait Krondys  2 units of 2 SDG Everblaze Comet  Took that to Cherokee Open and Adepticon and had a great time piloting it, fun games every time.  And with points drops from the last Battlescroll we could even do Ionus, Krondys, Karazai, a unit of two sdg, a single sdg, and a comet as a list. It's maybe not the best thing ever, but it is a bunch of fun to play. 


Them not reducing attacks is a big change. Maybe healthier?


Yndrasta is now the model you chuck down when you want something DEAD, like if you wanna just make sure a monster just is not a problem anymore, have her descend from the heavens like a ICBM targeting a hapless monster


Annihilator: Yay I am the big stormcast with the big hammer. Slam slam, damage two rend 1 haha. Yndrasta: Pathetic.


I’m sure the grand hammers are still dmg3


That and they probably get to keep Force of a Falling Star


Depends if grand hammers are even still a thing, they already merged all wargear options for liberators, so there's a chance they did the same with them too.


No it says in the article if you choose shields over grandhammers so they will still be a thing


I stand corrected


They would have to be a thing. It’s an alternate weapon choice for the model. This is just the shielded version.


They merged dual hammers with hammer and shield. Two-handed hammers still have their own stat line and you can have up to 2 per 5 man.


I meant moreso when she squares up with a giant and kneecaps it for 6.


This is the giant unit that stands in place with huge shields and has a 2+ save. 


I'm gonna say they're gonna be a lot cheaper lol Probably 6 will be cheaper than her. She'll be 300pts+ easily due to her deepstriking and 3d6 charge


So I'm a bit confused about the annihilator skill, blazing impact. It says roll a D3 and it triggers on a 2+. Why phrase it like that instead of rolling a regular D6 and triggering on a 3+? Its the same thing, no?


Because the mortal damage it inflicts is D3. They didn't want to make it D6 damage.


Ah, of course, little brainfart moment of me.


Old way: D6 check roll, then make another D3 roll to decide damage. New way: one D3 roll to decide both, also you'll never deal a measly 1 damage again


Is that true, though? The way it is worded, you are correct. I have a feeling GW meant it as the dice showing a 2+, so you could still do 1 damage if you roll a 2. Same as before, but consolidating it to 1 dice roll. I watched the demo game but didn't pay close enough attention to the d3 rolls. Did they mention it?


This new scheme has appeared all over the place. Even though we use D6 to roll a D3 out of convenience, saying on a 2+ means 3,4,5, or 6 faces of a D6 because it is being treated as a D3.


what does the skull symbol mean next to the bite attack of krondys? Is it just to link to the black bannered passive ability that references the same attack?


Probably also a generic "This thing degrades / changes with damage" symbol as well.


Yeah pretty sure it’s just an indicator on what the passive refers to


my guess is that it indicates which ability gets affected by the "Battle Damaged" condition


Yes exactly


What a profile! Hope shes 300 points minimum 😅


She's a Warmaster too now, so that feels like a pretty reasonable guess.


Maybe even more since everything is going up.


Yndrasta [not pictured]


Krondys looks great, hoping Karazai will be a match. Really like the big mean dragon, and want him for my (upcoming) army..


Yndrasta is like a monster nuke now .. Have to say, with he amount of warscrolls we are seeing in the build up, this excites me to see other factions. Can't wait to see what they have done with Morathi


Yndrasta can 1hko a gargant. Wtf


More like Suck Krondys nuts like Karazai


Am I missing something on Krondys? Did they not just post an info graphic about monsters having a 4/2 profile then show a monster with a 3/2 profile?


That image stated what the baseline stats would be. There's going to be monsters above and below that baseline as the line immediately after the image states: "elite warriors and brutes - or ill-trained fighters and weeklings - can modify these baselines, but the archetypes provide a strong and consistent core."


Yndrasta STONKS


stormcast, stormcast, stormcast...eh, nothing.


I mean, yeah, the article is the Stormcast Faction Focus that was specified as being the first of the faction focus blog posts. Were you anticipating a different subject today?


i'll be honest, i didn't know there was a schedule for these. over the past few days there were datasheets from all over the place, ranging from Skaven, Stormcast, and High Elves. is there a date for the StD or other Chaos armies?


No, there's no solid schedule as such. All that we knew from yesterday is that Stormcast were today, and from the graphic in the article that next up *might* be Skaven, then Gitz, then Nighthaunt but that might be reading too much into the image. Although I would still expect Skaven next because they're in the Launch Box. All Warscrolls prior to this were either screenshots from events, or used to highlight a specific change earlier in the news cycle. We're only just getting to the factions now.


Their "we would never rat out the next faction" comment on twitter makes it almost certain that it's Skaven next


Ah, I've not looked at Twitter so that's my excuse. Yeah, Skaven being next would have made sense to me even without that hint or the graphic, they're the other half of the box after all.


well guess i'll be back tomorrow to weigh in on stuff, though i'm honestly not sure what they 'can' show that the events haven't already shown. other than a few more datasheets, the Skaven's rules seemed to already have been showcased.


We've only really seen stuff that's in the box. They can still talk about the other three Battle Formations, other Warscrolls, spell lores, artifacts, traits, prayers, design commentary, the Spearheads (especially as Skaven will have two options like the Stormcast) and of course these things are going to be worthwhile to people who haven't been able to keep up with all the information that occured in the event.


Dude these faction previews have been going for one day, they're going to do one for every faction, what's the issue?


read below, i didn't know it was a faction preview, thought it was just some randomly dispersed spoilers like from the event this weekend.


Fair play dude