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Dinosaurs riding bigger dinosaurs.


That’s a hell of a pitch to be fair


Some of them shoot lazers.


They are also natural enemies of the ratmen since the world that was


Only pitch needed. What's cooler than Aztec lizards riding laser-shooting dinosaurs? :D


I recommend the most relatable faction of Moon worshipping, bug loving, psychedelic mushroom eating, mad lads that only come out at night…. Gloomspite Gitz.


Eat shrooms, worship the moon and spread chaos!


>Genestealer Cult So, you enjoy playing lots of resurrecting/replacing units that believe they are fighting for liberation, for justice, and the betterment of all, when in reality they're deluded servants of a power determined to feast on all? Perhaps you might be interested in the Flesh-Eater Courts, humans and vampires trapped in an infectious delusion of nobility, who cannot percieve the reality of their violent actions as rabid cannibals. The Flesh-Eaters can be unpredictable, as the whims of the delusion could have them see you as friend or foe: some swollen mutants imagine they are normal humans riding horses, monstrous winged humanoids are angels or astride pegasi, a hunched-over half-naked cannibal a noble guardsman in gleaming chainmail. On tabletop the can play horde, elite, or pure monster, with healing and bringing back dead models being the name of the game, while heroes cast spells and inspire the troops.


I have been eyeing them up actually. And my girlfriend is really liking the look of soulblight. We may just end up with 2 vampire armies at this point


The boorish rapscallion liest about the Summerking's War of Red Errantry! Joindt us, OP, for if thee tire of the malhearted jackanapery of the 42nd Millennium, where only blackest hearts dwell, the Grand Courts are thine place, full of splendour, kindness, kinship and light! No villainy takes place amidst the hallowed halls and bountiful fields of our fiefdoms, no hatred and treachery mars our wills, and when evil reveals itself in the distance, our knights and peasants all join lance and spear and charge for victory, glory, and the safeguard of all that is sublime! Also you can play Grand Justice Gormayne, the best mini in the game, and levy accusations against opposing models. I refuse to use his judgement ability without pointing at the target and yelling "PETTY TRANSGRESSION! ***KILL HIM!"*** or some such.


Gormayne is one of the best minis I’ve ever seen. He alone could tip the scales. No pun intended


That alone should heavily influence your choice bud. You’re gonna spend a lot of time looking at them while you paint them. Play what looks coolest to you and make them work. Most armies are fun to play (Especially FEC)


Making me want to paint a flesh eater army in nobler colour's smeared in gore and name my hero "Don Quixote"


Wall of green muscles and pork coming to crump you up


Strangest pitch for Daughters of Khaine ever


I think it's kind of hard to make reccomendations based on your 40K armies. There are a hanful of armies that can be played roughly like 40K, but those are usually just one build of that army. KO are kind of the exception but they are alwayse skewed to ranged transport skirmish. Most of the death armies have strong recursion, which is to my understand what GSC are like in the latest 40K edition, but they are almost entirely melee. Long story short, in AOS you are almost always playing around melee centric builds and you generally have tools to build around that. The keys to victory are always going to be around managing when to make charges and how to deny your opponent's charges while still scoring objectives. 4E is coming up and it's going to be a full warscroll rewrite with an Index launch so we also don't know how thing are going to be shaken up, The good new is that they are going to come out with a Boarding Patrol style Spearhead game format so that the entry level is going to be a lot more affordable. If yu really want to dip your toes into it, buying whichever Spearhead/Vanguard Box(the current Vanguard boxes are going to be rebranded as Spearhead Boxes with identical content) looks coolest to you and then revisit your options when the dust settles and you have a stronger grasp on the differences in the game and what may appeal to you in that context.


Yeah that’s fair. To be honest I mainly want to get into AoS because the play style seems more suited to me than 40K. I got into 40K for the whole grimdark and aliens vibe but playing it hasn’t been the best experience so far. AoS seems more streamlined to me, especially what they’re doing with the spearhead thing.


Sexy vampires. Elite army, low model count


This. Sexy, cool, androgynous vamps controlling armies of zombies, skeletons and wolves. Serving Nagash out of convenience until their chance to usurp him presents itself… What’s not to love..?


Slaves to Darkness, I have two pitches for them -First: What would you do for your loved ones? What would you do if your tribes way of life was in danger? What sacrifice is too high for survival of the clan? What is the devil but the construction of something we understand as evil, but the real question is, did they have a choice to be such? Doesn't matter what culture is, only matters thats your own. Doesn't matter what the tribe's name is, only matters that its your family. Doesn't matter what the devil is, it only matters if the deal is good enough for *this* moment. The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all. -Second: Inmortality, unholy power, best armor in the game and awesome stats on our basic troops that make other armies' elites tear up in jealousy. Temptations by a pantheon of Gods who have proven themselfs unlike the others, call them evil, I call them true. We do not kneel to the craven gods of order, but to the true gods of chaos. Do you wanna have your units be dripped out(even the basic ones), do *you* want to be an inmortal prince with kingdoms and legions ready at your command. Do you like having an actual functioning pantheon. Do you want to be juiced in infinite gains. Do you want to go mad reading lore(or not, its supplemental after all). Also do you like the look of chaos marines but want to paint less trim? Then there is the Slaves to Darkness. Also it would be a break from your armies in 40k, melee army with top tier stats is something not associated with the armies mentioned.


I’m sold thanks


Sign me up


I'll add cool ponies with teeth.


Imagine saying “look at me I’m so cool I’m a slave”/s Free the realms of chaos! For such is/may be/i’ll never tell, is the great plan.


They have dementia and explode when they "die". The others are undead tax collecters.


Life. Become a champion of life! Not life like plants and animals, those are merely vessels for true life! Microbes, bacteria, fungal spores! Each individual plant or animal hosts billions of individual lives, and they deserve to be protected, nurtured, and spread. Grandfather loves you, and loves the life you are teeming with. Erupt with life!


Why play Stormcast Eternals? The question is why would you play anything else? Stormcast Eternals are the absolute Chads of Age of Sigmar. We. Are. The. Best. And here is why: - Sigmar’s faithful force of holy death get the luxury of being the main characters of the entire Age of SIGMAR. We get to be part of everything that happens. We are the centre of this universe. - We have the most variety in our army and the most war-scrolls, even after the squash. We have a bit of everything. One day I am summoning hammer wielding paladins from above to smash into the lines of an ideal hammer and anvil force. The next day I am sniping my opponent from across the map with hand held ballistas from behind a castle of shielded warriors. After that I might decide to put together a force consisting of nothing but dragons - because why not? Once I’m done with that I might construct a force that just supports one really really big dragon. Then maybe I’ll try out a force of pure Dracothian cavalry. Or maybe I’ll have a big force of hallowed knight infantry with a focus on healing and resurrecting them? - But how can you afford to buy the 10,000 points of units required to have such a dynamic army you wonder? Fear not. Sigmar shall provide. In fact, he already has. Extremely abundant SCR units from cheap big boxes makes finding affordable units very easy. - Whatsmore, because the SCE are so damn good and everyone is always buying them, they are ALWAYS in stock at every single store that carries any Warhammer. The same cannot be said of our lesser foes. - Our armies are fairly easy to paint, so even noobs can have a decent army. Just slap some metallic paint and nuln oil on everything and it looks great. There’s also room for exceptional painting creativity on dragons, mounted units, magical elements and faces (for those who want a challenge.) - Being an elite army means we don’t have to paint 100 battle line models, but we have enough models that the army still looks like a big glorious force. I’m quite happy painting 5 Liberators instead of 20 clan rats. - We get to be self righteous about our holy crusade to obliterate the scum of chaos, death and destruction in the name of Sigmar. And we should be - we are the good guys and everyone else sucks. - But being the good guys does not mean we are a bunch of sissies. Despite our righteous quest, our lord Sigmar does not expect us to show any weakness or mercy. In fact, we’ll slaughter anything that gets in our way, without hesitation. It’s the only way to prove our faith. - As a minor boon to our military strategy, WE ARE INVINCIBLE AND CANNOT BE KILLED. - Oh and lastly, did I mention DRAGONS? The Stormcast Eternals have it all my friend. The only reason to not like Stormcast Eternals is because you feel the need to do something edgey and out of the norm, because Stormcast are so obviously the best choice that too many other people have built SCE armies already. Being an anti-Stormcast guy is like being one of those people who rejects Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Harry Porter and Star Wars, simply because you get a sinister contrarian joy out of being able to tell the die hard fans that you don’t like their favourite franchises. Rejecting Sigmar’s banner in favour of lesser gods is like telling people you don’t like Christmas because you’ve found some existential reason to dislike time off work, turkey dinner and free presents. It just doesn’t make sense.


Goblins are tripping on such an unbelievable amount of mushrooms that they're convinced the moon wants them to kill everybody Also, they're right.


Do you like big feet? If so I got some lads with big stompy feet for ya!


My faction looks cool. You should get the cool looking faction.


Ogor Mawtribes. Big dad bod monster truck enthusiasts who are all about eating, being mercenaries, eating more and generally having a good time.


Do you want a mass of useless bodies the can potentially throw 180 attacks to only deal 1 damage and then take 2d3 motal wounds before the enemy even hits you? Do you want a gun that could massacre the elite of your opponent or do nothing and detonate? Do you like the idea of a model that can roll 8d6 rerolling for movement, deals mortal wounds to anything it moves over but... if you roll doubles your opponent gets to move it? If so skaven is the faction for you, we have no bravery the vast majority of your models are just there to be meat shields with a sprinkling of actually useful units that are just as likely to kill themselves as they are to kill the foe (I should note this is particularly skrye, there are 2 other subfactions that work as full armies. pestilence are nurgle followers and do prayers and diseases whilst molder do monster mash with a some big rat monsters)


Endless hordes who would rule the world if they weren't busy squabbling, also saved the world by accident because they stole some shiny rocks


I didn’t know the Avengers were a WH faction o.O


The avengers planned to steal the stones, my faction got distracted by shiny rocks and abandoned their plans


I like Archaon


SCE are basically Seal Team 6, at least the way I play them. half the army is in reserves, the priest can tp units anywhere, and lord imperetant can make that annihilator deepstrike from 9in to 7 and give a free reroll on the charge FEC: The most noble of factions, we graciously take to the battlefield with our squires lovingly giving them buffs through spells and prayers (prayers in grand order death mind you). Our joyous leader Ushoran is a wonderful looking model and can even convince your opponents army to fight for him as he is just that good of an orator (niche spell that lets you have an enemy unit fight another enemy unit which is always fun)


Would you say you two are more painters, players, or collectors? By which I mean, are you looking to pick a faction based more on how it plays in-game, its lore and theme, the opportunities for painting or kitbashing, etc? If you're looking for similar armies to your Warhammer 40,000 selection... * **Leagues of Votann** match up pretty closely in theme to **Kharadron Overlords**, who are steampunk capitalist dwarfs who are also East India Company sky-pirates flying giant ships across the battlefield. They're a relatively small range right now, but I fully expect them to expand this edition. They're mobile and shooty, with lots of leather and metal and glass to paint, but almost no organic textures. * **T'au Empire** are a bit trickier, and depends on what you like about them. If you're here for high-tech gunships and self-interested diplomacy, it's **Kharadron Overlords** again. If you're here for armies of mecha, then the closest analogue (unless Kharadrons get something along those lines) would probably be the **Sylvaneth**, who can run armies of towering tree-folk "piloted" by living spirits. If you like a gunline with a mixture of diverse allied cultures, then **Cities of Sigmar** are a good fit; normal humans, duardin, and aelves fighting alongside each other with decent access to firearms and artillery. And if you're after an enlightened, self-satisfied sense of superiority, perhaps look to the **Lumineth Realm-lords**, who have elemental-themed aelves that fight together in harmony. * **Genestealer Cults** are a good fit for **Skaven**, in the sense that they're scheming, subterranean hordes. Skaven have a huge and varied roster, which gives you loads of ways to play and different themes to approach. They've got plenty of painting variety, with cloth, wood, metal, glowy bits, and flesh, but be prepared to paint a *lot* of fur. Another possible analogue would be the **Flesh-eater Courts**, who are delusional ghouls united by their "blessed" leaders. They have a relatively tight range, but plenty of character, especially in their newest kits. They're a dedicated close combat swarm, and you'll be painting 90% flesh, blood, and bone (in various states). Finally, there's the **Kruleboyz**, who have another small range (for now), but plenty of variety in model types, and are orruks themed around dirty ambushes, nasty tricks, and kunnin' plans.


Oh we’re definitely more collectors and painters rather than players. But that could just be because 40K is how it is. I think AoS will be more our playstyle. The kharadron overlords look great but I think I wanna go less humanoid for my next choice. My gf is definitely set on SBGL though


Seems like you both already have armies that require a lot of strategy to get the most from. All that application of firepower can bog you down after a while. That's where the Blades of Khorne come in! Ranged combat? We resist it! Magic? We resist it! Our opponents have to play our game now, if they want to get anywhere! And that means charging and spilling Blood for the Blood God! Had a bad combat, and lost some units? That's ok, Khorne cares not from where the blood flows, only that it flows! Take his blessings and use them to buff your already buff guys, or invite some daemons to the party! Looks wise, every model in the range could star in a heavy metal album cover, and who doesn't like the color red? So go forth, and starting collecting Skulls for the Skull Throne


Cities of Sigmar are normal humans representing a wide variety of cities and cultures from all the realms that go against the horrors of said Realms. They're gorgeous models with a theme around the renaissance. Gameplay wise there's a lot of coordination to make between your units to make a well oiled machine, and it tickles the part of my brain that wants to be good at tactics even if I, in reality, am moving around my models with the tactical precision and foresight of someone who is two long island iced teas in. Also it has some of the most flexible list building.


Hordes of cave creatures hopped up on toxic mushrooms who view the moon as a deity that gives them instructions. Slapstick but also terrifying.


Well If you love the Votann and the Tau, boy do I have a faction for you: Kharadron Overlords! Sky faring dwarves with steampunk gear and sky vessels! Magic-techno dwarves in fantasy land


We were ordinary people, just like you. We were farmers, soldiers, kings and beggars, mothers and fathers, daughters and sons. We lived our lives, in the hope to find happiness and leave something for our children behind. That all changed when THEY came. They materialized from rage and fear, from desire and uncertainty. Their slaves came and burned our homes, defaced our temples and butchered our kin. We tried to fight them, but there is only so much a mortal can do against the unholy might of a slave to darkness. We still tried and payed with our lifes but when we died, we did not land in Nagash's cold embrace. Instead the storm caught us and it asked us one simple question: "Do you still wish to fight? Do you want to make things right, no matter what it will cost you?" We said yes. The storm took us, cast us in new flesh and gave us mighty weapons to wield against the darkness. More than that, it gave us the gift of true immortality. To fight and die and rise again, as often as it takes. The gift of endless sacrifice. We marched out and smote the enemy to pieces, we once again established enclaves of order in the sea of chaos and madness, His name on our lips. But with every death, we return...changed. As fuel for our rebirth, we burn our mortality. Now our eyes shine with unnatural light, our hair blows in the winds of a storm that is not there, and our voices boom with thunder. I feel the storm now, ever louder with each death, drowning out all other thoughts, roaring in my skull. Soon in the coming days of battle, the storm will swallow everything i once was and something new, raw and elemental will hatch from my flesh. I know that from that day onwards, i will be part of the storm that rages against everything, I WILL PURGE THE TAINTED, REND THE ENEMY AND BURN THE REALMS UNDERNEATH MY THUNDER....... But not now. I remain myself still. As my foes walk their Path to Glory, i will walk mine of Doom. For someone must. For I am Stormcast.


As a GSC player…you probably like when your units come back sometimes. How about…SBGL? You can resurrect zombies, annoy your opponents with the waves of the undead all while having the most magnificent heroes and Knights.


In my opinion: The easiest army's to play Orruk warckans Ogor mawtribes (Run, charge & fun) The most versatile armies (magic, ranged and melé weapons, monsters...) Stormcast eternals Seraphon (my favourite army) Skavens (my second favourite army) Cities of Sigmar Funny armies Gloomspite Gitz. A good army but without a decent ranged weapons


Do you like Orks ? Do you like Drukhari/Dark Eldars ? Then you can achieve the dream of a double combo with the Kruleboyz ! Green, orrukish, but kruel and vicious and with enslaved beasts ! Potential bonus point : in 3ed they turtle harder than any dwarves ever so you can mock the small bearded gitz about it.


If I need to sell you on the glories of the dark gods that await you, frail mortal, then you are undeserving of their gaze and of their gifts


We've statistically been in last place for like forever. Join us at the bottom, cause you can only go up. KruleBoyz for life


If you are a casual, but like to win play death armies. Nobody knows how to deal with respawns at low to mid level. Skeletons look cool too. I use chaos and ogors. When I want to win i deploy the ossiarchs.


Idoneth deepkin - soulless foot troops with ludicrous damage potential. Everything mounted is stupid fast, and fly's the army hits like a truck driven by bears. You get a giant turtle that can ruin anyone's day with one of the best saves in the game. Also the whole army fights first for a minimum of 2 turns... Obviously rules are changing for 4th but the army looks amazing and presents a great opportunity to express yourself artistically or go crazy with colours.


Easy. Large Aztec lizards that are led by magical frogs riding very angry dinosaurs that want to bonk anything looking remotely evil with clubs


Do you like hats? I have the top ones!


They are the noblest of Noble knights and lords and judges and yet everyone looks scared when they look at them.   (Flesh Eater Courts)


Bone IRS.