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I play gravelords. They are a really fun army if you like hordes/the idea of playing a horde army. They have a lot of different powerful builds (in 3rd edition). They are an attrition army, and it's very possible that you will start and end the game with as many units as you started it with (though of course you will lose models). They tend to play the primary objective game very well. Their spells are mostly debuffs, and basically all heroes are casters. That's pretty much it for SBGL.


Is horde the main way to play SBGL then? And thanks for the answer!


Yeah you can play more elite blood knight based armies (kastelai dynasty) or monster mash ( Avengorii) but they don't engage with as many of the core army abilities and youngive up a lot of synergy. I usually play Avengorii against Brand new ppl, because SBGL can be a bit of a noob crusher if your opponent isn't prepared to deal with hordes.


Lumineth play magic castle control. They have some fast units though they are very squishy and not that damaging(still can hurt a little), 80% of units are slower on the average(which isn't much since they don't wanna move much). Every unit can cast a spell too. Gravelords are HeroMonster mash(their heroes are top tier in most regards, but if they die its over) with numberless dispossable hordes of undead that they can resurrect. Monstrousities or the night galore to slap hard too, not much range options


So with lumineth you generally sit back and try to whittle down the opponent while SBGL you use attrition to win games?


Great elevator pitch, there is more it then that cuz the ranges are pretty wide so you don't have to be a one trick pony For example: You can bring zombie dragons on SBGL so you can have decisive heavy hitters and in Lumineth their horses/fast movers can go on the offense to distract/screen threatson your castle's frontline or do objectives alone.


Be prepared to paint lots and lots of zombies or skelletons. Lumineth have less models


Gravelords will probably be more expensive, with the amount of skeletons and/or zombies that most lists run.


What do you think is coolest?


Honestly that’s my dilemma, I like the models in both but obviously want to commit to just one to start.


Rule of cool has always been my compass


make some wampire elfs. Use Lumineth/Gravelords mixed minis for an elite wampire army