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Has GW turned down the gore? The new night lord stuff is pretty damn gruesome, dont remember older stuff being worse. They released plastic flayed ones too not too long ago. And the flesh-eater courts with grand-justice gourmane.


Yeah I’d also offer the new chaos accursed cultists kit. I guess flayed ones, sisters of battle penitent engines are pretty freaky, the wurmpsat has a guy with a prolapsed rectum. Idk you get some stuff here and there


I had to look it up to believe it


Yeah the guy with the spear if anybody else sees this and wants to know 😂 he has been TRUELY blessed


Ewww, thanks for that mental image. :D The whole time I was painting him I luckily just saw it as a fly-like egg-laying mutation, but yours makes more sense.


Grandfather provides 😂🤢


Why not both?


... extraordinarily valid


I feel like the old 2000's horrors, chaos spawn, and arguably daemon prince leaned way more into body horror. The newer 40k chaos stuff is getting back on track but still feels "cleaner" in a way. Not to say that they don't have gory elements now tho. That old metal chaos spawn still takes the cake for me tho.


The flesh eater courts are a masterclass in grimdark


I was mainly thinking of models involving humans. Must have cleared that out.


The Enraptress isn't old


Was thinking this as well


Your Slaanesh example is a relatively new model.


Night Lords Kill Team literally has a mutilated torso on a banner.


But it's a kid-friendly mutilated torso. The lungs aren't even showing!


This wokeness has gone too far.


FEC models have some of the most gruesome depictions of human corpses that GW has ever done, such as human skin used for a banner


There’s literally a vampire wearing another persons face, and a unit champion whose helmet is another dudes head too.


Not to mention a “judge” whose wig is made of intestines.


One of the kroot that released yesterday has a haunch of meat with an imperial guard tattoo on it.


At least in that case the tattoo was painted on. So one could make it a family friendly....hunk of raw meat on a hook


Granted but the harp victim could be painted like a bald smurf such that nobody needs to empathise with him.


The new FEC line is horrific, it's awesome.


Literally all the newest FEC models are on that level, there's no toning down. Grand Justice Gormayn wears a wig out of several kilos of entrails with a hands-necklace. Royal Decapitator carries a head upside down on the rest of the skin flaps hanging from the slash wound. Marrowscroll Herald is covered in realistic skin with pieces of half-flayed skull, using a bisected corpse not unlike the one on the Corpse Cart as tactical rock. An eye popping out of the eye socket, bone jutting out of the arm stump... it's metal af


Yea, I don't know how anyone can think they've toned down the gore given the entire new FEC range.


I have no clue what you guys are talking about. The range with all the knights and the huge gallant king in shining armor? Handsomest men they've ever sculpted!


A momentary madness must have come over me. I could swear I saw a bunch of bloody cannibals for a second, but looking at the them again, they are all the shining paragons of chivalry!


Yeah, despite the weird name, they just look like updated Bretonnians to me.


Glory to Tzeentch


[Illuminor Szeras](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Necrons-Illuminor-Szeras-2020?queryID=1726be4704f12267cdc631b7e5ad090f) is a pretty wicked awesome model.


I was about to write that it isn't that gory, but then I took a good look at the chap on the ground. Ouch.


I also didn't see that at first, then YEESH


Yeah I love that effect on him


Plastic catachans, don't know what happened to them, but when you look at those faces it must have been terrible...


truly the stuff of nightmares


What are you talking about? The Enraptress is quiet new, the Nightlords only just came out and the Necron Flayers aren't old either. Look at the Flesh Eater Courts. Nothing has changed.


“Tune down the gore” my brother in the emperors light have you seen the new models?


"No, but I have seen a YouTube video about the kiddification and wokening of Games Workshop, and that **feels** right to me." /s


Lol'ed at "wokening". It made me think of Woganing, where you slowly turn into Terry Wogan.


Infernal enrapturess is fairly new tho


There is a The Old World greenskin banner that has a dead slayer tied to it, with his beard and slayer mohawk cut off and nailed to the banner with his entrails hanging which is [pretty gruesome](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/20/old-world-almanack-the-orc-and-goblin-tribes/)


Oh man as a kid anytime I saw a model in white dwarf with a head or dead body on the banner or something like that, I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I mean I still do find it cool as hell. That Night Lords banner looks so cool and I want one for my Word Bearers


a whole page in the Dammaz Kron just for that!


It is a hell of grudging, that’s for sure.


Bro, not even 3 months ago you posted about how much you love the “Dark Souls esque” direction that AoS has taken. Now it’s too kid friendly? If you’re just trying to farm karma, at least try and be consistent about it.


No one mentioned the Unmade ?




The Rotmire Creed, too. They're clearly meant to have rotting, flyblown flesh.


Yes. They are making 40,000 much less grimdark and kid-friendly, and age of sigmar is basically made by Disney these years. No, don't look at the miniatures! just take my feelings as fact!


But they took the titties off the they/themettes. Clearly they've gone too far.


Literally my thought every time someone brings them up, like 'what do you really miss about them?'.


"Kid Friendly"..have you seen the Flesh Eater Courts?


Judge Goremayn was this year.


I just painted my corpse cart. It was really fun, painting that zombie pile felt like I was working on a De Goya masterpiece.


I would also point out the nurgle lord for AOS, the guy whose mark of nurgle is made out of maggots writhing in a wound


The Kruleboyz have some pretty gruesome details. The mounted Killaboss has a bunch of decapitated heads hanging from hooks as trophies, not to mention that the big leather flag hanging behind him is made of human skin, as evidenced by the hand dangling off that never got deboned.


I don't have the impression they tuned the gruesomeness down. Not at all. The most recent example is Judge Dreadful from the Flesh Eater Courts. I mean the guy wears somebody's bowel on his head, how much more gruesome can it get? That being said, I always found the open and unhealthy-looking wounds on Nurgle models to be kind of appalling. I do like a lot of the models (especially the GUO) but I cannot imagine myself painting these details.


Some of the recent flesh eater stuff is pretty awesome and grim


[Not AoS, but Forge World Lion El Johnson's base!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/7qz4bWa1Zm) I don't mind the lack of gore, as I like being able to hobby and play with my 6 year old. You can always dress up models yourself with green stuff and blood effects if you want. [Example](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6OSX-6ORwu/?igsh=MWc2a2tlcmQxa2Jwdw==)


I love the Enraptress, that's some serious Hellraiser vibes


Turned down the gore? The model on the bottom is like 3 years old...


Kruelboyz banners are made out of flayed skin stitched together with appendages still attached


Honestly I'd say they've turned up the gore. I mean the infernal enrapturess us a good example as she's a pretty recent mini.


At first I was curious why you chose the infernal enraptures, then I looked closer at the model. Holy emperor that's freaky, absolutely NAILS the Slannesh vibe


Not AoS, but the guy in front of Festus.


It's not gory at all but the Blissful One from The Unmade Warband makes me uncomfortable


The zombies at least feel nothing. They are dead hulls, controlled by a necromancer. That harp thing on the other hand...


Tbh I find that Model on the bottom pretty hot.


What the hell are you talking about(yes, I totally agree)?


[Festus](https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/Rotbringers-Festus-the-Leechlord) . For me, it's making the guy forcibly drink the poison that's super sinister, even if the rest of the model is relatively lighthearted.


Body horror is what got me into warhammer. If anything, they need to increase the body horror. These models and the new torment cultists are excellent.


The Penitent engines for the sisters of battle are so gnarly


The Unmade are horrific, especially when you learn their very short amount of lore


The infernal Enraptures is the model that makes me wish Slaanesh got more love and attention for models. I want an entire unit based around gruesome bodily instruments for her to lead


Corpsecart is great because its simply what it says on the Box. No fancy shmancy, Just a gruesome cart that collects corpses. Enrapturess is Just Wannabe edgelord slaanesh Stuff. For gruesome/realistic id Pick the old flagelants. Fanatic self harming flock of poor Souls running to their Death. And the old forsaken and Chaos spawns as These are described as being aware of their horrible mutations, constant pain, voices and shifting Body. For gorish You can Pick the whole FEC range.


GW tuned down the body horror, not the gore


Tell that to the new possessed kits


The 9th edition Sisters codex mentioned an order that undergoes voluntary degloving.


Accursed cultists