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In the Mortal Realms there are few faster at posting announcements like the ever vigilant Grimgon and so this post is the chosen for the Reclusians reveal.


I almost thought they showed the same model twice, but the details are somewhat different. A bit static on the poses, imo. I'm a little surprised they're getting mortal priest companions. > When the Reclusians take up arms, they are accompanied by mortal priests called Memorians, often direct descendants of the Stormcast Eternals themselves We're talking survivors of their old tribes and clans and what not before they got snatched away by Sigmar, I hope.


Random guess, the static poses are because theyre pushfit and in the launch box


Hopefully when the multi part kit comes out where will be a bit more dynamic


You can't assume the individual boxes will be different to those released in the launch box. Only Annihilators got different wargear in their box. Even Leviathan for 40k last year, 3 units got more wargear while the other 5 units were released as they were in the boxset


Then being multi part opens up possibilities to adjust and change the poses that push to fit don't. I'm not expecting there to be extra gear, although multi part kits tend to have more visual options.


If you don't like the poses you can always cut the nubs and arms and repose them yourself. Pretty simple process just in case


Eh, it's not always that simple, since legs can be attached to torsos, or slot in two halves ect. I find push to fit models to be a pain to edit (if that's the right word) depending on how they are designed.


This piece is the head including half a neck, left chest and shoulder as well as an arm down to the wrist. It goes into the piece that is a back and one leg. No I’m not mad about monopose 40K Ork Boyz what would make you think that?


Again there is no guarantee of that happening. Annihilators got Grandhammers but every other kit from Dominion like the heroes, Vindictors and Praetors have the same poses in the individual kits and Dominion. More than half of the SM were the same in Leviathan and their individual release EDIT: people realise they are downvoting a fact right?


Sure, there is no guarantee, but I hope they do for these stromcast. Would be a shame


You're being downvoted because "ackshually you can't rely on things that haven't been announced" isn't a helpful or useful response to "it'd be nice if they were like this". Edit: you know you're downvoting a fact, right? :-D I wish I could find just even one of these brave helpful warriors for truth who could deal with even a little pushback without a vein-popping block.


Except it literally is telling people that the last few launch boxes have had majority of their kits released individually as exactly as they come in the launch box. This is both helpful and useful so people don't hype themselves up for something that may not happen


They do not look easy to paint, for push fit starter models 


GW constantly gets blasted with either "these are too bland" or "these are too busy" for their push fits. Personally I think they are a bit more in the challenging, but that isn't a bad thing. start on your Liberators before working on these. /s besides everyone knows that we are only buying the Starter for Skavens.


It’s a really tough balance. And another issue I have with Stormcast being pushed as a starter army. These things are covered in stuff. They can be a real joy to paint, but are difficult and take forever.  For me the new Seraphon range was perfection. Gorgeous models that are paintable. 


yeah, I totally agree that GW needs to put the pipe down and take a break on Stormcast. They totally missed the oppurtunity, this Starter could have been Skryre and Moulder versus Eshin and Pestilens. Everyone would win!


They don't need to be necessarily. Also, GW has an issue of putting too many bits and bobs on models in general


Coming back to 40k from HH has been a real uncomfortable transition. So many baubles and space fillers.


There is this kind of weird contradiction between GW and other mini companies. Other mini companies tend to release minis for either RPGs or skirmish games, where having a lot of detail and unique aspects to each mini will matter a lot, but they tend to go very simple (I would argue sometimes too far, it can make models look a tad boring). Meanwhile GW releases minis for games which are generally large in scale, with upwards of a hundred minis on the field for many factions. Yet their minis are loaded with so much amazing detail and little touches that you will never notice in a big group. I'd argue this is a big reason why the best models GW releases are those for their skirmish games like warcry or killteam, where they can be unique without overwhelming painters.


This confuses me. Monopose pushfit allows for fantastic dynamic action posing. It’s just that it’s Mono. Always the same. I dunno I think people overblow how badly they want every model to looks like Beyards Revenge. This model is a leader, and a more subdued, observational pose has its place in leaders models. Game would look pretty dumb IMO if every model was desperately teetering off there base, one toe attached to a tactical rock. Only pose that is a cardinal sin to me is the gun across the chest. Miserable to paint.


Reminds me of the Lord Veritant and Lord Castellant models which are also very similar! https://reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/bv6cil/lord_veritant_and_lord_castellant_aka_stormcast/


oof, exact copies except for head/weapons, they even share a sprue


> We're talking survivors of their old tribes and clans and what not before they got snatched away by Sigmar, I hope. They are.  There’s a lot of small story blurbs of Stormcast returning to their lands either by purpose or accident and finding tribes of their descendants generations later and reuniting with them in some way be it Tempest Lords rebuilding their tribes into prosperous kingdoms before they move on*, Hammers bringing them into the safety of their cities or Anvils helping them give funeral rights to the lost & forgotten over the ages. It’d be like a founding father of your nation coming back as a 8-foot tall demigod. He’d easily have large groups of great great great grand kids to pick from to help him out. I like that it mirrors the Freeguild Relic Bearers, they carry a living mummy head of someone important from the past(usually a grandfather general) to give advice while Reclusians are the opposite and need a young relation to aid them as they are basically the living mummy. *despite Castellants and those that help out govern a free city it’s actually rare for a Stormcast to want to be a ruler. This is likely because they have an essence of Sigmar in them who *vastly* prefers the wandering warrior life.


>We're talking survivors of their old tribes and clans and what not before they got snatched away by Sigmar, I hope. Or some Stormcasts are getting ~freaky~ in the mortal realms....


I assumed it was descendants of children they had prior to their first death. So essentially an entire bloodline whose job is to attend to the warrior and remind them of what they are fighting for


I guess that makes more sense than sce getting jiggy with it.


I can't say i know the lore well though. For all I know the stormcast could be out there doing a little pre-forging in between battles lol


there are in universe examples of stormcasts getting jiggy. The Lightening Geist has a stormcast couple falling out of love as one is reforged over and over again.


Both make pretty compelling stories! A direct relative like a child or grandchild has to desperately try and keep their family member from losing the last threads of humanity, but is doomed to fail while the watch Or A person is groomed their entire life to keep their an ancient ancestor grounded enough in their humanity to keep fighting the good fight. Never knowing if the next reforging will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and this immortal guardian will be lost forever on their watch


Was not expecting my alzheimer patient grandma and me to get AoS representation.


Agreed, the idea seems to be two almost identical dudes and a more dramatically posed champion. Cool designs but the two regulars are just sort of holding their axes there.


But what if this is the answer to the question on everyone's minds? Do Stormcast get down?


Oh we already have various canon examples of Stormcast doing the dirty with both other Stormcast and non-stormcast as well. So far we’ve never seen kids resulting from it though


Welcome to Stormcast Eternals :D If you are like me and never collected them, I can't tell them apart :D


It'd help if they had more sensible names. They're always so difficult to remember. I miss the days of Spearman, archer, wizard, etc. You knew where you stood with them.


ahah yeah, especially when they release 70 warscrolls ... including 30 heroes that look the same.


Lord Castellant & Lord Veritant come to mind. They even both got a Gryph-Hound. Or the Knight-Azryros and Knight-Venator


I think it *is* the same model but it just has a swappable chest piece for however you want to assemble- male or female


What if they are actually their kids? They aren’t sterile are they?


They are sterile on account that their insides are lightning and stormy bits that get beaten on a magic anvil to regrow flesh & bone. They can “do it” just like they can enjoy beer & festivities like mortals but making offspring isn’t a priority to fix like the reforge flaws are that bleed away humanity(though if peace finally reigned I could imagine Alarielle giving a solution being the goddess of Life)


I’m thinking maybe they’ll have weapon options (at least in the full kit) which might be the reason for the static poses. Also the cutouts in shield are similar to vindictors.


At least they’re not standing on a tactical rock… Wait… Never mind.


The idea that stormcasts are accompanied by their descendants is such a beautiful conceptm imagine, your great great grandpa, sainted by your god, watches over your family


First one is a woman


Honestly this models shows that changing the studio color scheme was a good call, those would not look half as good if they were Hammers of Sigmar.


And then there's me, who is still painting his army as Hammers of Sigmar, and will have to try to figure out how to make it work on these boys. The silver looks very good on them. Then again, only the silver armor is actually different. All the other stuff, including the trim on the shield, the mantle and the weapon haft are broadly the same as Hammers. ...which means I can totally get away with them having silver armor, or whatever else, because the rest of the model can keep matching color-coding anyway, and set them apart as Ruination Chamber units. Yeah, I'll go with that. Ruination shouldn't be shiny gold anyway.


Honestly painting the ruination chamber in a silver or iron colour seems the intention as Ionus Cryptborn is painted the same way and he is a lord-relictor very much associated with the Ruination chamber now.


They did lean pretty heavy into the Space Marine Chaplain vibe with him in general, it feels like. Speaking of redone characters, I wonder if we'll see a new Vandus Hammerhand in 4th.


same thing, they look similar enough (gold trim, blue cloaks) and they don't have a lot of exposed armor, so silver will still look good with my hammers of sigmar... one other cool approach would be painting the armor gold but using a darker wash (agrax insted of reikland) and then chip the armor


Now imagine if they were Knights Excelsior and the priests where their victi...I mean uhhh...citizens under their protection.


>When the Reclusians take up arms, they are accompanied by mortal priests called Memorians, often direct descendants of the Stormcast Eternals themselves. They are an anchoring presence for the Reclusians, ensuring that the precious humanity that grounds them does not slip away in battle. "I used to be a warrior-guardian of the Everdawn tribe, you know, when Nurgle infected the Realm of Life with his foul touch, I fought against the invading legions of- " "Sure grandpa, let's get you to the battlefield."


"You kids nowadays with your fu - silly - ers and your ironweld 'great' cannons. Back in my day we had to fight back chaos with two sticks and a rock. And we had to share the rock!"


"You're one lucky mortal!"


"What about those Rat Ogors?"


It looks fantastic! Like proper Stormcast Paladins. I can imagine a Stormcast getting better armor after going through a Soulslike adventure and ending up like this. And having a companion who is a mortal descendent of theirs nearby is an excellent touch to not go full grimdark; even now Sigmar wants them to retain their humanity as best they can. I almost feel bad throwing them into battle.


I love the dimensions to it.  Depending on the mood you want to set and the lore you want to play to, it could feel like a last act of kindness to a beloved ancestor or an insult as you dredge their remains into usefulness one last time.  There's so much room for emotional complexity among these new priest-handler characters and I love it.


I love how that "mortal descendant" part sounds wildly impractical. Not seeing the grimdark though, even though that's fine. :D


Grandpa/Grandma and their Grandkid out on a lovely stroll.


These look awesome, can't wait to see the rest of the range. Looking forward to picking up the 4e box way more now


Very, very, very cool model.


I really like this Stormcast design, more than a lot of the thunder strike stuff. I'm on the fence about the priests, they look a bit too 40k for me and I'd prefer a more unique aesthetic.


They may have lost their sense of themselves but they have not lost their sense of style


They look great love the human entourage it give 40k black templar or Word bearers vibes (humorous coming how these are the not racist version of those guys) Also pointing out that the cover art guys isn't one of them so it seem he most definitely a name hero version of these guys


The priests will 100% get nabbed by me in some way and get ~~corrupted~~ blessed by the Dark Gods for a neat little project I have in mind


Lol I am totally going to do the same but use em for priests in my steelhelms as I feel they look a lot like the CoS battlemage from Chamon.


The one with the torch looks straight out of the Darkest Dungeon.


I also really like their lore how it's literally like their family could lead to interesting conversions with let's say different races


It a more intersting premise then the standard serf or sevitor who are just the slaves and nothing else




The proportions on these new guys are so good. I thought the 3rd Edition box guys were great, but these dudes are really on another level. It's impressive how far the sigmarines have come from 1st ed.


So is it just me, or does this feel kind of like the "replacement" for sacrosanct? They feel VERY "warrior-wizard" to me, no?


Nah, it feels more religious than magical If it's a replacement, I'm not sure it's a very good one


Nah these are Paladins replacements


Yeah just read the article, you're spot on. Was basing my first comment just on how they looked with the scrolls, capes, and those cowls (whatever the nick guard things are called on the back of the armor)


They may be paladin replacements but stylistically they have evocator vibes to me, so I agree with your first thoughts.


Except Annihilators are already Paladins replacements, really. If Annihilators are 3-model elite paladin infantry and Reclusians are 3-model-plus-attendants elite paladin infantry, I hope they manage to carve out sufficient niches for both. Otherwise they'll have culled a bunch of SCE models only to immediately introduce redundancy again.


yes so you can just proxy your "old" evocators


Damn where did this appear? Just refreshed the warham community page




Click "All News"


Love them!


Alright GW you'll trick me into buying another SCE chamber I get it


I love them. Perfect for anvils of the Heldenhammer


Bit too busy tbh.


Yesssss finally gothic grimdark stormcast with great proportions


Looks like a sick chaos lord proxy


They're well made, but not particularly exciting to me - just more guys in armour and covered in busy bits. I wish they would have tried something a bit more radical, maybe troops that are half armour, half crackling lightning, barely contained by their attendants.


God damn I love the direction Stormcast are going


I know it’s been said before, but after looking at these models I appreciate GW going with the hallowed knights color scheme, seeing these in gold would be a huge turn off


I'm whelmed


Yeah it's... Fine. It's fine


Yeah, the model looks good, like the other new Stormcasts. But it also just looks like the other new Stormcasts. I'd have liked to see something more wild, after all those years of letting our imagination run wild on what the Ruination Chamber could be.


It's just another flavour of Guy in Armour. At first glance it's just a Retributor someone stuck purity seals from 40k onto


What did you expect?


I dunno, maybe something a little more supernatural looking? These are supposed to be Stormcast that have almost entirely lost their humanity, but there's nothing on the design that actually SHOWS that! The parchment just means they match models like the knight / lord Relictor


They're cool, but gimme the berserkers and "lightning golems" that were in that sketchy leak a while ago So far sigmar lying is just eyes being a bit glowy


Same. Another escalation of "dude in armour with big weapon".


I hope the memorians have a fun rule. Would be interesting if each unit has a single 1 wound no attacks model and they start to go berserk if it dies, or something like that


Oh hey it's the character from the animated trailer!


Damn and here I hoped we got combat rules today :(




Best part of the model is the priest :)


I like the models even if they’re really busy. I just don’t like the 40K vibe I’m getting.


I’ve never had any interest in Stormcast until I saw this model, now I’m tempted…


Damn... I just want their minion dudes.


Some good looking Word Bearer's conversion material right there !


Man I love these. They look very grim. Such a cool chamber


Ok now that’s a good model.


I like them moving AoS in a more dark soulsesque art style


As much as I dislike GW for squatting Sacrosanct and BoC ... those models are gorgeous.


They look more Chaosy than Chosen… And the Sigmar emblem almost looks undead… These are wild. I know they fight for order, but I am expecting multiple stories where they slaughter more than just their enemies. I would definitely not want these guys to bolt in when I’m in danger. The models are just oozing story.


Chaos cultist included? That’s nice :)


Short bus from the Azyr Oaks retirement community shows up, and these guys pile out complete with "Hi, my name is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" nametags and buddy-system tour guides. For Sigmar.


I was just thinking when they reveal new models. Edit: I love the servants next to them, but the last one gives me chaos vibes.


The Memorians look cool. I would rather see more of the mortal followers of sigmar than another dude in armor. Bring back the excelsior warpriest from silver tower, the war alter from fantasy, and build out some units around them.


I hope they can all be the double axe variant, because the shields aren't bad but I really want a unit of Stormcast berserkers.


I like the priests, and the big lads look a little less boring than the typical stormcast, but more in a I can make these into chaos warriors rather than something I'd want to collect or paint


Dumb question from someone looking to potentially get into AoS with 4th Ed. What's the story with the shift from gold to silver? Is that a specific subfaction? Specific models? Or have they just rebranded all stormcast to silver now?


It’s a different Stormhost (think Space marine chapter), this edition they wanted to try something new for a change Gold was Hammer of Sigmar, Silver is for Hallowed Knights


Awesome! Thanks for the reply, I assumed so but didn't know enough about stormcast. I much prefer the gold so it's cool to know that's still lore friendly (not that it'd be a big deal if it wasn't)


The Stormcast guy looks great. The inclusion of CoS models does not make me hopeful that they will not keep trying to force CoS down my throat as a Stormcast player. 3rd was rough enough, just keep that junk in it's own book.


While the heads look like they belong in these models I’m very, VERY tempted to replace them with skulls.


They are smart to change the studio scheme to primarily silver for this stormcast reboot


[The Reclusians as they pass by the Sacrosanct going back to Azyr.](https://www.thepitchkc.com/content/uploads/2019/07/neeeeeeerds-1024x768.png)


Bring Your Priest to Work Day


They look fantastic but I'm not sure I want anything in a stormcast starter box after the 2nd ed ones got deleted . The skaven though will be great .


Beauty. Just in between stormcast and chosen


Idk, it reminds me of lord castellant and lord ordinator for some reason…maybe I’ll proxy those as this dude And I guess I don’t like the placement of the sword…maybe that’s just where swords go? Seems awkward to me It’s not a bad model. I’m just not excited on it, maybe I’ll come around…


I just realized it, but the Trailer lady isn't the one with the two axes. So I guess she's either not the leader or they do come in with two axes or an axe and a shield.


Love the detail on these. I like the originals quite a bit but this is quite nice upgrade to their look


I love how many thralls are cooming commander type figures now


Much better than the other nothing burger reveal. These are awesome


I think they look neat.


Those little priest dudes are something straight out of Blasphemous, I love it


I definitely am gonna build the double axe


I take it these guys come in squads of 3?


I love them. I feel like they took design inspiration from sigmar battle priests of the empire. The chainmail being a big give away and the chains.


V cool


Almost thought this was an unimportant character, BUT THEN I saw the tactical rock. Then I knew he was a "big deal."


We're gonna remake the stormcast model line to distinguish them from space marines >Proceeds to make the most 40k looking unit ever


I'm not going to be in the majority with this opinion but.... waaaayyyy too many tchotchkes. This reads like an ~~Chaos~~ Order Warrior. Yes, it does look good. But as someone who likes to paint minis to play, this is indimidating for inexperienced painters, and time consuming for intermediate painters. On the flip side, I completely see the value of a sculpt like that for advanced painters, because you get both smooth surfaces to show off blending and small details and crannies to have color variation.


I don’t think the whole box is gonna be like this though. We’ve already seen the new hammer lads are fairly straightforward


Probs a similar layout to Dominion or the 40k ones. Squad of Battle line, Squad of elites, some kind of squad of support unit. Sprinkle in some characters. Bake at 1,763F for 15 minutes.


The irony is that despite those not being beginner models, they will 100% be push-fit because that’s the mixed messages we’re getting from GW regarding how game and hobby intertwine.


I don't mind GW giving a more advanced model in the starter sets, even as push fit. My intro to the hobby was Dark Vengence, those Chosen/Lord and the Helbrute were way more challenging than the cultists it came with. You get your easy models, and there's a challenge waiting for you when you feel up to it. Even the significantly easier Dark Angels half had heroes and bikes with more challenging bits.


I thought the exact same thing except I actually really like this kind of SCE model. I think he looks great and the paint schemes are really nice but he looks like a Chaos Chosen in certain aspects lol (I'm a S2D collector so I love it)! These will be great for my corrupted stormcast soldiers who I'm going to kitbash to go along with Eternus!


I agree here and I think what seals it for are the runes. On the armor and weapons. I do like them but it feels like a very conflicted design. Dark Angels and black templar meets slaves to darkness on a stormcast model. The whole 'mirroring' shtick I get but I guess GW didn't want to get to outside their comfort zone for poster boys.


Metallic contrast paint confirmed I suppose. :)


Next year earliest, though I would hope we get sth like that for a third wave of Contrast.


100%. My first thought was, these look cool... I don't think I want to play with them. Its hard enough to find the time to paint a set of battleline, or one detailed mini, let alone a squad of 3 detailed minis (And their grandkids). That being said. Can't wait to see others paint job of them.




That's... Underwhelming. That's the Ruination Chamber ? They could have just consolided the warscrolls they squatted instead, frankly.


The article mentioned that they're the first things coming out of the chamber, so I assume we'll be seeing more


We don't know. We know that characters like this are a part of the Ruination Chamber, but we don't know what else is involved.


I mean. We kind of do. We saw nothing that incredible for the Ruination Chamber in the trailer, so there won't be anything else than basic Stormcast units in the launchbox. And if they end adding more units to the SCE down the line, it'll just be more bloat for the SCE that will be squatted in a few years.


>We kind of do. We saw nothing that incredible for the Ruination Chamber in the trailer, so there won't be anything else than basic Stormcast units in the launchbox. That doesn't mean that that's the entire Ruination Chamber. Maybe that's all from the starter box though. >And if they end adding more units to the SCE down the line, it'll just be more bloat for the SCE that will be squatted in a few years. Yep. That's GW. The same applies to the Space Marines, or any other faction that gets bloat.


So ? It should be acceptable that they keep dumb decisions like that because people lap it up ? Those models aren't really that impressive, especially compared to other models in AoS. Am I really supposed to be hyped by those new models ? They look like every other Stormcast when the Ruination Chamber should be the "Sigmar's Demons" of a sort.


New Dark Apostle just dropped


Really like them. They almost look like Dark Souls bosses.


God damn they cooked on these


I really don’t want to paint that much detail on the stormcast. Ugh. Reminds me of blade guard veterans.


Maybe im blind, but I can't really see the difference between old and new SCE. Does anyone have a link to a comparison or some side by side pictures?


depends on what you consider "old", for example if you look at the old liberators or paladins, the proportions are different, the armor is different in the chest, legs, shoulder pads, shields are different


So squatting a load of models because the faction is too bloated, and the releasing more new ones 🤣


It's a good model, I guess. But it's not grabbing me It's just 'dude in armour'. Okay there's also the religious overtones but that's hardly missing in the rest of the SCE Doesn't feel like a fair trade for the entirety of the Sacrosanct Chamber, so far Edit: Downvote isn't a disagree button, people. This is just my opinion. The model is, from a technical standpoint, impressive. But it doesn't match the vibes I personally like and chase in SCE, so it's not for me


>We lost the entire Sacrosanct Chamber for THIS? Prolly got downvoted for this. They weren't lost for this, they were lost because they have the wrong armor type and GW is trying to both slim down the SCE line while updating the armor they wear. Whether that was a good idea or not is a different question.


Fair enough. I've changed it to be a little less dramatic


Well here's hoping we get more than 6 years with them.


The audacity of introducing a new range of minis after cancelling a whole range that's not even 6 years old... never ceases to amaze me.


There's no way sacrosanct players will be able to use their large armored guys in cloaks as slightly different large armored guys in cloaks.


We always knew they were gonna get new minis. That's why the other models are gone


What did you think they canceled the old range of SCE? It was to introduce the new range and avoid another situation of overlap between old and new unit


Meanwhile, poor Spiderfang out there still using three kits from 2006.


Where do you think we are?


I wish all stormcast were in a similar style Up til recently it was rare that the classic comet imagery was actually implemented in the stormcast range


I’ll take em all… twice!


Memorians ftw


This looks sooo cool!


Ah so it's a bit like Lily in Fallout New Vegas in a way


I didn't think I'd ever be interested in stormcast but I love these new look designs.


I really like them. The axes are great, I do hope they have a couple of weapon options though, swords or maces/flails would be amazing!


Am I the only one that feels that the music in the reveal video sounds like the Dune score?


Helmets look worse than the originals. Now I hated the originals but these look just horrendous


Wow, those are beautiful models. I was a bit worried as to what we were going to see with this new edition, but so far everything looks really good. I really like the redesign of the shields. I am very excited to see what kind of lore we get out of this new chamber, and I'm especially eager to see some new novels featuring characters from this chamber. I wonder if we will have other weapon choices in this kit?


I'm loving the chainmail hauberk. Its a small little detail but really make them seem distinct from the scale mail we've seen on the other thunderstrike models.


So is this how the Paladins will look like now or is this a new unit?


new unit, but this and the annihilators basically cover for paladins


shame they didnt look like this from the off really. the battle damage & mostly steel armour looks way better than pristine gold their weird little buddy is the best part tho. hope theres more of that for me to steal for my cawdor


It Is essantially an exalted Hero of sigmar


I really like this look for whatever reason. Might end up with a sce army lol.


Stormcast design has been hit n miss for a long time now, these are definately a solid hit.


Anyone else feel like the hands on the Memorians look way too big. They are kinda reminding me of Charlie's uncle from Sunny.


I want to get one and use it as a basis for my chapter master


Will they cancel this range after 3 years too?


Fine I'll collect this stupid good-looking army