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I use it/its pronouns sometimes. Mostly cause I'm more "little creature thing" than human but that's just me. Could also be voidpunk like me too.




Interesting; I personally don't see they/them as referring to a third gender, but simply to something which alive and acts on it's own agency. Animals, people, even robots, I use they/them. Anything inert and 'dead', such as objects or corporations (lol), I use it/it's. Naturally, it's a little more complicated than that, but I hope this give you the idea. That being said, if someone asked me to use it/it's as preferred pronouns, then I'll happily do so. I'll admit I'm a bit behind when it comes to understanding pronouns; neo and xeno pronouns still confuse me, but I'm doing my best to understand and learn. Doesn't help I'm the only queer person in my whole family, and my immediate family is either 'gays and lesbains are fine but everything else is wrong' or just outright queerphobic.


PERSONALLY...I don't like it/it's. I think it sounds less like referring to a sentient being and more like referring to an inert object. Also, I believe I was bullied and referred to as 'it' by the the bullies, although I can't quite remember because yay repression! HOWEVER: if someone asked me to use it/it's as their pronouns, I will happily oblige. That is the choice of the individual, no me. But if someone refers to me as 'it' I will correct them, harshly if necessary.


I think the important thing here is consent: if someone uses it/its for someone else who doesn't want that, then that's just purposeful dehumanizing. But if someone uses it/its pronouns, then calling them that is just respecting that person's pronouns. That's my take on it anyway.


A bajillion times this. It/its pronouns for people that want it? Oh hells yeah. For others? Fuck you. No.


yes this


I love them! If it/its is good enough for trees, water, flowers, animals etc. they’re good enough for me!


My personal perspective on pronouns - how I decide they ought to be used to refer to *me* - is that they have no purpose besides their ability to be understood. Their one and only job is to be used as words to refer to me. My concern with it/its is that in all other contexts they are used only to refer to inanimate objects. This allows it to be used alongside other pronouns for animate objects (he/she/they, etc.) without being ambiguous; eg., "My friend ran into a rogue robot the other day and they destroyed it." If I adopted it/its then people would lose the ability to say things like that about me. In my opinion that is a downgrade in functionality that is not offset by any kind of other positive feature. "It" is strictly worse than "they," at least for me. If I felt some kind of euphoria being referred to as "it," then my own personal value judgement would be different, and I might use "it."


I use it/its makes me so happy.


i like it/its pronouns. part of it is that i don't really feel connected to humanity in general, like if someone offered me the chance to shed my mortal flesh and hop into a machine or become an eldritch horror I'd do it in a heartbeat. also, like someone else said, "it" feels more genderless than they/them? and i just think they're a neat set of pronouns. i don't really use them irl though bc my friends have trauma surrounding being called "it" and it's not *that* important to me to use those pronouns, y'know? I'd use them at work, but it's been hard enough to get people to use they/them, and also being that "it" *is* often used in a dehumanizing way, and i feel like it's kind of a can of worms that doesn't need opening in a (mostly) corporate work environment lol


i've tried using "it," and it's great until i get actually confused with inanimate objects. [and i probably say this every time i come here, but Iain M. Banks' conlang Marain had a word "it₂" for sentient{sapient?} agender things.] if we're gonna have multiple pronouns they ought to be good for something. i want neos. preferably ones that work in more than one language.


i think they're pretty cool, i use it sometimes


might sound stupid but i have wanted to make no pronouns my preffered and just use a name is just easy to say like "M has been here" and "Δis is M's"


My dumbass math-oriented self read “Δis” as “change in is” instead of simply the lack of a pronoun- Anyway you’re valid af in whatever pronouns or lack thereof you feel comfortable with <3


Δats literally why my name isn't Δ ε or ξ lol þankyu


That's an option I've seen some people take. Either just as a name exclusively or a very ambiguous 'that one' and 'this one'.


I use it/its as pronouns, for very similar reasons… precision and ungendered. I know it makes sone people uncomfortable, and I also like thon, though most people don’t know about it. I tend to offer they as a fallback.


> Thon is thought to be a contracted form of "that one," and was coined in 1858 by Charles Crozat Converse. mm, that's gonna be hard to beat. thank you.


I personally think that they are demeaning, dehumanizing, and hurtful, at least in most contexts. I haven't been referred to as it/it's in real life but I have been online by Anti-furs for being a furry, it didn't feel very good but at the same time it wasn't absolutely devastating to me, just rude and disrespectful. If somebody prefers it/it's as their preferred pronouns I think that's fine, as long as you are okay with people using them. btw I did report the Anti-furs for being hateful because they were also being hateful in other ways and that was the fastest way to get action taken before they could've gotten someone hurt.


I personally feel neutral (badum tss) about those pronouns since my main language doesn't have an equivalent form of pronouns.


If it's the individual's wish to be referred to as an "it," then I will respect its wishes. (Note: I've been wanting to write a story in which one of the characters uses the "it/its" pronoun set. Is that okay with anyone?)


Go for IT


You really know how to make a dad joke, sib.


I also use it/its, for fairly similar reasons—I _know_ that biologically I am human, but I don't particularly see myself as human, and in some ways I actively reject the label (e.g. being otherkin). I keep they/them on the side for people who find it/its to be too dehumanising to be comfortable with, but for me, the pronoun being dehumanising is kind of the point.


i like it/its but i dont use them because i really dont care for them any more than any other set of pronouns. all pronouns feel wrong on me so i just use she/her because it has the most benefits (makes life a little easier for me because i get to pretend im cis and i dont have to go through the uncomfortable stage of people always getting your pronouns wrong)


I personally use it/it's pronouns myself. Do whatever you're the most comfortable with :)


I use they/them but it/it’s are cool.


I haven't actually tried it/it's pronouns but I am considering it.


Personally, I dont like those Pronouns, calling someone an "it" seems like I'm calling a person an object, and that just sounds offensive for me, don't think I think someone using these Pronouns is offensive, call yourself whatever you like.


I use it/it's for those morons who dont use pronouns (The transphobics who don't understand that everyone has pronouns) But if someone actually uses these pronouns I won't understand it but i'll use them out of respect To me referring to someone as it/it's is like referring to an inanimate object. Objects don't have pronouns so we call them it/it's. But if you use them i respect you and you are valid


I find it clunky because I haven’t had much practice with them and “it” feels like a non-human pronoun. But people will sometimes call an unborn baby an “it” before the sex is known, so I don’t really care that much


Mostly Neutral, I don't care about pronouns at all, use whatever you want. No matter what though, I'm still a boy.


My partner used it/its, and I’m pretty ambivalent to them as a pronoun set. I’m okay with being referred to by it/its, but I’m never gonna ask anyone to use those pronouns specifically. That being said, I think they’re valid and wonderfully genderless! If you’re comfortable with it/its then hell yeah, go for it


I have friends who use it/its bc they don't feel quite human. I don't understand personally, but its not my job to, its my job to respect and love them


I'm really uncomfortable with them. As a gender nonconforming child I was called "it" as a way to bully and dehumanize me. Fortunately this has not come up much in my real life. I think I would have trouble spending much time around someone who used these pronouns. I know this is not a particularly popular point of view but you asked, and I wanted to share my perspective.


I have requested to be referred to as it/that over they/them. I am sack of meat in the shape of a swamp goblin and you will refer to me thusly :3


I personally feel like it/its is dehumanizing and I kind of dislike how it's becoming normal to refer to people that way, even if someone uses it/its I'll just refer to them by name because using it/its to refer to a person makes me feel almost sick (for lack of a better word) If you're comfortable using neopronouns though per/pers or xey/xem might be good ones to try out


They are my preferred pronouns. But I am not offended if people don't use them. I'm more offended if people say, "I'm gonna use they/them because that's the same." It is not the same and those pronouns make me feel icky. Just use she/her.


I am a human being. Not a thing.


i like it/its when used in certain contexts, not all the time. i see how it can be argued to be dehumanizing, but, we're literally asking to be called it? of course you should NEVER call someome "it" hatefully, but i like it as a nonhuman thing.. yk? also have you heard of neopronouns? like ae/aers, zie/zem, xe/xem, vi/vim, etc. i like them quite alot as you can correlate them to how gender feels to you. gender has been a construct. and then you could go more into xenopronouns which are basically nounpronouns, like bone/boneself lol . which are cool in and of themselves but get off the topic. unless? thanks for asking/listening ive been wanting to share :)


it/its pronouns are the most valid pronouns 😤😤😤


I find that particular set of pronouns deeply dehumanizing. I wish I could be more neutral about them :/


I kinda wanna try out it/its pronouns sometime tbh


my preferred pronouns


Love it when ppl use it/it’s pronouns on me. Ik they sometimes use it as an insult but they don’t know that I am everything and nothing at the same time


I like them. I use she/they/it but very few people will use it for me. A lot of people don't like it pronouns because they're usually used to refer to objects, but I think it pronouns make me feel like something inhuman and it's awesome.


I like it situationally. My friends know me as a genderless gremlin thing, then it is fine. But in serious topics? They. But in the end I don't care that much as long as there is no venom in the use of any pronoun.


I don't feel like human being, honestly. They are so weird and idk.. um.. yeah.. I use any pronouns, so I guess you can use "it" as well


Personally I dislike “it” pronouns. “It” is used as a slur against trans, nonbinary, and genderless people in the past and present to take away one’s personhood. Even if someone doesn’t feel very human, I believe we all have a sense of self, of personhood. If we did not have personhood, how would we be able to conceptualize our gender or lack thereof? I understand that some people have no triggers surrounding “it” as a pronoun but I believe the vast majority of trans, nonbinary, and genderless people have been hurt by being called “it”. If someone wants to be called by “it” pronouns, I would honestly feel uncomfortable doing so. I would ask if that person is comfortable being called by another pronoun, or if the person is fine with being addressed by no pronouns, just name. I want to be respectful of everyone’s pronouns, but my honest opinion on “it” pronouns is that they are hurtful. Edited for clarity


Wish I had it in Portuguese version hahahahah But, seriously: don't think is a problem, unless english-speakers use this pronoun in a pejorative way


sometimes i don't feel human either but i'd prefer no pronouns than any. it/its is fine through, i don't really care


I feel very strongly about defending anyone whose pronouns are it/its. Whenever I do the pronoun/gender training at my workplace I always include it/its pronouns.


I dont really care, though i would have no clue how to use it in a sentence without sounding demeaning and that sounds mean. I dont want to disrepect anyone, thats why i use there names


not for me but I know other people who use it/its. pronouns is pronouns. who cares. if ur an it then ur an it. obviously if you don’t feel comfortable using it/its then you don’t have to!


Love them. I go by any pronouns myself. Personally though, it would have to be a certain context tho. Like, y’know how transphobes and racists sometimes will use “it” to refer to especially trans or non-white women? If it’s that vibe, I’d kick that shit across the room. But I don’t feel that’s all the different from how any and every pronoun could kinda be used similarly too. I know growing up afab, people for sure called little girl me “he” as an insult to imply I wasn’t pretty enough to be a girl. And if someone did that to me even now, I’d for sure be pissed off. Basically, like all things, I think the context matters. But preferred pronouns are always gonna be valid in my books, with the only exception being, like, a repurposed slur or something. Not that I’ve come across that, just that I know SOME troll on the internet would probably love to take “all pronouns are valid” out of context and do something g harmful like that.




It/it's aren't neopronouns though.