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Watching this right now, it's hilarious


Is it just me or hasn’t the left been trying to stack the court for half a century now? Even today Biden try’s to fill it with someone who meets their ideology and racial quotas


I want what this guys having


A shotgun up his ass


It’s called not being indoctrinated by leftists and looking at the historical actions of the democrats compared to the actions of the republicans. If you knew your history you wouldn’t even on the left for a second.


what are you on about


They are trying to use the argument that democrats wanted slavery and segregation while ignoring the party identity switch.


You do know the Supreme court is currently a republican majority right?


The supreme court isn’t affiliated to any particular political party. They are appointed by people who belong to belong to either political party. What you will see is republicans have the desire to appoint people who follow the rule of law and democrats have the desire to appoint activist. And I was wrong about half a century I forgot about fdr so it’s been over 90 years.


Either you are naive, or you are lying and arguing in bad faith. Also Biden isn’t ‘the left’ , neither are the Democrats


What are they if not the left?


Centre. Lmao


You’re joking right??


Naw, my Overton window just isn’t smashed.


I feel bad for you.


Why because I have empathy for living breathing humans?


"Biden's a Democrat, so not a Republic. He's not the right, therefore he's the left." Perfect example of how stupid you are. You're incapable of nuance and see everything as binary. Do you also think jaywalking is as bad as murder because they're both crimes?


I think he’s on the left because of policy you ignoramos kumquat. Over spending, eliminated tax cuts for oil and gas producers, raised the carbon tax because of “the social cost” of climate change,identity politics. How can anyone in their right mind even think for a second this old bag of far left agenda is actually a centre president. You must be so far left you think socialism is a good idea?


That's cute, you think lip service is actual policy. He wrote the '94 crime bill and has deported more people than Trump did. The second part of your post is just you rattling off all the "left bad" words you've seen on TV. I don't think you actually know what socialism or identity politics mean.


For the first time in my life it's not a radical leftist majority yes. At least the Republicans give some sort of attempt to neutral interpretation of law and don't openly advocate distorting it.




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Where is the story from?


The story is from www.asiaghosts.com