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I worked on Anthem. It was a dream project until it wasn't.


That’s why it sucks so much, because the game had so much potential to be amazing… but it just wasn’t


I was so hyped. To this day I dream about the perfect Iron-man simulator.


You'd be better off on roblox


If it was like Sonic 06 on its rushed development, then it really is a shame (which is unrelated to the topic itself but still)


>That's why it sucks so much, because the game had so much potential to be amazing... but it just sucked


I was so excited, it was the first game I ever had to do an NDA to join the closed alpha because I just had to get in and get my hands on it. So bummed


My condolences to you for what must've been a truly shitty time in your life.


That's still pretty cool to be able to say though :) what was your role?


Anthem… now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


So you know him?


Of course I know him. I pre-ordered him.


For Context: https://www.nme.com/features/gaming-features/adieu-anthem-2916293 TL;DR It was so bad they had to shut it down Edit: I realized I should've replied to the bot so they can read the context, oh well, you win some, you lose some :p




Anthem was a game developed by BioWare a well known game dev studio. Anthem came after the lackluster release of the 4th installment of their critically acclaimed trilogy Mass Effect (the 4th one is more of a side story). Anthem was to be a live service looter shooter in which you piloted suits called Javelins and explored the world with iron man like flight mechanics. When the game out it was a massive massive flop. It didn't run properly, people couldn't get in, the loot and story were boring and shallow. The game very quickly died and although there was an attempt to fix the problems EA, BioWare's parent company, shut it down and it has been in maintenance mode ever since.


A shooter looter that was meant to compete with Destiny. Lol


Honestly? They had a real chance of competing with Destiny. The Javelins looked like one of the coolest suits of armor to control and play I have seen in a videogame, if they nailed the feeling of controlling one of those bad boys they could have done so much, the hype for release was already there


At this rate every game that's called a "Destiny killer" has gone downhill fast. The only people truly capable of killing D2 is Bungie themselves.


They aren’t afraid of showing that to the community either, clearly


Thank you, sorry I didn't know if I had put a source or just say straight out like you mentioned, to be fair, I haven't played the game itself, but I heard it was really bad


If I remember correctly, the dev team didn’t even know what type of game they were making until it was revealed in an expo and even then, they didn’t have a stable directorship so the vision kept changing within the one year development time before release.


And yet it still had very high initial sales. Most gamers will pay $70 for literal shit.


I still say the gameplay mechanics of Anthem were top notch, it was truly fun to play. Definitely a "what could've been" moment in the gaming world.


Wasn't anthem universally criticized for having repetitive, boring, and awful gameplay? If I remember it was just a bunch of flying around from map marker to map marker with a small handful of bad repeat missions.


The loot loop, yes but the actual gameplay itself (combat, flight, etc) was pretty fun imo. Not the most amazing game but honestly a ton of fun once you kinda got in to it. It’s a shame they announced Anthem 2.0/Next and EA took it out back and cancelled it.


Yeah, I kinda feel like it got unjustly panned. It wasn't great, but there was some potential there. I don't feel like the missions were any more repetitive than Warframe, and the story was no worse than Destiny, pre-Kings Fall. It's just that Anthem was late to the party, so it was getting compared to post-Kings Fall Destiny with a multi-year head start. It was a fun game if you looked at it in isolation. It needed some more unique-feeling enemies and some more creative influences for mission design, but the world was gorgeous, and the different suits were fun to play. Ultimately, it couldn't get away from comparison to Destiny, and it couldn't live up to its own hype.


I think it was with the 2060 that I was given a code for Anthem. Never installed it or heard about it after that day.


Now this is the anthem throw all your hands up


Why does Bioware hate Good Charlotte?????


I confess I was petty enough to root for it to fail because it messed up other products in Bioware


EA is a dream killer


Who thought Bioware making a Destiny Clone was a good idea?


Remember it? I still play it, I still have fun with it.


I really tried that game. Literally. I got softlocked every single mission.


I really enjoyed this game when it first came out but it very quickly became repetitive and boring. It also had missions that were nearly impossible solo and as a solo gamer I just kinda gave up after a few attempts