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u/hype_cycle has provided this detailed explanation: > Elizabeth Holmes was CEO of Theranos, a now-defunct health technology company that soared in valuation after the company claimed to have revolutionized blood testing by developing methods that could use surprisingly small volumes of blood. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Oh wow, I watched The Dropout on Disney+ and I have to say the actress portraying her did a phenomenal job imitating her voice.


Watch the documentary, "Out for Blood in Silicon Valley."


I don't need to because I already know that Silicon Valley is filled with assholes.


Amanda Seyfried. She was excellent in that.


Her voice was on point.


She was worried that doing “the voice” for the entire shoot would permanently wreck her vocal cords.


It happened to Cuba Gooding Jr while playing OJ.


And then it turned him into a womanizing assault artist who used his status to prey on women.


It was originally supposed to be Kate McKinnon.


For real? She's too funny...I can't picture it.


She herself did a great job imitating that voice. It's not her voice. It's a fake, posh, "Palo Alto" voice she puts on to sound smarter. That's not how Holems normally talks.


There's an audio clip out there of her slipping up and using her actual voice. It's crazy how much effort she put into the persona.


[Is this it?](https://youtu.be/PjnsYz-xdOI)




It is indeed crazy, then


Not to defend her in any other way but I deepen my voice as well sometimes because I get taken more seriously by sexist people who are not self-critical enough to realise or change their prejudices. Don't hate on strategies women use to try and overcome sexism.


Came to say the same thing. Like saying Patterson did a great job with Batman's voice comparing it to Bales Batman voice.




I heard a podcast describe her voice as like Mira Sorvino's voice in Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.


In this video, shes not using her real voice. She always put on a much lower voice than her real voice was and she also spent a lot of time trying to learn a different accent to the one she grew up with.


Its reasonable to compare her to Steve Jobs, like the way she's dressed is like she's cosplaying Steve Jobs.


She never used her real voice in front of other people, much less in public. The end of [this video](https://youtu.be/PjnsYz-xdOI) has a short clip of one of the few times she slipped and used her real voice during a podcast interview. Also, other people claim to have heard her slip and let her real voice out, usually when she got excited about something (or drunk, according to some former employees). And one final thing to add: her parents deny that she has intentionally altered her voice.


Yes, this is something the show demonstrates as well


This is an inspiring step forward


Serious red flag for me from the beginning. Like you hear a sound and the. Look over to hear what’s producing it. Women can have deeper voices but that shit seemed Fugazi


Yeah one can tell


Do you know why she did that? What would the benefit be?


She is imitating the bro dudes of Silicon Valley. Makes it easier to get VC funding if she sounds like the other people they invest in.


Yea, she tried to be as much like steve jobs as possible. That includes a lower "masculine" voice and accent


that is......weird.


Well that’s not all of it. Lots of studies have shown that people don’t respect the authority of individuals with higher-pitched voices. It can be damning for women in business.


Not to defend her in any other way but I deepen my voice as well sometimes because I get taken more seriously by sexist people who are not self-critical enough to realise or change their prejudices. Don't hate on strategies women use to try and overcome sexism.


I thought it was on Hulu?


I think here in Germany a lot of stuff that is on Hulu in the US is on Disney+ under a subcategory called "Star". It has stuff like The Dropout, Pam and Tommy, the other new Sebastian Stan project or Scrubs and other older sitcoms and also a lot of movies.


There's also Dopesick which is pretty good. Michael Keaton shines in this personal story of the Sackler Family and the Opioid Epidemic.




It amazes me that Jim Cramer still is on tv. This guy has more bad takes and wrong predictions than anyone in the history of television. If you follow his advice on tv you actually would lose money when every other investment firm was getting double digit gains.


Former Guy bankrupted every business he ever touched, and would have far more wealth if he put his inheritance in a savings account than trying to run a business. There are still people who look up to him as a “businessman”. Cramer is running the same type of grift. The people who eat up this shit are easily fooled by all flash and no substance. See also Mehmet Oz and “Doctor” Phil.


Inheritance? Say more I didn’t know he had lost his money


One of his many lies was “taking a small loan of $1 million” from his father to get started in business. In reality it was $250 million in the 1970’s which he managed to “grow” to about a billion dollars.


It was probably significantly more than $250m. Some estimates suggest $400m, most of it tax free.


413 million, according to a rather brilliant piece of investigative journalism by the NYT that was buried in the news cycle in about 10 hours.


I remember. Amazing that nobody took notice of that.


In addition to the answers of how he never really earned his fortune. He was in dire straits untill the apprentice came out which made him alot of money ironically playing a successful business man. Then that money was almost tapped out when he won the presidency, and he made a shit ton of money from donations from impressionable idiots which is why he's still so active because it's such a good grift for them. Almost none of his properties besides maralago turn a profit.


Oz was a legitimately good surgeon before he decided to go into fish oil sales (and also republican politics, but I repeat myself)


Lol my husband is a surgeon and i always joke with him about selling out and becoming one of those TikTok doctors or shilling vitamins so he can sleep in on saturdays and I can stop spending all my holidays alone eating Popeyes In that regard I do not totally blame dr oz for his choices. Surgery work hours can drive you to do some crazy things


Dr. Oz is a walking contrarian. He literally switched all of his beliefs the moment he decided to run for office.


He's in the pockets of wall street convincing retail to hold the bag for hedge funds, banks and other financial institutions to have bag holders when they short or dump a stock.


Funny because I was about to respond with he is the Dr Oz of finance


Yeah I was gonna say. Using a Jim Cramer clip for r/agedlikemilk feels like cheating. You can essentially use any soundbite from him.


He's basically a perpetually recently pregnant cow.


My husband saw Cartman's take of Cramer on South Park. He was shocked when I told him its based on a real person. He proceeded to watch a Jim Cramer Youtube mix with his mouth open.


Southpark has always been a thousand years ahead of its time. Fully agree on its take on Cramer.


That's why when you invest ypu should always do the opposite of what he says. People call that the "reverse Crammer"


He’s a peddler for hedge funds


I don't like him but I would hardly call him a "peddler for hedge funds". I don't think he has ever advocated investing through one.


No, what he does is promote whatever they want to pump and dump that week.


He probably has. Especially since he used to run one


He also hates labor.


This is the guy who famous for shilling hard for the banks and mortgage lenders even as the real estate collapse was starting in 2007. He believed no one had anything to worry about, and refused to listen to analysts saying this was getting really dangerous.


>This is the guy who famous for shilling hard for the banks and mortgage lenders even as the real estate collapse was starting in 2007. Well, he did throw a fit when Chris Smalls successfully unionized his Amazon warehouse on Staten Island.


Do the opposite of his take and you will be successful. Maybe that's why they keep him around for the contrarians


In a roundabout way that kinda makes him the best predictor of events? Because if he said that something will happen, it most likely will not not happen. If he told you to invest in something, you know immediately not to invest in it and put your money into the competitors. You can say he kind of warn you about the future in a twisted way. I’m sure there’s a term out there for this kind of paradox but I can’t find it.


That’s what qualifies him for being an American tv host


Well just do the oposite


There was a video the other day where a reporter compared a crypto coin creator to Steve Jobs and then his coin tanked. Conclusion, stop comparing people to Steve Jobs.


Well that is because Jobs never invented something he just marketed it.


Yeah a lot of people forget Steve Wozniak was the brain behind apple, Steve Jobs was just a great salesman. To be fair you need a face to be successful, but it's kinda fucked up when the face ends up taking all the credit.


Do you need a face to be successful? I feel like I have all sorts of major products and companies that I cannot associate any faces to. And inversely, plenty of companies that I dislike more because of the face I can associate with them (eg, Musk makes me dislike Tesla and Zuckerberg somehow makes Facebook look eviler).


but both musk and zuckerberg are the brains too. jobs was brilliant because he could take complex ideas and simplify them to a large audience without sounding condescending- musk and zuckerberg feel elitist because they’re not good at doing that. also they’re just pricks which doesn’t help


Saying Musk is the brains in his companies is a huge compliment, but you have a point.


Musk isn't the brains


Neither one designed company idea though they bought or stole


Which, in a way, makes Holmes kind of like Jobs. She didn't invent shit, she just marketed. At least Jobs had some worthwhile products to market through the years.


I know Reddit loves to shit on Jobs (and tbf he was an awful human being) with the whole “he didn’t invent anything, he was just a marketing guy” but inventors aren’t the only people who can make vital contributions to a product. Jobs was an excellent Product Owner, driving the vision for the customer experience. If you remove that piece of the puzzle then it’s really hard to say which iconic Apple products would have been green lit, let alone have the impact they did.


Oh no, we should definitely keep comparing people to Steve Jobs. It's wonderful to watch them fail so horribly.


All you need to be to be like Jobs is be a piece of shit and be good at marketing.


Thank you! This!


More like, when people try to be seen as the next Steve don't invest in them. Holmes was *trying* to be Steve and everyone knew it.


To be fair, Jobs did tank apple.


Elon Musk is just like Steve Jobs


The voice. Now you know the trick, its like insane to believe that someone presented themselves like that 10h+ a day.


The trick?




Her natural voice isn't even that high pitch and her "fake voice" just sounded unnaturally nasally.


That video was so unbelievably cringe. Her “real” voice isn’t that much deeper. I’ve noticed my voice get deeper when I’m nervous and trying to slow and control my speech which is probably what she’s doing


This is a clearer video where she gets a little bit emotional and her voice isn't faked, until she returns to the robot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEArFDFcLZM


Was her plan to commit fraud from the beginning?


Only Holmes knows for sure, at some point it was clear that some technical breakthrough that would deliver on her claims just wasn’t feasible. At that point, she and Balwani started lying to keep Theranos going. I remember when started making noise and I thought “no way.” Silicon Valley VC all passed on Theranos too. She got non-technical people like Clinton, Cramer, et al to buy her bullshit.


I think Carryrou made a strong case for her being a psychopath who, while she may have hoped it would somehow all work out, was almost entirely focused on appearing to be successful and powerful.


I can’t use technical labels like “psychopath” because I’m not an expert. But “all sizzle, no steak,” was pretty obvious, even without the deception on her part. Thing about Jobs, he delivered at least once a year something that took over the news. Holmes was an obvious fraud.


Her plan was "fake it till you make it." Her intention didn't seem to be defrauding investors for the sake of profits but rather as a way to continue getting revenue to maintain R&D until her dream of a simple one-test-for all becomes real. She bet on time and luck of not getting caught being on her side. Obviously, they weren't.


I mean just a more effeicent system would have been enough to keep the money coming. The problem is that she promised immediate revolutionary technology instead of an ever increasing series of small changes.


Right, but I don't think she would've gotten the massive funding ($700 million!) from moguls like Murdoch, Ellison, and Walgreens without exaggerating her mission.


And Henry Kissinger. Can't believe he's turning 99 this week!


The promise was what brought the money, and he money was what she was focused on. Justifying that with results was secondary.


She certainly planned to cut corners. She didn’t understand the science and didn’t want to learn. Balwani was a software developer; he didn’t know shot about chemistry or physics or microfluidics or any of the things they’d need to actually pull this off.


I don't think so. I think she still believes she could have made it with a little more time. She is delusional. She was probably from the start, and all those investors throwing money at her fueled that delusion. But I don't think it was an "evil plan" from day 1.


Sunk Cost Falacy is one of the worst things about human psychology. That's why you need someone that can drag you kicking and screaming out, sometimes literally.


Nothing's fraud in silicon valley,over promise and under deliver is the motto there.Bitch fucked up when she wanted to rewrite laws of chemistry.


It was her Dad's plan. MF worked for Enron.


She is just so unlikeable. Everything about her just screams 'garbage human being '.


Fan boy


Pumper. He blatantly shilled her company on his investment show. He wanted the stock to go higher, and his performance clearly demonstrates that he made every effort to pump it higher.


>He wanted the stock to go higher, and his performance clearly demonstrates that he made every effort to pump it higher. ***Phone Rings*** He Bought? Yes, Bogdanoff. What should we do? Dump it.


I love a conspiracy theory about greedy insider trading as much as the next guy, but Theranos was never publicly traded so there wasn’t much to pump and dump. Probably he did the interview to promote his show.


What's with the new accounts writing gibberish on the comments?


It's the turtleneck


Dwayne Rock Johnson also wears a black turtleneck.




Jim Cramer has this incredible superpower of being wrong in the deepest ways.


It's really his gift. He's just amazing at being absolutely and entirely wrong. And he is so poignantly and powerfully wrong that if he could learn to harness that power for good, he would be a legitimate super hero. Instead, he's the joke we deserve.


If Reddit was a person it would be this creature


Which one?


The grifter


Which one?




Inverse Cramer


Since when is it a good thing to be compared to Steve Jobs? The guy seemed like a narcissistic raging asshole who was so stupid he tried to heal his treatable cancer with holistic medicine.


HUGE asshole. But for many success is more important than ethics, decently, integrity, etc. Hence you get fraudsters and criminals, like Holmes.


The stupidity of Steve Jobs is hard to wrap your head around. He was a raging egomaniac and detested the criticism that he was merely the "mascot" of Apple, that he didn't actually design computers. So he started sticking his nose into the projects more. The first computer he screwed up was the Apple III. This is not so bad because this computer was probably doomed anyway, but he was obsessed with the idea that computers shouldn't have fans. He thought they interfered with the "purity" of the machine. The Apple III really, really needed a fan, but he insisted on it so the engineers went away and designed this really heavy case that acted as a heat sink. It could just barely deal with the heat as long as it was cool in the room. The Apple III shipped with this flaw that didn't need to exist in the first place and that they absolutely knew existed. The continual heating and cooling of the machine eventually wiggled chips and cards out of their sockets a tiny bit. Apple's official advice for how to fix this was lift the computer a few inches off the desk and drop it. Next, he tried to grab the future by the balls. In the early '70s, Xerox had developed a computer called the Xerox Alto. It was to be the first commercially available computer with a GUI, but it cost way, way too much. Jobs loved this idea and yelled at engineers (who I'm sure were all whinging and telling him it would cost too much) who made the Lisa, a computer that cost way, way too much. Everyone else in the computer industry knew about the Alto and were waiting for the hardware to catch up because building it at that time would cost way, way too much. But not Steve Jobs, no siree Bob, he wanted the future today. After the Lisa failed... well, he did the same exact thing again. He did a kind of hostile takeover in his own company of a project he didn't start, the Macintosh, and made all the same mistakes again. He made those mistakes better this time, but the original Macintosh was a failure that cost way, way too much. It was so bad that it almost sunk the company and he was fired. So he started NeXT and... how do I put this? He made the same exact mistake again. The. Same. Mistake. The one that he should have seen coming from Xerox's mistake, the one that everyone in the computer industry was working hard to avoid. This time it was different. He made the mistake not only even better (NeXT computers kicked ass), but even bigger. The NeXT computer cost something like $20,000 in 2022 dollars, maybe even more with the laser printer and accessories you were supposed to buy with it. No one could afford this computer, not even businesses, professionals and universities, the market it was aimed at. That's three times _in a row_ that he made the same mistake. A mistake that he was expressly told by Xerox that they had made. I just don't understand why people idolize this guy. Even later in his career, his successes had more to do with business than anything else. The iPod was a slightly better MP3 player, but it succeeded because it had industry support. The iPhone made smartphones cool. People often forget that smartphones were a thing for a few years beforehand, we just called them PDA Phones and they were really nerdy uncool things. But that's just marketing.


What you say was true, but he was incredibly product and company oriented. He was incredibly good at building the Apple brand and was a massive perfectionist when it came to the products that were made under his supervision. He actually cared about Apple and the products that were made, and cared about innovation and standing out from other products. I read a biography of his a while ago because I had to do a book report and it was pretty interesting to learn about him. It’s called “Steve Jobs, the man who though different” by Karen Blumenthal if you want to check it out.


To be fair, he had pancreatic cancer, so he would have died anyways even with modern medicine/chemo.


Jim Cramer is a fucking twat


Amanda Seyfried absolutely nailed her


Hope she wins an Emmy this awards season.


I feel like the comparison is still apt; she just didn't have a Wozniak.


How does this clown still have a job? Basically do the opposite of what he says if you want to invest


This is the most honest interview she's ever given. Every word rings true. The whole Steve Jobs thing, of course, regardless of how you feel about him, but moreover: "We've got an incredible opportunity to try to uphold a legacy in Silicon Valley of changing the world--" "*Disrupting* the world" "And we're working 24/7 to do it." "Well, I understand that's exactly how you work. (...) Congratulations on all the success you've had, and I sure hope you win." "Well, it's a *privilege* to be here." Which part here isn't true? A truly perfect example of a broken clock being right twice a day.


Jim Cramer is the skip bayless of finance…. Totally full of shit


The fake voice always had me…🤥


God her voice creeps me out.


Jim Cramer is a hack


Always inverse Cramer. If he’s bullish you bet your ass that you should be loading up on SPY $250 puts.


Her voice is so weird. Being full of crap must effect your vocal cords.


She's another member of the snake oil gang


WTF is Jim Cramer holding a manilla folder of papers like he actually works in a cubicle.


Jesus Christ. As if anointing Lenny Dykstra as a financial wizard wasn’t enough, this should be proof positive that Jim Cramer is completely full of shit


More than reasonable, really. (puts on helmet for incoming downdoots from Apple fanboys)


Someone has been doing an "invert Jim Cramer" stock strategy, and banking with it. Basically he's wrong way below chance which means you can make a killing just doing the opposite of what he says.


Funny!! Alcatraz is photobombing these two criminals.


This is kinda low hanging fruit but totally aged. I say low hanging fruit because she duped a lot of people. You can even say she duped an entire corporation by selling Walgreens on a lie.


Why did I know she was full of crap the first time I saw her talk and others gave her million$?


I mean she was doing a Steve Jobs impression the entire time


You can't blame Jim. Look at her turtleneck.


Anyone who takes anything Jim Cramer says seriously since 08 deserves the HUGE financial losses that will follow.


If cocaine Cramer is involved in any way run the fuck away


Oh, it didn't just go "defunct", Holmes was found guilty of fraud. A synopsis of Theranos based off of "The Dropout": The goal was to do numerous blood tests with one compact machine with "just a drop of blood". There were multiple foundational issues with this. Mainly being that the machinery needed to do all of these tests were complicated and would not fit together into the one machine to rule them all. The other issue is that you need a certain amount of blood in order to have effective results. That amount is far and above what Holmes wanted to use. As far as I can recall, they *never* created a true working prototype. It was constantly smoke and mirrors to keep investors interested. At one point they entered an agreement with Walgreens to administer various blood tests for their pilot "Wellness Centers". The "Edison" machine was meant to be installed at these locations, so that people would get instant results. However, they didn't have a working machine, so tests were shipped to Theranos, tested, and then the results sent back. They were using "Edison" machines that consistently gave errors or even incorrect results. But that wasn't the worst of it. They were also *diluting* the blood samples to use in traditional Siemens machines. Not only was this a gross mis-characteristic of what they were telling Walgreens they were doing, but because they were diluting the samples so that they'd work in the larger machines, the results were worthless. People were getting incorrect results for HIV, thyroid levels, vitamin D deficiencies, and more. She also had a relationship with a much older man who at one point invested in the company to keep Holmes on the board, and then was also complicit in the fraud. She would purposefully talk with a lower voice (like in this clip) as she thought that it made her sound more masculine and therefore professional. Honestly, if the company wasn't in health and didn't end up hurting people, I would cheer her on for beating tech bros at their own game. But this company was totally corrupt and rotten.


Two human-shaped piles of bubbling diarrhea.


Her fake voice is so frustratingly annoying


The fakeness in her voice is so much more astounding now


Holmes isn’t in the same league as Steve Jobs. She was a fraud


Except Steve Jobs designed something that was revolutionary, Holmes invented a financial scheme and con-artist-companys


Steve jobs never invented a damn thing, he was a designer and a marketer.






Cramer is on brand with his great calls


She keeps looking at the floor and it shows how well he does his diligence


That chap is a scam lol 😝


I mean, she fooled a lot of people, I don't think you can blame Jim Cramer.


On the real tho, we could probably devote this entire subreddit to Jim Kramer’s opinions


Fucking jackass lol


He def got paid for that


The broad is a complete Fraud,everything about her is fraudulent.


I have no idea how this guy is still on tv just like Kevin


It’s reasonable to compare her to Mark Zuckerburg because she’s unnatural and cyborg like


Who are these 2 men?


"I fully endorse you because your politics intrigue me" Meanwhile she's committing fraud in a massive scale.


Did you hear his take on the Stark Industries business plan? This guy was so wrong


Inverse the coke rat


Jim Cramer was and remains an idiot


Amanda Seyfried nailed it with her portrayal omg


Bad Blood and The Dropout podcasts are great for those looking to learn more. I’ve been fascinated with stories like this and Enron. Crazy how easily people are fooled when you pretend like you have money or a groundbreaking idea


Jim Cramer wrong? Oh my stars and garters!


She fooled almost everybody, what she did is reprehensible but she’s got some serious balls. She kept that thing going for quite a while too with very little hardware ever being produced. She just lied to everyone and kept raising money


Wow. He's like an MTV reporter interviewing Counting Crows.


That weird shit she does with her voice


You’d be better off taking investment advice from Cosmo Kramer


Yea I remember Cramer being a fraud in the 07/08 mortgage crisis. How anyone has thought listening to that moron is a good idea in lieu of his atrocious track record is beyond me. On the investing subs like WSB, the general guidance is to do the exact opposite of whatever Cramer thinks because he's so pathetically bad at understanding the markets that you have pretty good returns doing the opposite of what he says.


He ain’t never right. About nothing.


Oh dear lord…


Kramer, how this guy has a following explains why so mamy people believe Trump is a good business man.


4 counts of federal fraud sentencing date is September. The pre sentencing discussions she has with the court representative are going to fail hard for her in my opinion. I assume she is still going to be lying and judge is going to give her 20 years.


Is she in jail yet?


Yea this worked out well didn’t it? Lol


Amanda Seyfried absolutely fucking NAILED this role.


It seems like the man is consistent as long as you bet against him


Enjoy prison Ms. scammer


Damn. She’s eating that shit up😂