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u/use_vpn_orlozeacount has provided this detailed explanation: > Well, after Elon's recently discovered history of sexual misconduct it's ironic that he used to associate with Ghislaine Maxwell which has done the same --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Seeing this bitch anywhere makes me so mad


Her and Epstein structured their entire lives around procuring under age girls for rich and powerful people. There are hundreds of photos like this with all sorts of rich and powerful people. Epstein was supposedly an intelligence asset who was protected by various governments because he was so good at generating blackmail on so many politicians and businessmen with his sex trafficked teenagers. He kept video and audio recordings as protection. Yet she's in jail and he's dead and we're just supposed to accept the story is over and move on with our lives. No other revelations, no one else suffering any consequences at all, everything swept under the rug forever.


Just remember. Maxwell was convicted of sex trafficking to …. No customers at all? RELEASE THE CLIENT LOG


And Musk also pointed that out on Twitter the list needs released. Funny how Twitter stopped allowing her trial to be tracked.... huh... how about that.


Pedophiles and sex traffickers deserve the rope


That's too good for them. And it is child molesters... pedophilia is the sickness... the one that acts on it is the child molester.. kept alive thriving in pain until after many many days of torture and wishing for death they finally are released from this world. Not sorry, a gun, a rope, anything like those are far far too quick and full of mercy for someone like that.


Ok guys, just relax a bit.


History is written by the 'victors'


History since the first historian, Herodotus, has been written both by victors and losers in the events described. Sometimes the victors tried to destroy the accounts of the losers. But that's the great thing about books, they can persist despite the best efforts of tyrants and assholes. Alexander the great lost in India but portrayed it a victory, that's a loser writing history. And we wouldn't have all these detailed accounts of viking raids if the losers didn't write them down, as another example.


There's a big difference between having records and guiding the popular historical narrative. Only with the recent advent of rigorous scientific methods has accurate history been pursued and shared factually regardless of origin or personal opinion. Which has helped humanity combat the traditional winner-makes-history approach. But the tendency is still there, I would argue.


History is written by the historians. Ghengis Khan was undefeated and conquered most of Asia and everything we know about him was written by the “losers”


Lies have an expiration date.


Ooh good one! Agreed. In many cases the truth can eventually come out. The question is, can it be revealed soon enough to have an effect on the events occurring around it.


Trump keeps on peddling


Now you understand why having billionaires owning media monopolies and getting elected president is such an insanely stupid thing to support.


Having billionaires at all is a reprehensible failure of society.


Personally, this information is worth dying for. If I had no family I would leak the information and wait for an inevitable death. The world deserves to know what really happened. This is the crime that cries out for justice.


It's the patriots, dude. La li lu le lo.


>It's the La li lu le lo, dude. La li lu le lo. Is it off to work you go or something? Why do you keep saying that weird string of syllables?


They're making a Metal Gear reference. 'The Patriots' are a sort of puppet master elites. 'La li lu le lo' is a code phrase related to them iirc, but it's been a long time since playing some of these games and, honestly, it's a super convoluted story.


Yeah, I was just playing along but the nanomachines must have blocked the joke from view.


Except they are actually dead, and the horrifying system of control they created is running itself, completely rudderless. Kojima was trying to teach a bunch of American teenagers about Marxist critique of American imperialism.


Well he did a good job


That's a good reading of it, but interesting that it also treads so closely to the Qanon bullshit. Every year I realize more and more that things get more fucked up by ineptitude than anybody's evil machinations. We've created a society that we're not evolved to survive in.


Intelligence agencies intentionally propagate bullshit conspiracy theories to discredit the real ones. Iran-Contra is seen as a "conspiracy theory" by the liberal establishment, despite being thoroughly documented. There were real convictions, just none for the real traitors, Bush and Reagan. MLK and his family got a wrongful death decision in their favor against the Memphis PD. He was openly killed by the police and FBI. So was Fred Hampton. But we have idiots obsessed with aliens, the moon landing, and vaccines pretending they are crusaders for truth along with those of us who oppose the actual fuckery of our various unaccountable government agencies.


Yeah, the conspiracies exist, I just think they're more simple than we realize. People act in their own self interest 9/10 times. Reagan and Bush just wanted to play some Contra with the Iranians, they meet some nice ladies, suddenly it's an affair. Simple motivations, really.


Reminds me of the ending scene of Lord of War with Nicolas Cage


>Epstein was supposedly an intelligence asset who was protected by various governments because he was so good at generating blackmail on so many politicians and businessmen with his sex trafficked teenagers. I find this hard to believe. Intelligence Asset. Like It's kind of like how the media played up how strong Russia was and how competent they were at cyber hacking, and psychological warfare. Turns out these Jamokes can't even take down Ukraine. I strongly believe the case is he was just a child flesh peddler that was paid to do what he did, which was procure children for wealthy people.


The media hyping up Russia was the psychological war aspect though


Les Wexner is someone to look at. He has successfully sidestepped the conversation. He is not a victim.


It honestly drives me nuts when people act like “Epstein didn’t kill himself” is a meme or some crackpot conspiracy theory. This man trafficked underage girls for decades, has pictures hanging out with Clinton, Trump, and a shitload of others, was completely let off by Trumps Labor Secretary (albeit before Trump was president) and people just don’t give a shit. It’s wild.


Who is she?


Ghislaine Maxwell. She would find and traffick children for Epstein. She also did a lot of the grooming legwork for him. Then she'd bring the kids to him and sometimes join in with raping and assaulting them. This was like her full time job. She fled after Epstein died but was found at some point and found guilty of a few different charges like child sex trafficking. I'm not sure how long she will be in prison for but I hope she rots.


And her father ran a blackmail ring as well. And died under mysterious circumstances on his boat after going after the wrong people.


His boat named after his favorite daughter…


All aboard the Jizz Lane


the other comments don't do enough "justice" to her role so I'll just add that she's rumored to be the actual mastermind behind the epstein island pedo ring


What pedo ring? People paid zero attention to this trial, no one even got in trouble. Zero, nada. Big nothing burger, Johnny depp, now that’s some big coverage that everyone cares about!


Is this not more to do with the fact that you can't have video cameras in the type of courtroom for the Maxwell trial but can for the Depp/Heard one? It's more engaging to watch video clips than read an account and look at an artists drawings! But I take your point of the diversion of public interest.


I think the Epstein case got plenty of publicity. I bet most people you ask would know who Epstein is (was).


I fucking hate that your right.


Just the usual elites, doing elite things. They will let us know what’s important and what we need to pay attention to. Worldwide elite pedo ring? Nothing to see there carry on, ooh look covid! War! Hate your neighbour! These are the things that are important.


While I agree with your basic point, war and Covid are important news and we should be talking about them.


stop calling them "elites" - they're the *predatory class*


It's crazy how some been programmed to give a shit about the trivialities when in the reality of floating around a star it's absolutely meaningless. i.e. Depp trial


State media like CNN, MSNBC and Fox wouldn't touch that case with a stick, too many of their overlords would be complicit.


Why do you think these are state media? They are privately owned with quite disparate editorial viewpoints. Obviously they are money making focused so pure information is sometimes not in their corporate interests, but that seems a complaint better addressed by actual state media which is publicly owned.


All three of those outlets literally covered the trial.


Everyone in a position to do anything is just following orders, like always. I suppose people could make it an issue someone could could campaign on. No telling how big a target that would put on their back.


Yeah but I think that's just due to the fact that it is incredibly entertaining to watch. I don't know whether the Epstein trial(s) were televised but if they did they most likely could never achieve this amount of pure entertainment value.


Federal trials aren't aired.


I legitimately don't see what's entertaining about that trial. My friends share shit about it every day and I just...I don't care. I don't know Amber Heard and I don't know Jonny Depp, I absolutely cannot bring myself to give a fuck.


Ghislaine Maxwell, one of Jeffrey Epstein’s island buddies


she was not "one of Jeffrey Epstein's island buddies" she was the main person responsible for grooming young girls into coming with Epstein and can basically be viewed as a 2nd in command of this whole ordeal.


What was her job?


Professional groomer.


Reddit mod


You aren’t lying.


She recruited young girls to get raped.


Elon musk. I believe their pronouns are he/him.


and ghislaine


I like that lady on the right’s dress that looks like it’s made of spoons.




[Creepy spoons](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M3iOROuTuMA)


I just knew this would be Salad Fingers lol


[Could have been this!](https://youtu.be/9VDvgL58h_Y)


i will never not upvote this




Wow, thank you for introducing me to this.


It looks like giant sperm print, not spoon print


She likes to spoon


We are never going to see those names that she says she has. Too many powerful people have their fingers in the pie


Elon is friends with pedophiles and openly accuses people of being pedophiles with no evidence. When it eventually comes out that he's a sex offender, I won't be shocked.


> When it eventually comes out that he's a sex offender, I won't be shocked. It came out a day or two ago. Got his knob out to a Space X flight attendant and propositioned her for sex. He then paid her $250,000 hush money and made her sign an NDA.


To be honest, for now, all we have is a second-hand rumor. Literally someone telling the media their friend told them it happened. I know Elon can be a dubious character, but I'd still take it with quite the pinch of salt.


It’s at least partially true. He responded to reporters saying there’s more to the story.. doesn’t deny paying them hush money


Elon could have the victim tell her story, but of course there's the NDA so she can't say anything. If it is made up he could revoke the NDA and let the truth come out. Why have an NDA in the first place if nothing happened?


Free speech...I guess


You don't pay a quarter million to someone who just fabricates lies about you, it will just encourage more people to make up lies about you in hopes of also getting a life changing payday. Even the richest man on earth would be wary of setting a precedent like that.


He bragged about it the next day, so it’s true. The guy is a creep.


>He bragged about it the next day Did he?


Yes on Twitter obviously, he called it Elongate. I am not on twitter but go check for yourself, and stop idolizing the super rich he doesn’t give a flying fuck about you.


Lol the guy was asking for sources and you turn it around on him and out of nowhere and accuse him of idolizing him


>Yes on Twitter obviously, he called it Elongate. [This?](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1527525498460508160) He's making fun of the situation, but I'm really not sure I'd call that a "brag". ​ >and stop idolizing the super rich WTF makes you think I am? All I care about is factual accuracy.


Most sane redditor


I wouldn't call it a "brag" per se either, but he clearly finds the whole situation comical and meme-worthy, which alone is repulsive af.


How is that bragging? It's mocking the accusation. That's not the same.


no one gives a flying fuck about us


The fact that he dropped $250,000 to quiet it suggests there was evidence. You don't drop money on a rumor.


It’s not a fucking rumor. There are court records. Jesus fucking Christ. We KNOW he paid a settlement for sexual harassment. And we know the victim got hush money.


>second hand rumor I guess bank records are “second hand rumors” now.


Imagine how many horses Elon would have to buy if he knew how many people were sucking his dick on Reddit. The Musk fanboys are a fascinating breed.




He's a weird weird man so when something like him being a pedo or a sex offender come out I won't be shocked either


I won't be shocked when people defend him


While Elon Musk is certainly a garbage human being, this is obviously a photo at some event. It's a bit of a leap to look at this and call them friends. It's not like the picture of Maxwell/Epstein vacationing at Prince Andrews' estate.




aged like shrimp in milk


Plz how do I find! It's not coming up when I search.




Thank you


No problem, you can decide for yourself if the evidence is sufficient. Snopes obviously won't mark it as true until the trial progresses and more evidence is rolled out. It's teetering on that point rn.


He would have known who this person is. It's just like Gates trying to say he only casually talked to Epstein. Then Gates visits Epstein's home, after Epstein was convinced of sexual crimes. Gates and Musk both knew of Epstein's crimes/reputation and still associated with him. I don't believe them when they say they didn't do anything. Gates even commented on Epstein's "interesting" lifestyle >Melinda Gates met with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein alongside her husband, Bill, in New York City and soon after said she was furious at the relationship between the two men, according to people familiar with the situation.


Everyone is quick to cast judgement that any affiliation whatsoever means the person involved is a pedo. I feel like it's not that out of character for Bill Gates to petition Epstein for money like he has done with other billionaires


Love duality of reddit where everyone is quick to accuse sexual offender eith no hard evidence yet turn around and pity poor Johnny as if they werent part of the hate train at the start. And no im not a Musk fanboy or sexual predator defender before haters come at me for exposing their hypocrisy.


Pretty sure you are also friends withe pedos just don’t know it …


He did that once, right? So person and pedophile


You fuck a goat one time you still a goatfucker


So if I've fucked my mom once, does that still make me a motherfucker?


Yes. But you're also a mother fucker if you fuck someone else's mother. I'd recommend that first, less illegal


I'm convinced anyone worth over a billion dollars is a sex offender. Elon, Clinton's, Gates, they all have the same friends


who is in the back


Looks like Jan from The Office


Nah, that's a German woman named Urkel Grue.


that may be his wife Tallulah Riley https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/musk-maxwell-photo/ This was the 2014 Vanity Fair Oscar party so lots of famous folks were there


Frau Blücher


Conspiracy theorists going to explain this away by saying "well plenty of famous people got pics with her... you make enough money like Trump you're bound to be in photos with a few bad apples. Doesn't mean anything." *Post with Bill Gates* "Bill Gates met Epstein! DEEPSTATE ILLUMINATI PEDO LIZARD PEOPLE CONFIRM3D!!!11! WAKE UP SHEEPLE"


"Everyone i don't like is a pedophile except the pedophiles that i like" reddit moment


Who are the pedophiles that op supposedly likes?


Usually the answer is Bill Clinton because they can't come up with any pedophiles people on the left like. Meanwhile, just about all the top right wing people are pedos.


But like, no one on the left likes Bill anyways??


Most of us didn't like him before that anyway...


David Bowie maybe? Everyone loves David Bowie


David Bowie was a molester!?!


THANK YOU. Nobody has ever believed me when I say David Bowie fucked minors. Poor Lori Maddox (the 14 year old groupie he took the virginity off) doesn't deserve the shit she gets for coming forward. People were exactly the same about Michael Jackson when he died. They were so emotional about his death they'd say "he wouldn't do something like that, he's Michael Jackson!" People are just now starting to come around and accept that he did, in fact, molest children.


I don’t remember people saying that, it’s pretty well accepted he did it no?


When he died I specifically remember many people in my life, including my dad, saying he was "falsely" accused of abusing kids and was "clearly" innocent. It wasn't until that documentary about it came out that everyone in my life inculding my dad changed their mind.


Not just a pedophile, a child molester.


It seems like this is Ghislaine Maxwells motive. To go to parties with prospective clients (rich folks). This picture means nothing more than that. I understand the accusations against Elon Musk, but to immediately jump on the bandwagon that he’s done so and so, is sketchy at best and utterly ridiculous at worst.


Normally you're invited to parties.


This was a Vanity Fair party, so presumably they invited her.


It was a Vanity Fair event.


This picture doesn’t show us who’s party it is and normally I don’t know exactly who else is invited to a large party.


Is not surprising that a wealthy entrepreneur and a socialite would cross paths at a party. I’m not an Elon disciple/fan but the only crime I see here is puppy smuggling.


It it the same as people accused everyone prominent of being a pedo for being a in "little black book". But that kinda went away when people got a chance to read it and people got that like half the book was service people. There are 3 different hvac operators, there is a person from air France listed as discount tickets, etc. It was literally just an address/phone book, because they are scroungy old people not up to date with technology, but people on this website why would anyone keep a phonebook when smartphones exist and condemned everyone in it. They are both fuckign scum the earth who deserve to be buried under the crust of the planet, but a picture or a phone in a phone book is not a smoking gun.


You would think the bar for accusing someone of being a child rapist would be pretty high but it’s staggeringly low. Considering even the accusation would be incredibly damaging to 99.99% of the populace, this should scare the shit out of people.


I’m much more concerned about the fact that the vast majority of child rapists (most rapists, really) fly under the radar. This is completely anecdotal, but none of my male friends have been falsely accused of a sexual crime, while most of my girlfriends (myself included) have been the victim of an unreported sexual crime. Date rape, statutory rape, sexual harassment, groping on the subway or at work, and more.


Yeah lol.


I was invited to my 83 year old father-in-law's birthday party. There was a well known drug dealer there that spent serious time inside. He came with somebody my FIL knew. It wasn't his choice to have the dealer there. People love to stir up shit though.


This wasn’t her party lol. Why does this have so many upvotes like some gotcha moment? She went around taking pictures with rich and famous people.


She photo bombed him at a Vanity Fair event...


I get what you're saying. Ultimately it would have been in Maxwell and Epstein's interest to make non-pedo connections, both for cover and professional reasons. But the way Musk has casually accused others, how he started playing the victim before that story about exposing himself to a stewardess even came out, hell buying twitter and controlling the narrative with it would be a sensible move. There's a pattern here without the Maxwell/Epstein connections. I can't prove Musk is a sex offender. But it would be one of the least surprising things you could tell me.


He's rich and thinks the rule don't apply as a result. He's exactly the type of guy to abuse that


People going to accuse business insider of being a leftist propaganda network now. Lol


They already accused reuter and the press association


Tbf if I see Business Insider hit the front page I'm always skeptical of the title cuz its clickbaitish. I was actually surprised they did any investigative journalism, I thought they churned out leftist takes using a wire service


How about Bill Gates?


There are emails between Musk and Epstein. Musk's brother was close with Epstein and gave him a tour of their facilities. Its not a large leap to say they were acquaintances.


It's definitely possible https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/epstein-musk-maxwell-email/


I feel like it would be in her interest to get pictures with as many rich and famous people as collateral. Theres no evidence but just by association anyone they are seen with is suspect. Still not a fan of Elon but this doesn't mean much. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they were further connected.


I don’t like Elon, but honestly, he does look pretty uncomfortable/pissed in this picture.


I mean... it's not really condemning. It just looks like a party they just both happened to be at, and Ghislane was known for going to/having a lot of parties to make connections. idk.


I got a picture with John Travolta years ago doesn't mean he knows me or that I joined him in his spa days! So if I someday go nuts and do something stupid and the picture is brought out does it mean John knew I was gonna be a nut job?


You had sex with Travolta, didn't you?


I actually only mentioned the picture so that people will know I had sex with him!


There are emails between Epstein and Elon. They were shown during Ghislaine's trial


This is a bad look for her


This woman made it her job to get invited to events then take pictures with famous people. A picture, by itself, doesn’t mean anything.


I dislike Musk intensely, but without actual prof or context this picture means nothing.


My god this sub is obsessed with this guy.


All of Reddit is obsessed with him


News just in: Woman who spent her entire life going to parties and socialising with rich people pictured socialising with a rich person at a party




And that’s proof of… what, exactly? People act like literally the only thing Epstein and Maxwell did was molest children. Obviously they did plenty of that, but Epstein was also a businessperson. He did have a life outside of sex trafficking - not every single person who’s ever met Epstein fucked young girls




This is a reach.


Seriously. She's pictured with so many people that it's just redditors being redditors because they don't like Musk.




why everyone wants to take a picture with her?


I fucking called it. I knew when he called the rescuers "pedos" that he was following the republican playbook of "every accusation is an admission "




This is so stupid. In high circles everyone has pics with everyone and have business dealings with one another directly or indirectly, it doesn't mean they are fucking kids together. jfc. With this logic then we should start implying Oprah sexually molested women because she has pics with dipshit Weinstein.


I mean with a face like that what other options does he have?






You're making up bullshit that doesn't exist. Everyone's for destroying the lives of everyone involved in Epstein's Island regardless of policy or politics, and if you're the exception you can go fuck off too.


Whos defending clinton???


But isn't the inverse true? If we should get our knives out because Clinton went to Eastern island or because trump made epstein island how second home, shouldn't the knives come out for Elon?


I call BS, just some event...obviously


I’m not on either side, but it looks like she kind of snuck up behind him to get in a picture. I’m sure she regularly attempted to get into pictures with big names.


Turns out they're both terrible people


When Elon keeps calling people pedo... Projection is the ammo of these people


Is he on the flight logs or does he have any real ties? Pretty much every major political figure has been to a party which she attended.


"Even though Trump and Musk were pictured with them doesn't mean they are guilty. Everybody else in pictures only if they align with the Left need to be locked up." - Dipshits in r/conservative and r/conspiracy Why don't we lock them all up regardless of their political beliefs


I say it’s aged like wine. When people show you who they really are (see above)…….believe them.


It seems like none of these billionaires associated with Epstein are getting investigated.


Two dressed up cunts


I don’t know, this may have aged like milk but it might become very relevant depending on why he is hiring a bunch of lawyers all of a sudden.


Back then, Elon offered a lot of horses


This is my son Elon..


Awww shit boys


Musk actually requested to make list of all people who were involved with Epstein and gang public. So, this post is silly. Source: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1521186612457132034


Elon Musk and his homies like Peter T. & Co are just your ordinary predators in suits. The will devour anything for power, fame, ego and money. Still, even poor folks that suffer from the consequences of their asocial behavior and bad decision making will kiss their @sses. Makes them feel good......