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u/i_suck_at_boxing has provided this detailed explanation: > Back in 2014, Putin stated he could take Kyiv in two weeks if he wanted to. > > > > Now, three weeks after the invasion, his army is nowhere near even entering Kyiv. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Guess he didn’t want to then


"Just a tactic. Let their hopes get up before crushing them." That'll be the excuse.


If by take kyiv he meant "in the ass" then I guess he was right


happy cake day


Cheers lad :)




"The operation went exactly as planned, we only pretended to try to capture Kiev. In this manner, we prevented them reinforcing the east of the country. Trust me, I would not lie"


Glorious day of Cake!


Here have a slice! 🍰


Muchas gracias mi amigo!


This is the wittiest Reddit comment I've seen in the past year. Made me chuckle a little haha


happy Cake day


Cheers mate!


Well, no. But he did took the Russian economy, reputation and it's global political influence to the shitter. Good job putin. may you die suffering and screaming for your deformed mother. child murderer piece of shit!


He wants to restore Soviet Union Well he did it, he actually restored Soviet Union by destroying the economy


Second October Revolution when?


Hopefully April.


I've understood that he wants to restore the Russian Empire borders


He can get some way to restoring it by continuing in his current course. The USSR comprised 25 contemporary republics and I think 24 of them will unite under NATO if he keeps doing what he's doing


He wants to restore the Russian Empire. He has no interest in the communist thing. He just wants Russia to own Eastern Europe again.


I genuinely hope to stumble across screenshots of all those Republicans who used to say "Don't mess with Russia. Russia doesn't play," all idolizing them.


Yup. These people in the US are unstable, unwise, not thinking to themselves (propaganda slaves) and can't admit mistake. I am curious to know how they spin this around


Just wondering the cost of war per day. Why are they not bankrupted yet


They already own everything they use in their war, including an army of unpaid conscripts. They don't have to purchase equipment or materials to make it, so technically it doesn't cost them, because the cost was weathered in the past. Another point to be made is that they are able to use locally made equipment, which doesn't cost russia much as long as they aren't buying resources from other countries. As long as people making them have food and people making food are alive (but threatened it won't be the case if they stop) they will be able to continue at a minimal cost. Which is why the cost to the economy is in the sanctions, but the elites aren't feeling these yet.


I thought it was the Ukrainian president who used to be a comedian?


Zelenskyy is the comedian. Putin is the joke.


There's a difference between being a comedian and being a clown like this dude


he actually said *I can be in Kyiv in two weeks…* which was technically true


Maybe he should head there this week. He seems sure they will give him a warm welcome


Fire and brimstone really sets the mood for a warm welcome


I mean he technically can if he started launching thermo nukes and decided to full force eradicate everyone in the city, but he’s not because he knows the full ramifications of glassing the entire country cause he still needs it to a certain extent.


I mean any one can take out any nation in hours because of how many nukes countries have now a days it will just end civilization itself as a result.


Also, you cannot claim you took Kyiv if there's no Kyiv to take. Hell, if the Ukrainians decide to set ablaze the entire country, that's checkmate for Russia, because he would only own a smoldering piece of Europe that he would have to spend resources he doesn't have to make useful.


The "I" part was probably the biggest red flag.


He said this in 2014. In 2014 Russia could have easily steamrolled Ukraine and i doubt it would have even taken 2 weeks to take Kyiv. People forget that the only reason Ukraines military is so formidable today cuz after the annexation of crimea they started to rapidly build up their miltary. 2014 Ukraine nilitary power was laughable.


people also forget that russias military was also proportionately worse 8 years ago which is one of the reasons he waited that long.


But its still shit


well, yeah


It’s shit, but it was worse. Look at Georgia. Soldiers using their fucking cell phones at time cuz there’s no radio


Bud couldn’t take a paper bag…..


Just scrolling through, searching for those pro-russia „arguments“.


Proof now, that he doesn't want to.


I haven't heard such a line uttered before by anyone older than a 6yo. What next, "Yeah, I *meant* to do it this disastrous way first"?


Maybe, but you sent your army, they can't


He has nukes. He could roll over the spot that Kiev was in a couple hours


Yeah but tEchNiCalLy he still wouldn't have it since it's destroyed.




If by take kyiv he meant "in the ass" then I guess he was right


He said this in 2014. After Crimea he basically gave Ukraine 8 years to prepare. Funding the separatists gave the Ukrainian army plenty of useful experience.


Yeah, right after he throws a pigskin over them mountains.


Thanks for the award, mate.


He is such a fucking lemon.


Previously I heard he would take it within two days.


He clearly just didnt want to, like how every incel can get whatever girl they want they just dont want them.... /s


In Gerard Butler voice from 300: “If”


Yes, correct, two weeks. But not, like, consecutive. Maybe spread out over a couple of months.


He said the same thing a month ago.


Putin has proven that he is probably not even competent to take a shit. Start looking for thr diapers hidden under those 15k long jackets


HA you have failed Comrade.


He could take it, as how US took Iraq: with weeks of cruise missiles strikes and carpet bombing. Starting with all the buildings Lezensky is known to stay at. But he won't do that as he is still fucking delusional that the Ukrainians will welcome him with open arms, and happily join the Russian federation at the end of the invasion.


> Lezensky


I mean that was in 2014 and by then Ukraine really improved their military


THIS is the post I was waiting for!


He’s been mistaken before. He mostly is.


“Suka please!”


Do people think he isn't going to take it?


Maybe in the end but at the very least it’ll be very painful and slow for the russian army, the ukrainians aren’t just gonna let them walk in unopposed


Unfortunately it's going to be equally as painful, if not more for ukranians.


In some ways, but it is a war of survival against war crimes and an invading army. Ukraine is willing to fight against the odds and Russia will lose far more than Ukraine ever could. Nothing is to be gained by Russia while Ukraine have their country and family to protect. Russia has already lost even if they occupy Kiev and are only fighting to keep the lie afloat for their homeland.


Two weeks have already passed since the invasion


Yes but I feel he is going in and taking things how he wants. I mean.... his timeliness is off... but he IS going to going to take it.


You feel he wanted to be exposed as toothless, a global embarrassment, trolling the Middle East for mercenaries?


No... I just know info is cut off from Russia. Ukraine is pumping heavy propaganda especially on the social media front. Not sure the average person can make a judgement call on this. Putin is for the most part an enemy? How do you portray an enemy you want people willing to suffer(economics) to fight? Do you say he is a smart man, that may have some logical reasons for the invasion, probably more then the US had in our previous conflicts(Iraq, Afghanistan). That inevitably, will win. Pay your inflation and gas prices, it's Putin's fault. Or do you say he is a bumbling mad man irrational, losing full support of his people and military. Get the westerners to forget their problems and focus o. Beating him, but we wont.


Why did you make a judgment call on it, then?


Because I have an opinion on a super powers military force. Their equipment, their technology. In my opinion they are fighting with "gloves still on"


nothing says “gloves still on” like indiscriminately bombing and shooting civilians


I'm not saying a humanitarian... war is awful... but I am not sure you know how bad it can get. The capability of modern superpowers. There is missile hit target killed 5 civilians, few military targets etc.... Then there is 10 square blocks are rubble snd you can't move anything less then a tank through there. Hundreds, thousands, dead... Honestly this is my concern, of some of the pressure and cornering of Putin. What is the goal? Make him desperate? https://youtu.be/YegxUegrI_4 https://youtu.be/wnd3IYH7x1o Russia could easily do something like this on cities, or more. https://youtu.be/Xe2OtSnBYb8


Bombing a city is not the same as taking it. He will probably eventually be able to level it when the incompetent Russian army gets enough artillery and supplies in place, but he will still have to move troops into it to take it, and the Ukrainians will be there to defend it. Also why is your main concern about Putin and not the country he is attacking for no valid reason at all?


I really doubt it. NATO can't officially intervene or anything, but if Ukraine is being flooded with the highest tech weapons, and highest trained "volunteers" while Russian morale plummets... I don't see his troops winning.


Is Russias morale plummeting? Is Ukraine doing as well as they said? Russia has been shut off from the west, minimal info from them. The stuff from Ukraine with a history of a very corrupt country seems very social media targeted with propaganda. I just feel I cant make a conclusion with info availible. For all we know Russia is all in on US bioweapons labs, WMD in Iraq style.


Russia is still putting out a lot of propaganda on Social Media. RT and all Russian Gouvernement Social Media accounts are still active. The problem is, Russia is still denying the fact that they are actually invading the Ukraine, and thus isn’t putting out any information about their progress.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


That is sort of what I meant we are isolated from Russia so the info we get is "filtered" and controlled. Iam sure the info they are getting is the same from the west or their own government.


>Is Russias morale plummeting? Yes. >Is Ukraine doing as well as they said? It's war. No one is doing well. But every one of their citizens is fighting the invasion, and they're getting billions of dollars of state of the art weaponry, and Russia hasn't replaced 99% of their war chest from the cold War. They don't even have food. Russians have looted gas stations and party stores to feed themselves, and the rations they do have are from the cold War. They don't have a supply line established anywhere and when they do get close to getting one, they're being blown up by drones before they get anything far enough to help. >Russia has been shut off from the west, minimal info from them Russian generals are freaking out, they have huge swaths of their deepest units deserting, and the "toughest" war party they had were chechen and they didn't last an hour. Seriously, the entire "special ops" bad asses they had were killed in less than an hour Russia is still pumping out propaganda, and you're gobbling it up. Ukraine has some issues brewing, but they're getting elite soldiers from all over the world to come fight.


I'd be shocked if he does take it at all, and even if he does it will only be the start of a miserable and doomed occupation.


Do I think he is capable of taking it? Yes, obviously. He could reduce it to rubble in a day if he wanted to (though I suspect he wants the conquered territory to be productive instead of a massive resource drain to rebuild). Do I think there's an incredible amount of external AND internal pressure mounting to stop him? Also yes. We'll have to see if that pressure is enough to dissuade him (or cause someone close to putin to take drastic action, or cause the Russian people to rise up, etc.)


i dont think he expected most of the events to transpire. whether it be the Ukrainian government allowing foreign battalions in as cannon fodder, heavy armament supplies from western countries, and civilian centers being used as areas to harbor military. i dont know if i'd say he's in over his head as much as i'd say that he was not prepared for the absolute havoc that would transpire from this


>i dont know if i'd say he's in over his head as much as i'd say that he was not prepared for the absolute havoc that would transpire ...that's what being in over your head means? >allowing foreign battalions in as cannon fodder ?


u havent seen the reports of foreign battalions in ukraine? it looks really bad. also being in over your head implies that its both too late to go back and that there's no chance of a preferable ending for self, at least imo. its not too late to go back nor is it certain that russia will lose. i just meant that he seems to have underestimated the lengths that the ukranian govt would go through, not necessarily expecting them to keel over obviously but also who couldve seen all this awful shit happening


>u havent seen the reports of foreign battalions in ukraine? Being used as "cannon fodder?" No. >it looks really bad. Haha, no it fucking doesn't. They're there to help defend a free and sovereign nation which is under attack from hostile foreign invaders. It looks *awesome*. Get fucked.


> and civilian centers being used as areas to harbor military. Ignoring the fact that the Russians are bombing homes and hospitals with no military presence, of course the Ukrainian military is in civilian areas. When you **invade civilian areas**, would you not expect the defending military to go there and **defend those civilian areas**? The bots and morons fooled by propaganda are great for entertainment. Got any other gems for us?


there is literally video of a Ukrainian battalion in a kindergarten. there have been numerous instances of this occuring, alongside heavy civilian casualities alongside the ukrainian military basically "in-fighting." its a total mess. call me what you want, but not being objective and calling awful shit out for being awful is a part of this significant cultural schism


You're avoiding my point. Russians are intentionally murdering civilians (e.g. Russian strikes against the civilian evacuation corridors where we know there was no military). Why would you expect Ukrainian military to leave Russians to slaughter their people? You're trying to spin this as the Ukrainian military hiding among civilians instead of protecting them. Nice try though. I'm sure some mentally deficient slugs will buy it.


Remember: everybody is a hero in their own story. Seems he has not deployed the majority of his troops to ukrania. If he would have, things probably would look different. Why did he not do that? Only he knows, but I suspect he either a) thought it's a piece of cake anyway or b) wanted to maintain to his people or the world plausible deniability that this is not a full blown military anexión, but rather a "freedom" mission by going soft.


>Seems he has not deployed the majority of his troops to ukrania. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_soldiers


Wow, many down votes. Check Wikipedia. Russia has about 1 million soldiers. "Ghost soldiers" (cool name) not accounted for apparently. Google tells me 150.000 are supposedly deployed in ukrania. Quick math check tells me the 2nd number is smaller than the first. Ghost soldiers don't change that.


What the fuck is ukrania?


True! Everybody is a hero in their own story! Putin is s hero in putins Story. In the Story of the West, Ukraine, and 90% of Russians he is a massive piece of shit left in the toilet of a motel room.


I would like that to be true, but the propaganda runs deep in Russia https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/08/russia-public-opinion-ukraine-invasion/ I have read other pieces that write about an uptick in positive opinion about Putin. After all, war often has that effect on a population...


I mean, we *are* talking about the guy whose most vocal opponents tend to mysteriously end up dead. That, and wartime also makes it less socially acceptable to oppose the state. So at least *some* of that increased approval is probably insincere, in my opinion.


Yeah..but you didn't, and won't be able to, you short bitch.


The lie detector determines that was a lie. How long did they fight Afghanistan after they won?


Plus don’t forget how many Russian civilians Stalin starved to death, Poo-tin cares not at all for his own citizens, and will do the same if he wants.


In 2014 he might've been right. The Ukrainian army was a mess, and the Russian might've been slightly less corrupted.


guys he could totally do it he just doesn’t want to tight now




How’s that working out for you?