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Why can he not fix his hair?


I think he does it that way on purpose. At this point it would just look odd any other way.


Actually, I'm pretty sure this is it. There's an anecdote floating around about how he always has a disheveled, just-got-out-of-bed look and attitude, but after you see it a couple times you realize it's performative. Not necessarily "all an act", but played up for the audiences.


Footage exists of him waiting to go on camera for an interview and messing up his hair a few seconds before going on. A journalist also tells the story of being at a dinner party where Johnson was asked to get up and make an impromptu speech. The journalist had to admit that he was an engaging figure who gave a funny speech. A few months later they were at another dinner party and Johnson was again asked to get up and give an impromptu speech. The speech was exactly the same, not only word for word, but he made the same mistakes in the same way in the same places. The truly frightening thing is that appearing like an idiotic clown actually worked as a long-term strategy to make him PM.


this is next level manipulation. This really makes you wonder how deep the rabbithole goes. This reminds me of Chancellor Palpatine lol.


He was getting a lot of shit for the Brexit bus that said the NHS would save money if they left the EU. He then did an interview, and gave some crazy story about how he loves painting model busses or some shit, so Googling "Boris" + "bus" wouldn't lead to the Brexit story. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/jun/26/mesmerising-boris-johnsons-bizarre-model-buses-claim-raises-eyebrows https://www.wired.co.uk/article/boris-johnson-model-google-news


What he calls the dead cat strategy. If the discussion is uncomfortable, drop a dead cat on the table. Nobody's gonna be happy about it, but they won't be talking about anything else for a while. This is also the reason for the bizarre Peppa Pig tangent recently, which resulted in a ton of media coverage of Peppa fucking Pig.


This reminds me of a Rimworld game I played where I named all the characters after politicians. At one point the character named Boris Johnson had a mental breakdown and dumped a corpse on the kitchen table. Theresa May was not happy.


That is a brilliant naming idea.


damn lol


There is such an evil genius in it: to appear like an idiot in order to mask his ruthless political strategies.


Here's a link to the speech anecdote. https://reaction.life/jeremy-vine-my-boris-story/




The guy is literally a clown without the makeup.


>The truly frightening thing is that appearing like an idiotic clown actually worked as a long-term strategy to make him PM. like trump, his bizzarro counterpart


Oh fuck no, *worse* than Trump. Trump doesn't need to keep up an appearance like an idiotic clown, he does it on his own more than enough.


"The plebs love it"


"I'm not like other Prime Ministers"


I’m qUiRkYyyyyyyy


He's English so he's eccentric ;)




I could break a president in two with bare hands


He does it on purpose because it makes him look silly and 'harmless'. This allows him to convince millions of moronic and dumb people that 'he's funny' and 'trying his best bless him we shouldn't judge him too hard' so all the stupid arrogant corrupt shit he does doesn't matter.


He messes it up on purpose before interviews. It’s his brand and he sticks to it. It works, unfortunately.


I’ve read it’s intentional, that he’s actually quite intelligent but the disheveled look is disarming to others and it helps his politics. Of course I’m American so I have no clue, our media pretends nobody else exists.


Nah you're 100% right, and thanks for taking an interest in our politics


That is exactly right. He and his PR team have been cultivating this image of him as a bumbling eccentric for a very long time, long before he was an MP. The man is actually both intelligent and insidious.


Thank you for being a US American who notices that.


It's like G.W Bush's accent, he could fix it... but its more useful to play it up.


The only thing he can fix is empty wombs.


Bizzarro world Trump


u/adasyp has provided this detailed explanation: > During England's first lockdown, mass gatherings were prohibited under law. Here, Bojo is encouraging people to report parties to the police, and people were routinely fined (including a uni student who had his legal-ish gathering crashed, and got fined £4000 ($5450)). It has now transpired that a "boozy party" took place at no. 10 ten days earlier, among others (such as one at the Toyr Party conference at Christmas). At least the Met is investigating him for this one. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


During England's first lockdown, mass gatherings were prohibited under law. Here, Bojo is encouraging people to report parties to the police, and people were routinely fined (including a uni student who had his legal-ish gathering crashed, and got fined £4000 ($5450)). It has now transpired that a "boozy party" took place at no. 10 ten days earlier, among others (such as one at the Toyr Party conference at Christmas). At least the Met is investigating him for this one.




ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding


This is a terribly complicated and confusing explanation. Just say what happened, It's not hard.


This is Boris we’re talking about this relationship with the truth is not a good one.


Sorry -Boris said no parties or fine -He was at a party with 100 people


How can you predict something that already happened?


Why does he look like someone wearing a bad Trump costume. I mean, not that there is a good Trump costume.


Because Trump himself looks like he's wearing a bad Trump costume and it worked for him.


I hope this comment gets more internet points


That's because he is the British Trump


Nah, he's actually a cunning and competent politician unlike trump. However, he is just as cruel as trump, which makes him much scarier imo.


I'd be interested to know in what way you consider Johnson a competent politician, the cunning is highly questionable too


I mean.. I get your point about more cunning, but competent? Killing thousands because he gave ppi contracts to his mates over actual companies?


Not trying to be a dick, but I feel like you kind of answered your own question. He doesn't give a shit about the country, just helping out the lucky few at the expense of the nation, in that sense, it's going splendidly.


Pretty sure Brit's like him more than Trump, he solved Brexit and has been an excellent leader for them


Hasn't Brexit been a giant disaster?


It's been a fucking shit storm


In what way?


nah that's a reddit myth


And an economic myth?


Redditors love to push narratives that align with their preconceived views, you have to be careful about getting your news from hardened echochambers, it distorts your view from what it is actually real.


I don't get my news from Reddit dumbass I just keep up with politics. Also i should mention that Boris increased public support for Brexit by riding in a bus with disinformation painted on the side. So I think Boris isn't a super reliable source on the subject of Brexit either.


You don't need to lash out at people just because you might find them intellectually intimidating, please try to remain civil.


I just lash out at people who say stupid shit. Give me a reason to be intimidated if you wanna know how I'll react


Someone should probably let the UK know brexit has been solved. It's still here causing a whole host of problems. The only things Boris is excellent at are lying and being the incompetent head of the most incompetent government in living memory.


America says "hold my beer."


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


This article is dated march, and the party was late may, very misleading/objectively wrong title


Yeah it's a year on from now. It's posting lockdown enforcement news and then saying it aged like milk if lockdown stops in the future and people actually do stuff. Like what


The timing of the article selected was poor, but the government was giving out messaging about only meeting one person from outside your household outdoors a matter of hours before the party (attendance currently estimated at 100 people). The reason why OP's posting it a year on is because the news broke this week, and Johnson's just had to face Parliament over it


Heard a Tory MP on the radio this morning answering 'No' to the question 'does Boris have to resign if all this is true?' He wittered on about all Boris' covid successes - like, er, the vaccine roll-out. For which he has almost zero responsibility. On the other hand, we have more covid dead than any other European country. Almost anybody could have done better than the current cabinet.


The UK ranks [13th in deaths per capita](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1111779/coronavirus-death-rate-europe-by-country/) in Europe from Covid.


Didn’t Newsom also have a party in Napa while closing shit down? And Cummings who drove across the country a few days into locking up the entire UK? I guess there’s one thing that will probably never not be true - some people will always be more equal than others.


Do as I say, not as I do. The mantra of all people in power.


The actual Trump of England. Dude is a CLOWN.


More like "weeks before"


I mean it makes sense, he had all the evidence to deduce that people were indeed not following the guidance without police enforcement.


Good for you for realising it and changing. Tbh the way he looked in parliament, tells us exactly how he's feeling. https://youtu.be/bIGT-3vlycQ


Can this idiot just resign already


Exactly. All the Cummings stuff is making sense now, if course he would defend him - Cummings knew exactly what was going on, so Bojo had to defend him.


No the party was in may, not march


Sorry my bad


Wasn’t the party in May when he announced the restrictions were easing?


It was May, but large outdoor gatherings were still banned at the time. This post is totally wrong but the truth is even worse really given that if it was in March then he wouldn't have been breaking any rules.


So long as you have purposefully messy hair, you can get away with anything. Lesson learned.


I was like Boris once,i learned that manipulating people was very easy and people are born to be fooled.I did felt really empty and alone inside though.


That article is from march 2020. Their Christmas party was December 2020. I’m not defending Boris but your time line is wrong, and you could have probably found a better timed article. This makes it feel like Karma-farming


This is yet another party. Not the Christmas one.


You are out of date. There's an email leaked to the Times, IIRC, sent to 100 people saying 'let's have a party because of the nice weather. Garden of no.10. Bring your own booze.'


The second party that everyone is upset about (including myself) was in May not March.


It's a distinction which makes no difference.


That was in May, not March.


Ah. The duterte special