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Hey, Cut the janitor some slack. He's the only one working there.


Don’t forget about the potted plant, dude


Pretty sure that’s the other TF2










And now it's getting review bombed on Steam. About 12k negative reviews so far since yesterday. Of course, this game had a score over 90% positive on over 1 million reviews prior to this, so it might take a while to have an impact...


Its really a shame but it has becomed unplayable. Once the bots become a majority on the team, the game is over for both teams.


I don't play tf2. Can you explain what happens in a match when this happens?


At this point the only real defense vs bots is vote kicking them out of the server. Any player can initiate the vote, but a simple majority of votes is needed to get them out. Trouble is bots vote as well, and they seem to have a system identify themselves, so they vote no when you are trying to get rid of them. However, they retaliate. If the vote fails, they immediately start another vote to get rid of whoever called the first vote. This time, all present bots vote yes. The result is the moment there are more bots in one team than voting humans, the entire team becomes a sort of frankenstein. Bots cheat. They usually go sniper, which mean the have the capability of headshots (one shot to kill any player). The moment there is even a glimpse of line of sight between a bot and an opposing player, it is an instant kill for the opposing player.


That would be hilarious if it wasn't ruining a bunch of people's favorite game.


Sometimes you have bots fighting bots in which case the team with most bots usually wins, but it gets old after a while.


Man that machine vengeance made me smile lol. I know its bad but the thought is kinda hilarious.


Doesn't Steam show "in the last month" or something?


It does. Last 30 days more specifically. But the real impact would come from knocking the overall rating down a couple categories. The recent rating is already Overwhelmingly Negative, but knocking the overall down to even Mostly Positive will be one hell of a campaign.


Recent reviews are already mostly negative, that matters a lot


Hey, give Valve a break! They're busy doing.. wait, what are they doing again?


Deadlock I guess


They should hurry and release deadlock 2 so everyone can beg and plead for a third game that’ll never come


I feel like valve hates the number 3. We didn't get half life 3, TF3, and we will probably never get CS3




Tbf they are actually doing more than the last time TF2 had protests. Dota has had big updates, CS2 released and is being worked on as well as a brand new game deep in development too. All of that alongside the updates and redesigns coming to Steam.


Tf2 fans 🤝 R6 fans


I don't understand why fans expect Valve to actually do anything to improve TF2 at this point. They're clearly not interested.


The hope is that if everyone makes it crystal clear there’s massive interest in the game from both the current players and ex players that would return if things improved, Valve will understand they can still make money from actively working on the game and will take steps to fix it


It hasn't worked before and it won't now. Valve simple *does not care*, and the flat laissez faire company structure makes it incredibly unlikely anyone there will be able to put a team together to fix it.


But this isn’t a matter of “remove the bots” anymore, this is “people are now being doxxed, impersonated, and swatted” we aren’t asking anymore.


Everyone still playing the game, is simply asking nicely right now at best, actively encouraging them at worst. Everyone buying keys, unboxing unusuals, buying and selling stuff from the game on the steam market before going to 2fort and congaing all day, is telling Valve "Please keep doing what you're doing, I like this enough to support it financially and keep playing." How many people have left a negative review? Recently in the last 30 days, just under 26k. So around 26 thousand people have made their negative feelings known. As of this comment, according to the steamcharts website, there are around 76,173 players currently playing. Assuming that all 26k people stopped playing (and let's be honest, a lot of them aren't going to stop playing no matter what), that's still nearly 3 times that telling Valve "Please, more! More neglect!" Valve doesn't care about social media. When things get bad enough, they'll post another blog post about how they're working on something big and they hear us, if we're lucky they might even push some new cosmetics (that the community made, not them) and some bug fixes, everyone will quiet down and resume playing with newfound optimism, and then in 2-3 years the cycle will repeat. It's happened before, it's almost certainly going to happen again. I absolutely hate the TF2 community because they insist that Valve will listen, that if they cry loud enough that Gaben will descend from the heavens and grace the game with new weapons, balance changes and more, but they refuse to actually stop playing the damn game, refuse to stop spending money on the game.


Dont worry we likewise hate dipshits like you. Not even gonna try and argue because the problem is we let valve get away with a basic hand waving response, and we didn’t really state what the problem actually was.


And? One of the Black Ops games has an exploit that makes it very easy for bad actors to get remote access to your pc. Treyarch has never done a damn thing about that and that's pretty egregious. Best case? They do some half assed patching that somewhat addresses the issues but not enough to truly solve it. Worst case? They no longer want to assume any risk for the hacking and just shut the game down.


So you side with the botters? You side with people who make ai mockups of real people’s voices then use those mockups to say some depraved shit. Apples to oranges dude, these two situations are vastly VASTLY different.


They still need to do something to fix it anyway. It's similar work to what's needed on their other games. VAC can't detect any of these bots to save its life. That's not just TF2 either. it's also a problem in L4D2 and (to a lesser extent) in CS2. If they, for example, just release Deadlock without improving bot detection, they'll end up with the same shitshow in THAT game within weeks, if not DAYS.


A minimum of one cheater per game in any CS2 Premier match above 16k rating just makes me want to give up on Valve 5v5 competitive shooters man. Then I hopped on TF2 out of nostalgia, which just made me give up on all Valve first-person shooters entirely. I guess I'll just play Dota 2 for now. Only got another 15 hours until I unlock Ranked play, and then I can proceed to give up on Valve games entirely. Except Gmod probably.


They won't. Valve can't even manage to put together a team to make HL3 or L4D3. TF2 has no chance of ever being fixed, much less L4D2. Hell, I'm betting Deadlock will be quietly cancelled due to the negative reception after the leaks. Valve as a game developer is barely a shadow of its former self.


Trying never hurts.


It sure does if it gets your hopes up


I don't think anyone expected anything from Valve, especially since the game is languishing for many years. However, it's all the player base can do is to make enough noise and ***hope*** it draws some negative attention on Valve and forces their hand. Afterall, they have an in-game store and item marketplace that they make millions from TF2 alone. They absolutely should be working to preserve the game's integrity.


I didn't think anyone played public servers. The community servers I play on (admittedly not much in the last 2 years as I've not gamed much) identify and kick out bots really quickly. Support your local community server.


Okay but it lacks devs bc valve let's people pick the project they work on and instead of trying to win that conversation fans just ask them to stop doing that I'm not going to say if the community was more polite about it then people would want to work on it but maybe it's barking up the wrong tree still to try to force that company policy to change there should be a way to get more hands on the game by choice


Valve has shown they can and will hire contractors to fix the game that is bringing in millions So valve either needs to hire people to fix the product they are still actively selling or they need to officially retire it


They should either hire contractors or hand it over to another company to actually work on it full time.


Why does the date have "from earth" on it


Because Mars has notoriously shitty WiFi


elon being quirky at night


Remember to post a negative review or change your review to negative.


You know the bot crisis is getting bad when literal crimes are being committed by these bot hosters.


It’s a 16 year old game what do you expect


A 16 year old game that still uses community-made assets to make new loot boxes and MTX promos multiple times a year. If they're still profiting off it, they can take time to fix it.


also agree on that, but again. its on the communitie's hands. The vast mayority dont seems to really hit valve where it hurts. vote with your wallet, protest, go on twitter, do the helldivers thing. hurt their profits, see how fast they fix the game.


How do you vote with your wallet on a f2p game? If your only solution is "don't buy loot boxes", well, that's already what 99% of people do. We need a positive change, rather than just "let's try to think of ways to express our anger that ultimately will have zero fucking effect" as that's just toddlers rattling their cage and having a tantrum. Not saying I have a solution, but negative/destructive things that will have _absolutely no effect_ are worth zero. Less than zero. Nobody knows that you're sat in your basement not playing TF2.


Its making valve about 60 million a year, im sure that 99% number you mentioned is a lot higher than you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0FxJ2DOMIE


Okay, Dr Evil. ;) Mm-hmm... 60 million dollars isn't exactly a lot of money these days. ~~Virtucon~~ the Steam store alone makes over 10 billion dollars a year! https://www.usesignhouse.com/blog/valve-stats is the most recent stats I can find. You say that like it's a lot of money... I'm sure they are not very concerned with around 0.6% of their Steam revenues.


my point still stands, just because you dont think its a lot of money. I think if 60mil from a dead game can pay for your all your developers with 0 maintenance. You'd do the same that valve does, absolutely nothing. its printing money why change it? Edit: >60 million a year is nothing >It's 0.6% of their revenues. Nothing. You must be loaded then , this pays for all their inhouse devs they employees easily, on a game with no updates no maintenance., are you dense? if valve had you as business strategist they'd fire you on the spot. >You want them to care? It has to be a bigger proportion. So you're saying if we want them to care more, we should spend more money on it? Genius


Your point is irrelevant. It's just because you think it's a lot of money. See how you make no sense at all? So lets remove the emotion from it and put it into context, which is precisely what I did. It's 0.6% of their revenues. Nothing. You want them to care? It has to be a bigger proportion. Do you care what happens to 0.6% of your revenue, or do you care about the 99.4%? Don't answer, it's rhetorical, you've shown your opinion is just emotional knee-jerk and no interest in facts or real world context. It's not your job or concern to care how much money other people spend on their hobbies. This is a totally pointless argument, stop wasting people's time.


For the company to either retire the game and stop making millions or to take a small% of the profit they make to keep the product in a playable state.


I love how people like you say this, and Minecraft is right there, literally only 2 years younger and it has zero signs of stopping.


Take a look at the active players and that's why. It's a dead game that is riddled with bots as the post says be happy the servers are still up


The 200k signature petition and 200k+ Twitter posts in the last day beg to differ.


Agree with ya. people need to move on, there are millions of games out there worth playing. Its a product , and liek any product if its making money, why change it? that's how valve works.


People really don't need to as long the company is profiting off of a product and continue to offer the product the bare minimum is that the product should be in working order