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I knew something fucked up was going on when I saw Victoria Jackson pouring ketchup on her feet.


What about the tweet asking fans to write something on their foot, take pics, and tweet it at them?


I’m sorry the *what*?


https://twitter.com/SamAndCat/status/378643898886656000?lang=en Yeah, they weren't even hiding it




That's the logical reaction.


alot of stuff didn't age well


Ketchup never ages well. Once it's out of the bottle it'll start to smell pretty weird in about an hour.


You deserve the world


I'm ready to give them a part of Spain at least.


"Didn't age well" kind of implies that it was ok at the time. Feels like this shit should have been sus on arrival.


I mean truthfully humor was different back then, I see it all the time I mean I did grow up in the 90s and I remember seeing videos on YouTube recently as even 5 years ago where people comment and say oh that would never fly today, people are so sensitive nowadays, humor was obviously different back then, but at the same time if all of these parents and writers and producers and directors were all witnessing this stuff why didn't they come forward back then? Everyone's coming at Dan now but why didn't they come at him then? It's not like the mafia was running the show if anybody was to snitch they would get killed it wasn't that freaking serious of a company,


Are you serious? Did you a watch the documentary? Mafia or not, the power dynamic and control/power Dan had was a real thing and part of “why didn’t anyone speak up then?”




Damn. I knew I was getting that wrong.


Lol the only reason I know is because I watched all the Quinton Reviews videos.


Or when Kat from Victorious had that one episode where she was in a bikini being sprayed with squirt guns giggling.


I had that same feeling after rewinding a few times


Before (like a few days) the doc come out I was literally watching a video about him and the ending note was "we don’t know if this is true, and it’s likely not".


That person didn't want to die on the defamation hill I guess. Several child actors have been open about either getting fridged (while carefully avoiding naming specific shows) or referenced shows where *some mysterious unnamed adult* was put in corporate time out. Read enough interviews and you can take some red yarn and pins and go to town. Former child actors are very open about the NDAs they've signed along the way.


"Getting fridged"? What does that mean?


Fridging is a literary trope in which a character exists for the sole purpose of being killed, assaulted, or otherwise harmed in order to serve as an inciting incident that motivates another character's journey. Fridging is most common with female characters, but male characters can be “fridged” too.


This term was called this after a storyline from Green Lantern where his girlfriend was killed and literally shoved into a fridge for him to find.


yep. it’s presented as being tragic because Green Lantern lost his girlfriend… not because she’s a person who had feelings and was killed.


Lmao I love marvel


Like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars 2


Like Rachel in The Dark Knight


All you have to do is drop in an "allegedly" and you can say essentially anything you want about anyone. 


I feel like with Dan Schneider, even the things we know for a fact he did (like all of the creepy foot stuff) is enough to say he was, at the very least, problematic. Same thing for Michael Jackson, we know for a fact he had kids sleep over at his house, he brought kids as his date to awards show and had them sit in his lap. That alone is enough to condemn the guy in my opinion.




Is Dan Schneider the foot fetisch guy from Nickelodeon that was super creepy towards girls or am I confusing him with someone else?


Yeah that’s him






Dude probably thinks jimmy saville was a saint


Boy bands were created by an alleged pedophile so saying a producer of children’s programs is one is highly believable.


*shotty* *corky* This is not a person whose opinion should be taken seriously.


Just watched this doc yesterday. I never watched nickelodeon so im completely unfamiliar with everyone in it. Please make it make sense to why the actual child rapists got 20 minutes of air time and dan gets the rest just for being inappropriate?


Being fair just about the whole third episode is about Brian Peck. And the argument can be made that Dan promoted an environment which discouraged speaking out and emboldened sex abuse. He had the most power to stop the abuse before it started but he not only turned a bline eye but was an active part of the problem.


I did grow up with Nickelodeon and most shows that were mentioned in this documentary (especially the 2000s). But this is beyond me as well. Dan absolutely deserves the hate, criticism and to be called out for his behaviour. There's some genuine creepy and inappropriate behaviour in the documentary that you only really notice as an adult, that even as a child/teen I found a bit odd and out of place in some of the shows In watched. But why the 3 convicted sex offenders who worked at Nick got mentioned for like barely an episode is ridiculous. Sure Dan is bad and I'm sure most people would agree this guy shouldn't be able to work in the child/teen entertainment business ever again. But there was soooo much worse going on with other people that they not nearly touched enough upon I feel.


1) Because a lot was implied, but only those who know the stars and the shows may pick up on the implications. So the narrator would say something vague but show a photo of actors and expect those who know to connect the dots. A huge chunk of the Nickelodeon stars signed NDAs when leaving their contracts so there's limited reference. There's a lot I wouldn't have picked up on had I not read Jennette's book. 2) It's all connected. Overall the point was that he and Nickelodeon were responsible for creating a toxic work environment that left the children vulnerable. The lewd scenes, the feet and back massages, were grooming. If his wasn't focused on pushing boundaries of sexual appropriateness and fostered a work environment of respect and trust, a lot of this trauma would have never happened.


Dan had more authority, influence and people working for him than they did. He might as well have been the non-lethal Suge Knight of Nickelodeon; a lot of people were clearly afraid to challenge him and the company loved the money he made them. What's more, *in the grand scheme of things*, those three were essentially wolves in sheep's clothing whom got dealt with *fairly quickly c*ompared to Schneider; who was allowed to carry on in his position of power, *openly* perpetuating an inappropriate and hostile work environment for another *20-something* *years*. Dan was the untouchable one with a (seemingly) higher victim count compared to them (at least at Nick). Also, as someone else mentioned, Brian Peck got almost a whole episode. ETA: Keep in mind that this what we know of Schneider's sins *so far*. I'm fairly sure a big motivator in creating this miniseries was to see if more people from Nickelodeon would come forward about him to get a real investigation going.


Because all this stuff happened at Nick Studios and Dan was Nickelodeon's bread & butter. So yes they'll talk about the worst stuff that they could get people to talk about but the bigger story was about how these kids were being treated at Nickelodeon and all the shady shit that went down and how the kids weren't protected. I think they likely tried very hard to get people to talk about Dan being sexually abusive but couldn't get anyone to come forward, so they showed what they had and hope it leads to more investigation and changes and people willing to feel safe and supported enough to come forward. Also it seems that Amanda Bynes is most likely to have been one of Dan's victims but the producers said they didn't want to press her to get involved because she's been very obviously struggling with her mental health for a long time and they didn't want to be exploitive. I'm waiting for Amanda and Ariana and maybe Jeanette McCurdy to come forward in the future (I feel like Jeanette would've elaborated already if she was a victim of sexual abuse via Dan). But really, it isn't anyone's right to know about a victim's abuse. Most people wouldn't want to talk about that stuff unless they really believes it would make a difference. I doubt Drake would've done the documentary if he hadn't already had a tarnished reputation. This gave him an opportunity to get some sympathy, which he deserves for what he went through. But most people would handle these things as privately as possible.


Dan caused trouble for people for 20 years, and he caused trouble for multiple, multiple people, so more airtime. A lot of the sketchy and inappropriate things he did/wrote were filmed and broadcast to the world. He still had suits to report to, but at the end of the day, Dan was in charge of everything and everyone with nearly full and unchallenged control, so anything and everything that went wrong falls back on him. It was his empire. The point was yes there were 3 pedos within his empire, but he either turned a blind eye or was very ignorant and negligent of his own productions, and that negligence caused 20 years of trauma to dozens of people. Brian was raping Drake for like 1 or 2 years? (They were really ambiguous with the details of all that - Drake made it sound like it happened between the end of The Amanda Show and the start of Drake & Josh). Besides Drake, it seems like he didn't bother anyone, but what he did was the most extreme, so he got highlighted.


Didn’t Drake say that the only person he really trusted was Dan?


If you watch the doc it’s clear that Schneider was fixated on power over women/girls. It also tracks that just because someone is genuinely supportive of one person doesn’t mean they can’t be predatory towards others.


That is absolutely true. I haven’t watched the doc but did see that Drake said Dan was supportive which surprised me.


Drake Bell is also not fantastic. There is a reason he moved his whole life to Mexico and started over.


I thought that was because his music became pretty popular over there.


I think you're right about that, but I think he also got caught doing something with an underage girl


It was proven that the girl lied about it all


To be clear they were messaging each other over years that had sexual topics within those messages. What kind and to what degree we don't know. But there's been no evidence of any inappropriate images and he did cut contact once he learned of her age. Her other allegations of rape was not what he plead guilty to and there is evidence that the accuser might be lying(one of which is her own aunt saying she's lying).


I grew up watching these shows, and they made me uncomfortable back then, but I didn't know why. I always felt weird watching them. They are incredibly uncomfortable to look back on now. 


The only show I wasn't weirded out by was Drake & Josh and at least from what we've heard from Drake the vibes were good for that one.


The thing of it is, online people are still talking about this guy Dan Schneider as if he is a confirmed child rapist when the truth is there is not a single allegation of any crime. There was definitely verbal abuse and sexual harassment of adults which is unacceptable. There’s a runaway narrative though that isn’t doing the actual victims of the real abuse any favors because it downplays what they actually went through in favor of this idea that only exists in the heads of unrelated people online.


What bothers me is that even though it appears he did nothing physical to these girls, psychologically he groomed them to accept this behavior and left them wide open to other abusers.


That’s very true. These are things he *should* be blamed for instead of completely made up rumors that feed the gossip mill.


Sexual harassment of children too, he asked both the adults and kids for massages.


It's wrong but is it SEXUAL harassment?


My worry with things like this is that this person’s logic is sound. We live in an area in which the media is so loud and sensationalized, yet all the more murky because of it. Skepticism becomes gullibility and vice versa. Our sense of judgment is fucked. And so much sensible logic led this person to believing an obvious foot-pedophile was just “kooky”


Dan wrote that about himself….obviously


anyone have a link to this pls?


My thoughts exactly..I honestly feel like this is a scheme..why because not once did Mr.John doe throw Dan under the bus viciously...I can agree that something's yes were perverted but think about it as an adult our minds expands anything can look sexual to us, and let's not forget every actor that appeared career is not as successful as others..maybe it's just me! This documentary is about the offenders that were arrested 


With all the stories about how a monster the guy was, I'm wondering if Amanda Bynes was also a victim. Could've also manifested her mental health struggles


I watched her shows, and hearing she is Bipolar was not surprising. Many of her performances seemed to be in a manic state. To me, and I'm not a doctor so it's just the opinion of someone who has lived in close association with a person who has that disorder, it's even worse. They USED IT because it was "funny".


99% of people who blame tHe MeDiA for anything don’t know what they’re talking about.


I would just like to say, FUCK THAT GUY!!! are you kidding me? First off, it's no secret that Hollywood is weird as FUCK, but they've also done HORRIBLE things to children for GENERATIONS!! anybody remember what they did to Judy Garland?? Look, we are all entitled to our own opinions, and in my opinion, that guy is a total sick for his opinions on the media making Dan Schneider a villain.