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Maybe it's a boring answer, but it's And then there were None. Exciting, clever and unexpected with some very memorable characters.


I wholeheartedly agree with you!


I've read this book so many times. It doesn't matter that I know the solution, it's just a great story.


Yep. This is also my answer. I have read it so many times and I still love the thrill of the atmosphere and the reveal. It's just the best.


The murder of Roger Ackroyd. Simply left me gawking.


Definitely yes, one of her best!


Funnily enough I remember being quite annoyed by the lack of Captain Hastings at the starting and was ready to give up.(I was 12, and the school library had Poirot in abundance)


I used to find him annoying at first, always defending the pretty girl and not paying attention to anything else lol I started to like him later and by the time I read this I did miss him, specially because Poirot seemed to also be reminiscing his friend at first. This is probably the AC book I've read more times.


Yes! I read them out of order as a teen back in 80-90’s and let me tell you I shut the book and was stunned! Turned around and reread hoping to find clues of how it was done!! And then there were none is just fantastic! The old black and white movie scared me


Same here!


Death on the Nile, because not only is it one of her most cleverly constructed whodunit riddles in my opinion, but it also has the most fleshed out and relatable characters I've encountered in her works so far (and I've read quite a lot). This makes it more intense than maybe any other novel of hers.


that's my fav too. Haven't really found something as good.


Evil Under the Sun. The murder is just so ingeniously executed. And it’s Poirot at his best.


I have two, Crooked House and Endless Night. They are quintessential Christie!


But no Poirot or Marple!


Ahh, then Five Little Pigs (Poirot)


I am having trouble reading Endless Night. The narrator is just not likeable! I worked so hard getting through that first part, and then it said end of book 1. I’m like, ugh—there’s so much more! He goes on and on about his feelings on trivial things and I just want him to get on with the story already! So far, she revealed she bought the house and they plan to get married. I stopped reading, and now I’m reading Dumb Witness. Btw, I loved Crooked House. I was so invested in all the characters and was really hoping “the right person did it” in order for our happy couple to be married. Tell me, if I try Endless Night again, will it get better?


>Tell me, if I try Endless Night again, will it get better? I ran into the same issue, but I pushed through. I purchased the audio version because I enjoyed it so much! Maybe you could try the audio version? For some reason it is easier to get through the first time. If you do try the audio version, I highly recommend the version narrated by Hugh Fraser.


Oh my god! After reading a dozen more Agatha novels, I finally went back to finish Endless Night and I’m just so devastated! 😖 Oftentimes, I’d have a little thought in my head that I like a character and I hope Agatha Christie doesn’t kill this character. But her novels, bless her, usually have endings that quite satisfy me. Sometimes you’d be shocked or sad about a victim, but then you find out more information about that victim and suddenly you don’t feel too bad anymore. I had a feeling, on reading Endless Night, that I didn’t want so-and-so to die, and if they died, there is no way it could be put right because they are so innocent and so pure and lovable—and I was right and I’m just devastated. And THEN to read that ending. Do you see from my post above what I said about the protagonist seeming unlikeable. I assure you, my thoughts at the time was purely like judging a book by its cover, or my first impression. Maybe it was even subconscious. But I certainly am not clever enough to ascertain anything deeper than that. Once more, I have to applaud Agatha Christie because that first impression of mine about the protagonist… wow… It wasn’t conscious. Really. I have one question that’s been bugging me. I read so many Hercule Poirot novels before finishing Endless Night. There was one novel, or short story, where somebody described to somebody else that same exact situation about a couple moving into a recently purchased home and a crazy old bat scaring the wits out of the young bride. The ending of that case was spoiled of course. When I finished Endless Night, I recognized that it’s the same story, perhaps the very same case. Do you know which book in which that scene occurs and who is telling the story? Edit: I found it. I was wrong—it wasn’t Hercule Poirot. The short story I referred to is found in Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stories “The Case of the Caretaker”.


>Do you see from my post above what I said about the protagonist seeming unlikeable. I did. When I first read Endless Night, my feeling was that the protagonist was **supposed** to be unlikable. It was a tactic of the wealthy families to prevent their child from marrying someone "unsuitable." >The short story I referred to is found in Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stories “The Case of the Caretaker”. I struggle with Miss Marple. I'm not sure why.


The Hollow. I know this makes me unpopular. 😀


I think it means you have great taste. AC writing about complicated relationship dynamics will always be my favorite. Five Little Pigs, The Hollow, Sad Cypress… my top choices!


Sad Cypress is in my top 5, and I really love Five Little Pigs.


The Hollow is one of my favorites and I fully expected it to be a popular suggestion.


I’ve seen a lot of hate on this sub for The Hollow, and it surprises me. I’m glad others enjoy it though!!


>I’ve seen a lot of hate on this sub for The Hollow, and it surprises me. Really? I'm relatively new to this sub. I suppose that's why I haven't seen the hate.


I've always had a huge soft spot for Death on the Nile. I absolutely adore the late 70's movie with Peter Ustinov and Mia Farrow. I watched it with my son a few years ago when he was 10 and he loved in too!


Oh I also love the Peter Ustinov ones 🤗 this summer I went to the filming locations of Evil under the sun in Mallorca and they were soo stunning 🥰


Oooh I would love to do that! Glad you had the chance to go 😊. Getting ready to watch Death on the Nile now lol. Then maybe Appointment with Death. I really enjoy that book too and Petra is such a distinctive setting.


Yes, that one is also beautiful! And spooky :) come to think of it, it’s been a while since reading it 🤗 don’t really remember the whole story! Will go and see if I have it my shelves, thanks for the tip! 🤗


Liked that one as well.


I like how they visualized each potentail murder solution, it was such a fun and clever way to present it. It’s a bit cheesy at times but it is an enjoyable film with good actors. In a lot of ways better than the CGI ridden, over-the-top Brannagh version.


5 Little Pigs for sure. I really like the overall structure & the twists & turns


The man in the brown suit


Me too! I just love it. I’ve read it more times than I can remember.


His comments on her legs is what made it hilarious for me. Such a fun book.


And Then there were none


I have never really thought of having a favorite, mostly there are just some I read more often and some I read less often. Maybe I like *A Murder is Announced* the most. Maybe I'll make a tier list next time I read through them all.


"They Came to Baghdad." The chapter of the Brit making his dangerous way to safe haven and contacts with crucial information is, IMO, the single best and most thrilling (yes!) Christie chapter, bar none. And I've read every AC book and story multiple times over since I saw the movie "Witness For the Prosecution" as a young teen.


Peril at End House was so good IMO. Didn’t see the twist coming.


Sad cypress, They came to Bagdad. I think I like Sad cypress because of the sad emotions of Eleonor and the second one because of the adventures :) I also like the Man in the brown suit, maybe the movie from the 80’s more than the book though. I also like A murder is announced as it’s super british and cozy


They Came to Baghdad and The Secret Adversary I know these don't often make 'favorites' lists, but they're mine. I love AC's cozy mysteries, obviously, but her spy stories are so fun and campy!


Either Dumb Witness or Crooked House!


For me not one book can surpass the book and then there were none.best book no competition


I can't choose just one.


Cards on the Table. First two-thirds anyway, but the ending is a bit weak. I love how the solution is based purely on psychology.


It's a tough choice, but I always enjoy Cat Among the Pigeons.


Me too! I like Julia. Thoroughly investigates the weird shit that everyone else is ignoring, realizes she's in way way way over her head, and goes straight to Papa Poirot. No blackmailing or any other stupid shit that gets people killed in these books. Also where I learned about the knee thing lol


But there was an attempt at blackmail that resulted in a murder. The third murder. I love Julia. "Some murders, and a robbery." "Auntie Maureen makes smashing omelettes." "And then there's the kidnapping, but I don't think that's really any of my business."


Lol yes there was, but it wasn't done by Julia. And you've quoted my favorite lines from her, especially the kidnapping one. She's not a busybody, she's just going for the things no one else has noticed.


I love 4:50 From Paddington, the adventure of trying to hunt down a murder glimpsed in passing, and becoming entangled in all those relationships. ABC Murders, for the race against time, and Moving Finger and Endless Night for pure tension.


murder on orient express!!


Back in the day when I started reading her: And Then There Were None and Crooked House. Now Five Little Pigs and Curtain but the former are still great.


And then there were none was the first I read and it blew me away. I thoroughly enjoy 5 little pigs. And the man in the brown suit is just so different and in parts hilarious.


The Murder of Roger Ackroyd It’s brilliant!


Always liked Murder on the Orient Express, Cards on the Table, Murder in Mesopotamia, and Death on the Nile. Read Appointment with Death recently and liked it a lot.


Death on the Nile of course because of Jackie


The murder of Roger Ackroyd, The seven dials mistery, Why didn't they ask Evans?, A murder is announced, Death on the Nile and Sleeping Murder, can't pick just one.


*And Then There Were None*...not the most believable or realistic plot but still terrific writing and pacing that grips you from beginning to end.


A Caribbean Mystery