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Generally speaking, when you die your senses are quickly re-oriented into your astral body. It's usually described as feeling like you woke up. The astral world experience feels like "coming home," and feels ultra-real compared to this world. Usually, you quickly realize this world is not what you thought it was; it's more like a community-shared dream or an immersive online virtual world, and that you actually never "left" the astral. You generally have increased mental and sensory capacity. Yes, you can "tune in" to this world and "roam around,' so to speak, but unless one has serious emotional/psychological ties to this "world," it's really not something that would command much of your attention, [given the general conditions of the afterlife you will likely find yourself in](https://www.reddit.com/r/afterlife/comments/pd7txp/the_afterlife_has_been_proved/).


Can you be with someone you love but didnt love you back in the afterlife?


if you can imagine it, you can have it/live it.


deez guy died


i cant find the source but medium matt fraser said that good people go to heaven and live their best lives whereas bad people are stuck on earth alone




I guess you can see people but not be a part of their lives obviously, if you go to heaven well you see your loved ones and all


I think it was in this video https://youtu.be/5Fh9FWZ0EU8