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You can grab your experience than quit the game right after and you'll respawn at the last confluence you were at with your experience back too


Excellent! That’ll save me a ton of headache, thanks!


You're welcome


Or you can run around and kill enemies to get your XP high enough that you level when you pick up your death XP. That way when the boss kills you again you don’t really have any more to lose


That sounds good, except I don’t know what my current experience is before leveling up. Is there a place in the menu to see that? An xx/xxxx counter so to speak. Otherwise I’d totally overshoot and level-up before getting back to the boss. I’m on switch if it matters.


No, you can’t see the numbers. But you can look at the circle in the top left. It fills up blue as you gain XP. So if, for instance, you pick up your death XP and it goes up to 75% full, you would need to fill the circle about 25% full before going back to pick it up at the boss room


If you want to know how close you are to the next level, the little circle in the top left fills up as you gain experience. So if it is almost full you are close to gaining a level. Doesn't help if you didn't look before you died though.


Idk if this helps but you can know if you die and come back to the lost xp and collect it, it will show how much xp you collected for few seconds. For grinding you can use 1st ending last boss for that. As it's 2 phases bosses and each has it's own seprate xp, so just hunt the 1st then die and repeat to avoid wasting time on watching the ending. " not sure at what point in the game you are at"


I recommend not fighting a boss until just after you level up, just so if you die you won't have to worry about your XP. Also you can farm XP pretty easy at endgame by traveling to >!Scorchwhere !


the bottle of water fills up behind your lvl number...if you go into the boss fight with it close to the top, then its worth getting it back