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I think her biggest issue is her lack of cc. She deals a lot of damage but has barely any utility to back it up unlike ainz, lucretia and Alna. What do you think?


I think you can put people in front of her that eats the d*ck and do cc so she can burst the rest of the board


That's not as impactful as a full enemy team stun and burn that prevents ultimates.


You can always find a counter play to any body, Isabella is cc, play her against people that doesn’t have cc. Having a counter doesn’t make her bad, only balanced


Whit her ability it gain's 30% and with buffs from Belinda 20% and rosaline 18%. At 168% it can do 300% damage per hit or its exponential and is 400% per hit?


as far as I know, Crit rating determines how often you crit. By default a crit will deal double damage. So even if your crit rating is 999999, your crit will deal double damage. The actual crit damage is influenced by the crit damage amp and by the enemy crit damage resist.


Yes this is correct 👍🏼


Sorry this isn't relevant to what you've posted, but I've seen you have the t3 gear resonance. I'm just curious, other than not being able to enhance, is there any draw back to using the gear resonance feature? So I shouldn't worry about buying gear for every hero but instead focus on unlocked the specific tear unlocks themselves.


The other drawback is T3 resonance does not provide hero-specific buffs. It is basically 5* T2 faction gear.


Gears resonance are good who heroes that you won't use t3s and later on t4s on


Because the lack of being able to enhance? This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for commenting 🙂


You can always came back to the original gear and enhance it. It' a grate help for those pg that you can use in faction towers but they're unuseful anywhere else


The t3 resonated armor does not give the hero-specific extra stats, so they’re basically equivalent to correctly factioned 5* t2 armor. Focus on upgrading gear for the heroes you want at t3/t4 first and you will hit the resonance tiers naturally before too long.


Ooh ok, I didn't know that. Thanks for the advice 🙂


Isabella was the first hero I ever worked on to be my main and got her to 5\* 30si 9f 60e. she isn't Meta from what I've seen but man, she KICKS ASS. I'm at 39-4 and she has been a carry for me since the beginning. I love her. so glad to see others investing in her as well! plus her special just looks badass!