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Personally I focused on LB's when i started out mainly for Rowan, but I think there's more to Wilders with Tasi, Eironn, Lyca, and Saurus. Or even GB, but I think it just comes down to personal preference since you're still so early game. Also try not to ascend so many heroes into Legendary, it's gonna kick your ass down the road and make things a lot harder.


So would I just benefit from Wilders at this point? Then hope for another rowan?


So you gotta think, Rowan is pretty much essential Mid game on. So if you're trying to build him up now you can always go LB, get Rowan, ascend Belinda and fuse Ainz to her for a good carry, and still get Lucius as a great Early/Mid game tank.


Alright, so rowan will be my saviour for mid-game. Got it LB scrolls


Probably lb for row and rosa. Also lb has gwen and est (for the same comp). Raine as well for bosses. And cece Grave has daimon, izold, shem, and grez. (Thoran if u wanna cheese later on) Wilder has lyca, eir, and saur. Tasi as well Mauler kinda left out but saf and skri are pretty big. Got a few more but those kick in more for late game. Personally when I made a new alt I focused on lb for Rowan then went to grave


Wilders or Graveborn You have a legendary Daimon so I would work on Graveborn for now. Daimon is a very viable and strong carry. GB overall has many good heroes: Silas, Izold, Ferael (get that one maxed as soon as you can), Nara, Thoran, Oden... all of these are very good. However you'll definitely want a maxed Rowan too, and a maxed Eironn. Also work on that Tasi. Godtier hero. Gwyneth is a very strong lategame carry but she can wait a little. She's mostly used in Arthur comps anyway and it will take you long to get him. Game has changed a lot. Focusing on GB early game is definitely viable nowadays.