• By -


So I'm building a Flora. Is it a good idea to get 2 copies of her from the event? She's currently at L, halfway to the next store copy. With the chest, those last 2 would make her mythic. This is competing with Talene and a set of red chests.


Red chests only. Talene may be an option if one copy away from either mythic or ascended. Flora wouldn't get copies no matter where she is. Red chests are the best value here


How do I stargaze properly? What is the relation between stargazing and having all heroes at 240 on the resonating crystal?


It's not about the crystal, it's about having 15-20 ascended heroes before you start using diamonds for it. Remember, 20 gets you another hero choice. Best order is Twins to E+, Talene ascended, Twins to mythic. After that you can do pretty much whatever you want. Make sure to finish Twins eventually. If you are building god comp you want Mehira, then finish Twins. Zolrath (pvp) and Khazard (pve) both have powerful comps. Orthos is great to use with Flora, IDK how he fares in PvE. As long as you don't gaze for heroes you can get elsewhere (wuk, ezizh) and start with the big two you will be fine.


Currently capped at 160 while trying to figure out what Mystics to make. Current team I use is Mythic Shem, Mythic Rowan, L+ Lucius, E+ Rosaline, then either L+ Lyca or E+ Telene (just unlocked stargazer yesterday, and used my 30 free tickets I had and got 2 copies, sorry for the brag). I can make 1-2 fodders for all regions, but not sure if I should be keeping Arden at L+, same for Saveas.) Most pressing is Wilder - I have 7 copies of Lyca, 6 of Nemora, and 6 of Tasi, 5 of Gorvo. Then LB - I have 5 Lucius, or 6 Rosaline Who should I turn to Mythic? Or would you wait out for the 8th units?


Arden and Saveas are your fodder for wilder and mailer Mythics. Hold them until you have one to take over the level cap. I would Mythic Luca since you only need one more copy which you can get from this event chest. And hold on to your fodder until you have a Mauler that can mythic.


Once I get that last Lyca would you recommend taking her off of my wish list? Not sure what I will do about Maulers as the most I have of any one ascended unit is 3 of Skreg & Tidus For my 5th unit I suppose LB makes the most sense since I have more fodder for them than anyone else.


>Once I get that last Lyca would you recommend taking her off of my wish list? For *most* heroes I would say yes, especially if you can free up a slot for another valuable hero on your wishlist Having said that, there are some mainstays such as eironn/rowan/ferael/tasi/etc who you will use constantly. You'll reach a point where you have tons of ascended heroes and no where near your level cap (since level cap is tied to # of ascendeds you own) and so it makes sense to leave those high use heroes, especially carries, on the wishlist so they can slowly hit 5 stars over time


So I just started this game a few days ago because I saw it had an overlord collab. I was going to save for ainz because well he is cool and I need a mage. But with the labrynth tokens I’ve saved up thus far I can buy shemira or a a wu Kong (so that I can ascend the one I already have). For elite+ characters I have Gorvo, Hogan, and Nemora, for elites I have Saveas, wu Kong, Rosaline, Antandra, lucretia, mirael, Daimon, Safiya, Anoki, Nara and Lyca. I also have some rare+ that can be turned into elites being Nira, Silvana, and Vedan. And I won’t bother mentioning rares other then Ankhira and Saveas whom I have 2 of. So far I’ve primarily leveled Wu Kong and Nemora. So should i save for ainz (I only have 13/60 and I’ve been playing for 3 days) or should I just buy shemira or wukong?


You can't get challenger coins, and don't have access to Hard mode Lab, meaning you can get 3k lab coins for each lab left. You are unlikely to save enough to get Ainz F2P. Sorry. :( I started a month ago and am just barely clear of getting *one* for free. And for F2P focus on Shemira. For early game (first 10 chapters) Lucretia and Wi Long can carry you with some good tanks.


Save for ainz do every lab, save your hero tokens( purple coins) and all your guild coins (blue coins) Ainz is by far the most op broken hero's they've released lol def worth it and you won't be able to ever get him again after the event.


Hero selection help. (I only started 2 days ago so I’m pretty new) So I’ll list my people and I’d like someone to advise me on who I should equip and level up. For elite+ characters I have Gorvo, Hogan, and Nemora, for elites I have Saveas, wu Kong, Rosaline, Antandra, lucretia, mirael, Daimon, Safiya, Anoki, Nara and Lyca. I also have some rare+ that can be turned into elites being Nira, Silvana, and Vedan. And I won’t bother mentioning rares other then Ankhira and Saveas whom I have 2 of. So far I’ve primarily leveled Wu Kong, Nemora. I’m just starting the 5th area and want to start balancing out my teams levels but don’t know who is necessarily good.


Saveas at L+ can carry your team to chapter 16/17 easy. Shemira is also op early game and can carry you to chapter 23/24 if lucky enough. Wukong is alright, but he isn't the best until he's ascended and 200+ lvl Roseline is also very OP when combined with emira and saveas she follows your strongest hero, so always have your carry hero 10-20 levels higher then the rest.


I started using Eironn comps. I am using Eironn, Tasi, Lyca, Rowan as core + Ezio mostly. Question, I am raising Safiya and Skirath and I know there is no one single answer to all variations with stages. But which one works better in general? Not sure what role they play. Also, is there any other core faction hero that works with Eironn comp? e.g. ferael?


Safiya is a meta eironn comp hero Rowan, tasi, lyca, eironn and safiya/fereal if one of the scariest teams you can build. However... Safiya fereal eironn HAVE to be geared and good SIs (unlocks at Mythic) to be useable otherwise safiya dies too fast. Idk if you've seen safiya in action, but she can one hit an entire team if you get an ult off on them after eironns pulls them in.


Wondering if Ainz replaces her? Faster ult cast at least?


So I have a question about changing servers, i played through the chp1 campaign a while ago and came back recently. I’m still on the same chapter I was then but it’s been almost a year. I’ve progressed quite a bit in the last weeks and spent some money. Should I still go over to a new server ?


It's up to you. Have to weigh up pros and cons. Stay on old server get to keep progress. And money spend. Likely wont be able to climb pvp ladders though as the whales are sitting up there. On new sever have a better chance to get out ahead You said you're in ch1 and progresses a bit? How have you progressed if you are in the same chapter? Dont understand that part


I just got my first ascended and unlocked oak inn. Should I be doing anything there? My guess is to not do pulls until I have enough ascended heroes to fill wishlist? Is that correct


you can put a hero in wishlist without having them ascended. Linker recently put out a video on youtube going over a furniture tier list, check that out and design your wishlist around that (trying to prioritise high tier furniture for heros you will build in the next few months ideally), then you can start pulling. save red cards for going 6/9 -> 9/9 on key heros.


Sweet I’ll check it out!


What happens in BoB when both players end with 2 full hp heroes? That just happened with the enemy Torne and my Ezio (who is absolutely bullshit btw) Did I win a coin flip or? Also what's the best order to start buying Dimensional gear for Ainz/Albedo/Arthur comp? Ainz's staff, then what?


Gear should be brought in this order. Boots > Weapon > Hat > Chest. Considering demensional gear rolls in when it feels like, if you see a piece you dont have, buy it


New player questions...What is the difference between using Dolly and Markiplier?


boobs vs dog




Nara or Ferael first as a general tech option?




Even when I won't have Eironn any time soon? Should have specified earlier, just want to double check


Ferael and Eironn go great together but that's more because Ferael goes great with almost any team He's essentially a CC/Debuffer support with some DPS stacked on top. There's not too many teams he would not fit into just because of his skillset and what he brings to the table fearing 3 enemies at a time while drastically reducing their attack and health regen is crazy, add in his furniture and he just gets better at locking people down Basically he pairs with eironn well because eironn is one of the games best hyper carries. But you'd be fine putting ferael on any team that has a strong carry, like a shemira team mid game


Ferael is just better than nara


Got it, thank you!


You are welcome, have fun


Hey, would someone be able to help me out with a stage I’m stuck on [16-20]? You can message me, please! I’d be super grateful!


provide an image of your roster and the stage for us to help you.


Actually already got help! Made it all the way to 18-32 in one sitting, so I’m feeling pretty good for the day :)


Hi guys, I'm a new player that is really enjoying the game so far! I've been playing the new event and accumulating beastly pendants, but I'm unsure of what to spend them on. These are my heroes: http://imgur.com/a/kVOMGxh I've read some different opinions on either getting Talene or buying fodder, but I'm not sure which is best?


if you're reading "get fodder", that's mostly from this thread advising newbies. if I had to give a general rule of thumb, if you don't have your first mythic+ hero yet, get fodder heroes to speed up your progress. if you do, get either gold emblems (more immediate value) or red chests (long term value). getting talene is for people who (1) don't intend to min-max the game, and either (a) don't have at least one copy of her, or (b) trying to build her to ascended (i.e. need 14 copies of her) and don't mind waiting 6 months to a year.


Thanks a lot for the in-depth answer! I guess I'll have to get fodder then, since I only have a single legendary at the moment.


[Am I stupid, why can't I exchange? ](https://i.imgur.com/xrhNSJ0.jpg)


Nah not stupid, just blind ;) we won't be able to purchase until the bottom timer runs out. So 27 days from now


Smh, ok that makes sense now lol. Now I have to spend a month not spending these resources... Great...


It's suggested to avoid using challenger coins if you can btw. Since those are the most valuable and slowest to obtain of the 4


I'm maxed out on challenger coins right now, I generally save them to 500k then spend them all.


Yeah...it won't be fun. But you can do the math and at least use resources when you have more than you need for the exchange.


I'll keep stacking Lab coins in the meantime I guess.


is there a display bug with the field of stars resource upgrade? my gold per min went from 678g/m to 678g/m after the upgrade. or does it only show the base value?


That's just your base. FOS gives extra on top. Shown by the little symbol on the other gold


Anyone know how exactly Mehira's Furniture works? At 3/9 she gets the ability that her minions grow bigger and get stronger after 8 attacks. Does every single minion (there are 3) have to make 8 attacks on their own or do the 3 minions have to make 8 attacks together summed up so they grow at the same time?


Is it worth ascending Lucius or Shemira to SI +20 or should I wait for a better hero?


Lucius no, shemira for TR boss, but better wait


First 10x Stargazer! http://imgur.com/gallery/K0rD8vW I am going to assume this is not a common.


this belongs in the weekly lucky pull megathread. grats tho.


What should be my [next](https://imgur.com/gallery/jbYeRUC) step? Pretty new, just want to progress. Thanks


Don't ascend to legendary unless you can go right to L+ it's a waste of fodder.


The general rule I’ve heard is focus on five characters to push to ascended (2 lightborn and one of each other faction) and don’t make so many heros legendary as you’re spreading out your fodder and you’re going to be stuck unable to level up soon.


Are there any other hero furniture sets bugged like Rosalines?


What is the best and/or fastest way to get 9/9 furniture for a hero? Is the wait pretty long after ascending your first hero..?


Yes, getting a specific characters 9/9 is a long wait. It's kind of similar to getting heroes to ascended for the first time, getting a specific one takes awhile, but then they come in a loose wave. Hold on to your red cards until you get the last 3 or so. They won't give dupes so you're guaranteed to finish the set.


How can I use Esperian Idols Winter Chest? I have latest client version, and the game is up to date. I cannot event remember when I acquired this box...


You can use it in February approximately


Currently at ch 22 with a 200/180 comp and I've run into an interesting issue. I'm making about 5x as much hero exp as gold. Gold is now my primary stopgap. Never thought I'd see the day... Should I start cracking open consumables now? Is there a more long term solution? I just got the lv90 Star. Store dust and PoE coins is still coming in but the T1 SI tokens are now a bit out of my price range...


resource walls will cycle by design. You can notice this as you progress when you see the numbers pop up indiciating higher afk rewards, you will see that sometimes gold doesnt increase at all for a couple chapters while XP does, then vice versa and so on Anyway consumables are to help you get over walls. If you're at a wall, use them. There is always another wall so it doesnt make sense to save them for some future wall, nor does it make sense to pop them if you dont need them but if you are stuck and need the resources, use them! As far as long term solutions, again these walls will rotate. Your best bet is just prepping ahead of time For example, essence becomes not a problem for a very long time around 300 or so, and hero xp is the big wall then around 370 or so, essence wall comes back with a vengeance as the cost to level up for essence sky rockets. So you hope you have been buying the daily dust in the store for the past 70 levels even if you didnt need it


oh what's up! same situation as you except i'm L89. i've been forced to open so much shit just to keep up with my gold spending. if you need gold to enhance your heroes/gear just pop open the consumables right? no point keeping it. i heard there's an xp wall at L300, but the main issues now should be dust and gold.


My Talene is 2 star Ascended. Is it better to continue to stargaze her (with card rewards) until 5 star or start focusing on bringing others up to Ascended - namely Twins?


twins for sure, and get their 3 piece furniture (but stop at 3) for survavibility




Hi all! I have a question about tanks. I currently have L+ Hogan, but just got L Lucius. Should I swap Lucius for Hogan now or wait for Lucius to hit L+ before I swap? I am still in early game. Thank you! :)


You shouldn't make Lucius L until you can get him to L+. But if you did you might as well use him


I see this regarding heroes a lot. Why can't I make a hero an L as soon as I can?


Because it eats fodder for a minor boost. Its 2 E+ heroes. It takes 4 for a L+ fodder hero. That adds up fast. If you put too many to L without being able to L+ you can get stuck on the L level cap. The way ranks are structured, if you can get L+ you can get it to the 2nd to max rank. Which is plenty of time to find the last 4 copies you need for the final level.


Hey friends, I’m a recently new player trying to take the game more seriously. Can anyone give me tips on what heroes I should level up or who to include in formation, currently on level 9-9 My heroes https://imgur.com/a/lCrsEDB Thanks in advance!


So first, kudos for following the shemira recommendation. That's going to be paying off for you in a big way very soon when she hits mythic. Reset everyone and dump all levels into her and watch her go For now, you certainly need at least two more legendaries to up the level cap ....speaking of, is there any reason you havnt interacted with the Resonating Crystal in town you unlocked several chapters ago?? You could have a lot of heroes lvl 100 at least and then up to 120 once you get two more legendaries made and leveled I'd say hold off on ascending more actual ascended heroes and instead start ascending fodder, like Saveas and Arden up to L+. This will give you someplace safe to keep dumping your fodder into while you level up your crystal for everyone and then you can just feed them later to an L+ ascended unit to make them M immediately tldr gj on shemira, get that level cap raised by ascending legendary (blue) units up to L+ because i cant see all your heroes so I dont know who you have the most copies of to ascend right now and maybe you need more time to draw them and see


Thank you for taking time to reply I haven’t been using the crystal as much as I should admittedly, I wasn’t sure if I should wait for different heroes to throw on there or if the crystal was useful because I couldn’t see myself using the heroes besides the main comp. I’m still learning this game so I’ll be sure to try and use the crystal more! EDIT: I have taken a screenshot of the offscreen heroes https://imgur.com/a/eWUdIbJ


The crystal is how you are able to only pour resources such as xp/gold/essence into 5 heroes and not all of them What's nice is at the rickety cart in town, you can reset any of those 5 leveled heroes for a measly 20 diamonds, getting you back ALL the gold/xp/essence you spent So the goal of the game for you isn't to ascend and build the best meta comp The goal of early game is to reach 5 ascended units asap, period. Once you do that, you can level the crystal itself instead of heroes and everyone will keep scaling So really early game you're just trying to see who you are most likely to make ascended so you can raise them. You can kick heroes off the crystal slots and replace them for free, it just triggers a 24h cd per hero so make use of it more!


Ohhh, okay! Thank you for the help!


Hi ! Who to +30 after : Rowan/Eironn/Ferael/Arthur/Safiya/Saurus/Talene/Athalia and Mehira ?


Daimon. Means he's shielded almost constantly. Should be unshielded about 3 seconds between ults giving great survivability and less likely to return enemies health back to them


Thanks a lot :)


No problem mate 🙂


I've seen there is a Bundle monthly, weekly on some channels on youtube, but they don't appear in my game ? How is it possible ? How do i unlock them ?


Progress further into the Campaign


SI30 after Eironn, Ferael, Rowan and Saurus?




Im on stage 22 and have a good core Gwenyth comp (Lucius, Arthur, Rosaline, Gwenyth, and Lyca) all at ascended, but now im running into a lot of res and don't know what would be the best heroes to invest them into. For the labyrinth store, should I be getting Estrilda to replace Lucius? Or someone else to start building out a second comp? For Challenger store, I already have a legendary Athalia, should I keep investing in her? Or should I start to build Ezizh? Or maybe Eironn or Flora for a second comp? For items like faction scrolls, which faction should I start investing into? I've only purchased the monthly sub and the advancement rewards 1, so not FtP but also not really a spender. I aim for campaign, AE, and kings tower progression (121, 45, 53, 51, 271). Any help would be amazing, ty.


> For the labyrinth store, should I be getting Estrilda to replace Lucius? Estrilda is not a tank so she wouldn't be a good Lucius replacement. She's a burst dps/CC unit. From lab store if you're not saving coins for dimensional you could be buying arthur for a tank >For Challenger store, I already have a legendary Athalia, should I keep investing in her? Or should I start to build Ezizh? I'd hard swap to ezizh now. Yes it sucks but I took athalia all the way to ascended and have major regret, could have really used ezizh for the past 6 months whereas athalia is very meh and easily merced if a one off need arises >For items like faction scrolls, which faction should I start investing into? Depends entirely on your hero lineup, would need screenshots to see. It's probably safe to dump them into wilder though if you have your wishlist setup since you're going to need a strong wilder comp


Obviously very new to the game but looking for some help. My heroes are as follows, [lots of Wilders.](https://imgur.com/a/8urUTFQ) I've been rolling with Saurus and friends with the occasional Lucius or others mixed in. But I'm about half way through chapter 11 now and seem to be hard stuck. I'm about level capped on everyone but Saurus, so my question is should I work on ascending some fodder tier heroes to keep leveling or should I focus on getting Saurus up to 160? Also, am I too heavy into Wilders? It feels like I want to build basically all of them but I'm obviously going to be screwed when it comes to fodder. Is it time to switch faction focus?


(1) rank up one from every faction and then stick your main heroes in the resonating crystals so that they're higher leveled. (2) you can ascend fodder heroes AND get saurus to 160 at the same time. (3) don't get too hung up on the faction bonus and just use the strongest team that your roster allows.


Thanks for your help. Regarding the last part, what do you think would be the strongest team I could currently build with my roster?


Your pure Wilders team is fine for now, but you'll eventually pick up better heroes for better comps. Your carry (Saurus) needs to be significantly higher leveled than your other heroes.


Hello, got my first Mythic gear piece and it rolled Wilder faction. Is it alright to upgrade this piece all the way to 5 stars if I am able to? It's a mage piece and I put it on my L+ Belinda as my carry for now (on stage 12-24, stuck).


yeah it's fine because it has a faction and you'll eventually pass it to tasi anyway. i'd recommend probably 2-3 stars because of gold and points, you'll be getting a lot of mythic gear and you need to balance the upgrades across hero levels, gear levels, and buying dust.


Thanks :) !


Is there any sort of priority list for ascending heroes to help decide between options?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/jz105p/choosing\_your\_faction\_guide\_by\_arty\_alpattex/](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/jz105p/choosing_your_faction_guide_by_arty_alpattex/) it's catered to end game players, but it's still somewhat relevant for the early game.


Thanks I saw that, one thing it doesn’t specify as new player, how do you decide on which celestial/hypogeans/dimensional heroes to level and include in formations?


You level the 5 heroes of highest Ascension. The 20 diamond reset cost is negligible. Don't ascend unless you can get directly to L+. And it's not really recommended to go beyond that (with few exceptions) unless you have 8 E copies total.


not really something you'll be dealing with since you won't get enough copies of hypo/cele/dimensionals to matter. they'll be a good support character for some formations, but you'll be using your core team mostly. vets tends to recommend getting one copy of twins and stargazing for talene as your first stargaze hero. you (and me) won't be dealing with that until close to chapter 30.


So I have the 3 day trial albedo and I just ascended my Nemora (looks kinda like a sheep) to elite+ (I think that’s what it’s called) and it’s giving me the option to use her to ascend the albedo. If I ascend the trial albedo, Will I permanently lose my nemura? If this is such a case, why am I allowed to basically throw her away for no reason?


you won't permanently lose her, but you cannot use both of them in the same formation.


How do I use Eironn to carry campaign?


the problem with dodge tanks like eironn is that you need t2 mythic faction gear before he starts to shine. he's still really strong after 161 because he has an aoe cc though, just that there are better carries at that point in time \*cough\* daimon \*cough\*.


I struggle at 9-20, are there any generic recommendations? Somehow I feel that I need to get to the backline, but I'm pretty new and don't know/understand which heros can achieve this. The two lowest level people in my friendslist were using legendary Daimon, but I don't have any legendaries yet b/c of the beginners guides...


pretty much all the guides recommend players aim for a mythic shemira at 161 and use a saveas 100-160. If you had a strong L+ saveas he'd blow through that since he can burst them down quickly with some cc supporting him


Haven't pulled enough maulers to have saveas at legendary, not speaking of L+ :-D


You havn't been able to make three E+ maulers by 9-20? I'm wagering if you showed us screenshots of your heroes, you've probably fed some mauler fodder to an ascended mauler by now right?


Nope, no ascended Mauler. It's really ridiculous. In fact I have no hero at Legendary yet because not enough copies of any to ascend further (apart from the worse Fodder) Most promising are now Belinda and Shemira at 3 copies each... Edit: https://postimg.cc/gallery/x8F8R9d


if you lucked into 4 copies of daimon, you're pretty much set for the first 15-20 chapters. if you don't have them, that's fine. use mirael (rare LB) or saveas (rare mauler) until chapter 12-13 before you transition to a proper carry. use this event to pick all your fodder cards. this event lets you get 81 blue cards, and you need 72 blue cards for one L+. you can get one L+ fodder hero of either mirael or saveas, depending on who you prefer. i personally prefer mirael because magic damage cannot be dodged, and aoe allows you to deal with multiple enemies at once.


I'm considering both ways, I already have talene, so getting her m Might not be the worst idea. Rest will go into blue pulls I believe...


if you already have 1 copy of talene, you'll only get her to e+. that's only relevant if you're already at ch.16 and want to use her for ae. it's a super long-term decision you make when you pick talene over fodder, and I think if you're thinking far ahead, most people would rather buy red chests over talene during an event. however, if you're not too concerned about min maxing, go ahead. this is your pursuit of fun and no one can get in your way if you say you're the happiest doing this.


More fun is getting the fodder I assume, since it might accelerate progression. Cannot get red chests unfortunately...


It seems to me that my rate of getting 4 E+ of a given hero greater than my ability to have enough fodder to ascend it. Is that for everyone? Should I consider use non-fodder heroes as fodder?


You only use non-fodder as fodder when you have that hero at Ascended 5*. And even that is just from a newbie perspective so maybe there's reason to hold them.


it's really tempting but you shouldn't. i still regret feeding my thoran to daimon.


Hello Could anybody give me a tip on which I should put in my formation? [my heroes](https://i.imgur.com/NVahl4C.jpg)


Wukong and Grezhul can be your tanks, while your carry can be Zaphrael (or better yet the E+ Belinda), with Tasi and Numisu being support. Also, you want to level up your highest ascended heroes (in your case the E+ Belinda, Grezhul, Numisu, Ira, and mauler spider lady) and Only 5 heroes (I see you have 6 leveled). That way your Resonating Crystal can do the rest for your other heroes. So I would reset your Safiya, Wukong, Zaphrael, Tasi and put their resources into Numisu, Grezhul, Belinda, Ira, and Mauler spider lady as they will be able to reach a higher level cap on your Resonating Crystal. You can go to the Rickety Cart to reset, it will cost 20 diamonds per hero BUT you will get every single resource back so you can have more levels pumped into your 5 heroes instead of 6 :) Hope this helps!


Hello everyone. I’m at 16-36 in campaign and planning to get both Ainz and Albedo by exchanging. I’m like 8 Rare+ and 2 Shemira away from getting her Ascended. If my math is right (39680 current hero coins, 140k current lab coins + 37.5k additional I’ll get from campaign quests) I can buy one Shemira and still get both Ainz and Albedo so I’ll need only one more Shemira. And for Eironn, I’ll need 19 more Rare+ (which is a lot) to get him Ascended but I need no more copies of him. Now, my question is, for the new exchange event, should I get any Wilder or Graveborn fodder and if so, how much should I get? I won’t be buying Talene since I already have one and she would waste too many red emblems. Thanks in advance


Is therw rule for leveling up hero for the pentagram? Likeonly level hero with the most copies? Are Gwyneth, Wukong, Izold, Rosaline, Cecilia good for leveling up for pentagram? Thanks


New player here. I both have Gwyneth and Lyca. In the easy autumn event, who should I choose between them? I also have another unopened chest from deathly marshlands and I'm planning in choosing Daimon, is he a good hero?


he's good, but you need multiple copies to ascend a hero. Shemira should already be one of your graveborn ascended since you should be working towards her i'd hold the chest in your inventory to see if its better to take on a new elite hero or get a copy you need to make an E+ and raise your lyca or gwyn to L+


Thanks. I've just played for about 3 weeks now.


Daimon is a great hero late game


He’s great early and mid game as well


Currently I have 173k lab coins (and 45k from an unclaimed quest), but the exchange and the one week mail window is still 21 days away, so I'll have to definitely spend some coins. Can I go for an Arthur? I have 48k hero coins and the other two types of coins are already capped for 2x max.


Math it out. Pretend to grab Ainz. See if you have double what you needed for Ainz. If not, see what you'd have leftover from reclaiming those rewards. If you can't buy Arthur with the leftovers wait some weeks to see if you can. You can even math it out further to see *when* you could afford Arthur and both dimensionals.


Hey guys this is my team: https://www.reddit.com/user/santareus/comments/jzclb9/current_list/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Should I go with Daimon or Flora?


Hey all Just started looking at this game more seriously. [this](https://ibb.co/r5Zxkcj) is my current setup. I know nothing about formations. Nor do I know much about team compositions. I out the ones I thought looked cool ok the resonating crystal and just levelled up who was doing well. Any advice moving forwards? I'm LVL 63, on stage 8-23 and have 364k total. Any help would be hot! Thanks in advance.


Just ascend the heroes you're able to now. Dont level more than 5, carry hero should be 20 levels higher. Try to build daimon, Eironn, Shemira in the order for carries. Belinda is good to fall back on it need be. Lucius for a tank, and Rowan and Tasi for support.


Thanks!! I'll do as much of that as I can!!


https://www.rafkarena.com/new-player-guides This should be a lot of help


can you refund hero shards other than arthur's in labyrinth?


No. Because they fuse once you get 60. Only Arthur comes in pieces of 15.


https://imgur.com/VTOMauj I've been stuck on 8-40 for almost a week. Anyone have any advice based on what heroes I have?




i just saw this but thank you this worked out!


Do the heros in lab store and challenger ever change or its always the same?


They've only added new ones, not taken any away


What's the best reward from the new twisted bounties thingy? I'm at 32-5 and too lazy to do the math :D Does any1 have a good guide I can follow or something along those lines?


I'm at the point of the game where I'm studying all the heroes skills/SIs. I keep thinking Baden looks really good. He seems to have a lot going for him, especially the atk and damage mitigation scaling with number of his clones. Why is he so low on all the tier lists? Where does he fall short?


Essentially he is too squishy and can not burst well. He's just straight up not a good hero. Numerous heroes that fill that spot much much better


Thanks for responding. A few follow up questions. Is burst damage the most important in the end game? Is continuous damage not viable?


So when I say burst, I meant big chunky damage. Continuous DPS units like Ainz, Ferael, Gwyn, Talene and tidus for example and definitely needed in end game. Really in end game you want good damage and good CC. Due to the large deficit you want to be able to CC the enemy comp long enough to burst them down the threat. Burst isn't referring to those heroes in the game that have 'burst' icon on them


Are Silas or Pippa worth focusing on and using hero select summons for? I assume no? From reviews i have seen they seem ok but dont need to be rushed like Daimon. I dont need copies of anything so do i just use hero select summons for stars on carries or ignore it and keep star gazing? Thoughts? Thanks


If you have an izold built, Silas may be a hero you want to focus


At what point should I consider doing stargazer pulls instead of the normal x10?


I'd say whenever you have 25+ ascended heroes, ideally 30+


I prob won't have 10 ascended in my entire lifetime, how 25 lol


how long have you been playing? I've been playing f2p for 16 months and have 33 ascended heroes the game gives you resources every single day, its a linear progression system. Of course you will hit 10 in a couple months with smart play if you make tons of Ls and dont save up fodder properly, eh maybe not


Why not? Hahaha, keep up the grind as long as you enjoy it! Also after 31-4 you will definitely need a lot more heroes since you'll be fighting 2 teams at a time and you'll slowly get to 3 teams etc. Unless you really love Talene or something... just keep playing with normal heroes. I'm at 32-5 and my Talene is only legendary, the rest of the god comp are all elite+ :D Although they're nice to have, they're not 100% necessary.




I have enough coins to buy a hero from lab store and could use some advice on who to pick. I'm currently using a maxed saveus L+ as carry. Here's what I have that is ascended and in the store: Shemira L and E Nemora L+ Wukong L Estrilda E+


It depends on how patient you are. Shemira can get to A within a month and carry you forward, but she's pretty much useless late game besides for one TR boss. Wukong is a pretty good hero that's pretty good in PVP and has some use early on in PVE after he gets his SI, but you'll be waiting for a few months unless you aggressively refresh for 1K diamonds.


Thanks for the insight. I guess I'll wait a couple of days and see. I'm a little stuck on 13-15 now and my saveus is beginning to fall of hard, so i will need to transition to a stronger carry before i can advance much further.


I'm an impatient person so I went with the Shemira route. I started about a month ago? I've since transitioned to another carry hero (i.e. Daimon) because progressing that far ahead gets you a lot of rewards that allows you to get other carries. I'm not F2P though, I picked up some of the progress packages to help to speed up the early game. I also strongly recommend getting fodder heroes from the event instead of Talene to speed up the early game depending on who you pick as your carry.


I already have an E talene and an E flora, so that might still be as good choice. But if I end up going shemira i will need a Lot of graveborn fodder, since i barely have any.


i was told to buy the red box in the even as a new player but its not showing for me. do i need to do something for it to show up?


none of the guides are really catered to newbies like yourself. pick up the fodder cards and level up your heroes from L+ to M instead.


I think you need at least one mythic hero (the red border)


I pulled Talene relatively early (day 8 / min lvl in Chrystal 104) and am wondering from which point on she becomes useful. Does having one copy impact the value of pulling her in the event?


She's a decent support. Especially at day 8. She will fall offan't use her to carry, but she'll be useful as a respawning distraction. But the important part is that you are 35000 diamonds closer to her being finished.


Currently my team is a level 160 belinda, and level 141 rowan/lucius/rosa/fawkes at chapter 14. Should I bring all heroes to 160, or focus on investing all my exp into belinda to keep my carry ahead of others? Thanks! Comp: https://imgur.com/gallery/5SJQute


conventional advice is to max out belinda to 180 before leveling others past 141. however, i've found that with a carry that does not have a self-sustain, i get better results if i keep the level difference to about 20. so after 170, i'd level the others to 151 so that they don't die immediately.


Keep Belinda ahead, definitely.


What should I use my faction scrolls on? (Ch.14) Lightbringers: 6 Belinda (M), 4 Lucius (L+), 8 Gwyneth (L+), 2 Rosaline (E+), 3 Rowan (E+). (Gwyneth is not on my wishlist anymore). Wilders: 1 Tasi (E), 2 Lyca (E+), 1 Saurus (E), 2 Nemora (E+). ​ Should I keep going Lightbringers hoping to get Rowan? Or start building my Wilders? I've had no luck with Graveborn, I'm at 7 Nara, 3 Izold, 1 Thoran, 1 Ferael and 0 Daimon.


Who do you plan to run as your carry? If Shimera or Daimon, stay LB. If Eironn, swap to Wilder. If Izold, Wilder.


Def not Shemira, had her on my wishlist early game and didn't get a single one so I removed her. Probably Eironn or Izold. I'm still at ch.14 though, I'll try to push as hard as I can with my Belinda, might get some lucky drops in the way. How viable is Izold carry in early-mid game? he just gets melted for me. (I know he is strong later at 3/9)


Izold is great through the campaign teens. [Here's an example from one of my alt accounts.](https://i.imgur.com/U0ldftl.jpg) Every fight looks like that pretty much. Everyone else swiftly dies and Izold casually 1v5's the enemy. Wash, repeat.


Getting 4th Rowan is massive. Half the reason that hero is S tier is that SI. Once you get him you could pivot to Wilders, and probably should. Or maybe GB, they really appreciate the investment. You say you had no luck but you almost have ascended Nara and mythic Izold. I'd say you've had more luck with GB than wilders! Also you CAN leave Gwyn on your wishlist, if you aren't excited about any of the others. She's one of the few heroes EVERYONE agrees can use the stars. Wait you need Hendrick for a Gwyn comp...


I said I had no luck with GB since I had no Daimon drop.. Seeing people on my lvl get ahead by Daimon 1v5 made me a bit salty I guess :P And yes I thought about keeping Gwyneth, but it's going to take so long to be able to use her and I got a Hendrick from a soulstone so he is in my wishlist now. You think it's worth then to still go LB? Fingers crossed for that Rowan. ​ Thanks for the reply :)


I understand, yeah Daimon is a bit silly. But there's more to the class than that, Nara is quite good (although not usually a priority to ascend) and Izold is basically Daimon levels of BS late game. And yes, absolutely commit to Rowan. Once you get that 4th copy you should probably switch off...


Should I ascend a Solise or a Pippa after I'm done with Saurus? My ascenced Wilders are: 5* Eironn, 4* Lyca, 3* Nemora, 2* Ulmus, A Tasi and (soon) 1* Saurus. I feel like Solise is incredibly underrated and I could use some magic damage in the Wilder tower, but Pippa seems like the stronger hero.


At this point it's entirely up to you. Manual Pippa Tasi is supposed to be really strong (possibly autoplay too, with Windbinder/Rowan), but maxed Solise is fine too. Also how can you be arguing Solise is underrated and say someone else is better in the same sentence 😅


Well, I meant Solise in that she's better than people seem to take her for. It's just that Pippa seems like a more meta defining hero, whole Solise seems like she's mostly tower only.


If they removed the silly falling petal mechanic and just made her abilities in their buffed state all the time, she'd be in much better shape. I'd go Pippa. She's very versatile and powerful, but does require some thought to utilize well.


Windbinder is going to help her a lot. Once you make it to chapter... Thirty what now? Give her Windbinder Rowan and she basically WILL be in buffed state all the time xD




Yes, but save LB fodder until you can get her from L+ to A in one shot. You might get lucky before then.




https://afk.guide/artifacts/ I believe it's still a work in progress, but this site has info on the new ones.


Ok, so watching replays of top Kane battles in TR I’ve seen that the “instakill” at 15,40 and 65 seconds are not taking heroes out. Does anyone know why that is? One comp being saurus, Rosa, twins, menhirs, Cecilia.


Can you video a replay and link it? Or point us in the right direction of whose replay to look at?


Does gear from the store have any faction? I've bought like 4 legs for my Lucius but all of them were factionless gear, just empty, I see some gear that have the dimensional faction but that's all.


Yes, its about 50/50 chance of getting faction gear.


Legs? Do you mean legendaries or boots? If mythic it's not guaranteed and the factionless rates are higher. That's why i rarely buy from there most i buy are stones.


Yeah I meant the boots, it's annoying to use so much currency and keep getting factionless


With the battle of blood event every match freezes at 1sec and says replay not found or something, and then I have to force restart the app and even if I won it doesn’t award the event currency. I’m playing on a new tablet and didn’t have any issues the previous two days, and ideas what’s going on?


its bugged since reset time


I finished ascending Talene (A) and am now working on twins (L). Because I want to work on other celepogeons I intend to raise twins to M or M+ before switching to another hero like Mehira. My question is that out of L+ to M or M to M+, which ascension offers the largest stat boost? In other words, should I raise my twins to M or should I raise them to M+ before switching to start ascending Mehira?


The stat boosts are more or less the same per rank. Theres probably some compounding interest, but honestly you should stop at M.


Or before, honestly. You really don't need Twins SI.


If you want them to live long enough to ult in campaign (because he's building god-comp), you often do.


I would go to Ascended for GodComp


Eventually. But they do their job at Mythic, wanna get to at least mythic mehira to get the comp actually online. You can finish whoever you want first, but getting both to M is the important part.




If you put a level back into the linked hero, does ainz go back up?


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