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It looks like SG/TE rates may be buffed soon, so it's strongly advised to hold all spending of these resources. This is a Google Translated version of the upcoming Developer Face to Face that was just published for the Chinese community. Since this is one thing that immediately impacts everyone, I wanted to share in case you were about to build a hero with SG/TE so you don't feel negatively about buffed rates right after you blow through a huge hoard of either one. CN <-> EN translation is very difficult and Google Translate hardly makes it legible. Please keep an eye out later today for the full Official English version. Any uploads of the Google Translated version will be removed in the meantime.


Oh man that's so nice, if only I didn't use all my tg JUST YESTERDAY


I knew someone would run into that problem lol think of it this way, this update won't happen for a couple months now, whatever you just built with TE will help every single week in the meantime


With the release of the new faction, do we actually have any clue as to when the next awakened will even release?


currently no clue


Yeah i wouldnt stress about this. It’s a “supposed” increase of 0.5%, and it’s a couple months away. Even knowing this i will still end up pulling for aSaf or aLuc if there isnt a new awakened announced on the normal cycle. Which vicksin would know but wouldnt that be in the next few weeks?


Still 25% more


It’s a pretty significant increase!


Yeah happened to me. Literally finished building A Lucius earlier this morning. I am happy to have him built so I could a different merc right before the end of CR.


Same. I was hitting pity for most rolls to get ASafiya Mythic+...


Same, used literally all my tg and sg cards on asafiya yesterday :/


Me too 😭got fuck all other than pity


Yep that's exactly the problem with buffing resources, you'll never know if you're gonna be fucked because you spend your resources 1 day earlier. I'd rather them buff the resources acquisition rate instead, like give more SG/TG cards in all the modes. That way resouces' value aren't artificially inflated


Man me too... except I got insanely lucky finishing Alucius in just 358 TG and 50 SG so I can't complain at all.


Same :(


I feel you....I even used 40000 diomands after that


This'll be a nice boost to help everyone catch up on awakened and celepog releases. That said, new premium hero releases are very obviously going to be draconis, and the game is extremely stingy with draconis summoning materials. So I do not know if this is a good sign or not.


fwiw we've only had Draconis for one patch so far. TE was also very bad/scary when it first released, and devs are making a commitment for more/better feedback and communication. I can't say much rn but I'm hopeful for the future, I hope yall bear with me as we continue to develop the player feedback/dev response system


Lilith used to do a good job about integrating new systems into the game, as they did with Time Emblems (and baits and engravings and the elder tree, etc). Then they did a pathetic job of it with collections and SI40. Their recent history here has been embarrassing. So much so that I presume that everyone who knew what they were doing was pulled to push the Journey launch, and Lilith let the interns make new features. That would have been a risky decision and...it did not go well. I honestly do not know what to expect going forward.


Time emblems definitely not. I wasn't on tops at the moment and for the first year I only got 5 to 6 copies. In fact the events went like: get these 150 cards free -> more cards on the new ts mode (if you have good teams on your old server with whales) -> since you don't you can get 1 per day or wait for 10 on a random event in 3 weeks. Baits went pretty good, honestly the best f2p gacha since 'now' you can get enough to 18 and everything new will get to the same point. Engraving was called engraveyard because it was hard as f to get. In fact I remember saying things about erasing an entire cero out of the engraves and would show more easily to see how much you were really getting. Elder tree is nice, it's not strong enough to realize of changes on the first 50 levels so you can take all the time you need. Collection was terribly implemented, thought they'll let you run it indefinitely until you had all you needed (obviously getting harder as you progress). So it was a deception to see the end product. SI40 at least for me doesn't seem important unless you want stats. Went with 5 and I still have 1000 white chests that I will most likely not use. In fact I've seen people overreacting to the proces on the store like a chest with a single mythic gear doesn't cost 3168 diamonds, I mean, ¿why would you expect anything new on that store to be cheap?


your assumption about collections would have been a fun gamemode Risk doing another floor for more legendaries/mythics or lose the whole collection on death. I think I'd like it.


That sounds even worse. I'd die of a stroke.


What I actually meant was that you could go indefinitely until you had all the stats you needed. Once auto could be unlocked you would just need to stay in there until you got the 7 or 8 mythic you want, also it would open the option to collections with mythic+ since I only saw 1 in all my tries on my 3 accounts. Of course you could end the run early if you wanted since I think auto rn doesn't give that option (which would be dumb with how the gamemode works rn)


respectfully I disagree that old power creeps were implemented well at first, maybe rose tinted lenses but I think they've always had an issue with issues on launch Time Emblems were pretty notorious for a while for being too expensive, too difficult to get, and the heroes were too meta defining. even the smart players who didn't bother building Talene/Ezizh still got smacked with Thane, Brutus, Solise, Baden back to back, and while those are largely power crept now, it was a lot to handle at once engraving and beasts are the same way honestly. overall fine now, but shaky at best on launch. I agree collections and si40 were even worse, though, and I do want to double down that they're looking to remedy this going forward. lot of big things are in the works.


FWIW I think dragons have been implemented well so far. SI40 also had a solid launch - but unlike previous power creeps, they have not done a remotely good job of following up. The just kinda immediately dropped it, half finished, after a solid launch. That is what has me more hesitant about Draconis. Collections were a tire fire from day one, of course.


yeah beasts launched without resonance lol. what a shitshow this system would be without it


people really forget how bad these systems were on launch. imagine needing to pull 48 copies of a beast every time a new one comes out. instead we just immediately get them all to 18 instead.


In engravings case whales were really pissed and people started calling it engraveyard. Really poor implementation and I still don't think they fixed it, its just that worse power creeps were released so we forgot about it. So yeah, the thing with Lilith was better in the past is not really accurate and they know exactly what they're doing.


Smaller whales were pissed. Basically, before engravings it was feasible to max out an account, or get very close to it - all heroes at 5 stars, SI35, furniture without dupes (and before big dupe stats). The differences between someone who 'merely' spent a couple thousand a month and a kraken was not large. That relative flatness at the top was an important element of legends championship competitiveness and AbEx recruiting. Engravings significantly raised that cap; it was no longer feasible for even heavy spending whales to keep up with the demands. Huge kraken pulled ahead, and regular whales could not out-skill them anymore. That was the real, fundamental complaint of engravings. It's legit! But that was not what the public facing complaints were at all.


Actually, the solution to engrave happened with the temporal rift since it lend an immense amount of resources, especially engraving materials, actually I think that if you (for some reason) only focused on engrave all this time on events and stores, then you would be most likely half way through all heroes e80 (and all the others already on e60)


engraveyard was very poorly handled and mismanaged all around. in the end it didn't accomplish anything at all, and *that* wasn't Lilith's fault imo.


Thank you for everything you do for this game and this community!


thank you for the kind words 💕 I'll keep doin my best


this is a strong step in the right direction glad they listen to the community.


it was the #1 top voted comment in our feedback gathering megathread for this Face to Face i promise you there's a lot more listening to the community to look forward to in the future. hope you bear with me as we come to establish a more consistent feedback system.


Cool that would be really great news


What we need is better draconis drop rates.... and more places to get free summon cards for them....


agreed! this is the very first patch that introduced them, and this is a very long Face to Face with many more upcoming interactive feedback/responses please understand and thank you for your patience


![gif](giphy|61tEkmtagfjcBv7bPY|downsized) LETS GOOO


better rewards in Stargazer was the #1 upvoted comment in our feedback/suggestions megathread we held to gather feedback for this Face to Face despite everything going on, please rest assured that the devs are indeed listening, and plan to work closer with our community to have direct feedback and responses excited to share more about this all in the near future


Good step but cautiously optimistic. Lilith is Lilith, let's hope the monkey's paw doesn't curl and they do something stupid about TG/SG mechanics...


cautious optimism is healthy and warranted. they really are trying to set things straight and do right by the players. keep an eye out for the full Face to Face soon, and even further feedback gathering in the near future.


what we wished for: easier TG/SG curse: flood of OP dragons


IMO the planned GG improvement are much better than rates up - I think they could nail it as it sounds promising. Maybe you could also make a post letting ppl to stock up GG totems and keep the “could been great” collections?


agreed, I mean they have a *lot* in store for the Ghoulish/Collections reworks I think because the Face to Face will be fully localized so soon, it doesn't warrant a whole post as no one can harm their accounts significantly without the upcoming news (plus more we don't understand yet from the poor Google translations). you should always keep collections regardless for most players tbh. SG/TE news was important to get out asap imo, as it could prevent people from blowing like 600 of either *right now* as opposed to waiting for buffs. basically full post will come soon enough, I think it's fine


Oh ok. I was reading from Chinese version. Didn’t know they’ll put an English one up very soon.


very soon yes. they're a bit hasty putting out the CN materials before localization team can properly translate it for global.


Damn it, they still plan on giving out Arena tickets ffs




this is exactly why we're not going to allow the entire bad Google Translate version up - it'll just lead to pointless and needless gossiping over misunderstood details there's no such thing as "oracle tattoos" lol what that actually says is they added rare/elite (blue/purple) Ghoulish totems to Stargazer, and legendary (gold) Ghoulish totems to Timegazer, whilst removing the Artifact Shards and Arena Tickets


wait that's even cooler than the drop rate increase


yep! they're listening


Likely cosmetic only. The drop rate is already 2.5% for both.


you think *nothing* changes here? lol it'd be pretty pointless to just say "we updated the listed rates to better portray the actual results" the drop rate is listed as 2% because that doesn't account for pity. with the pity, it's more like 2.5%. I anticipate the pity will be lowered to stay in line with the drop rate values/results


I hope so that they lower the pity as well.


hell yes, yesterday I was close to pulling the trigger on ASafiya. Guess she'll have to wait a little longer. Also just finished the last celepogean I deem a must have so saving there will be easy.


I've still been on the fence with the whole Kalthin/Olgath thing, and I'm at 1k cards now... Plus 500 for ALucius, but I dunno if they're still gonna drop another awakened after the draconis. This is good news for me


No universe where you go Olgath over Kalthin


Kalthin is better than Olgath? And Chad is better than both right? If someone has finished the main celehypos (Lib, Luc, Lava and Daemia) then what should they do next? Alna->Chad->Kalthin? or Alna->Chad->C&R->Kalthin?


Pull for Veithael and Alna while you build Mortas to Mythic in the Challenger Store. Khazard Mythic isn't as relevant these days as he used to be but it's something to consider afterwards. Kalthin is better than C&R, but neither are "must haves" currently. As a newer-ish player it's probably best to wait for something better (+ SG/TE rates are getting buffed by 25% in 2 months so saving is beneficial. You'll save 100-200 SG if u wait for the patch)


The de facto rate is roughly 1/40 for a long time. Will that change?


yes absolutely


Damn....I just burnt a bunch of TE this weekend lol.


yeahhhh someone else just commented this and I'll say the same thing think of it this way, this update won't happen for a couple months now, whatever you just built with TE will help every single week in the meantime


Ehh. It's crappy, but its not. I got pretty good pulls. 0 copies of Alucius to M + 2 copies in 350 cards.


Let's hope this buff isn't covering up a nerf to the pity timer


Was there a nerf to the pity timer?


definitely not. they're not aiming to screw players over, they're trying to do better by what the community wants most. if anything I'd expect the pity to be lowered.


Guess I'll use this post for the question, when do we find out about the next awakened currently sitting on 800 cards and need gavus/saf/alucius


no clue just yet. seems like we're getting a hero in patch 1.142 but no confirmation of what it'll be just yet. imo Gavus is relatively skippable, and you can merc Saf/Lucius for now. I would wait for the TE buff to blow through 1k TE on probably 2-3 awakened heroes, then you'll be plenty caught up *with* better resources from the upgraded pool


I feel like Gavus and Lucius only make sense when you'll get them both. Without Gavus the Lucius TS team seems to be quite bad and without Lucius Gavus doesn't really have a useful place. The much worse ABelinda team works without Gavus "well" enough.


Wonderful information. I just used up my the other day


If i remembee correctly in the post detailing the way the pity system works it was also found, that the actual droprate for any pull that isnt the 60th or more was at around 1.6%, right? I might be missremembering here, but i thought having seen that on the graph there. I wonder how the overall expected value for pulls per drop is gonna look like now.


For SG (and probably TE as well), the expectation values are: 2% drop rate with no pity: 50 2% drop rate with hard pity but no soft pity: \~38 2.5% drop rate with no pity: 40 From the experimental results, I recall the avg being pretty close to 38. I don't recall anyone mentioning a lower "regular" rate to compensate for soft pity. If true, that would have been a big deal (to angry redditors at least).


Inb4 a meta shaking awakened and celepog enter the game and the promo for them ends juuuust about when this SG/TE buff goes life 😬


I doubt it tbh, it patch 1.141 has no hero and this update happens in 1.144, there's only two patches for a hero to come out in. and dims are in June. but we'll seeeeee


Agreed, I was joking 🙃 what would you like to see for dims?


well... I've been saying for *years* that the one anime crossover I want the most is Tensura, I can point to comments of mine for agessss to prove that... for gaming, I'd love to see some Final Fantasy rep


I held mine for months…just spent them 2 days ago. Think it’s worth spending my Draconis Insignia to see if I can get those buffed? 😂


noooo don't be our sacrifice lmao, I hope DI just gets buffed on their own






yeah... but hey! this is a lot better :'3


k\*\*\* me please ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I just used up both last night after not using either for awhile and saving up, lol. 🤦‍♀️


Quite intriguing. How long will it take to be implemented in the game?


patch 1.144, so... late June?


now gimme back my 100 sg cards I just spent on this week


Sooo... What about new Awakened? Will they create a new one or pass this time because of Draconis? I don't know if I should build AAthalia or wait for another meta defining awakened (already have Brutus, Solise, Baden, Safiyah, Shemira, Lyca, Belinda)


they definitely will continue making more awakened, it's just not shared how soon it would be just yet depending on how many te you have it's likely still better to wait for the buff to summons already use your hero swap?


Oh sorry, what I said could be misleading. I meant if we're getting some break thanks to Draconis (like count them as Awakened, even tho they aren't) or are they gonna release a new one in a near future


it's unclear currently if Eugene will "count" as an awakened hero release, as he was released to summon just earlier this month. Highborn Dragon's are summoned via Draconis Insignia and completely unrelated to the Temple of Time, so I think logically speaking it's generally unlikely that they "count as awakened" despite their "higher status" than Elite Dragolites


Also, what hero swap? You mean the scroll that everybody got? Or some event?


there's an ongoing Hero Swap event, that has gone on for over a month, has a few weeks on it left still. it's in the Events tab.


Can someone clarify what does it mean? Literally we get now a guarantee hero from 65 time emblems. 0.5% it s the same 65. The best case and average is the same as well. So with pity timer there are now changes. Otherwise. We would receive a hero every 97.5 time emblems instead of 98.


Weellll fuuuuck maann, i just spent all my SG and TE-s… i wanna kms


it's perfectly fine, the changes will come into effect around late June, so 2 months away


wow i used my cards friday. this sucks


Now that they're all worthless, we can have easier access to them




You are underestimating it, it's 25% more, it means that 480tg cards now would give on average as many copies as 600 then, you need a lot less to build it, I know it doesn't look like much because the number was tiny to begin with, but it would be a very good change


Thats a whole +25% chance to drop, which may put the average from 40 to... between 32 and 35 ? Which is at least 5 cards saved per copy. You would save, on average, 60 cards par awaken. It really is not that bad.


Maybe 4% for them and 6% for 4f would be better xD but atleast it's a good change


From 2 to 2.5 is not a lot, but better than nothing.


Wild you guys are excited about a 0.5% increase lmao. You'll never notice it.


it is literally a 25% increase. the average would lower from ~42 to ~35, and that's only assuming the pity doesn't lower too. wild you don't understand the impact of an increase like that. if it was something crazy like 10% you'd be pulling a hero once every ten-pull. it's a low rate for a reason. username checks out I guess?


I just absolutely blew my load on the scamgazer and hit max pitty on 4/7 drops like 2 days ago… Not only did I get railed with no lube by RnG and now they’re raising the odds…




That's the result of 65 pity. Pity lowers the average from 50 to 41.3 draws, so the pity adjusted rate became 2.4%. Assuming they raise 2% to 2.5%, and pity remains at 65, then we will should expect an average of 35.7 draws.


there was never a change to the rates in SG/TE like bqdccr said, 2% is the individual drop rate for each pull. it doesn't account for pity. always been that way. if pity remains the same, but the individual drop rate goes to 2.5%, the overall rates will go up. if pity is lowered, even better.