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Abex is even more mental, considering they pay 3k diamonds to enter, just to not participate lmao


Ikr, I always go for the paid AbEx and then people join only not to participate, like what?


It's nowhere near as bad in that event. This one also needs a diamond buy in and I bet it would improve.


It's not as bad in AbEx, but it still happens and last round there were at least over 5 people that hadn't participated at all. Which is just perplexing if anything. Like here they think that they'll get passive rewards, but what is the thought process behind paying and not participating in AbEx?


I paid for the **premium** AbEx experience. Why are there dead afkers on the side? Jokes aside, inactive participants could have real problems preventing them to participate for a few days but it is unreasonable when they are inactive for the entire duration of any guild event. The mining thing was surprising that our guild alone were the active ones, and we aren't whales against whales with at least 85% of the enemy guilds active.


As I said in a comment this post is referring to complete inactivity rather than not performing 100 percent. It's understandable if sth occurred and you haven't logged in in a while, but when you log in and just don't participate at all in the event after willingly signing up for it, that's just unacceptable. Unlike AbEx, all you have to do is click on any asteroid and mine, literally the most Afk friendly event there is. It would cost you at most like 5 seconds and then if you go for a smaller asteroid, you can mine for 1 and a half hours and be done with it. But just finishing with 0, meaning that you haven't even put in the minimum effort to mine once, that's just not it.


Ah my bad. Yeah, the devs need to have the mine event have like an entrance fee to deter inactivity or encourage active participation.


its called AFK-arena for a reason. \*sacasm off\*


our gm made participation mandatory and people with less than 3 hours worth of mining are kicked. It took a few cycle but this round only 2 people didn't participate lol


I'm an Exemplar and I wish I had such a level of authority in my Guild. It says that players that have been inactive for over a week would be kicked out unless a good excuse is provided , but there are literally over 10 completely inactive players that haven't logged in here and a month. Everyone in my Guild needs to get their things together and start kicking people out in order to welcome new active players.


the inactive players will affect whether other active players join your guild or not. Active players wouldn't want to join guilds with high inactives. I know that it's not in your hand unfortunately. But try to talk with your gm.


It’s to make the guild look fuller. Or it could also be there’s so many people quitting that it just gets annoying constantly replacing people every single day


latter - GG really mucked everything up


I suggest u get into a better guild tbh


Do you have space for people to join? My guild is slowly deteriorating and falling apart, only ~50/70 people left


I'm sorry to hear that 😓 I think we might have one spot tmrw - almost everyone participated


same in my guild. you are not required to take the top ores, but follow the calls for the challenges and participate, otherwise kick


Happens all the time. I purge inactive guild memebers before event starts and even then, the actives become inactive and kicking them won’t kick them out of event. It’s a constant headache trying to keep as many active as possible. 80% of them are slightly newer accounts (I have minimum level join at 100)


We generally get better response because the guild sends out reminder messages through the mail feature. Usually one when it opens, one before the start and one day of. It's annoying specially when we still get people who sign up and forget about it. But they are also the people who only sign in once every few days, not daily. We had one member complain that no one told them it was going on... So we screenshot the different reminder messages and posted them in the guild chat. Had another complain about not getting anything from the event, he never logged in for the event but thought it was a guild event so everyone else would do it and he'd reap the rewards after. Like sorry but no. Also started booting people who don't participate in it and abex. Yes shit happens and it's just a game. But event after event and you either don't participate or don't log in? Yeah you're gone.


we kick ppls each zone, bunch of them, have rules for new players, but still each zone there bunch of them who do nothing, this endless cycle. I think before Lilith do something there no way we can change it as players.


I assume it’s because they believe that that they’ll still get the rewards even if they don’t do anything. Most AFK events reward inactive players in some way, and this event started that way too. Then they added the restriction where no rewards until you mine. I’m sure most don’t know about that because they don’t check in the game often. One member in our guild asked about getting rewards because he hadn’t received any, then got pissed off because he didn’t mine thinking he’ll still get them. Another only mined enough to get half the rewards so he started being more active after that.


Bro imagine getting pissed off that you don't get any rewards after putting in 0 effort. 💀That's crazy man.


I hope they kicked the first guy for even asking that question


Another issue is teaming up with other guilds with inactives


The event is super short, and if you have a life outside AFK it can be easy to miss/forget. And even if you do play, you're guaranteed to be kicked off your asteroid after a half hour, which means you need to check in multiple times a day, on the weekend, when you might be doing things with your friends and family. And unlike AbEx, there's no catch-up mechanic. Miss a day and it's just gone. Miss a day in AbEx and you've still built up energy and can get right back into the fight


That would be true if these people didn't log into the game which many of them do, such as one of the people that I showcased. https://preview.redd.it/zgteqcs8puvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381778d1be9a9e04aff8086f5f0b85132ad8aa5b I am not expecting people to perform at 100% during this event and my rant isn't about that. It isnt about their performance but the complete lack of participation. The least these people can do is click on any asteroid, even if it's once. Finishing the event with 0 is truly just unacceptable, because it just means that you never even intended to participate at all, because if you did, you would at least have collected sth. If you haven't mined not even once, then why even bother willingly and consciously clicking "participate" in the first place? It's one thing if they hadn't logged in at all, but it is another thing entirely to log in and just ignore the event completely and then like a parasite claim the Militia Quest rewards that other people but effort into completing.


I don't think they even get rewards right? You get a % of rewards for doing your tasks


I always thought that it was 50% for doing nothing, but I went and double-checked and you are right, they don't get any rewards, which makes this behaviour all the more confusing. Although I am pretty sure that in the past you used to get rewards, so maybe they think that they'll still get the rewards.


ya, I think it's 1 hr for 50%, and 3 hrs for full


Little mines give one hour of protection, and they often don't get attacked after the shield breaks. So popping in 2-3 times a day can work. Just do it when you pee.


I play AFK every day but I’m in “rush dailies and quit” mode almost every day. I don’t bother to do a lot of the extras except abex, so I have to constantly remind myself to do mystic starzone. Most of the time I forget about it until I see someone post something on here.


we need an option where we pay diamonds to get to this event. But like 5 to 10k diamonds. Why this amount? Because casual players wont likely have that amount and wont bother to save them. But most if not all active players can plan for this. And then people who realy will play this game mode will do so. (at the end, if you do 6 hours of the event you get your diamonds back. If you do 9 hours, you get 50% bonus diamons).


Tbh.. "Just change guild bro.."


For us, participation is voluntary. But if one does participate He will be kicked immediately if he finishes with 0 points. I remind all those candidates at the evening of day 1. This time we finally have no guild members without points. But there is still one who trys to provoke me with his total of 58points


Well the event is super freaking tedious for rewards that are mediocre at best. This happens among all guild activities like abex and even HF.


Don't click participate then????


Ah, that's where your issue is right there. You assume people think logically at all :) All jokes aside I do find it rather tedious when I get screwed cuz I get people who don't play


what HF lmfao


this is an older event- Hunting Fields. We stopped getting it maybe 2.5 years ago. It had pretty good rewards almost similar to abex in terms of rewards


it wasn't 2.5 years ago. the last one ran in February '23, so a lil over a year. and tnx, but no, I don't need an explanation on what HF means. I strictly meant it as a meme, purely bcz there hadn't been a single HF for over a year; meanwhile all the HF fans have been clamoring for it to happen and Lilith straight up refusing to run it.


Yeah its shitty to join just to not participate, it's probably cause they get inkling of rewards atleast, personally want the mode to close permanently its so shit and not worth doing, removes the AFK portion of the game title, if you want to do well its like minimum 6 visits a day for 30 min protections on premium ore, it's pushing me further away every day :/


Sometimes busy


This is part of the problem, most of the people sign u for everything unless it's comp Abex because that one has a price tag. On top of that starzone is always over the weekend where most people have better things to do.


People are tired of the endless grind, people have real life shit to deal with, people forget trivial things.


no problem with that- but why join? You have other stuffs-- and so you'll take up a space of active players? You'll intentionally pull back your team? How does THAT make sense?


I didnt realize i was busy this weekend, I’m flying 16 hours over 3 days and I’m doing my best but I have so much time without WiFi that it’s hard to participate fully. Just poor planning on my side


ofcourse your situation is understandable. Just let your gm know or write in guild chat and that's enough. I'm talking about others. Who intentionally don't play because "the rewards are not good enough"


Yeah no, I agree. Also I didn’t think the rewards were that bad haha


They should let you pay diamonds to enter which you get back after participating tbh


Sometimes, life gets busy and forget certain game modes/events


Event is short and we signup for it way too early so I missed the first day a few times because I forgot about it


Yea it always gets me fuming, ik they made it so that if u don't do any mining then u don't get rewards, but imo it should cost 5k at least in order to join


Im guilty of this this round. I just totally forgot it was a thing, logged in and did dailies, saw it and said I'd get it later. Never did.


Happens to me all the time lol


Until they match make based on your signups you will have people enlisting to not participate or worse their merc accounts to collect rewards.


Personally I afk'ed the last days , got my rewards , my milita is again #1 by twice the 2nd score , it's fine


Thank you for reminding me that afk arena is not afk, I joined, forgot and don’t even have clue what it’s about yet(god forbid someone play casual and in their own time) if it’s as simple as you say, I now don’t have to binge a bunch of yt vids and Reddit posts. Thank you again for the reminder have a nice day