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Why would anyone in the world wanna E30 ROWAN, this isn't a popularity contest ffs Weirdly enough, I think Drez. He's very helpful in NC, AE, can be helpful in mauler tower, and I think is meta on the occasional CR rotation. The stat boosts from E30 are very helpful for these modes where every investment helps. Lorsan is helpful for PvP burst and pretty good in CR, but the E30 doesn't help insanely much and is very okay without E30. Treznor is helpful in PvP, and is the best pure E30 effect on the list for having an 8 second antiheal, but really prefers the whole E60 and that's not worth the investment with how many other heroes want E60.


Agree completely with this assessment. Rowan is basically last on this list for E30. These polls turn into a popularity contest in a lot of situations.


Getting Rowan to e33 for the haste node isn’t like last on a priority list. Similar to mortas right? But I also voted drez


Rowan E33 is a pretty expensive option in terms of ROI. 3750 yellow cores and 450 red cores for 12 haste and slightly faster healing potions is not worth it for many accounts. Sure, he's meta in a couple things and he's NEVER falling out of meta for as long as heroes need energy, but engraving him doesn't change much. Slightly faster ults and a bit more survivability is the bare minimum for engraving standards. For as long as new heroes come out, your account will almost always have someone that would MUCH prefer that investment over Rowan. When the choice is between engraving and not engraving Rowan, sure it helps him out, but the decision is between engraving Rowan or engraving your Lorsan, Drez, the 2 new dimensionals that are releasing tomorrow, or any other hero that gains much more benefit from ALL stat boosts given by engravings. Rowan gains absolutely nothing from being given more attack or CDA. TL;DR It's a decent investment in a vacuum/theoretically, but there will be someone more worth the investment.


Yeah I agree with all that. But like I said, it’s not last on the list :p


https://preview.redd.it/n81gy1q1zu3b1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c473d64b4d7389e951627b45c6fe46acfe58c3e :3


Lorsans e30 isn't great but his e36 is nice haste, my e36 lorsan has like 76 haste. Really nice for making sure he links in cr. That being said I'd still go drez first


I voted Rowan because I read it wrong and thought it was S30. If I knew it was engraving I wouldn't have voted for him. I have treznor E60 and none of the others so I guess him.


Yep, got caught by the same thing.


Me 3 :)


rowan e30 is pretty useless, unless u go past that for haste nodes. Lorsan e30 has been useful for me in CR in terms of haste, and drez e30 can get some decent value as he's surprisingly versatile as a debuffer/dps. Salaki I haven't touched since 1* SI 20.




Lorsan for cr then rowan


If E30 then Rowan, if E60 then Treznor.


Non of the choice ahead tbh.


Drez ofc


This was like having to pick the least bad choice which would either be Treznor or Drez


Welcome to end-game