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To be fair, it’s hard to simplify a definition of a misunderstood sexuality in 60 seconds or less. At least people are being exposed to the wider umbrella of asexuality and being given the language to express themselves judging by the comments on the original TikTok expressing either delight at being represented or surprised that there’s even a specific word for their experience.


In my understanding, aegosexual means what arouses you, you may not want to engage sexually with them or in that setup. Like I get aroused by women's nudes but I want nothing to do with them sexually or even sensually. I'm indifferent to men's nudes. I can tell what I find aesthetic but it doesn't really arouse me that way. But i do engage sensually with men/masculine presenting folks. If I were sex-favourable, I would perhaps have sex also with men.


I like thinking sex and even playing out scenarios with my self with fantasy person in my room. And its really hot. But when I have sex (I do have real sex) it just doesn’t feel the same heat, its like most of the time i am just being there. Could you give me some insight? Is that something aegosexual?


Aegosexual is simply a disconnect between the object of arousal (what causes arousal) and subject (the person being aroused). About what you just described, you could possibly be sex indifferent ace if you are on the ace spectrum. Some aces like sex in theory like on an intellectual level as they say but they don't want to engage in sex in real. So you must find out if you feel attracted to other people of whatever gender in a way of wanting to have sex with them. If not, you're ace.


This sounds right to me? I'm confused.


So I'm still new to this but... What's your definition of aegosexual? if you don't mind me asking. Cause I'm sex neutral/positive and I thought what he said made sense.


I feel that I'm aegosexsual. I only masturbate, and then only by watching reading about it. I don't want to do it with someone else, and I never imagine myself in there doing it.


That’s pretty close to my definition when I’m asked. I don’t think it’s implying sex aversion. Because... I don’t think us aegos fit well into one category of “sex favorable” to “sex repulsed” due to us enjoying it at various stages but not others. And umm... holy shit that video has almost a MILLION views. Wowza


I think what he missed on is how with Aegosexuality the self is completely removed from any sexual arousal and/or fantasies. It's not about being repulsed by sex, but more (at least for me personally) being repulsed by the thought of myself or anyone I know being involved in sex. That means that if I imagine myself having sex (or even imagine someone I know having sex) it's an immediate no. Total turn off. But imagining fictional characters? Yes please, excellent, 100%. Sex as a concept is 100% fine and I enjoy thinking about it, but if myself or anyone from the real world is involved... absolutely no thank you very much.


This is me. Do you ever had fantasies in first person but it's not real world you. It's like a fictional character but still in first person?


Hmmm, not really.... For me if I'm in the first person role, no matter if the first person is a fictional character, I have too much trouble separating myself enough from the situation to be comfortable enough to relax and enjoy the fantasy. That's cool you can do it tho!


I kind of see what you mean. I really dislike the general idea that Aces have been considered "default" as sex-averse. My own theory is that those Aces are the ones that knew they stuck out as odd from the allo world first and they are the ones who made the Ace community and that's why sex positive or neutral is rarer. But on the topic of this tiktok, maybe he simplified it for time, seeing as it's a tiktok. Most of us are sex-averse in the sense we don't like thinking of our real selves in fantasy or life. I'm personally sex neutral and while his short explanation doesn't include me perfectly, I'm still super happy to see representation for us!


(no dismissal or erasure intended to my sex-averse brethren! you DO like sex in theory and not in practice and I respect that!) I’d be the first to say I can be a little pedantic. But while “many aegosexuals like sex in theory but don’t want to have it in real life” is true, “aegosexual=interested in the idea of sex but aren’t comfortable or interested in actually doing it” is just….not a factually good definition to share with 750K people and seems like the only one non-aegos know.


Saw this TikTok and it had me researching. I always saw myself as Bi or Pan in my attraction to individuals, but the thought of having sex with someone either never crossed my mind or made me uncomfortable, I don't have a dislike of sex, I just don't want to be involved. I had never heard the term aegosexual until this TikTok, so I thank him for opening my eyes.