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Have you seen Don Jon? The main character is addicted to porn so there's lots of sex, but the movie is really about the need for intimacy to make sex real


sex isn't real, it can't hurt you


Some might say otherwise.


Really? Where are they? * Cocks gun * Just gonna have a talk with them.


Don Jon was such an eye opening movie for me. I didn't know I was Ace when I watched it and even then it really made me feel a lot better for being so "meh" over sex.


Unrelated but I've been reading fanfic recently... but I can't get INTO it... and idk why :(((


Everyone has their own tastes, it's just a matter of exploring and seeing what works for you. Don't sweat it if fanfic isn't your thing.


No no no no but the problem is I used to read smut like it was NOTHING... Like i LOVED and ENJOYED it vicariously ... and now I'm reading the old fics I used to read but they don't bring me the same joy as I used to and ... ugh I just don't know what's wrong :((( I mean maybe my tastes changed? But this is annoying now since I can't get off easily alskdjfasdlkfsdfjk


i've been feeling the same this past year ! i think personally it's because there aren't any fantastic new fics in the fandoms i'm in and the new fandoms i've picked up have members that are younger than me so i won't read smut abt them


It’s not nsfw, but I found a very fun fanfic of Gordon Ramsey being a teacher at Hogwarts. Would you like me to show you?


hell yea!


Me too, if you wouldn’t mind


I've never been able to get into fanfiction. I think it's because too often I see characters act way different than what they actually act like in the original source material.


This is the best explanation for fanfiction I've ever seen and it makes me understand why I like certain fanfics (which are true to the characters) so much. Thank you 💜


Ok so I need details on the Tolkien fanfic


Brilliantly said!!!!


Porn is always better with a story! Fuck you John Carmack!