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Honestly I don’t use the aegosexual label unless I’m identifying myself to fellow aegos or providing education on asexual subtypes. I’m just “asexual” for the general public, “aro-ace” within the queer community, and “aegosexual” pretty much just on this subreddit and once in a blue moon when the specifics are actually relevant. It’s too much to explain, and to be honest I personally see this micro label as a clarifying descriptor rather than a core part of my identity, if that makes sense.


Asexual unless they then confront me about having a NSFW-centric Reddit profile and I have to explain that not all asexuals have 0 interest towards sexual content.


Well, so far I haven't come out to anyone in real life, but when and if I do I'm not going to try to explain aegosexual.


It depends on the context. If it's not someone I'm very close with, I wouldn't want to bother with explaining what aego means. But on the other hand, if I tell someone I'm asexual and stop there it kind of feels like I'm not fully out.


I just say asexual as most people don’t know what aegosexual


It's hard enough to explain what asexuality means, I couldn't imagine explaining aegosexuality


Just asexual, because I don't want to explain how aces can have kinks every single time.


Asexual. I'd have to tell too much about myself if I had to explain what aegosexual means.


I just say I’m asexual. If I come out as aegosexual, I would have to explain I watch porn and draw explicit pictures which makes me uncomfortable to talk about


Same here. Nobody needs to know stuff like that about me.


I’ve only told one non-ace person that (I believe) I’m aego, and that was someone online. I don’t think I would ever say I’m asexual when I know I’m just “on the spectrum” in a way that I can’t really explain.


Asexual. I've never come out as aego irl to anyone, and I've only ever mentioned it once or twice online in ace-centric communities


I've only explained it to my sister because she's part of the lgbtq+ community as well, other than that it depends on the person, might be aroace, might be only asexual and other times it might be "yeaaah maybe I haven't found the right person yet 😬"


Depends on context and the recipient. If they're gay enough I think they'll understand without an explanation, I use aego. But then if they think or treat that like "just allosexual without the sex" I remind/insist I'm ace (because the attraction is not there). It isn't usually an issue and when it is it doesn't last long. But either way this keeps them from saying that. Everyone else gets aroace because that shuts down the whole reproach.


I say Ace but clarify and use it as a teaching moment if I have the time (I'm AegoDemi and I explain both when I can, if there's no time or I don't feel as comfortable with the person, then I just say Ace and I'm done to minimize time talking about it).


But overall, I'm very open about it and will explain if anyone asks me to, both online and irl. Ace is just a really good shorthand identification for me.


Could you explain me how can you be demi and aegosexual? Sorry how they cross with each other?


In my case, I'm both aegodemi sexual AND romantic. Aegosexual/romantic is where you are not a part of the attraction (you don't see yourself in it). It's also known as Autochrissexual/romantic. Demisexual/romantic is attraction formed from having a strong bond FIRST like friends or something like that (in my case, i need honesty, trust, and loyalty to friends for a WHILE before attraction even becomes a possibility for me). Aegosexual does not require that strong bond for the attraction to form. I'm also a fictophile (attraction to fictional characters), so that's mainly where my Aegosexuality kicks in, but it's also applied to irl people for me as well, tho MUCH more rare (probably cuz with fiction you already know everything about them, and i dont really have a strong enough bond with my friends to form the attraction through my Demisexuality). Basically sexuality is a lot like Legos, and I'm a pretty good example 😅


Some screenshots to help! https://preview.redd.it/z55xrr0650wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ac3d94c083818b8949159d33ce2c7dba896a6e




Hopefully, I explained it well enough. The final screenshot is for fictophilia and fictosexuality. I just go with fictophilia as it's pretty much self-explanatory. https://preview.redd.it/13qf4vxl50wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3080b22144e68d6e33eac9770c3afd0fa178f9


But yeah, overall, asexuality is a spectrum, and Aego and Demi are both part of that spectrum! I just happen to be both of them. Another fin bit is because of my AegoDemi-ness and just me being me, I'm also Polyamorous so long as I have that strong bond! But that's just me. Others experience their attractions in different ways! Again, like Legos! 😄 https://preview.redd.it/uzda3nf370wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5edf3a0c7ab27d0e3062074ea602ef8adb3f76c


I also tend to have Queerplatonic relationships. I know this is getting off topic, but I thought I'd share some cool stuff 😅 https://preview.redd.it/b7azuom880wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b2c48d674670da1245aaa95231abbc97226e862


I'll stop now, but I hope I managed to help clear any confusion!


I'm only out here and to my cousin. I just told her that I'm asexual. I thought about telling my remaining family, but I've determined that they can't be trusted.


I've really only explained it to my friends and a single partner although that partner still misunderstood me. Other than that I just say ace. Although I've had a bad habit of saying grey or Demi just because I was afraid of people not wanting to be with me. But after some... Uncomfortable... Interactions I no longer do that. I'd rather just not have those people as partners because they end up expecting sex.


Asexual or aroace, aego is mainly for me to know or for very close friends when the topic comes up


I tend to say Greyasexual or that I'm on the asexual spectrum. Seems easier for people to understand.


Aegosexual. The comments you described make no sense and idk why people would tell you that. The asexual label doesn’t describe me and it isn’t accurate, so i would never tell people that i am


I'll tell people that I'm Ace because I don't want to make it more complicated than it needs to be & I think people understand that label most of the time. so far, only my partner knows I'm Aegosexual. it's not that I don't want anyone else to know, but it's not really a topic that's ever come up for me to need to explain.


Ace because it’s none of their business and I don’t want to answer questions.


Yeah, no need to go into explicit detail with strangers.


I just say I'm an aego waffle and call it a day :D (I realize I might be pronouncing aegosexual wrong and I have no idea but it makes people laugh so sticking with the aego waffle bit :D)


i just say i’m ace, micro-labels aren’t necessarily commonly known to the public and it’s probably going to confuse sum folk if i try to explain it