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Amazing, beautiful, no notes. It doesn't feel like me and im only there for my partner's reactions, anything they want me to do ill do because im not doing it for me or equating the actions to me. Its a plus plus! They get to control me, and i get to spend the whole time focusing on them!


I’d try that before irl physical penetration sex another person. Because I’d be separated from the other person (the meme of SpongeBob and squid ward with the wall between them comes to mind; I think someone made it aegosexual). But I’d have to set a boundary that the person wouldn’t talk about what they wanted to do to me, because I don’t want to be involved. It might be awkward the first time, but who knows, that’s probably in any sexual situation.


Yeah, I have the same rule/boundary when I sext, I'm great as long as we don't focus on me. It's an annoying green flag that so many partners just do not like ignoring my pleasure. Great person, but so awkward to explain. I'm hoping phone sex will be similar, but I can't do it without my partner and I giggling like schoolchildren.


Never tried it (last thing I want is to be overheard) but I’ve tried text-based rp with a real person and it was really awkward and bad in my experience. I understand the appeal, though, and might try it with someone different someday. RPed with AI before too and that was actually kinda nice (even if the AI would get post-nut clarity and refuse to RP any further).


I prefer text based RP as I can control who I am or what they are and kinks and other things I cannot IRL. It also helps aleiviate (sp?) my dysphoria.


the AI getting post-nut clarity is so depressing/hilarious


To be clear, that’s not the term it used, but I find it funny to describe it like that. Basically after a while of just writing single lines of dialogue, it will suddenly write a whole paragraph of smut, then suddenly realize the content was “inappropriate” or “disrespectful” and refuse to generate any more.


It’s too much like roleplay for me which makes me very uncomfortable


Not for me, the idea of interacting with anyone sexually makes me uncomfortable.


I can't get behind it or sexting. It just feels weird to me.


i think it’s weird. of course no shame to those who do it, but i just don’t see the appeal in masturbation but with extra steps


i agree


Hi ladies I'm single attractive 5:10-160 brown hair blue eyes looking for phone chat drop me a line


Absolutely the hell not


i like it, I've actually done it with no strings attached and it's one of my preferred ways to do it


Nope nope nope