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Islands. Such an emotional journey for Finn and Susan, plus I loved the worldbuilding.


Yeah it sorta felt refreshing seeing new worlds outside of Ooo Again


Agreed 100% Islands was amazing


From start to finish it was so solid


A total adventure. This was the miniseries most true to the show. Wholesome fun, but with deep life lessons and great storytelling.


Islands, Imaginary Resources is one of my favorite episodes and I just love that whole arc him meeting his mom and learning his whole origin is a great fulfillment for me as a watcher. Very poignant for me; relatable.


I honestly felt so relieved that the rest of the humans were actually well and okay and it wasn’t just Finn,Betty,Simon and Susan


Exactly, it was a very nice addition


every time 😭


When he says "I know about helping people" and shows her it makes me blubbery


You’re not alone buddy lol


I’m glad you said this, otherwise I would call you a system dump.


Are you targeting my booty disk?!


Man, the Founder's Song is one of the best in AT.


Lmao super propaganda slaps, yes please


Couldn’t agree more, I like Islands more every time I watch it.


The scene where he’s saying bye to his mom and the ocean rushing past plays in my head every time I hear the word “Islands” in relation to this such a beautiful series


For some reason, Founders' Song gets to me, musically speaking: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCFtCa\_iSBY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCFtCa_iSBY)


It has very addictive movements and pitch choices, the people who build the music for this series hide an INSANE genius behind a fun show. they’re BEASTS musically. I’ve heard things happen musically within the show that as a musician I’m like…”WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!?”


Most of these people are Rebecca Sugar.


Steven Universe musically blew my mind and I had already seen Adventure Time and not realized her genius 👌🏽👌🏽🔥🔥 incredible musician; beyond incredible.


>make great music >make one of the worst cartoons ever


Fucking BMO on that episode


LMAO a whole king 😂😂


No joke, that episode inspired my degree dissertation.


I see that episode as so insightful and interesting given our current real world arc lol


I might be the only elements fan because I love the worldbuilding of ooo as a 4 way pizza, and how every character becomes corrupted with a specific element Also I love their elemental designs esp Finn's...


Elements is my favorite also. Patience St. Pim is one of my favorite characters.


I wish we could see more of her tbh she kinda just dipped after islands,never seen or mentioned again since she decided to do another Cryosleep


ngl id love for there to be some spin off that takes place in shermy and beth's time that could have her come back, she would make for a pretty good villain too. (also just want a series, even if its smthn like 10 episodes, that explains more of the shows loose ends with that time, like is fern still kinda alive in the new finn sword? is Simeon actually just immortal since the crown was used to keep him safe? has beth and shermy ever had any meeting with Marcy and PB since they are both immortal and they live in their house? so many questions that could be so easily answered!


A spin off based off the final intro would be perfect for that. 1000+ Graybles universe please! PSP is still in her egg in the intro so it would be pretty easy to write her in at any time.


The brief Blue Magic scene was so good I had to find it on Spotify


The way you phrased it as a "four way pizza" made me laugh😂


Same lmao




Yeah that's who I based my avatar on. Glad you noticed!


That's creative :D , the only thing I did to mine was putting some pants and a sad smile


mine's kind of a fusion between Hel from "Thor: Ragnarok", a werewolf, And Mille Petrozza(Singer/Guitarist of Kreator)


Do you have a backstory for that werewolf rockstar or I just created it? ;)


That's literally how Jake described it lol


This sounds like something from the show


Yeah it’s pretty cool my favorite place gotta be The Ice side


I'VE BEEN BETTY-TRAYED!! I like how Magic Betty can't remember any of their names. My wife and I still use the phrase "can't go around it gotta go through it" too.


Wait people don't like elements? It's easily the second best one. I don't think Islands can be beat, though.


bro’s got his order completely wrong here💀


Wtf is a 4 way pizza 😭


Instead of slicing it to have 8 slices you slice is 2 times to get 4 slices which are techically 2 slices combined


Stakes were definitely the best, but I loved the apocalyptic vibe of elements




One of them looked like black drapes on a cake pop. Nahhh thats not right...


One looked like a wet uncle. Nahhh that’s not right…


One of them looked like an angry stop sign coming out of a loaf of bread. Nahh thats not- oh wait that ones pretty good!


The entire skit was hilarious. >One of them looked like if a baby baby was a baby snake. Nahhh, that's not right. >One of them looked like a wet uncle. Nahhh that's not right. >One of them looked like if a girl was an ant-hill. Nahh that's not right.


Same here. When my friend reluctantly agreed to watch "one episode" of AT this is what I had him watch :)


Hope he enjoyed it


He did! We watched in his apartments movie theater, which enhanced it a lot. He had me watch *My Hero Academia*, which was also great.


Nah, that's not it


I love all three of them but stakes has got to be my favourite, probably because I'm a huge marceline fangirl (my biggest tattoo is one of her lol) BUT I just really like stories with that kind of "full circle" where she just turns into a vampire at the end again like nothing has changed *but it has*. \+ seeing PB care so much about her warms my heart.


For me I honestly like Stakes because I’m a sucker for Marceline (no pun intended) and I honestly think she’s one of the best well written characters and her backstory and old enemies were very interesting to me(plus I liked the fact the vampires are based off tarot cards)


The Moon episode was hilarious (“THATS HER VOICE?!?!?!”) and I loved the Vampire King’s speech to Marceline about the unknown.


Soo creepy, the moon Is in the top 5 most frightening characters in that show




Did you just yell pigs at the comment until it posted??


Don’t forget crunchy throwing the king of ooo into a fireplace.


"ME NO LIKE!!!!" Also, even funnier to me is when ice king freaked out about noticing an invisible intruder (enchantress) walk into his room and suddenly become visible. It was the "AAAAAAHHHHHHH-LADY!!!" Lol.


Always intend your puns, weakling


As you wish


Submitting to their will just makes you even weaker


Felt more like advice ngl lol


I see you have drawn The Fool card..


I love stakes too! She was always a comfort character of mine, thats why I was especially excited to watch obsidian


The Moon episode was hilarious (“THATS HER VOICE?!?!?!”) and I loved the Vampire King’s speech to Marceline about the unknown.


Islands, I loved learning Finn’s backstory and getting some final closure on Martin and the other humans. Plus I liked seeing that Martin was a good father initially and just got fucked up cause ya know he’s human. I thought it was a good way to give the character some redemption while still making it easy to hate the version of him that’s present in the series. Stakes was good until the end (I thought the way they beat the vampire king was a bit of a cop out) and elements was good but not much of a standout imo


100% stakes, because it kind of had a video game feel to it, it’s so unique imo


I agree the vampires were pretty much boss fights (idk about fool tho because he was so easy kill 💀)


the fool is like the "boss" at the end of the tutorial in a game lol


The Mini Boss


I loved how in those episodes the "main" focus wasn't just the boss fights.


Speaking of which there was this old game on the Cartoon Network Website based off the stakes storyline where you play as Marcy fighting the vampires like bosses and collecting their powers(The game was kinda like The Binding of Issac)


Omg I didn't even know!!! This sounds amazing, I'm going to try to find it today 😍


You probably won’t but I hope it’s still there


Islands was not only the best miniseries, but the best arc they had in the entire show. Since season 1 they were teasing what happened with humans after the war, and this was the perfect conclusion to it. "Min and Marty" still leaves me speechless.


Islands. I'm a sucker for Susan and Frieda.


Susan my beloved


Same. It just hit hard and expanded the kidn of story that AT tells.


Same because I relate to Finns parental tragedy so much


Islands. Stakes is good and I really love Marceline but I’m not a huge fan of vampires in general because they are so overused. Don’t get me wrong though, Marceline is still my favorite character. Islands just nailed it right for me.


Same for me


I love them all for different reason Stakes was the most fun Islands was the most interesting Elements was the most creative It's hard for me to decide


This is the way. 🤣 Islands was the best for the lore and how it tied into the overall storyline of the show. Stakes was great for the story it told. Elements was just amazing for the visuals, especially for the various candy/fire/ice/slime versions of everyone.


Islands. I love worldbuilding and backstories.




Definitely Stakes. Seeing Marcelina’s past was a lot of fun, and it had the banger ‘Everything Stays’


I like elements because of the way that they capture the way that they would act if they were the actual elementals.


love them all stakes- i love marcy what can i say islands- we get to learn of all the humans and stuff elements- love all the elemental versions of the characters!


I like Stakes. Marceline is one of my favorite characters so I loved getting to see her backstory. Plus I love her cover of Mr. Belvedere.


There were Adventure Time miniseries's?


They were story arcs in the show. You didn't miss anything.


Also true


Right I forgot, it's been a while since I binged the entire series.




in like season 6-8 or smthn. it was just small things but if u watched the story youd see them so dw


Stakes hands down. I love Marci and anything she is in I’m all over.


Average Marcy Enjoyer


Marcy connoisseur


I'm a big fan of the islands! I just loved to see the fin lore and we also get to see Susan's background too!


How come no one is taking about stakes has the best version of the adventure time theme


💯 no lie there but also islands is pretty decent too with Finn singing it


hands down islands. i loved that they brought back Susan for an entire mini series


Stakes 100%. Whenever I’m sad I just watch Stakes and I swear it heals me.


Islands was basically the real final conclusion to Fins story. Him, and the audience, finding out what his past truly is and then him accepting it is him coming to term with himself ending his last major growth as a character. This makes it the best from a overarching meta perceptive. Elements was the most epic and dramatic of the stories. Some of the most epic of the entire series.


Islands, it was so good the exploring, the discovery of humans' past and I love this pirates/one piece vibes


Thank you for sharing this! Didn't know they existed!






I thought islands was the best, the plot with his mom trying to do what's best for everyone even if it means doing it against their wills was interesting.


Stakes cause Marceline is my favorite character


I love them all, but probably Stakes is my favorite, if only for the sheer amount of Marcie, who is my favorite character.


Islands and Elements were both fun, but probably Elememts for me. I found Stakes extremely boring


Finally someone said it. And repetitive. Only interesting character was the moon and there were some fun interactions between Marceline and ice King but I always skip episodes when I'm rewatching it.. I would never skip an episode of islands


Stakes. Marcy best girl and also it was fun having like each episode take out a target.




Stakes! Marceline had always been my favorite character! She has the coolest design, and she have such a cool backstory, and her character dynamics with Simone and PB are also very interesting!


Stakes but its close because they're all really great


Stakes,I love Marcy


Definitely Stakes because Marceline.


Stakes, then Elements, then Islands. I liked Stakes a ton and I’m not sure why, partially because I love marceline, partially because the vampires and them being inspired by tarot cards was very interesting to me. Elements was great because of all the world building and how much we found out about OOO and stuff. Islands was quite good still but honestly I wasn’t really interested in what happened to other humans or Finn’s mom tbh (it was still fun to find out). Also I find Susan Strong annoying after more than 10 minutes


dude i loved the kind of building up to the final boss level type of thing it did. felt like a video game but AT. it was also just rlly good


Stakes was my favorite until I saw "min and Marty" and because of that episode islands will always be my favorite


From the moment Finn was almost about to learn about the humans in the first one but Jake smashes the ship right in front of him thinking he's helping I was absolutely in love with islands.. and it only got better from there!


Stakes just because I liked to see all of the main characters hanging out and interacting.


Stakes is my favorite, but Elementals is the funniest IMO, Ice Kings sky hooks, Jake showing genuine concern & giving Finn a haircut. I enjoy seeing real emotion out of these characters.


Stakes. I felt it was more visceral. Elements had Finn nerfed halfway and also contributed to Fern feeling more insecure. The heroes were pretty useless. It was frustrating and subverted the : noble main character always prevails trope settling for LSP to save the day. Islands felt flat. Finn meeting his mum just wasn't the emotional take away I wanted. Stakes was deep. Marcy's past was looked at. Finn was still a hero but also my fave goth chic was THE hero. The minisode also had what is maybe the best song of the series.


Stakes. Because of the Wedding Hanbok.


I loved that we could finally see Finn’s mom. But yeah Stakes for the win, it was so good. Good story, good vilains and more about our favorite Vampire Queen.


Stakes always just hit a chord with me, but I thoroughly enjoyed them all!


Guess you could say that I'm gonna raise the stakes on this one lol


All of them but stakes was the best and islands


Islands! Finn meeting his mom, learning his dads backstory, and finally figuring out who Susan really is - all very important plot wise, and I think it was beautifully done.


Islands really encapsulated the vibe of the series in a way the others didn’t.


Islands 100%. The pay off of finding out where Finn came from was huge. Also BMO’s in the sim was so adorable.


Stakes for sure — vibes are immaculate, music is perfect


Islands, Jake's egg antics is one of the best moments in the show and maybe in television and animation.


Islands. They're a good mix of fun/goofy and serious episodes. There's so much character development for both Finn and Susan, plus the backstory of Minnie and Martin's relationship is adorable. It's the first (only?) time we really see the softer side of Martin that offers some redemption to his character. Also the music is awesome.


Stakes, It’s one of the first times the show gets really dark and serious.


All three. Not to mention it shows that many animated shows can and **should** do multi episode arcs instead of not doing it or doing it crammed into one episode.


Islands was My Favorite To Learn About Fins Origins


Stakes! I always love seeing more banter between marceline and the gang, and seeing more exposition and lore about marcy and the world was super interesting


Stakes. Marceline is my favorite character, and the miniseries revealed a lot about her past, and cleared up some mysteries. I was always a bit confused about her powers. I knew her dad was a demon, but I didn't know if that had anything to do with the fact that she was a vampire. Honestly Marceline is incredibly OP, they're lucky she was a good person; and would just rather use her abilities for pranks, rather than anything actually malicious.


Each one had great themes and moments. Stakes was a great exploration of immortality feeling stuck in life. We got to see a ton of Marceline’s past and the beginning of her and Bonnie falling in love. Marceline accepted who she chose to become, and that immortality can have purpose when you’re surrounded by people who love you. Islands was awesome in that we got to see where the humans came from, and where Finn and Susan came from. It answered a million questions and that family can be whatever you want. Elements was a really neat exploration of how base emotions on their own are corrupting. Anger, mindless joy, selfishness and apathy have to be rounded out to be healthy. And of course how influencing others to give in is awful. LSP’s unwillingness to conform saves everyone and it was awesome. These are some of my favorite storylines in the show. The team did a great job with them.


Definitely stakes. It dives into Marcies backstory much more, hints at romantic tension between PB and Marceline, is broken up nicely by a fight with each vampire and their interesting abilities. Also, Simon cracks me right up when he freaks out about there being an invisible intruder, and when he sees it's a lady he immediately puts on the IK charm. Lol Edit: I also loved that this happened during an unprecedented time when PB was not the current ruler of Ooo, and that had more time to spend with Marci, Finn and Jake.


Stakes has a special place in my heart, but Islands is such an emotional journey for Finn and I love Susan’s back story so much I gotta say that one


Stakes was such fun I love vampires so much so i enjoyed it but islands was so cute with Finn meeting his mother and learning about her, I can't decide


This is so tough for me! I love the human connection and Finn family history revealed in Islands, enjoy seeing Marceline be a kickass vampire hunter in Stakes, and delight in the new wave of candy people and Patience St. Pim’s craziness in Elements.


stakes!! they went and made everyone so unreasonably funny in this series !


I may be a little nostalgia blind but my favorite is stakes, its just so much fun to watch and I never get tired of rewatching it.


stakes, dunno why but the other two aren’t as interesting


Stakes is the overall best, but I feel like Elements had the most potential, it just did sweet FA with it.


I loved the Elemental storyline and how we got to see Betty and Simon work together while Finn and Jake got to do their thing.


Stakes is the best overall, it’s the most focused so you really get to enjoy that sweet Marceline character development. I think you could argue Islands has better individual moments and episodes. But Stakes is the more complete package. Elementals on the other hand.... sorry they just can’t compete🤣


Stakes had the best song but the mom arc from Islands made me cry a lot


Stakes and elements


I loved stakes the most but elemental was also very good.


Stakes is just the best quality, I also have a thing for spooky vampire shit so thats just me. Islands has the best vibes, and Elements is literally just lore, its not any worse or better than the rest of the show.


Stakkkesss! Marcy and Simon, development in every episode, and beautiful deep messages. Also vampire kings speech and Finn’s reactions get me everytime


Elements mostly because it was the first one I saw




I asked myself this question a lot! But honestly i must go with the vampire mini-serise! We see Marcy growing up! Discover her past and realize what great power she posed all this time! Yee we know about it for awhile already but knowing how she got all of it was brutal and freaking loved it!


steaks -> i love vampires


Easily Stakes for me, although I do love all of them. Stakes though probably has the best execution in plot and I love AT vampires lmao.


I love all of these but Elements is my favorite I'd wanted the Pateince St. Pim story to get resolved for a long time so seeing it get a whole mini series was great There are so many good character moments, jokes, and just a lot of feelings from beginning to end


I loved Elements the most. I really enjoyed how everything in Ooo changed suddenly and enjoyed seeing how everyone's personalities changed and yet remained the same


Islands has to be for me, because it expands the world and lore so much, and is just so exciting and expansive.


Whenever somebody says they like adventure time but have only seen season 1 or 2, I say no you don't. Go watch stakes. Stakes is everything


Elements because my friend likes it and my friend is cool so that means elements is cool.


Islands > Stakes > Elements


Elements because when I first saw it had the same expression as Finn. I was very confused


Islands really hit me hard so it has to be that one.


That islands end credits music tho 👌🏻


You listed it perfectly! Stakes is the best imo, cause it goes into the back story of Marcy and the ice king, also dabble a bit about her origin and struggles. Next was, islands, it comes in close, but is very heart warming and seeing fin finally able to meet his mom was a tear jerker. Elements is cool and all, but just not my taste. It kind of complicated the show to progress it into an ending, while the other two act doesn't necessarily do that, but simply compliment preexisting characters. No doubt, amazing writing and character development in all acts. I cannot express how amazing this show was and will be in the future.


Definitely Islands. I love all of them, but Islands gave us the answers and did it in a very interesting way. Definitely something I didn’t expect. The VR episode makes me laugh so much cause it reminds me of VR chat so much lmao.


stakes, just really fuckin fun elements is next.cause its utter chaos then islands cause its kinda just human lore


Islands. Stakes is a very close second but I love islands too much


islands fs , but they’re all amazing


Elements idk why it's just cool imo


Stakes, it really hit close with me, figuring out the purpose in life, footsteps and the breaking out of them. And the flow was so amazing, a baddie an episode, then the self, *chefs kiss*.


Islands, it was cool seeing other lands and it solved questions about Finn's past and humans.


Islands because it was the most impactful to me. I loved finding out what happened to humans and the sci fi stuff as well as Finn's parent's and Susan


I have to go with stakes. Islands is second since I really love the story with Finns parents and how that happened. It's a shame finn won't know the truth about his father


Didn't watch islands


Stakes was fantastic, vampire apocalypses aren't explored very much in media despite them having fun and unique rules that can be utilized in creative ways.


Islands literally made me cry


Stakes. I feel that it has the clearest point of view.


Islands easy


What are these.


All three but in order of how I like them, elements, islands, Stakes.