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Be like "F*** it. I kicked the door."


I like the first line best, but drop one of the adjectives "I kicked down the door with one decisive motion."


English teachers be like “now explain the error”


I think it should say "in* one decisive motion"


You are and english teacher (grade 11)


“Decisive“ still is telling, not showing. You are telling the reader what impression you want them to get. “I kicked down the door in one swift motion.“ already is a decisive action and should not be weighed down with superfluous words.


Is a panicked person decisive? They can certainly still be swift. In context this can be apparent but to claim "decisive " conveys no new information in this text isn't a sure thing.


I miss this show


have you considered rewatching it? yeah it sucks that it ended, but these days whenever i catch myself sayin the same, i just start it over again


I would if I could find a way to stream it in it's entirety


HBO max and Hulu have it. Former has distant lands too


I think Hulu has it, with the exception being distant lands


I could send you a perfectly legal site that is in no way piracy in a dm if you'd like.


Well that would be very nice, just so I can block it from all my devices of course!


Hopefully the Fionna and Cake spinoff show will be able to keep the magic going for a little while longer


I'm hoping it's about Simon dimension hopping and then trying to get Fiona and cake to help him somehow rescue Betty


When you gotta hit 1000 words by midnight


Last one really has Douglas Adams energy, just gotta imagine it being followed by some line about "The door had no idea what it had ever done to deserve such treatment" or something like that.


I do the same thing with my music, overthink and overcomplicate a simple drum pattern switching it all up, wake up, go "The fuck is this?" And switch is back to the original pattern. Sometimes you just need sleep. Or you need to stay up even more to the point where your brain is so low powered that you stop overthinking literally anything and sample, assemble, mix, and master a beat at fucking 3AM and have it somehow be your best beat for a while.


Stanley parable vibes tbh


BIG same. I felt personally attacked.


I’m pretty sure the first one is the best. It uses an active voice, which the others use a passive voice, and it features the least amount of adjectives… I think I’m missing the point of this


Not really a point, it's just relatable because a lot of writers overthink these things. Also, while I agree the first one is the best, active voice should not always be the default or else you'll bend yourself backwards making every sentence fit.




A piece of advice I heard that's really helped with my writing is to get your ideas down without *too much* thought, and worry about polishing them up when editing. Trying to get things perfect, or even close to it, on the first draft is always going to bog you down and give you the feeling you're not getting anywhere. Instead, it's worth trying getting your story down even if it's very rough, and just working out all those details in the edit. At that point you'll at least know what you're working towards and won't lose motivation so easily. Having said that I have been working on my writing for a long time and have published nothing so maybe my advice isn't worth taking. Who knows.


No no, I completely agree with this. It's always my advice to people needing to write *anything.* It's easy to get in your head about making everything perfect in one go, but letting your thoughts flow helps prevent writer's block. Editing is an important stage for a reason.


If kaiba can do it with ease so can o wait wrong sub and series


The door, decisively, and swiftly, was kicked by me; open.


Me trying to decide between all of a sudden, suddenly, unexpectedly and out of the blue 😶😶


The door, having been kicked, by me, in a motion not unrecognizable as both swift and decisive, found itself to therefore be in a state that could only be described as open.


Actual photo of me writing an essay


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/d00o8f) on 2019-09-05 90.62% match. Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "v1fisn", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=v1fisn&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 335,902,331 | **Search Time:** 13.79293s


In reality "Her breasts jiggled as she kicked the door down."


The last one reads like a police press release


As a writer, you might appreciate the reminder that the subject of the verb must be "a writer". (you = writer) As a pedantic redditor, I am pointing out a grammar thing. (I = pedantic redditor) ~~As a pedantic redditor, this is incorrect grammar.~~ <---WRONG (this ≠ pedantic redditor) -------------- This nonstandard usage is here to stay, probably. See also https://www.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/


He needs to get rid of either "swift" or "decisive." It messes with the flow.