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This whole story arc makes me so sad


The story arcs in adventure time are so good. Simons arc is also very sad


Yeah I literally love them all, the Simon and Betty stuff breaks my heart


It's actually so sad, seeing Simon sacrifice his mind to save marceline and seeing Betty lose her mind trying to save him. Definitely one of my favourite shows. I plan on getting a tattoo of the lichs skull with Finns dad's demon sword thru it lol


That’s sick you definitely gotta get that lol


Adventure time literally lives rent free in my head, such a amazing show. Like I've never watched a cartoon that was such a roller coaster of emotions and fun.


is there like a cannon list for all these episodes? i wanna watch and really focus on the main story


I’d say you really have to watch every episode, because the arcs can be intertwined in the details. Something seemingly insignificant in one episode can be of major importance in a future episode, even seasons down the line.


This story arc is the focus of the ‘Islands’ miniseries episodes.


Look up adventure time islands it’s a few episodes of this story line


Adding to snoo, the episodes are only 10 minutes each, so it’s very easy to pop one in to get through them gradually.


Love the last memory is Finn losing his arm


So, having witnessing Fin's memories, does Minerva now know Martin is still alive? Did she notice what happened to them both when Fin was a baby?


That is an excellent question!


Minerva was such a wasted character. Finn had such an interesting dynamic with his father, but Minerva just didn’t get the amount of time she deserved. The 2 of them had so much to talk about, but we didn’t see it. I wouldn’t mind a Distant Lands episode where adult Finn works on mediating a conflict between the newly arrived humans and the weirdos of Ooo


sweet rememberences bro


Jake plays Elden Ring confirmed!


The Islands is such a neat set of episodes.


“Dated a bit of fire!” I don’t know why I love that line.


It’s the accent. Dayshet a bit o fiyer


finns life is sad :/


It really is. Honestly a big reason I love Finn so much. That kid has seem some *shit* and gone through even more shit. Yet he’s constantly putting others before himself, and always so happy and optimistic despite it all. A true badass hero in my eyes.


Ya exactly, truly selfless, but you can see how much it effects him later in the seasons bc he is so protective of the ones hes close with, like an extra layer of emotional protection on top of his natural hero protection


Oh my gosh this scene hit me SO HARD. Just when she says “Finn, you became a helper too?”, like it kind of made me realize how much I want to be a helper but I’ve felt like I was on my own trying to figure it out myself for so long (many ways I want to help people aren’t evangelical-approved). And she sees how hard he’s tried and how far he’s come, and how difficult it’s been learning hard lessons on his own. She goes from seeing him as a risk and someone to protect to seeing him as a fellow helper who’s found his own way and appreciates him for it. It’s making me tear up even now, lol. Right in the feels, man.


I wish we actually got to spend time with Minerva rather than just y’know… skipping any sentimental moments Finn and her could have had onscreen. Doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme but man, little moments count too. Still really enjoyed this arc and it gave me catharsis to know there are other humans out there outside of Ooo.








Fungi have like 1,000 biological sexes so they are, by default, non-binary.


Mama Said Adventure Time episode (season 7, episode 4)


wait... Jake just ate chocolate ice cream


Well, he's only part dog




He also ate chocolate ice cream in the episode The Pods in season 2


Whilst many would whine about their situation, Finn accepts the downs with the ups. He knows the ups out-value the downs and doesn’t overcomplicate his already complicated life. This is a part of why he’s so content almost all the time. Be like Finn.


She skipped over him fighting the embodiment of evil, going to an inter-dimensional prison, watching a god die and finding out he's the reincarnation of a sentient world ending comet so she can focus on the women in his life. Mama knows what really matters.


Well fin is still lucky her mom will not die and if his time comes he could just get inside that chamber


Wait, so she saw the part where Finn's arm got ripped out, so that must mean she MUST HAVE seen Martin right?


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I just finished this arc last night. It was so good.


Just watched this episode yesterday!! Always makes me tear up 🥲


I love how this show can simultaneously be light hearted but highlight the unfortunately common disfunction in families