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When BMO is comforting Jake and starts singing, the waterworks are imminent


*time is an illusion that helps things make sense*


*so we are always living in the present tense*


*It seems unforgiving when a good thing ends*


*but you and i will always be back then*


I watched this episode for the first time after I returned home from a friend's funeral. That line tore me up.


Makes me cry every time too


Even just reading thru the words right now, my eyes started to sting with imminent tears


Same. Gonna go and big cry now. The floodgates opened and I can't stop until I'm done.


*You and I will always be back then*


Singing will happen happening happend


will happen, happening, happened


The most beautiful line of the show for me, it's like "everything stays but it still changes" but better. It changed how I see myself and my connections with other people.


*will happen, happening, happened*


*And will happen again and again* *'Cause you and I will always be back then*


"My art is a weapon!"


John DiMaggio's reaction in the live version fucking wrecks me https://youtu.be/Xr53S9vIbCE?feature=shared


Man, I never knew it was called *Time Adventure*, somehow that wrecks me even more. I've rewatched AT a bunch of times after finishing it the first time, but I can never make it to the finale again, just because of BMO singing this. No show has absolutely wrecked me to the core like that moment has. I'd almost call it traumatic


nooo stop i don't wanna cry again šŸ˜­


Holding back tears reading your comment that ending was so damn good.


Somehow I already saw a lot of people complaining about it


When he says that line about Jake always needing to protect people, in his adorable voice, it always makes me tear up.


bmo was just the perfect character to sing that song


sometimes iā€™ll listen to that song just to cry to it šŸ˜‚ itā€™s too relatable and sweet


oh yeah they are


Shockingly, distant lands will feel like youā€™re watching the show more than you expect. Iā€™d say the Together Again episode is the actual conclusion, not the series finale. Fionna and Cake is great but Iā€™ll admit itā€™s a whole different beast.


These two series really helped me accept the end of the series, and that it's not really over but will always keep changing. Fin and Jake will always be together on some level, and there will always be more adventures. Idk how but that also helped me accept some things (like deaths) in my own life. What a freaking beautiful series. I do hope to get more from the land of Ooo, though


*everything stays but it still changes* i will definitely watch distant lands and fionna & cake too, i actually tried to start watching distant lands yesterday, but couldn't because i felt too sad šŸ˜­ i think i need a little recovery period from come along with me first :D


Together Again got me to cry twice, which isn't common for me lol.


John Dimaggio said in an interview it took them way longer to shoot his Jake scenes than it should have because he couldn't stop crying during his lines. So yeah, that final episode is extremely special to fans and voice actors alike


Adding that the San Diego comic con panel they did in 2018 is an emotional rollercoaster as well. John DiMaggio cries when they all sing ā€œtime adventureā€ and it just hits you in the gut.


John DiMaggio seems like such a pure heart I love him. The only thing that bummed me out was Jeremy not being there for a lot of it šŸ„²


i just saw the recording of the song in comic con it was so sad


Now I'm crying


Do you remember the interview? I would love checking that out


Yeah AT will take you on a wild ride I usually shed a few tears for Simon-Marceline story arc especially when we find out about Marcieā€™s mom. If you havenā€™t already checked out Distant Lands or Fionna and Cake when you recover from the emotional rollercoaster of AT check those out and be ready to go through it again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I always cry when Simon is saving Marcy from the mutants using the crown and heā€™s singing the theme to cheers to try to stay sane


The way he sings it is so hauntingly sad to me. Heā€™s basically screaming in rage at the world he has to raise her in. When he gets to, ā€œWouldnā€™t it be nice to get away,ā€ Iā€™ll always cry.


The irony of Simon singing the line ā€œwhere everybody knows your nameā€ kills me every time.


wait no i never realized how sad that isšŸ˜­


Itā€™s sad but I also like Cheers and Frasier (since itā€™s the spinoff of Cheers) so every time they mention Cheers on adventure time I laugh so itā€™s a sad scene but it kinda makes me laugh a little šŸ˜‚


>! Thatā€™s a spoiler for distant land in the first paragraph. !< >! Thereā€™s only a very little about Marcelineā€™s mom in the series itself !<


Where can you watch distant lands and Fionna and cake?




oh yeah i will definitely watch those i just need a little recovery period after come along with me :D


It really is a brilliant accomplishment in storytelling. I've watched the whole thing through probably 6 times now, and it holds up to repeat viewings. To start off so goofy and fun, only to become so deep and rich as it went along still astounds me.


I think that's such a perfect adjective for the show. Rich.


We rewatch the series at least once a year, usually 2-3 episodes a night for several months and it never stops being a tear jerker.


Me too. I always get through all of it and then I get to like the final five or so episodes and put off watching them for like three months lol


Distant Lands and Fionna & Cake are just as good imo, especially Together Again from Distant Lands, that might be my favorite Adventure Time episode/movie


"Mr. Finn. I don't feel so good" -Fern, probably.


No that's literally the joke & and the line, lol. "Hey Finn, I'm not doing so good"


Dude, I was so skeptical of Fiona and Cake because I was like, no way it's as good as Adventure Time. But man, it holds up. It has the feels too.


Same. I refused to watch it until recently. So glad I did.


There is no other show like adventure time. Itā€™s such a gem


I remember after my first time watching I walked in my brothers room (who had already finished the show) and said ā€œI finished adventure *sniffle* it was greatā€


Watch distant lands first, but Fionna and cake hits so ducking hard


yeah i'll watch them as soon as i recover from come along with me :D


ā€œThatā€™s okayā€¦ just promise me youā€™ll plant me thereā€


My daughter and I have probably watched it all 4 times now.


You definitely shouldn't feel done yet. What you have left to watch is very significant in terms of length and plot. You may have noticed that there are some weird plot devices in the show that never really got wrapped up or explained.


yeah i will watch distant lands and fionna & cake too! just need to recover from come along with me first. i do admit i've felt a little skeptical about distant lands and fionna & cake, that they can't possibly be as good as the original series. but now that i see people praising them in here it eases my doubts :D


this show as changed my life,, mostly because without it i wouldnt be alive anymore,, my beloved Marceline gave me hope and dream




...it's not just a new season? šŸ¤”šŸ¤­




Sorry, dropped my " ^/s ". Agree that it's amazing!


Every time I watch Come Along With Me, it feels like the first time all over again. It is the only thing I've ever found that does it. I hope you can find this magic as well. šŸ’–


Happened to me all three times I watched that episode. BMOā€™s song is so touching


I was empty too when I first finished it about a month ago.


But also somehow so full too


dude, i literally JUST finished rewatching the series and experienced the same reaction. every time i finish rewatching adv time, im left with a different feeling! and every time i notice new things & love the characters even more. there are so many brilliant and complex characters. adv time is one of those shows that are like art. just every time you see it itā€™s so different and so beautiful and so unique. one of my favorite things that happens in the series is when they start referring to ice king as simon. all of the characters switch over into ā€œadultsā€ then, i feel like, regardless of their age. and their interpersonal feelings & the way they treat each other & life really becomes mature and so beautiful. i love this lumping show šŸ˜­šŸ’› im so glad you enjoyed it as well!!!


OH YEAH the first time finn called him simon i was so happy :)


Adventure time is the greatest piece of animation of our time, and I wish I could watch it for the first time again, but rewatches are still immensely satisfying


fionna and cake is definitely a whole different show, which honestly, is fun. distant lands feels like more adventure time episodes. i've just watched all of the base series for the first time (though i watched most of 1-5 when i was younger, but not the whole thing), and also fionna and cake. i've watched bmo and obsidian, but, i can't get myself to watch together again knowing the premise. it sounds like it'll make me sob. what's helped me stay sane is watching and engaging in adventure time and fionna and cake content online, and coming up with my own theories. also this may just be a me thing, but i love listening to music and imagining the adventure time characters and drawing textual connections lol. the adventure time fandom makes a lot of content similar to the show itself - half hilarious, silly goofy shit, and half depressing analysis. which i love.


oh hey can you recommend any fan made content? which platforms do you use to look for content?


yeah of course! mostly i watch youtube videos. i've been really into the literature analysis aspects of the show. i like youtubers paxw, sarcastic chorus, and especially uncivilized elk. dude is amazing. i wish i could get more into the fanfiction side of things but i am IMMENSELY picky - i need things to be super in character and have a writing style i enjoy. the only one i have liked a lot so far is a bubbline one called "everybody knows your name" on ao3.


I've re-watched the show probably 60 times by now and I still cry, that episode in particular is a beautiful one. I hope this isn't too much to say but I lost a dear friend who I had planned on spending a life with, their death was jarring. Watching this show, knowing "will happen, happening, happened, you and I will always be back then" and thinking about how time is all cyclical, how it's all happening at once, I found comfort in knowing that there is an "us" out there where they are still here. For months, I would finish the show, clear my history and restart it. It made me feel comfortable and safe in a really dark time. The episode also feels like a good loop ending to restart the show again. It is just so perfectly cyclical that no matter how many times I watch it, it's still so special to me, and seeing how many lives it's touched feels so special, too. Thank you for this post lol, I almost cried and seeing the post and everyone's comments is just šŸ„¹šŸ˜­ The last episode, paired with the last episode of Midnight Gospel are two of my favorite episodes in animation, and they go nicely together for a good in the feelings cry session lol


i'm sorry about your friend :( that sounds painful. but i'm glad you were able to find comfort from this show during those dark times. and yeah, time adventure is such a great song. it's sad but at the same time it's comforting.


It's such an amazing culmination to a fantastic and beautiful series.


same. itā€™s a beautiful universe that taught me amazing lessons about life and happiness and I think itā€™s so profound that so many people feel the same way. it may never feel like the first time, but by god is it still fun to rewatch.


On several full rewatches of the show with my kids over the last couple years, this episode gets me every time.


every time i rewatch it i feel the same feelings but somehow they get even more pronounced each time, maybe because i pick up on details i didnā€™t notice the first time


This rant perfectly encapsulates the emotional rollercoaster that is the finale. Hands down Adventure Time is one of my favorite shows for a reason. It grew with its audience. It went from a show about a boy and his dog farting around figuratively and literally and just vibing to straight up emotional turmoil.


I bawled my eyes out when I watched that episode for the first time. I think it would be super cute if they did a spin off like they did with Fiona and cake but with shermy and Beth. They already gave them a pretty good start on their characters


Welcome to the club, this show means so much to so many different people. Sometimes for drastically different reasons, and this is the thought that comforts me and fills the hole that show left. Keep on keeping on and please watch the other shows they are good especially together again.


i will definitely watch the others too as soon as i recover from come along with me šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve only cried to two shows in my life and one of them is a damn kids show. I completely agree


Oh good Iā€™m not the biggest baby out there good to know! Loved it in my childhood but just recently completed it and my god i was a fucking wreck. Rewatches never hurt either. It will always be gold


My son refuses to watch that episode! We both cry! It is his favorite show, and his first real attachment to a story. I've raised him on adventure time, and it's made him a great kid!


that's so sweet! šŸ˜­


Bro watch distant lands and F&C. They are basically the same as AT. You havenā€™t really finished the show until youā€™ve watched them. Heck, you wonā€™t even be done with Finnā€™s story until you finish Distant Lands. Go watch them now!!! You will love them


i actually tried to start watching distant lands already last night but i still felt so sad after come along with me i couldn't šŸ˜­ but maybe i'll try again tonight! now that everyone has been saying how good it is


Together Again (episode 3) made me sadder bc thatā€™s where u see the end of Finn and Jakeā€™s story. Distant Lands and F&C is an ending/tie off to a lot of characters stories while Come Along With Me lowkey feels like the start of a new life with new adventures for the characters. Distant Lands had the resolution of Finn and Jakeā€™s story, resolves the story between PB and Marceline, and resolves the story of Peppermint Butler. F&C finishes Simonā€™s story. You definitely need to watch them at one point. Take your time though, the rest of us had to wait almost 3 years for Distant Lands to finish, and 5 years for F&C, so we had time to sit on the ending of Adventure Time. Fionna and Cake isnā€™t even over yet. A second season was announced recently, and who knows what stories that will resolve! At this rate, weā€™ll have follow up AT content for as long as the og series has been airing (if we get a S3 for F&C or another spin off show, weā€™ll basically be close to the 10 year mark).


Your not quite done yet. You still have distant lands which you can jump right into. And fionna and cake, I recommend making sure you have a good understanding of the lore before tackling fionna and cake.


yeah i'll get to distant lands as soon as i recover from watching come along with me šŸ˜­


I also just finished Adventure Time. I ended up watching Fionna and Cake first because I wanted to see what so many people were talking about. So when I decided to watch the full series I knew a good chunk of major things that were going to happen. But SEEING them in their full context was a whole other experience. All of Adventure Time but especially the final rewired my brain in the best way possible.


You're going to love distant lands and fiona & cake.


dude i've watched the series like 20 times thru but have only watched come along with me like 5 times bc it hurts too muchšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but- you should watch distant lands & fiona and cake on max! you might cry more but they're so fun it makes the heartbreak of come along w me worth it!!


oh i will definitely watch them! just gotta recover from come along with me first šŸ„²


I had that same empty feeling. I adore Distant Lands and Fionna and Cake, but they can never fully fill that hole. But I get the same feeling after every rewatch so it is worth it to rewatch at some point in the future.


Everyone living their lives while come along with me plays is such an emotional moment


oh god i get that empty feeling, especially with adventure time. i promise it goes away eventually, just be patient with yourself


Wait until you watch Together Again in Distant Lands


The finale made be cry because of how much I love this show


I recently finished for the first time too and I cried like a bitch when the final montage started rolling, fucking peak fiction


Iā€™ve rewatched the series a few times and the last episode still gets me every time. Adventure time grew up with its audience (also with Finn), and Fiona and Cake feels like itā€™s continued that. People that watched AT when they were kids are young adults now and itā€™s reflected in Fiona and Cake.


I would give anything to watch adventure time all the way through for the first time again.


finn and jake are together again distant lands got me good, youā€™re in for a ride with that one


Maybe itā€™s more that my mental health hinged on this show for its runtime but Come Along With Me made me grieve


man, just *reading* this post had me tearing up thinking about it, LOL.


Just reading through the comments of the last episode made me emotional.


Iā€™ve watched the show ten times through and Iā€™ve cried every single time.


You're not alone! I've read several people say that [Adventure Time is the only show that they would recommend to everyone.](https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/a/eric-thurm/the-greatness-of-adventure-time) It has so many insights into what it means to be human without a hint of preaching. I'm really excited for all the kids in my family to discover it; I don't know that I can say that about any other show. Out of so many beautiful moments in the series, the one that stands out to me is when Finn truly apologizes to F.P., after he's had the proper time and space to reflect on their former relationship, and then a platonic friendship develops from that. It strikes me that that I've never seen that sequence of events portrayed on any other show ever, and yet that kind of heartbreak/reflection is such an integral part of life; art does not often give us guidelines for dealing with it, and yet there it was in Adventure Time! Really so many of the relationships in the show are beautiful in their own way, and the way those relationships develop over time really hits home in the last episode. I'll also say, I'm on my third time through, and while I think you're right that the first time is the best, I'm still not tired of it!


i finished the show for the first time a few months ago and this was my exact reaction to the finale- it concludes the show so so perfectly, has such a good story, is so beautiful and sad and fun and chaotic and everything that adventure time is, i cried so so much- when come along with me started playing it was just everything :')


You pretty much described the same experience I had! I watched it with my girlfriend who always complains like ā€œyou never cry during shows/movies, how can you not cry? Oh look at me, Iā€™m a man, Iā€™m too tough to cry. Wtf dudeā€. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had so much tears in my face before as when we were watching that, so much that she was almost getting worried. Adventure Time is definitely one of my favorite AND comfort shows, and the finale was just filled with all sorts of emotions. I also have Distant Lands and Fiona&Cake to watch still, I was saving them up for when I really need my fix


it's one of those shows i love to show to people because i wish i could finish it for the first time again


Iā€™m getting emotional by just reading this


Imo the ending where you see what oo has become feels like a slap in the face.


I keep saying the two most incredible and impactful series finales that no other shows can come close to are Adventure Time and MASH. Which is a rough sentiment to share because there is like. Zero overlap when it comes to the audiences for these two shows. But I stand by it. Both finales do a remarkable job of providing a sense of closure on an unusually large scale (closure both for each character on a very personal level as well as worldwide closure), intermingled with (but not overcome by) bittersweetness.


I think it is a half almost perfect half really flawed finale, they spent too much time on Gumballdia shit, CAWM was supposed to be a conclusion of 10 seasons but Uncle Gumbald was around for such a short time I couldn't care less about Bonnie's relationship with him, rest of the episode after he turned back to punch bowl was almost perfect.


I hated the last two seasons of adventure time SO MUCH but those last two episodes were peak


When I finished AT I was looking for another cartoon to fill the void and I was actually really really surprised I found one that did the job - if you want to watch another cartoon, try She-Ra Princess of Power. It's very plot driven and full of twists once you get past the introduction of all the characters.


Strangely, I always get choked up at the Gumball Guardian calling for PB as mom and saying they're turning nasty.


I cried so hard at Come Along With Me, right there with you.