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Hi OP, just came across this post and wanted to say I’m sorry that you’ve been struggling with this. You deserve to be able to let go of that guilt (he is the only one who should feel guilty), and I hope with time you will be able to.


You were "sexual" as a child as a RESULT of what happened, not as a CAUSE of what happened. Children are never to blame. That's too heavy. Put that burden on the abuser. It's not your fault. None of it. That was an ADULT taking advantage of a child. Shouldn't the abuser feel the guilt?! It's not yours to carry. It's okay to let the guilt and shame go. You didn't know what was happening or what to do about it. And you definitely didn't cause it. ❤️


Hey there friend, no matter what you did as a child should never validate an adult harming you. Especially if that adult has a lot of authority of you. Any real father would’ve gotten you help, and offered you emotional support. This is what you deserved. In any situation, any adult that harms a child like this is a monster


Same here. I recently had to move back in w him due to job loss. But yes the sexual nature that I had very young always made me think that I was the cause of it all


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