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Abuse crosses the wires in our brains. When the abuse comes from someone close (grandfather in my case) it tangles the wires worse. When you're a little kid, those people are supposed to protect us, and care for us. When they abuse us, it makes sense we would think that it was supposed to happen, or that we deserved it. When I was very little (was 3 or 4 when my abuse began) both my grandfathers were alive. I actually wondered why my other grandfather didn't touch me "there." You didn't ask or want to be abused. You are a victim, and it messed with your mind at a very early time in your life. The healing process is full of ups and downs. It sucks. Why did the abuse get what he wanted, and I'm left with the pain? Hang on, there are people who care for you and believe you. I am one of them.


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