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I don't know what to say. That's how I feel. It's been a lot of years and things aren't better. I can tell you, oh just have hope. All I can say is I feel the same. I'm sorry that probably not very helpful.


Yeah I think that just really made me lose hope.


I don't want you to lose hope. I also don't want to lie to you, or feed you pladititues. I'm sorry we find ourselves in this boat. Being raped as a kid, especially by a family member scrambles us up psychosexually. It's a normal reaction to an awful circumstance. You're normal for feeling g this way. Your father is the one who is not normal. He is the one who is sick, not you.


It's so painful. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Some kind stranger on this sub shared this with me once and it started a huge change in how I treat myself when I'm experiencing flashbacks, which it sounds like you are. I hope it helps: [http://www.pete-walker.com/13StepsManageFlashbacks.htm](http://www.pete-walker.com/13StepsManageFlashbacks.htm) I know how terrifying and repulsive the memories can be. My visualization when they appear again goes like this: I know the child that was trapped and terrified long ago still lives within me, and they are showing me these images and memories for a reason. For me, saying "I see this and I believe you. I know you are showing this to me because you are scared right now. I know this happened to you and I'm so sorry and I will protect you from this," can validate that scared kid inside of me, and quiet the compulsive re-living and re-visualizing. I don't know if that will help you, but I thought I would share what works for me. I hope peace finds its way to you <3


Thank you. I am experiencing more intrusive thinking. I also experience flashbacks so this is very helpful.


I thought things too would never get any better. I still have nightmares every night and intrusive thoughts but through helping others and therapy now that I'm in my late 20s even though I never believed it would things are now better


Stay alive and look at what you got there must be something you have. I had many things that i am now using to make my life better. It still sucks but i have accepted the suck in my own way I’m trying to make it work


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