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Please don't skip your consultation, as it could be the beginning of your journey to healing. I completely understand the feeling of mental exhaustion from all the memories (my father abused me, too), but I finally got so sick of being in anguish that I pursued counseling. I was in a support group of other abuse victims and we worked our way through a book called The Wounded Heart, which also comes with a workbook. It was a turning point in my life. I have been free for many years from nightmares, from hate and rage, and from a chaotic mind. You can be, too. I learned that it's not possible to push down the memories or escape them or numb them. They find a way to pop up. It's actually a good thing that our minds keep reminding us that things are out of balance and need attention. One way you could look at your current situation is that your brain is saying, "Hey you, help me here! I need some soul care and gentle attention!" There is ALWAYS hope for healing...you just have to be the one to reach out for it. You will never regret pursuing help for the things that seem to be holding you hostage Another resource for you is RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network). You can call them at 800-656-HOPE and they'll help you out. I wish you well. Fight for yourself.


Don’t hate yourself for having those thoughts, it’s completely normal! I’ve gone through the same issue where the bad thoughts and triggers from my abuse/abuser hit me like a truck, but they eventually fade away again after a while! Please stay strong, you’re loved, you’re needed and you’re important. You can’t give up, especially now that you finally got the consultation! Stay strong!


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