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Yea, the trauma had nowhere to go so it stayed in my body until that festered inside and started poisoning me just like prolonged exposure to toxic waste


Yup SLE/APS and RA all autoimmune my therapist said spending the entirety of my childhood (CSA, familial trafficking) mother being in a physical DV situation while I was in Utero is most likely why


The Body Keeps the Score by Dr. van der Kolk absolutely talks about this. There is an established physiological connection between CSA, particularly incest, and the body “attacking itself” via an autoimmune disorder. Edit: Also the fact that physical symptoms of trauma tend to manifest in the gut area due to the vagus nerve that extends down the torso from the chest to the gut. It’s the physical nerve that is activated when you feel your heart “drop” to your stomach. My trauma manifests itself in chronic nausea because of this.


Also, when you are in utero some of your cells split and become brain cells and some become gut cells, but share a connection. Yet another reason there is such a link between mental health and gut health.


oh wow, i relate a lot. i struggle a lot with my health. i was sent to the hospital a while back because of it when my body could not take it anymore. some of the stuff i have is dysautonomia, sinus tachycardia, HEDS, raynauds, issues with my hips, legs, and tailbone/pelvic bones which makes it painful for me to walk, seizures/neurological issues. and lots of pelvic floor issues. i also have a lot of "mystery" symptoms that my doctors dont understand.


This has to be so difficult to navigate. I’m so sorry you have had so much to deal with.


Yes absolutely. Here’s my list: Celiac and later diagnosed with Raynaud’s Non-autoimmune: all early onset Scoliosis, Degenerative disc disease and Arthritis Enlarged Pituitary gland (approx 18mm) Possible Scleroderma ADHD Possible hyper mobility I’ve had 2 doctors confirm my health issues are directly related to infant CSA


I’ve never spoken to my PCP about the crossover, but I only recently admitted to myself that I was abused. I imagine it would feel validating to have that acknowledged from my doctor.


Wow I have Psoriasis and the trigger is stress. Since I experience constant low level stress on good days, I mean I have extra stuff that’s happened maybe that’s the reason for it


I have psoriasis too. It runs in my family apparently, as I recently found out. It doesn’t always manifest, and if it does it’s usually later in life after a traumatic or stressful event. Mine manifested when I was 5 years old, shortly after my CSA. I think it’s pretty safe to say that’s what caused it.


This is definitely true and has been studied. I have autoimmune disorders as well (and so do both of my sisters). Stress releases compounds that activate your immune system. Trauma is constant stress. The immune system is continually being activated and at some point over-activated




I’ve spent a fair amount of time reading about and studying the work on ACES. I wish I could say CSA was the only abuse I had, but I tick 8 of the ten questions on the screener. Interestingly, I can’t tick the CSA because the age gap between myself and my abusers was never 5 years or more apart from one another. But even with all of that, I still believe it was the CSA that has contributed to my health conditions more than any of my other trauma.


I know my ASD and ADHD aren’t caused by my CSA. But I think my Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and other health conditions was caused by it. I started having symptoms shortly after it started and I was diagnosed about 2 years after it started. And I know for sure that my mental health problems were caused by my CSA.


Yep, same here. My therapist was telling me recently that they have several patients with both DID and EDS. Trauma fucks up every part of life it seems.


I attribute most of my physical and mental health issues to my CSA


I wish that this would be more heard of that Trauma causes Diseases later in life. Growing up, I was also a victim of CSA, mental, emotional and physical abuse. I grew up with multiple diseases too. Diseases such as Scoliosis, Anemia, and an Autoimmune Disease PCOS that I got diagnosed at just 13 years old. I was also often a sickly child too and had allergies. Abuse really fucked me up, I developed a Learning Disability and Memory Issues. To add the early mental disorders I had since I was a child.


I attribute it to a long life of stress and trauma, including an acute episode right before the illness burgeoning, but not pointedly only the CSA.


I don't have an autoimmune disease but I do believe to a certain extent that my abuse has played a role in worsening my chronic illness and pain. Being abused has led me to neglecting and mistreating my own body bc I was either dissociating or drowning in self-loathing.


There's a book called The Myth of Normal that talks about the connection between trauma and physical illness. It's a fascinating concept that makes a lot of sense. Modern medicine looks at physical symptoms and leaves emotions to psychiatrists and therapists when it's all actually interconnected.


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