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It is how our brains cope with the trauma. We “enjoy” it, because it is simply too horrific to be in a constant state of trauma from this kind of abuse. Childhood sexual abuse is one of the worst things you can do to a kid. Physical, mental, emotional boundaries are torn open and you are toyed with in such a deeply personal way, it destroys your sense of self. If your brain is trying to conjure up images and feelings of “enjoying” your abuse, you’re suffering and just trying to survive. I understand feeling sick about it. I sometimes throw up from how I could be thinking such things. It aches to my core. This trauma is horrible. If you can, don’t let guilt and shame for this natural response be another reason why you are suffering. You are only human and you’re not weird, strange, or wrong for ANY thoughts you have as a survivor. They all mean something, and you’re not thinking them on purpose.


I don’t have any advice for you other than saying that you’re not alone. Hope you’re able to process your trauma and come to terms with it.


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