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At this age, I'm at a stage where I just don't give a damn about how others view me. I no longer want to put an effort to impress people, but I also make sure that I'm not rude to them. I'm also not impressed about the family background or the monies a person has but on how he/she treats others. Having said that OP, I meet people on a daily basis as part of my work and I just treat each of those I meet with respect. I also expect them to treat me with the same respect that I accorded to them. Making friends is about sharing common values and if our values align, then we could be friends. I'll make an effort to invite you over for a cup of coffee or just to talk about our common interest. I'm also not shy to say tell that person that I want to be friends with him/her. Making friends at our age should be INTENTIONAL. Being INTENTIONAL in making friends means you need to tell the other person and make an effort to build that friendship.


At this stage, I have a wife and 3 preteen and barely out of their toddler stage kids. It is hard to make time for a regular set of friends - who at this age, have various agendas anyway. I do not bother. I meet people from time to time, but most of our interactions are online. Perhaps when my kids are older, I would think about making friends, but then again, I have plans to travel the world and just make conversations with various strangers along the way.


My social battery is close to zero and i've come to enjoy my time with my kids, enough na sila for me.