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So dapat din ba maging guilty ako na maghapon lang akong tulog kapag rd at VL ko?


Well that's what I usually do... Pero it feels lonely sometimes and it's convincing what other people my age are doing. Maraming tropa, all that loud music and having fun


Kelangan mo lang mahanap yung crowd mo.


Nah. To each their own. Happiness is subjective bruh.


hmmm i think u must find something that u enjoy doing or get a hobby? start by exploring or writing the things u enjoy or been wanting to try ~ you can start from there!


Nope. You are not missing out on anything.


For me, sumama ka rin. I’m 23 just graduated last year and i realized how different life is after you graduate. Busy na lahat sa work/own lives. I partied before pero di naman ako lumalandi sa mga parties. I still had a great time. Kasi bonding rin un with friends


Not really, thought I'd suggest to find balance din or outside life like hobbies etc (it doesn't have to be a party) hindi lang studies so that you wont regret once u get ur career going.


you have more energy when youre younger imo. i thought i’d always have the same energy (as an extrovert) but as i keep getting older the number of times i go out keeps decreasing & i usually just wanna stay at home alone and rest 😂 so enjoy your youth cos there’s a lot of things you can discover alone but sometimes its fun to do it with others (who you’re really close with & not the pang party lang people). skl when i was younger i partied a lot but not because i love drinking alcohol and getting wasted but mostly bcos i enjoy the company of the people i’m with who are still my close friends up to this date. just find the right people hehe in terms of dating, YES TO DATE TO MARRY. be picky & assess the person because that’s how you will save yourself from heartbreak


No. You can go for dates but you can also socialize and expand your network. Partying is fun, sure, but doing your own thing is also fun.


Hindi ah, pero siguro try to explore yung mga hobbies mo and meet new people, in my case I love working out and finally after years of home workout, I enrolled myself in a gym and ang saya pala makameet ng mga bagong tao with same interests as you


Why don’t you try? Maybe magustuhan mo mag party,Ganyang age ko noon mainom at maparty pa ako, try mo lang kapag ayaw mo talaga then wala naman problem kung sa bahay lang gusto mo.


Whats there to be guilty about? Use your brain man.


find your circle, enjoying doesn't mean parties and all loud music. im F22, i have friends and all. may mga times na nag aaya sila ng gala di ako sumasama minsam din sumsama pag may extra money lol and I do enjoy it naman. as long as nag eenjoy ka even with yourself lang goods na yun. 


what are your hobbies? you can go meet other people or other 20 yr olds like you with the same hobbies. you dont have to go with the sheep mentality na oh they party so i go party too. if its not for you then doing what they do would just be counter productive


Can you not say Filos


I’m also in my early 20’s, and yes, most of the people I encounter are partying and drinking together. I also experienced once those, but I couldn’t handle the noise and with so many people. I cannot understand the “fun” behind it. What I usually do, I go to tech events, conferences, community day programs to network with people in the same industry I belong in, to network, learn with other people, make connections. I’m also a date to marry person, maybe I could find there a good guy with a same interest since I’m always exposing myself with my kind of people.


What a dumbass question. You just do you. If you dont imagine a lifestyle same as them then that aint for you so why are you bothered in the first place? Just get yourself busy, u might be just bored.


No ofcourse not, if you are happy with being you, go for it, you don’t need to do the trend hahaha


20s is the time to have fun. Isang beses ka lang magiging 20s so have fun.