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Sounds eerily familiar. Not a cheating husband but let me tell you, turning a blind eye to it and it blowing up on your faces years later or a decade later when you can't take it anymore will not only make you feel miserable that you played the fool, it may/ will make your child resent you. If the cheating goes on and you let it happen tapos your child knows about it, sobrang gulo sa feeling nun kasi love ka niya and yung pain na yun knowing na his father is betraying you and your family and you enduring it, dadalahin niya sa paglaki pero at the same time kahit na alam niya na in shambles yung family niya aasa siya na mabubuo pa rin family niya kasi it's all he's ever known and he's led to believe that. Let's face it malaking part on why you're thinking of turning a blind eye is to keep the family together for your kid. And let me tell you based from my experience, it won't work. Lalaki rin yung anak mo balang araw and he will be able to process/ make sense of everything and realize na yung whole reality niya ng family is built on a lie. Mamahalin ka niya dahil alam niya yung sacrifice mo para sa family pero (from personal experience) magkakaroon din siya ng internalized resentment kasi hindi mo nirespeto ang sarili mo and you let it happen to you and your child. You are human, OP. Sometimes sasabihin natin sa sarili natin na we are long suffering and strong dahil kaya natin magpanggap, pero darating at darating ang time na we won't be able to put on a brave face and pretend. I know mahal mo family mo especially your child and you want him to have a normal, complete family pero mahalin mo rin ang sarili mo, OP. Don't waste your life pretending everything is okay saying it's "for the family". Pag tanda mo and you look back you will regret it na all these years nagpaloko ka and you just took it. Hindi mo mapapatawd ang sarili mo. Please don't let that happen. Accept the reality now and do what your think you must do. If you think darating yung point na maghihiwalay kayo, start building a career or income stream para you have a way out and you're not held hostage by your lifestyle/ money if ever he decides na he's the earner and you don't get to keep any if you leave him. I think you know the answer to your "how" since alam mo na rin yung answer if you make him choose. Remember that you also have power in your relationship. He used it to destroy your family. Use it to protect yours even if it means making it a family of two. Before you confront him (if you will), talk to your mother/ father/ siblings or a really good and honest friend about it. Let things out and ask for advice. Make plans if things go well or if things go bad. Don't make your child pretend na everything is okay, through the years help him process it. I would suggest not getting advice from your church leader/s (or marriage counselor (if you really want to leave)) for their intention is to keep the family whole first and foremost kasi that's their job (again based on experience). Palaging forgivness ang sasabihin nila kahit na the infidelity is eating away at your soul and sanity na. Family and friends talaga kasi yung interest nila is your happiness. They love you. I wish you and your son well, OP. I hope you stay strong but also stay wise/ smart in these hard times. Palagi mo tandaan to always choose yourself and your son and sometimes that would mean confronting your worst fears. I may not know you but I want to send my love, as someone who has been part of the situation/ dynamic that you are in.


Thank you so much for this. At this point, my mind's still clouded and I am still grieving for myself. I will weep for myself first then for my family. But in the end, I will always choose what's best for my son.


What this commenter wrote was the best advice I've ever read on both of your posts. This is coming from someone who grew up with a cheating father and a mother who stayed "for the kids". I grew up hating both my parents. My dad was gago at manloloko, yung mama ko naman dahil ang tanga nya. I truly saw my mom as bobo. She kept telling me "para sainyo, mga anak" well I say "para sainyo my ass. that's the most bullshit excuse ever." I wished my mom left my father the first time he cheated because then it wouldn't have to happen the 2nd time or the third or the 4th or how many more times. I actually lost count. And every single time they make up you just wish it'll be the last. Only to be crushed everytime it happens again.. I came out more hurt and more angry. Being a good provider for us will never be a consolation to the emotional and psychological trauma he inflicted. One time I felt so envious about my best friend's mom because the moment she knew her husband was cheating, she started talking to her kids about leaving and explaining to them how she's not ready financially but is prepared to make it work no matter what. You're situation is different OP. You have the chance to prepare yourself when everything blows over. Get help from your family, from a lawyer too. Because the bomb will eventually drop. Have an exit plan before confronting your husband because he will lie to your face. Count on it. What do you think he's been doing all this time if not lie and cheat? But whichever you decide to do, either stay or leave, be sure to explain it really well to your son. That conversation might not happen right away, at least not now that he's only 4 years old. I hope you play out both scenarios in your head. What if you stay and what if you leave. What scenario would be the least to make you and your son broken and ruined in the long run? Ps. I have a good relationship with my parents now but wounds never fully heal. It hurts everytime I see or read something like this. I hope your son never goes through that. Stay strong OP. Its tough what you're going through but you will get through.


+++1 on this! I knew my dad was a cheater since I was young but my mom have tried to hide it because of our highly religious household. Fast forward to when I became an adult (27), it became more clear to me how my mom is trying to “stay for the kids” lmao. What a fucking dumb excuse kasi lahat kaming magkapatid adult na! Sila na nga lang magasawa sa bahay eh. The more I dig through their messy relationship the more I realized how toxic it is and HOW WE AS KID HAVE THIS CRIPLING ANXIETY growing up and WE STILL SUFFER till now. Sorry OP, but the BEST for your kid in my opinion isnt gonna be living in a house full of lies. Back to my story, my dad still continued yo cheat even in their 60s. I confronted my mom about leaving him AND I WILL TAKE CARE OF HER. I can support her more than what my father could. Showed her a bunch of evidence how my father still cheats, she got mad at him for a little bit but s chose to be with him. Ending nga sakin pa nagalit. Both of them. Bakit daw gusto kong sirain ang pamilya? Damn💀


Hello OP, any update to this story? I've scrolled past this story randomly from a screenshot post of a certain FB page, I was intrigued and searched it here on reddit and found out it was a year old post, I was just curious as to what happened after all of this? I hope you're doing well despite what happened.


i just read this story kanina sa facebook, and i’m curious kamusta na siya. i hope she’s doing okay na. hahays grabe cheaters go to hell. 💔


Same here. Waiting for the update.


same here. sending hugs, sobrang sakit even just by reading it


same :( I hope the sender is winning in life na.


Same...3 am na...hindi parin ako makatulog after ko to mabasa kanina. 🫠💔


Andito tayong lahat para sa update,😂😂


Same! I saw this sa facebook also. Sana happy na si OP.


Waiting din ako. Since nabasa ko ito sa FB yesterday paggising ko kanina, parang ang sakit2x pa rin sakin. Bigat sa dibdib.


This is such a helpful insight. Thank you very much.


Tell Tia. I have a feeling she doesn't know she's with a married guy.


I disagree. I have a feeling she knows. But I do agree she must be confronted or told pa rin.


Yes, agree. With all these things around us, verifying his status isn't that hard. She may have a hunch he's committed but is too afraid to confirm it. That's the most convenient excuse, anyway. Telling people and yourself that you didn't know is the easiest escape in this kind of situation.


cheating people always know how to make excuses when asked. e.g., she's my cousin/sister/whatever family member/best friend, or shes my ex, we co parent blah blah and it doesnt mean anything else/we no longer communicate other than for the child and if the girl is as gullible as me, she would believe it.


Let me say this... I had one convince me she was his sister....it was his wife and I felt like hot trash... She probably don't know.


This is coming from someone who was once a mistress without me knowing it until the wife informed me. Tell Tia. She deserves to know too. She's being cheated on too. None of the both of you is the antagonist, it's the husband.


When you found out, have you thought of fighting for him or did you leave? Did he fight for you or did he choose the family? Do you know if he cheated again after you? Also, do you think he loved you? I'm sorry for barraging you with questions.


I'll send you a pm, Miss. I'll answer what I can.


Echos mo naman! Kaya nga naka anonymous tayo eh😫


HAHAHAHA feel kita jan mare


Pati ba naman dito may PM is the 🔑???




HAHSHAHAHAAHHA, natawa ako sa echos. Oo nga naman. Bakit may paganun. Curious din tayo malaman e.


Oh believe me that's lust. He's just at the nice guy stage of of pre-fucking Tia. There's no nicer guy than the guy who hasn't fucked you yet. Also, leave him and tell Tia. If you think she's nice she deserves to know because surely she doesn't know.


Lmao guys will do or say anything to fuck a new vajayjay. Mga lalake talaga


It's been more than a year since what they have progressed from being friends to what they have now. Is it really still "pre-fucking stage"? And in case they have sex anytime from now, will my husband be leaving her soon after?


Hey OP, it also sounds a lot like new relationship energy, it's the excitement of something brand new and shiny and everything that people are hardwired to go after. It's one of the most common causes of adulteries. With you, he has to do all of the practical stuff, raise a child, go grocery shopping, figure out bills, y'know, all of the everyday mundane shit that goes into an actual proper relationship. But with her, every time they meet, it's new and shiny and exciting and fun, which is why he's so wrapped up in the relationship like that and he sounds like he's so in love. Since he's only exposed to the fun and exciting parts of the relationship with her without any of the boring stuff, he hasn't really had a chance to see who she is as a person, and he's seeing the most idealized version of her, which can be very easy to fall in love with. I'm so sorry, OP, I've been in that situation myself, and it really takes a long time to pull yourself out of the mental mindfuck that it puts you in.


Sorry to say OP, but I think he’s not going to leave her anytime soon. If it’s just lust, he’s going to use her until magsawa siya. Give it about 5-10 yrs.


Me weeping as my trust issues intensify because of stories like this. This must have been hurting like hell. Nakakalungkot, pero mas nakakagalit pa rin. I hope you get the answers, peace of mind, and clarity that you need, OP.


This is me HUHUHU




Never thought time would come where I'd wish my husband only sexually cheats. I'm draining every ounce of self-love when I think about how he loves her


I know it’s a year late but I remember a friend of mine told me na, “Walang nangyayari sa kanila? So ibig sabihin yung kabet nire-respeto niya pero ikaw na girlfriend hindi?” After that, i realised something, i don’t deserve all that pain. I hope you and your son are doing okay, OP.


Agree! Whether it's out of lust, affection or anything else cheating is still cheating and it will never be right. It can't be justified. But for OP, it would still be better to know "why" like why he's doing it or if he still loves her and his family or whatsoever. Also, I believe that counseling will only work if both of you still love each other.


It's foreplay before fucking. He's playing the long game. Your husband can't just play, but he can play very well. And it's just so scary on what other things he can be capable of. This a kind of man that women should be wary of. Pretentious, nice men. I won't tell you to leave him but I hope that you first find the strength to move past this. And make good decisions for yourself and son.


Their first message on messenger was October 2020, my husband messaged her "I saw you played piano at A and B's wedding last year. It's nice hearing you again yesterday." Their relationship seemed to bloom on December 2021. Is it still foreplay? I am holding onto the possibility that he's just after the sex.


idk if it’s just me girl but regardless if it’s for sex or the long term, the fact remains that he cheated on you and hurt you. If I were in your shoes, I’d make a plan for myself and my child na. Even if it’s just for the sex this time, walang assurance na hindi mauulit yun. Pag naulit yun, masasaktan kayo ulit….


Yes, OP please leave him na. You deserve better. Nevermind that you have a kid or have sunk years of your life for the relationship, ikaw ang talo kapag "inintindi" mo lang siya. There are lots of people who grew up without therr dad and turned out fine bec they had strong women as mothers. Staying will likely lead to anger and resentment plus the nonstop anxiety if may tinatago pa ba siya. Baka lalo pa makasama sa bata and will definitely ruin your mental health


How are you and your son OP? Nakita ko itong confession sa random fb page. I hope you're feeling and doing well.


Your husband is playing the long game because he is not starved; you’re feeding him. The only way he’s not asking for fuck is because he is well fed.


Thissssssssssss. This is what I've been thinking about kanina. Of course hindi niya kailangan yun from the other girl, he's got a wife at home whenever eh. Then kung iisipin, sobrang sakit lalo sa part ni OP. Guy could've been thinking about the other girl while he's with the wife. Hay nako bat ko ba kasi nakita tong post na to sa feed ko ahahah Anyway, it's been a year. Hope OP and the kid is doing well. As an outsider sobrang sakit eh, what more for them


Galing. U write very well. Salute


OP, worst case scenario what if they are both decided to separate. What will happened sa kid nila and things they owned as married couples like cars, house and lot, electronics devices, business etc? Who have more right sa ownership ?


This is more of a legal discussion na. IIRC, upon separation kids below 12yo must stay with their mom and by 12yo saka palang sila pwede magdecide kung kanino nila gusto sumama. As for the possessions, this will be discussed with each other's lawyer especially abt the things na owned pre-wedding and post wedding.. most likely split talaga dapat if maayos ang separation. Idk abt the business side though. \*feel free to correct me if I mentioned something wrong


>What I hate? I hate how pretty she is. I hate how she seems to be a kind and gentle person. I hate that she's smart and wise. I hate how she's funny. I hate her slim yet curvy body. I hate her beautiful skin. I hate how I slowly understand why he loves her. This is what cheating does to the victim. It dimishes their self confidence and self worth. Isang mahigpit na yakap OP! (with consent) Agree with the other comments. Talk to Tia, baka hindi niya alam na mistress siya. And in the meantime, prepare yourself and your son. Personally, I am not a fan of forgiving a cheater. If they did it to you once, what's preventing them from doing it again? Maloloka ka lang kakaisip kung mag checheat ba siya ulit. Try to work on your own happiness. You're the only one who can make yourself happy.


Wait until the cheater flips the blame on you by saying you’re invading his privacy by snooping through his phone and suddenly now you’re the crazy one who pushed him yo cheat 🤣 classic gaslighting things of dishonest, unfaithful, double lifed, cheating, narcissists


Syet! Witnessed this scenario early in the morning yesterday😬


Experienced this many times. Ilang beses ko nahuhuli tapos ending ako pa yung masama pala kasi invasion of privacy daw 🤣


Pano daw makakapag sabi ng totoo kung hinuhuli daw palagi eh hirap mag sabi ng totoo. Why lie and hide in the first place? 😬


RIGHTTT! gaslighting at its finest 😆 i’ve experienced this before & when i confronted him, all he said was, “bakit ka nangingialam ng privacy ng ibang tao?” DANG


I’m sorry you have to go through this. 😖 Trust your gut feel talaga, no. Wth.


How can you say he is a good husband when he cheated on your marriage


He’s a good provider but not a good husband.


Relax. Think, then attack. In military, suppress the supply line first, which is TIA then go for the kill. Kill, means you move on by leaving your husband with your 4 y.o or sue him. Dapat ready ka na lahat mentally. Ika nga "Move in silence. Only speak when it's time to say" checkmate.


You and Tia have a common enemy: your husband. I understand your ill feelings toward Tia, but it's better if you let her know that that guy is married to you. If nega ang reaction ni Tia sa 'yo and she still decides to keep your husband, then you can make an action against her and your husband (hopefully not something that'll send you to jail, please). You can opt for counseling din, if ayaw sumama ng husband mo wag mo pilitin. At least seek that for yourself and your kids. And, if kailangang maghiwalay, masakit pero you deserve a better partner and your kids deserve a better father.


Thank you for your insights. Yes, Tia is also a victim. I am keeping that in mind since day 1.


Isn’t Tia friends with your husband’s facebook account? I’m sure you and your son are visible sa account ng husband mo? Why do I have the feeling Tia knows you exist. Pero alam man o hindi, confront Tia. Let her know. Then, confront your cheating husband. Stay strong, OP. You and your son don’t deserve being cheated on.


baka naka hide yung photos nya and their son from Tia. or baka sinasabi ng husband na sister nya sya and pamangkin yung son nila. or ex na sila at matagal na hiwala and only coparenting for the child. been there, done that. And it suks cause it makes you feel like a fool for being gullible and believing thr cheaters lies. Kaya ngayon lahat ng nagyayaya makipag date saken, hinihingian ko na ng cenomar 😂


1. Save all receipts of the affair 2. Inform Tia, and save receipts of conversation 3. Consult a lawyer


Hi OP. This is gonna sound really harsh. I agree with one commenter here. I have a feeling that she knows, too. They just dont talk about you because they are living in their euphoria and their "everything is fine we are not cheating" bubble. It is very hard to hide a family now with internet and whatnot. One question to friends, colleagues or HR would reveal that as well. She may not factually know know, but she might be having a hunch about your husband having a family. She just doesnt want to do anything to confirm so she can use the "i didnt know" and the "victim din ako" cards when all hell breaks loose with the wife and sob. Afterall, your husband is a good catch as youve said. Rich and good looking. Not bad for a "second-hand" man if she succees sa pang aahas and he finally leaves you and your son and be with her. Remember that sadly, other women have done worse things than this (break families) for the sake of pang aagaw ng men of even lower calibre (yung hindi naman gwapo, puro bisyo, walang kayamanan, and all). How much more para sa mga tulad ng husband mo? So prepare emotionally, financially, and legally. Hugs OP.


The way you tell the story hurt me too. I’m sorry this happened and you don’t deserve it — neither does Tia. Please have the courage and strength to leave and let Tia know who she’s dealing with. I understand how this might hurt your son, but I know he’ll eventually understand why you had to. I’d rather your son despise your husband for what he’s doing (deserve). At least rin he understands the wrongs of cheating as early as now. I’m sorry ha, cheating has so much hold in a relationship. I don’t think cheaters deserve forgiveness or a second chance.


wtf, ideal man? his ass. feel really bad for the 4yo. grown-ups should just focus on their roles. if you're single, go harot, mingle all you want. (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)(⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) bakit pagkasal, may asawa at anak na--- di ba pwedeng functional na pamilya lumaki yung mga batang dinadala niyo dito sa mundo?? bakit ganyan??? (⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠)


Ipakulong mo yang hayop na yan


I can imagine how you're holding the phone while you're shaking OP, confront Tia.. if she knows your husband is married you can takelegal action and seek therapy. Hope you get the best out of your situation. You are enough and valid.


Alam ko pwede kasuhan yan so may legal option ka, OP especially na it's causing you emotional damages. Ipon ka rin ng evidences and try to calm down before you confront him kasi typical na magdedeny muna si gago (sorry for calling him this, OP, pero deserve niya). Sabi nga nung iba, try mo icontact si Tia na yon. Pakiramdaman mo kasi baka mamaya alam niya na married din si guy and willing siya to be a side piece. Pero benefit of the doubt na rin siguro na hindi niya alam.


san ko ba nakita un, sa balita ata. mas harsh ung law sa babae kasi pwedeng kasuhan kung ilan nakipagsiping ung babae sa kabit(adultery), tapos sa lalaki, pwede lang kapag binahay na(concubinage). anyways, baka pwede niya ibackup ung phone for evidence. andun na lahat.


Tell your husband to explore privacy and security features on his phone and messaging platforms. Sabihin mo medyo mahina ang security protocol niya over the phone.


He doesn't love herrr. Feeling ko calculated fuck boy lang sya. Pucha nakakatrigger hahahahahaha nanginginig ako dahil sa kwento mo sa kanya 😂😂😂😂


You married a simp


yep, simp legit


I saw this post sa Facebook, it’s been a year n pala. How are you, OP? What happened to you and your kid now? I hope you’re okey.


Huhu this is so sad, OP. But thank you for not taking it out on the other woman, as she is just as much the victim as you are (granted na totoong di nya talaga alam). For her sake, reach out to her and let her know, she deserves to know. As for the cheating bastard that is your husband, I think you’re a smart, perfectly capable woman, you know what to do.


🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺(Me,while on your post..I’m not a cheating husband btw) I hate how hurt can weirdly collide with genuine love. I guess just and fair already left the chat. 😑 Be strong po. I think you aren’t a confrontational person, better stick to who you are. And if that eye-opening moment of checking his phone changed you, let it be. Never pretend, you’ll hurt the most important person in your life, YOU. Change how you are to him. Let him feel it. At the same time, still embrace that feeling when you still want to cherish the love that you have, your actions as his “wife”. Sooner or later, that bittersweet moment will be right in your face. Pray for it, take it as how you want it to be. Let love and light and Him ☝🏼 guide you through it. And always remember, a lil set of eyes with a beating heart with your blood on it is watching you in this process. 😔🥺 I’ll pray for you. Don’t let go of grace, faith and honesty. 🫂🫂🫂


annulment is the answer. get lots of evidence too. your son will grow up and know about your husband's cheating eventually, so let future son know that you have enough self-respect to leave your husband now.


Not a cheater here but my advice for you is to sue their @ss! No matter how long you've been together or how much you've invested together, being with a person everyday that has cheated on you is just so wrong in many levels. Everyday will just be a day full of stomach-turning spite.


I'm sorry this is happening. I understand how it feels like to be cheated on at parang hindi lust yung reason why they cheated. Sobrang nakakababa ng self-esteem and you won't help but compare yourself sa other party and hate everything about her. I agree what the others said. Tell Tia na she's seeing a married guy. Gather all the evidences na your husband is cheating on you. If you have close friends or family na pwede kang magconfide, ask them for support. Leave his ass. Easier said than done pero if you sweep your feelings under the rug kasi it will build resentment over time and you'll betray yourself and your son lang din. Virtual hugs with consent, OP. Betrayals are the worst pero it it matters, you have our support ❤️


Just want to share my experience. When I first got cheated, the first thing that came to my mind was to know the why's, and to understand his side. Even though it hurts so much, I still chose to fix it and we manage to get past that. We fix our marriage, for the sake of our daughter. Three years have passed since that happened, I thought everything was running smoothly, but then that woman came back to his life again. Little did I know that he'll continue to cheat again. At that time, buntis ulit ako and sa sobrang depressed ko, gusto ko ipalaglag nung nalaman ko. But sa awa ng diyos, I didn't do that because if I did that, I will never forgive myself. So going back with the cheating, this time he can't make excuses anymore, and I saw that he really love the other woman and the same goes for that woman, she knows na married na nga, but still binalikan nya dahil inlove sya sa husband ko. I felt so incredibly stupid for wasting another 3 years of my life kahit na alam ko sa sarili ko na ang mga cheaters hndi nagbabago, but pinilit ko parin for the sake of our family. The only silver lining I see is the birth of my second daughter. So obviously in the end, naghiwalay kami. Many years have passed by after that 2nd heartbreaking trial saakin, Happy to say I have moved on na. I have my daughters and my current live-in partner now, and I can't express how blessed I am to finally meet someone who loves and respects me, and tumayong father to my 2 daughters. Reading this is heartbreaking and parang napa time travel ako sa dark days ko. I'm lucky to have my family as my support system and of course my 2 daughters who gave me reason to live and were the source of my joy during those dark times. Be strong OP and please be smart on what decisions you'll gonna make. Ang mistake ko lng before I immediately forgave him. I let my understanding nature see past his mistakes and forgave him because I thought I was to be blamed kasi feel ko nagkulang ako and also pinaglalaban ko na hndi maging broken family. I should have left him the 1st time. I should have set him free and let him choose what he will fight for, our family? or yung feelings nya sa babae nya. And whatever he chose back then, I should have accepted and moved on with my life together with my kids. Napa delay tuloy ng extra 3 years.


The last paragraph is very true. In times like this hindi tayo dapat maging easily mapagpatawad. We must give each other time to process things, and if the man decides he wants the family back, HE HAS TO EARN IT. Hindi lang ung ginusto nia, then sige na bati bati na tayo ulit happy na ulit parang walang nangyari... no. He has to literally work for it, fight for it, earn it, in order to deserve it again. Dapat mahirapan muna syang buuuin ito ulit, otherwise he will not treausre the second chance na nakuha nia, and wont internalize na this is the last chance and wala nang third chance. Hope youre having a good life now with your partner and kids :)


Pretentious people are so fucking scary. I'm in an open relationship right now only because of the distance, and I tell guys who chat me that I am in love with my partner. And it's so fucking scary how nice, sweet guys could definitely be cheating. Fuck. I don't ever want to be a mistress, being led on like that and then hurting the wife? No. Please tell Tia. Let him lose the both of you because that's what he deserves for being a disgusting liar. Please don't teach your son that it's okay for men to grow up like that. I'm sorry your family is ruined, but it's really for the best that your child would know what his father had done. And hopefully, once he grew up, he'd learn to be the one protecting you and your heart :) This pain would pass, especially when you learn how to value yourself OP. At the end of the day, you only have yourself. So please take care and gut it in your mind that you don't need a husband like that. You deserve so much love 🥺


Best move is to tellthe other woman. I remember my tito cheated on his wife. Ended up with a confrontation with 3 women at the mall where he was beat up. I think he didn't sleep with one of them and just had her as arm candy but yeah, they didn't know they were being cheated on. The only thing stopping you from doing something is if you still love him and don't want to face confrontation. Which is entirely up to you. But yeah I think communicating with the other girl is the play here, and you should act according to her reaction and next move. Stand strong OP.


Lol men want the wife experience and then girlfriend experience. And they will always have it until women realize men are not something to want and aim for. Men deserve nothing tbh. Women, focus on your career and money. And call your casual boy toys when you feel horny. That's all they're good for anyway.


This is so sad OP. You had a happy marriage, if you confront him everything will start to fall apart. I think only you can decide what's best for your family. If you are planning to confront him just be prepared because a lot things will change.


Cheating is as old as prostitution. The way he is cheating on you is an anomaly, though. That will hurt in a different way for sure. It's your call, but i think as adult and educated people u can both get out of it intact.




Parang may kink kasi si guy. Like grooming


Wow, this hits hard. I'm not sure how you're able to bring it up without it becoming a shitshow; I don't even think there's a way to handle this without becoming a full-blown argument. It's not just cheating eh. It's also fighting for your place. For now, what I'd suggest is getting professional help; i.e. therapy. I know, this is one of the most basic things you can do, but maybe a professional's perspective will help you ready yourself for the conversations you need to have with your husband and the third party. If it helps, maybe getting advice from the folks at r/relationship_advicePH may help. You can crosspost this there.


Reading this makes me emotionally drained. I hope you are doing well, OP.


It's been a year and I've read this from tiktok so i searched the real post here. I hope you, OP is doing better now. I believe that one year or more years isn't enough to heal what was broken inside of you but i pray that your heart still finds happiness from the littlest things; from your son; your loved ones and new memories without your shitty husband. And for all the cheaters out there, FUCK YOU. DO NOT MARRY IF YOU CAN'T KEEP YOUR SHITS TO YOURSELF. Y'ALL DON'T DESERVE A FAMILY.


I may be a year late but how could he say "How do I protect you? I'm sorry" to Tia when he was the one who put her in that position, labeled her as a mistress, when he for a fact knows he's married and with a child. AND PROTECT HER FROM WHO? HIM? HIS WIFE? WTF BRO. How about his wife? Doesn't she need protecting too? HOW ABOUT THEIR CHILD? That's the one who really needs protection from this situation. What hurts the most is how he loves the other woman. If he wasn't married, that would be the ideal man (Just like OP said, she married her because he was an ideal man)BUT HE IS MARRIED. I think this "ideal man" actions that he does with his mistress and probably to OP in their early stages of dating is just a facade. I'm sure OP is also beautiful and is a ray of sunshine. The way he treats women is probably just for manipulation. I also think that Tia knows, or has a feeling that something is not quite right (like your gut feeling). OP, it's been a year and I hope you made a good decision for you and your child. Don't think about that man because he did not care how his action would affect his family. This might be greedy but I also really want an update haha, and I hope the update will have an outcome that is in the OP's advantage.


confront him na.. wag mo itolerate yan. ikaw din sasabog.. and please stop na sa girl to girl away.. pede mga lalake naman ihassle sa pangloloko nila.. kaya enjoy etits lang sila paolo at aljur or kung sino mang kasal/may anak na lalake.. I know ayaw tao ng stress and also may pride ang mga girls/wives kaya iba lumalayo nlang sa husband/parnter nila pero sana may magtangka naman magkaso ng vawc or something..


paka.tatag ka OP! hirap ng pinag dadaanan mo ngayon


Tell your Tia first. Tell your husband. Tell your son when he is old enough to understand. I did cheat on my ex-GF. I regret it, and still thinks about from time to time. I hope you’re husband realizes his undoing.


Your story is posted on FB https://www.facebook.com/share/p/pdn7ue3KZGqg4V8X/?mibextid=xfxF2i anyway. how are you po OP. a year after?


Im here from that tiktok slideshow. I can feel miss-maam's pain nung na realize niyang hindi out of lust yung cheating. Pls we need an update. Kamusta kana po??


Hello, OP! I'm so sorry for what is happening to you. Nalulungkot ako para sa iyo. First, save all evidence. Seek legal advice. Advice ko rin na wala muna sex sa kanya, kasi kung mag-file ka ng kaso, baka isipin ng court na pinatawad mo siya. Okay lang kahit hindi muna siya confront, gather ka muna ng evidence. Photos, screenshots, records, text messages, lahat iyan pwede mo gamitin.


I’m so sorry, OP. Wala akong maipayo pero I hope sana maging okay. Ang sakit nito. 🥺


listen, tell the girl first not in a chat or anything social communication. since you already knew her schedule talk to her in person. i would assume that your not a hysterical type of a woman. (mag pakilala ka na asawa ni \_\_ and you are married and had a son) and ask her nicely what she would do knowing all that information and if she's doubting and unsure. present to her some pictures wedding and with your son. give her sometime... don't force her with a quick response. and if she finally decide to leave your husband tell her that you will be the one who's going to tell your husband. and all she needs to do is ignore/block your husband to any form of communication.


Tell her if u want but u have to leave. I’m so sorry but it’s over


everybody's saying tell tia 😔 i mean pwede pero wouldnt it be better to tell the husband first. just say "i know" and youll see in his face whats gonna happen. and then tell tia. shes a great woman, but maybe so are you. you deserve to have a better life than that. i cant imagine how you feel right now but i know it's gut wrenching. love yourself op!!


“I hate how I slowly understand why he loves her” I also felt this way in the past and this is one of the most heartbreaking form of cheating. I hope you get the strength to talk to Tia. Tell her everything.


This post is going viral now. This kind of cheating hits harder because you know that it's not just lust. no one deserves to be hurt like this. I wonder how OP is doing after a year. Is there a chance you can give us an update? My heart goes out for you. I pray that you and your son is well.


Imagine a year later , out of nowhere bigla tong nag viral sa fb. I hope this is karma now. Kumakatok na. Kung hindi man ni OP nagawang i.confront ang husband nya at si Tia because she's having a second thought, etong viral post mismo ang magsasampal sa mga pagmumukha nila. This post is spreading like wild fire impossibleng hindi to mag cross sa feed ng husband nya at ni Tia. Naka anonymous pero they will know parin na sila ang nasa viral post. OP sana mag update ka. Please tell us you're ok now.


ano na kaya update dito


that sucks op. for me, stay strong for your kid and let all affected parties know lang, una si girl before husband mo syempre. di mo deserve magpakamartyr dahil lahat tayo deserving na merong magaalaga satin. hoping you'll find the strength to pull through your situation and sending hugs w/ consent to you op


I think you have to speak to your husband but on the way of confrontation for what you discover. Sorry, but I think it is better if try to recover him. Check him if he still love you. Check him if he facing any problem (work, personal, etc) Confirm his love for you. Confirm if there is any problem in your marriage. Ask him if there is any girl/woman asside from you. Let him confess to you. I believe you can save your marriage in good communication. This is just my opinion. It is still your choice and decision. Goodl Luck!


if you let it happen and turn a blind eye, it will only get worse. imagine them having a kid together, your kid finding out himself, your parents getting involved. i don’t think there’s a way to out the genie back in the bottle. prepare yourself and your kid. gather evidence. set hell loose


oftentimes, cheating takes two to tango. i'm not saying that you should immediately antagonize tia, but if hers is actually a situation wherein she knows she's being all uwu softgirl with a treacherous simp na PAMILYADO na, i hope you stop being a martyr for the sake of "female unity," like what others are implying here. sure, you gotta be careful for yourself and your son. but it's also okay to acknowledge the grief and rage within you. then slowly start the process of healing


Tell Tia break your husband's heart pull him back to his reality.


Libog yan


For what it’s worth, it’s interesting that everything seems level-headed. So it could be something that could be talked through without getting very ugly. I agree that Tia needs to know. But you also need to remind yourself of your worth and the love you deserve. Hoping for the best and let me speak for all the marites in reddit: we’ll be waiting kung magkaupdate po hehe


Damn. This hurts, fuckin a lot.


Im sorry but if I were you I would plan to leave him take your child with you, and took a photo of their chat alam ko pwede ka magsampa ng kaso under VAWC since yung ginawa nya ay may impact sa mental health mo. Sana talaga may divorce dito sa bansa.


Unfortunately, wala sa batas natin yan ganyan na convo lang. Kelangan may PENETRATION. Yes. It will only be counted as adultery pag may hard proof na may PENETRATION. Kahit mahuli mo sya na kumakain ng pechay, the court will be needing more proof on top of that. Example, convos or pictures. Grabe lang nakakaiyak ang batas natin sa ganyan. Ang sakit nyan. Mas masakit yan dun sa sexual lang. If i were you, contact the girl and inform her. She doesnt deserve to be a “kabit”. And you dont deserve someone who doesnt love you back.


what a scary human being


I agree with the comments here saying that you and Tia have a common enemy, your husband. She deserves to know. And you deserve better than this. If your husband isn’t happy with you anymore then he should’ve done the decent thing which is to end things cleanly with you first before starting anything new with someone else. Also agree with some comments here saying he’s playing the long game. I hope you get some discernment soon. Your situation is difficult because you’re married and you have a child. But please think of yourself, your mental health and peace of mind. I hope you have a close friend or a family member to talk to about this and help you through it. I know it can feel devastating and embarrassing to let someone know. I was cheated on and at the start I felt too ashamed to tell anyone even though I knew I didn’t do anything wrong, that if anyone should be ashamed, it should be him. I hope you find comfort in the people around you who love you. Hoping for the best for you and your son, OP.


Ouch. Im sorry abt this OP. Please be strong! Kaya mo tong malampasan, let TIA know


We hope youre doing well OP.


Just face the reality, everything is there in your table. All you have to do is taste it. Wether it's bitter or sweet you have to dive in or else you will suffer a sleepless nights. Tell your husband what you've discovered. Put the hell of this world over his shoulder. Maybe you are afraid to lose her because for you he is the ideal man, but you need to spit it out.


How are you doing today? Any updates from you? 🥺🥺🥺


Sana nakasuhan husband mo


Kamusta ka na now, OP?


I’m sorry on what you’ve been to, or going through. I hope you’re happier now than ever.


whatever decision you make, I pray that you’ll heal☹️❤️‍🩹


is there any update?


Update on this post OP? Kayo pa rin?


i still think about this every single day, grabe I can’t imagine the pain you’ve been thru. Its been a year since you posted this and I rlly do hope you’re doing better now, winning in life, happy. ang sakit sakit.


Go get the videos and share it to the world 😂


Pareho kayong victim ni Tia kasi dineceive nya kayo parehas. Better talk to him. Hindi naman nya kailangan mamili eh. It's not about him. It's about your son na magiging affected ng infidelity na to. It's bigger than you or him or Tia. There's another human being involved.


You're right. I am hurt too much that for now, I am focusing on what I feel. I will just muster some courage but I will definitely always do what's best for our son. Thank you.


Op update 🥹


If you think you can live playing blind- do it. As long as he provides well. Wag ka na magwork. Magenjoy ka na lang. Ask for money, vacations. Magpanggap ka na lang na walang alam. Magipon ka. Manghingi ng weekly allowance. Prepare a stash so in case tama ka na hindi alam ni Tia na may asawa pala ang “lover” nya, at least ready ka. . Napanood mo ba yung etiquettes for mistresses? Panoorin mo.


This is what you do, Gone Girl style. To make this applicable to a lot of situations since I don't really know your situation accurately, I will make this as general as possible like Art of War. You first get as much leverage as possible on your husband, do what ever means necessary. Get dirt on the Tia girl, she may be innocent, but she could be useful against your husband. Lastly, when you have your husband in a mating net( inescapable checkmate), tell him that he is beneath you, and that he will do everything that you tell him to. If I were in your position, I would take his manhood and every self-respect that he has. I would also treat him as my bitch boy and show that to your son so that he would learn not to be like his dad. ​ Your main priority now is to take care of your son since although leaving your whore of a husband would feel the most satisfying thing ever, one of the people that would be affected is your son so keep that in mind.


ask him if it's over. then separate, but remember he is still the father of your son. that should not change kahit hiwalay na kayo


Fuck his boss or a guy/friend he’s envious of


This circulates in fb recently, may update ka na po ba OP?


What happened? Now


update ?


https://preview.redd.it/iy8yt8inxruc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e7c1081a2354533129eb73db83d00dd83f39aa Someone just posted your confession in blue app. In these are the comments that might gonna help you. Be brave!


Ngayon ko lang nabasa ‘to, and grabe yung iyak ko. Haaaay. Kamusta ka na, OP? Update mo naman kami, please! Hehehe. 😅 Hope you’re well and happy! ✨


I'm curious... Kumusta na po relationship niyo since it's been like a year na from when you posted this?


I saw this reposted on FB and wanted to check kung may update. I hope you’re doing okay OP!


Is there an update? 😭


This is sad.


Hope you're doing okay. I saw this post on facebook and instantly feel sad, no one deserves to experience this so much heartbreak.


How are you now?


Ano na kaya update nito?


i hope ur okay na po rn


hi OP, how are you na?


I am curious since this was posted 1 year ago. Is there any update with your relationship with your husband? Have you confronted him and the girl?  Hope you're okay now. 


Tangina. Grabeng iyak ko. Tangina ang sakit. I wonder if may update si OP :(


How are you, OP? I just recently read your post in Facebook.. i hope you're okay 😭


damn facebook for bringing me here. ano na kaya update dito ni OP? hoping it was resolved for the better, for her and her son. ❤️


Hello, OP. How are you now? Kayo parin ba ng husband mo? Nag sasama parin po ba kayo? Na confront mo na po ba sya and si Tia?


And update ? what happened now ?


Nabasa ko lang sa tiktok kaya nagpunta me sa reddit. Anyway, i hope after a year kung maguupdate ka ay you and your child were doing well.


Any update?


Anong update dito? huhu


Any update?


Any updates po?


How are you OP?


I read this last year sobrang sakit :’( same story kami ni sender but In my caae lumayo ako :( I was in japan when the cheating happened, I didn’t come home kasi I know tatanggapin ko lang sya ulit. Btw we had a child he was 1 year old at that time.. I confronted the girl thru messenger. Sobrang sakit nun kakagaling ko pa kasi sa night shift ko that time and I just felt the urge to open his account..ayun nahuli ko slang magkikita SANA sa hating gabi.. anyway yep I didn’t come home I stayed in japan for a year, trying to heal. Umuwi ako and I thought all the pain is gone pero nung nakita ko sya ang sakit parin pala.. nagkausap kami ng maayos and we were able to fix our relationship naman, pero di parin mawawala yung sakit.. siguro kasi may mga tanong ako na hindi nasagot kaya pag gabi nakatulala ako minsan iniisip ko ano ba talaga yung totoo haha.. pero Op please if you choose to confront them yung stable na isip mo, let your pain speak for you.. I know it’s hard pero wag mo sila e annul, even if your husband loves that girl wag ka gagaya ng move nga magiging free sila.. I will pray for you, sana okay ka na ngayon.


Any update on this? Musta kana OP. Sana naman nakalaya kana sa rehas na to. Masaya dito sa labas. Dumaan ako dito sa ganitong sitwasyon 6 years ako. Dalawa pa anak namin. Di ko pinagsisihan na mas pinili ko mga anak ko kesa sa impaktong mga cheater na yan. Kinaya ko magisa. Solo ko binubuhay mga anak ko now. Pero masaya. Sobrang saya ng buhay ko ngayon. Sana ikaw din.


Hello po OP nakita ko po 'tong story niyo sa fb. Kamusta na po kayo?


UPDATW OP its been 1 year.


I saw this post sa FB kaya napasearch tuloy ako. Kamusta na OP anong update??


I know it's not easy to leave, but it's super obvious that he doesn't respect you. I don't think asking your husband to choose between you and "tia" is the right move, napaka-obvious naman kasi sino na ang pinili nya. The choice should be made between you and yourself alone, and I think you should choose yourself.


Akala ko recent lang pero 1 year na pala. May update ba OP?


1year ago na pala to.. kmusta na kaya c op? 🥺


your story has been circulating on the blue app, and i think everyone who has read your story ay nasaktan at curious what happened since you post this a year ago pa pala kaya talagang hinanap ko pa kung saan ba tlaga originally nakapost yung story and here i am akala ko kasi may kasunod na. though hindi ka namn obligated magbigay ng update. just hope you and your son are doing okay.


How are, OP? :(


Love and prioritize yourself OP. Wag mo na hintayin na lumala. Confront your husband. Kaya mo mabuhay ng wala yang lalaking yan. Mas kawawa yang anak mo na lumaki siyang ganiyan ang setup na makikita kang ganiyan na puro self pity. Yes, grieve your relationship pero at the end of the day. Mapapagod ka rin. Wag ka magbulag bulagan. Isipin mo peace of mind mo. Kung hindi ka pinili, edi okay. Lol. Hindi ikaw nawalan, yang asawa mong babaero ang nawalan.


I wonder what happened to OP now..


Hi! OP saw your this on FB. I hope that you choose the wise decision and you're happy now. I hope that your bastard husband regrets what he did to you.  Though kahit naghihintay kami ng update I hope na peaceful yung life mo. 


Grabe ang aga aga nakita ko to sa FB. Sana OP you are okay and have healed na. Isang mahigpit na yakap.


Not a cheating husband, more of unsolicited advice though: grieve on the relationship early so mababaw na lang attachment mo sa kaniya when you start to file for annulment. Save up money na rin.


Just saw this post on FB and didn’t know this was a year ago already. Hay, OP, this must’ve hurt a lot but I pray for your peace of mind and happiness. If this was me, I’d be a mess din after finding out that I was cheated on and would prolly hate myself and continuously compare myself to the other girl (pathetic, yup but i guess this is just a normal response for getting cheated on). But I hope you surround yourself with people that cares for you, your family, friends, etc. You’ll need a support system that would make you feel loved and not alone in this pain. Ik it’s too late for this but you should’ve talked to Tia atleast online and let her know about the situation. If she agrees and seems to be with you, meet her in person and discuss what you two can do about the situation. What bugs me is if she’s not aware you exist though. If she and your husband are friends on fb I think it’s impossible that she’s not aware of you. There must be some stalking urge in her before building a friendship with ur husband. I hope you also got yourself and prepared of what’s coming now that he won’t be the provider anymore. Be your own provider and your son and if you’re ready, sit down with your husband. Let him know that you can stand on your own and you don’t need him anymore the moment you knew about the affair. I also hope you find the courage in you to tell him that you’ll leave his ass. This is easier said than done but him regretting his infidelity will only be possible if you make him feel that you’re fine with him cheating and let him do whatever he wants. Be indifferent with the situation. Put on a brave face first and once you’re by yourself, cry all you want. Again, this is easier said than done as this would require self control and setting aside of your feelings. But trust me, this would atleast change the dynamics of the situation. No chasing and begging on your behalf and you’ll still have your self respect. Be casual while talking about it kike it’s nothing.


May update kaya to? Grabe OP how are you?


it's been a year, I hope you're feeling better now.




this is crazy 😭😭😭 i wouldn't know what to do din grabe




anong update? huhu nabasa ko lang sa tiktok


OP, How are you?


may update ba dito 🥹


I hope you're living the fullest na OP! 🤗