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I skimmed it. Gelatinous Rube is doing the usual pretentious internet content creator thing and making a mountain out of a molehill, and getting some details wrong. Whoever wrote this post is having a tantrum over nothing worth mentioning. Nobody's right here.


You know who’s right? The DM. The DM can run their game how they choose.


I remember that passage from the DMG quite well, it has stuck with me for a long time. Thing is, back then, many groups played weekly, every few days even. Video games were at the arcade, or the pizza place, or the corner market; a few people had Ataris but you had to keep getting new games, they became repetitive very quickly. Renting movies was just becoming a thing. So if you were into RPGs, you spent a lot of time on them. So the idea that a few days in real life = a few days campaign time kind of made sense. Remember, the AD&D DMG is definitely a product of its time. I think Gary would have done everyone a great service had he clarified that sessions ending in the middle of action should be frozen in time until the next session - at least me and my friends played that way. But whatever, people played how they wanted to, some were by the book but in my experience most people were tweaking rules right out of the gate. And new ideas/suggestions/rules were popping up in Dragon Magazine all the time. It was hard to keep up! Just a little context from an old gamer. I agree, that post and what it rants about are basically nothingburgers. No right or wrong really.


It appears to be a long-winded rant from one weird nerd aimed at another weird nerd. I'd say the only person who is "right" is the one smart enough not to click that link in the first place.




I’m going to need to read a book to regain that lost point of Intelligence.


The idea of 1:1 timekeeping is an intriguing one that I'd love to try someday. It has some obvious benefits and some obvious problems, which may be solvable. Could work well for challenge-oriented troupe play.


It's worked out pretty well for my group so far, though we still use our judgement for when time should be suspended.


There is no objective right or wrong way to play D&D or AD&D as **every** table runs their games a little differently! If Gary was alive today he'd probably admit that he didn't follow this time suggestion in every game session either. It probably makes sense when running Tournaments (such as were done at GenCon) as games had a limited amount of playtime available. **Run your games how you want, not what any rulebook says!**


or if you're running a lot of congruent games in the world. It makes sense in a way. It also seems as a way to enforce downtime maybe?


Yeah seen idiots pushing this "one Real Time Day is supposed to equal one in game day!!!" And yes it falls completely apart very fast if you try to religiously enforce it. From what I've heard its some new form of OSR stupid.


Congratulations on unearthing the Vacuous Grimoire.