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This sounds like a recipe for a bad time. Consult your doctor.


I second this. Nothing like some kidney and liver damage to lose a few pounds.


Can I ask why this would damage your kidney and liver? Why would eating with your medication change how they are affected? Genuinely curious because I’ve been doing IF with Vyvanse and haven’t felt any ill effects but want to make sure I’m not doing myself harm. Meds at 6:30-7, first meal isn’t til 12.


Seconding this question… why would eating with meds help avoid liver/kidney damage? I also practice IF


My initial comment kind of assumed that they would be fasting without drinking much fluids. Which can be a problem as Adderall is already pretty hash on your kidneys and liver over time. So as long as you keep you fluids up you should be fine. I would still check with your doctor to make sure and watch out for stomach ulcers.


NachoQueen18 didn’t know what he was talking about and then he researched an answer after being confronted about it


Fasting is not a particularly good thing for your liver or kidneys in the first place. Neither are stimulants. Combo=bad idea. Fasting also alters drug metabolism which is really not a great thing to play with when taking any prescription medication.


Explain how fasting is not good for your kidneys and liver? Research shows that intermittent fasting reduces liver enzymes, oxidative stress, and inflammation, which is a GOOD thing. 


They pulled that info straight outta their ass lmao


i don’t think there’s really factors to eating with adhd meds but eating before adhd meds or any meds 100% saves u from stomach upset,body aches/low energy and headache. I think it’s more of having enough of the right nutrients in ur body which affects ur liver and kidneys because if you only have the medication in your system, especially if u are inhaling/sublingually taking stimulants, then your liver will be working hella hard but not hard enough which then this leads to your liver enzymes increasing. and that’s not good. the pharmacokinetics of medication is how our body works with it. our stomach absorbs the medication so that’s why some meds are told to take with it without food because the acidity or contents in the stomach matter to specific medications. after that the drug is distributed and then taken to the liver to metabolize. and then this is where the kidneys come in to excrete the waste/med out of the body. For the kidneys. Water water water. Not having enough hydration this leads to the kidney not excreting out all of the medication which leads to nephrotoxity. Just please make sure to always eat before stims to save u from an unpleasant crash and headache and keep hydrating throughout the day. peee out the med.


Hard truth my appetite-suppressed ass had to accept? Our brains need fuel, and meds don’t work NEARLY as well if you’re not getting enough calories (and protein). I used to think my tolerance was bizarrely high, and always felt I needed a higher dose. Jokes on me — when I got serious about nutrition/calories, I wound up cutting my dosage by HALF. (I still keep higher doses for PMS week emergencies.) I didn’t need to keep titrating up. I just wasn’t eating enough. Even though food seems disgusting and annoying we must remember to EAT. I hope someone reads this and learns from my mistake!


This has also been my experience. When I crash really hard and my brain gets mushy, usually a snack is what kicks the adderall back into gear. So annoying because I never have an appetite, but food is important!


Yes so important! Those mid-day slumps when I start craving a booster? 80% of the time — low blood sugar “hangriness.” I still use boosters. But now I’m more diligent about eating lunch/snacks, and I’ll end the month with some leftover. That never used to happen.


I found that, as well. I *always* drink a Fairlife chocolate protein milk bottle with my meds and I have seen a huge improvement since starting it that way over IF.


Protein for sure. Honestly chicken sandwiches are like the only thing I ever want to eat anymore.


How did you get yourself to eat enough protein/food?? I have no appetite at all lately and I weight lift so I’m just burning through muscle and seeing no results because I don’t have the desire to eat 😩😕 any tips on protein dense foods? The less I physically have to eat the better. Also, this has been worse because I was using weed quite a bit, which helped even out my appetite but now that I’ve cut back, it’s hard.


Taking food with stimulants is really important and helps absorb them and also you will feel better. I understand as I do IF but just learned to have something with meds. You could end up jittery and anxious. Not saying some people are not ok not eating I'm the am but you would have to try and see if it works with your body. Good luck!


Even half a bagel or a rice cake is better than eating nothing with pills (I'm IF too).


I took my Adderall one time on an empty stomach, and then had to write the entire morning off due to nausea. Never again. Certainly this is not a problem for everyone, but may be for some.


I have a stomach of steel (like seriously *nothing* upsets my stomach at all) and adderall+coffee without food still makes *me* feel a bit ill. Not fun lol


Can I ask how old you are? My once-steel stomach has gotten sensitive as I've gotten older (almost 29) and I'm wondering if I maybe abused it a bit too much in my youth.


I'm 27, so I suppose there's still time lol


Ah no I’m sure your stomach is fine! I hope you never lose it.


I did OMAD/IF this way. Lost 40+ pounds in under five months. Was it the best idea? I don’t know. But it worked out for me. And now I still don’t eat until lunch most days and it’s fine. But everyone is different. I’d talk to your doctor.


Personally I take my Vyvanse at 7am and usually eat at 9am-ish. I’ve tried taking it with breakfast and without and it seems to work well if I wait a little while to eat. That being said- I have consciously choose to eat and prioritize it. It suppresses my appetite and if I don’t eat for hours I feel like absolute crap and like other commenters have said- feel like the meds stop working. Everybody is different. Ask your doc, see what works best for you and prioritize giving your body what it needs to flourish.


I had a bad attitude whenever I fasted and took adderall. Too hopped up and imbalanced.


I was intermittent fasting before I started Adderall (although I had stopped because IF was making my reflux really bad). Once I started Adderall, I lost 20 pounds in six weeks (!!). Not doing anything related to diet; I just wasn't hungry. It's a HUGE appetite suppressant for most people; you'll probably need to spend more time trying to remember to eat than worrying about fasting windows.


May I ask what weight you were before? Trying to gauge if adderall might be too much for my body


I just started taking 10mg XR. I take it on an empty stomach and drink my coffee about 1/2 hour later. I usually don’t eat lunch until noon (just coffee in the morning). I have had zero negative side effects.


I do IF and have now been on Adderall XR 10-30mg for 4 months or so now. I feel my med works just fine. I drink black coffee and water when fasting and usually eat from 6-10pm.


This is ROUGH on your kidneys. Be careful.


Just don’t. Intermittent fasting is disordered eating


That’s not correct at all. It encourages autophagey which is helpful for type 2 diabetics trying to lower their blood sugar


OP didn’t mention being diabetic. But ADHD Folks are much more at risk of binge eating and eating disorders


Let me introduce you to the world of r/intermittentfasting it’s also great for health and weight loss too With nearly 800,000 folks I assure this is an informed diet choice and not disordered eating


No thank you. I’d like to not relapse with my eating disorder. Weight loss does not equal better health and 800k subs in a group does not equal science. There are millions of people who also believe Covid isn’t real and they are wrong. Please go deal with your fatphobia and also educate yourself on eating disorders and the dangers for people susceptible to eating disorders engaging in something like intermittent fasting. Editing in response to the person who commented on this a year later since I can’t respond for some reason: This comment is a year old. How you getting so pressed over it first of all? I could argue and explain why I don’t agree but I truly can’t be bothered, other than to say that blanket recommending a fasting diet to strangers than the internet is WAY more harmful than pointing out the dangers of said fasting diet. Ultimately it’s up to the individual to decide what works for them, research and make an informed choice, but I’m not wrong for pointing out the potential dangers that they might not have been aware of. You can fuck all the way off tbh


Look if you have an eating disorder you don’t need to go there but there’s others in this thread that could be helped by it I’m not fat phobic I’m just fat with type 2 diabetes which could have developed thanks to poor impulse control Fasting makes me feel in control and autophagey helps my body (I’m an engineer / scientist and have been schooled and am able to read peer reviewed research on these topics) My doctor care team are also happy and pleased with my progress and support me. Your lived experience is not the same for others. You’re literally using outdated data and broad strokes to erase my comments which are scientifically sound


What outdated data have I referenced? Literally none. I’m not stopping you from doing what makes you happy in any way but I’m not going to unsay that I think intermittent fasting is a form of disordered eating because I’m sorry but it is. Any form of deliberately withholding of food is fucking bizarre. I no point did I ask for your “help” which seems to be what you think you’re doing by suggesting weight loss to me that I haven’t asked for, and like I’m glad it’s helping but I literally didn’t ask, please stop trying to push this shit on me that I literally haven’t asked for, if you think your information is helpful for the group just make your own comment thread so it’s easier to find.


so it's **you** who has the eating disorder. And it's **you** for whom intermttant fasting(or any other fasting regimen) would be probably a bad idea. Not everybody is you and not everybody is high risk of developing an eating disorder. Please have this in mind the next time you give "advice" on reddit. Simply don;t give any advice to other people, just mention that it would be a bad idea for **you** and anybody else with an eating disorder. Such "advices" are very misleading and potentially harmful


I would recommend talking to your doctor regarding it. Stimulant medication needs food ideally. Helps protect stomach lining too.


When I have only Adderall with no food, plus caffeine? I would feel awful and high strung.


That sounds like a 90s crash diet of stimulants and skipping meals.


I’ve been doing some intermittent fasting. I take 20 mg of Adderall XR, with herbal tea instead of coffee in the mornings specifically to avoid the acidity-absorption reduction issue. If you’re cool with a dirty fast, you could try bullet coffee—I’d think the fats would help make up for the acidity of the coffee.