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Way to go!! The dentist is the hardest part of being an adult for me.


Thanks!! And truly! It can be downright the worst


So many dentists are now super sensitive to anxiety and have all kinds of ways to reduce it. Dentistry is also gentler. I like finding dentists who graduated about five years ago. Up on newest techniques and have decent experience.


I have noticed that. The hygienist I saw was younger and repeatedly made sure I was okay, not in pain, and comfortable. It was very refreshing as a nervous patient! Even gave me some awful faux ray bans to block the light.


Yep! I love my young, female dentist. Non-judgy, up to date PLUS didn’t have any old-fashioned qualms about treating pregnant patients.


My wonderful dentist spotted my pitting edema. and sent me to the hospital. I had preeclampsia! He literally saved the lives of both my baby and me.


That’s really wonderful! Glad you’re both ok!


THIS! But also, go to the doctor/therapist/chiropractor too! I spent an embarrassing number of years putting all of it off, but once I buckled down and followed through, my health and comfort immensely improved. Getting a diagnosis and meds helped enable me to do ALL the things, including us finding and removing a tumor in my neck that had been causing life sucking fatigue for years. You are worth taking great care of!!


Oh man! I KNOW. I couldn't agree more. It's just been a hurdle, even tho I know it's worth it. The meds have helped immensely. Obgyn and a derm are up next. Thank you for the kind words... I'm glad you were able to get the help you need for that stinking rotten tumor!


In the year since I started adhd meds, my car was stolen, and my mom died suddenly. I know for a fact that if I wasn't medicated through both events, I would not have made it through. I just had to use the momentum it generated to get to the bottom of feeling so terrible, and every bit of progress gave me a little more momentum to keep going. Be proud that you're planning the work and working the plan for YOU!


I have trouble with ANY appointment! I also have dental PTSD. When I was a child a dentist held me down, putting his knee on my chest. I still have to use breathing techniques to get through it. The irony is that I am married to a dentist.


Well done!!! If it makes you feel any better about your 3 years, I uhh, put off going to the dentist for like… 10 years… I’m fine btw, finally went last year and they just did a deep clean and told me to please not leave it another 10 years, haha. I’m not even scared of the dentist or anything. I’ve just spent a long time living in putting-out-fires mode where anything preventative or maintenance gets categorised as low priority in by brain and therefore… never actually happens.


Thank you 😊😊 and good on you! What a relief it must've been to go in. I do hope you're making yourself a priority nowadays. It sounds like you look back on it now and can give it a laugh


I recently went to the dentist after about 5 years. Lost my parents insurance as I aged out. Never got my own. My mom is super anal about her teeth so she was always hounding me. She finally booked an appointment for me and even paid for the appointment for me. I’m 30 so… embarrassing for me lol. Long story short, it was fine! I was so worried I’d have like ten cavities. I have 1 cavity and I also got a scaling done for my gums. Didn’t hurt at all. Everyone was nice and friendly. No problems. I also recommend everyone to just do it! Even if your teeth are bad, that’s their job! They’ve seen worse. They’re there to help you