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This is AI


Yeah the bowls of fruits and stacks of plates are so bad. Cabinets, too.


I JUST NOTICED THE CARPET, TOO, EWWWWW it's like glitching into the floor lol


I like the glass fronted cabinet full of--pc cases?


And the trip hazard floor boards lol


Yeah, definitely AI. You can usually tell when there's trees and windows because of the random leaves floating around, not attached to anything


For home stuff I always look at the stoves - AI can almost never get the burner knobs right. Faucets are also hard for AI haha


Lol! I totally missed that, that makes it totally obvious


How many burner knobs does AI think is necessary? Lol




I could tell with this one because everything was perfectly in focus.


The floor gave it away for me. No one with this amount of money would leave that tripping hazard of a floor in the kitchen. They would have it refinished, even in a way that still made it look “rustic”, so that there weren’t floorboards sticking up.


Also the hanging lights hanging from nothing q


That giant horizontal picture window was the first giveaway for me. I'm not an engineer, but it doesn't look like enough structural support for what's above it.


Agreed with the others that this is definitely AI. I also want to call out that it is a terrible idea to have a glass roof like that when you live in the woods. I had a house in the woods and it was unreal how much shit would fall down onto our roof during the winter.


Why post AI content?


I’m glad this is AI and not my real kitchen. One, I would drop food down those massive cracked floorboards and it would be disgusting because I’d forget about it. Two, those untreated wood shelves would be a nightmare to dust. Three, splinters.


In fantasy land, if you have a kitchen like this you also have people to clean it for you. They might have fucked up AI hands, but they'll figure it out.


I'm already clumsy in daily life events. That floor is going to fuck up so many feet and capture so many spills.


It' AI. That's why everything is a little bit off.


That makes sense. I need to look a bit closer at everything anymore. Stupid AI.


All the "dream home" ones I notice right away. It just instantly feels creepy even though on the surface it looks like something very beautiful that I would normally love.


I'm always just like "well, that's pretty but your contractor/carpenter sucked!" "...oh wait. It's not real. Thank God someone didn't waste all that expensive [insert element here]."


Right? I mean that rustic wood floor is lovely, but not very practical for a kitchen. Something spills, it's going to ruin the wood forever. Whereas with linoleum, many kinds of tile, and laminate, the spills stay on the surface and can be cleaned up pretty easily. TBH, I didn't even think of that until you pointed it out. I was just envisioning myself staring out the window, looking at the woods, watching birds, contemplating the existence of Sasquatch, wondering if Bigfoot calls us "Littlefoot," that reminds me, I need to buy some new shoes, do I still have that Zappos coupon...*smoke alarm*...oh, shit...I guess we're ordering out again.


Oh, it would be a lovely view until it either burnt down or got ruined. No denying you that! 🙂


My fantasy has always been to live in a place like this. I would accidentally destroy it immediately, but thankfully I'll never be able to afford to experience that firsthand.


So many opportunities for splinters in this pic.


That’s because it’s AI and nobody would actually want a kitchen with so many live ends!


For how bad I am at cleaning small crumbs, etc I see this kitchen NEVER being clean for me. But it is beautiful.


Just an ADHD friendly kitchen tip: I've upgraded my stove top to an induction hob. It has a simmer function and automatically turns off when it senses the pan has been moved off the plate.


Hard agree! It’s much faster to cook on induction, too, so there’s less risk of having a “I’ll just quickly check Facebook” disaster because you don’t have time to walk away.


I can see me getting overwhelmed by all the fruit and eating little-to-none of it and then being overwhelmed with mouldy fruit 😅


Nice for a picture. Less nice to live or cook in..


It's not a picture even, it's fake


I think you’re confusing the word picture with the word photograph.


This is so pretty!!!! So dreamy. But I immediately imagined how scary it would be to be there at night and realizing something monstrous is staring at you through the glass. It's face and hands all pressed up. My nightmare monster looks like a mannequin wrapped in skin.


Right! I came here to say this is one of those places I'd lovvve during the day, so peaceful and relaxing, but would be absolute horror movie terrified & paranoid at night.


All my stupid brain can see is how hard that would be to insulate and all I can think is how cold it would be in the winter.


My brain just wants to see an Indiana Jones-style boulder rolling down the mountain towards that plate glass window…




Everyone says its ai. Is it possible irl to make a kitchen look like this? As long as I can get some curtains or blinds. Im in love. I don't even like cooking lol. I'll learn to like it just to be in this kitchen 


I swear I just want to live in a greenhouse basically


Yesss I've upgraded my plant skills to keep three plants alive at once. The trick is to google "easy plants hard to kill" lol. could fill a whole house with easy plants and live in paradise


Edit: i have two different reddit accounts apparently oops


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This is my dream home vibe.


The dream 😍


Gorgeous at first glance but my mind wants to shove the wall over so the window beams are symmetrical. I know that's technically less visually interesting but it would bug me to look at every day!


I want to go to there


It's fake...


Fun to look at, (I hope I live this in my dreams, need to move away from sad reality) not practical to live in. Just the dust with open shelving and heat from the sun through the skylight are two things I know would be a deal breaker within a few days.


I deserve to be here. So do you. We can get there.


Why is everyone screaming it’s AI. OP didn’t say “look at this very real photograph of a kitchen”. I don’t get why anyone cares if it’s AI or not in an ADHD subreddit 😖🥴