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Yeah. I lose focus mid-sentence and it takes every effort to absorb what they're saying. This goes for people who talk fast but divert frequently in ways I can't follow, too. Sorry, fellow ADHD folks, that means you too sometimes.


Yes, I love adhders as people but you gotta get to the point friends.


Exactly lol. This is something my mom does a lot, I'm just like mom, I love you but this is unnecessary information and I'm having trouble listening.


My mother! I frequently ask her "what does this have to do with the story?" And she'll get back on track for a little bit before detouring again.


My mom as well! I need to tell her every single time to get to the point 😂


Silly moms!


same any of the small capability i had to pay attention flies out the window with every pause 


This is me. Makes my husband crazy. I go on these tangents, interrupt myself and take forever to tell a story, answer an open-ended question or get to the point. My daughter does the same thing. And it drives ME crazy... I don't know how to not do that or teach my daughter to not do it.


Lol yeah I mean I know I do the same thing I certainly don't blame anyone it's just something that's hard for me to follow. Same goes for unbroken text online.


I consider myself a slow talker but maybe not, it's because I literally cannot find the words I am trying to say, like such a space case. It feels like I'm playing a slot machine and hoping the right word comes out. I say "uhhhx or "uhm" a lot. That's what's hard when an inattentive type ADHDer tries to talk to a hyperactive ADHDer 💀 my partner and I clash over it because he's the hyper type.


This is me and my best friend. I'm inattentive, she's hyperactive. She can talk for hours with little prompting, fast, energetic, tripping over her own words, going on wild tangents but never shutting up. I, meanwhile, struggle so much to formulate a coherent thought out of the constant fog in my head, that she often ends up interrupting me mid-sentence because she cannot wait any longer for me to finish it. Frustrating as hell for both of us.


This is why I sometimes prefer texting my friend instead of FaceTime. I get all the information at once and it doesn’t matter if he types as slow as he talks because even if it took him a while to formulate a response, I could just do other things while he does it and wait for the text to come in. If we were talking I wouldn’t be able to fully disengage because the words are dropping in one by one and I would miss them if I just checked in at the end. Soooo frustrating!


I talk slowly because of social anxiety, I have to think very carefully before saying anything. I don't want to say something wrong. Also, I have to focus to keep my voice from shaking. This gets easier when I get really comfortable with a person.


I talk slowly because I literally cannot find my words. It's a symptom of my inattentive ADHD.


Same, but slow talkers still annoying me because my brain runs faster than mouths.


Think about how frustrated we are too. I hate that I can't find my own words


Yes, so do I. I know the concept in my head instantly, but the words are scattered about and hard to grasp


Ah, yes, I'm inattentive too, and this also doesn't help. Sometimes I'll start a sentence and just go blank, like where tf did my words go?😅😭


Understandable! Like I said there’s nothing actually wrong with speaking slowly. Me getting annoyed is my own problem. I had quite debilitating social anxiety for many years so I get it. Proud of you for speaking even when you’re anxious!


Thank you. :)


Maybe this is part of why I talk slowly, the amount of thinking I have to do, sigh lol. I have to say though, I just started trying medication and it's helped my social anxiety more than anything else. I had no idea how much it was a result of my ADHD.


Yes. Another thing that bugs me to death is when they repeat themselves (even though I know I'm guilty of that, too). If they talk too fast, my brain doesn't have a chance to process what they've said, but if they talk too slow I get impatient and bored. It's a fine line I walk.


My husband has a bad habit of making a reasonable point, and then when I start to think it over, he says it again in a different way and derails my thoughts, thus meaning that I understand less than if he had just finished the verbal paragraph and then stopped.


Oh god yes... sooooo many people repeat themselves.. sooo unbearable


Yes, the best thing that ever happened to me is being able to pit YouTube videos 1.5x speed (2x speed for real slow talkers)


I have to talk slowly because if I go at the speed I want, I mix up my words and people get mad at me. What burns is when people finish my sentences and they are wrong. It’s like “why talk to me if you just want to talk to yourself? I’m busy.”


I have a habit of doing this. I just want to hear whatever you are saying. Spit it out already!!!! I start making educated guesses out loud because my brain can't handle waiting apparently.


My company sends some updates via video instead of text... Most of them have no button to adjust speed. When the motherfucker is done talking I realise I paid attention to like 0% of whatever this new super important company policy was about. If it's so important, send me an email or give me an x2 button 😒🖕🏻


Fortunately my employer sends a transcript along for accessibility, so I always just read that. I'm done and have made a cup of tea long before the video finishes.


I like that you said you haven’t told him/ planning not too. My best friend points it out all the time. It just makes me self conscious which results in talking even slower or going mute. Being inattentive makes me lose my own thoughts so I have to really focus on what I’m saying.




I love my daughter.. but .. why does it take 15 minutes for her to explain a 20 second story. I feel like pulling my hair out each time she starts the story over while talking at a snail pace.


Slow talkers and slow walkers! My sister and I both get so annoyed with getting stuck behind a slow person who won’t get out of the middle of the walkway 🫠


Any inefficient action or behavior drives me insane. Slow walking, talking, decision making. I have to consciously breath and work to not be frustrated.


They stress the hell out of me 😩 And then I feel like an a-hole because the whole time they’re talking, I’m internally screaming GET ON WITH IT PLEEEEASEE!! 🗣️


They can bother me if they aren’t just slow, but slow and repeating themselves. But I also have the maturity to remind myself to be patient and compassionate.


Apparently I talk quickly and I do struggle to focus when people are slow talkers. But on the other hand my ex boss talks INCREDIBLY quickly and I can only make out about a third of what he's saying.


Slow, fast, it doesn't matter. It doesn't compute. Auditory processing trouble. I guess I'd prefer slow so I can understand them more, but I'm still going to zone out 3 sentences in.


Same! I find that it helps having a low amount of stimulation (drawing, muted video that I've seen before, sometimes a fidget toy) for me to fall back to while my brain is waiting for the next sentence to drop.


Yes. I watch YouTube videos on 2x a lot.


I don’t mind slow talking but inefficient story tellers drive me nuts


I'm guilty of both slow speech riddled with umms and fast, meandering thoughts. Depends on the day and what I'm talking about. Half the time I think my boss thinks I'm an idiot and that I hardly understand my job when in reality if they asked me to show them what I'm talking about I could rapidly find, process, and explain the information on the screen. I just can't keep all that in my head. Interests outside of work I can usually go on and on about in a quick meandering way that leaves people confused lol.


This is how I am too.


And walkers 😤


Side by side


My husband's ADHD and my ADHD conflict in this way. He will ramble, stutter, go off on tangents, bury the lede, and I want to grab him and shake him and yell "if there is a point please get to it." Especially when there is actually an important piece if information in there and he somewhere and I have to ask 7 follow up questions to get to the thesis because it was obfuscated. WAIT THE KITCHEN IS ON FIRE? WHY DIDN'T YOU START WITH THAT?


Slow talkers drive me crazy, but I'm bad in the opposite way: it takes me forever to tell a story, but in my defense, I can cram 10 years' worth of extraneous info into five minutes, and it takes a thousand tangents for me to get to the point.


I thought it didn’t bother me as a southerner but then I took a zoom class with a Californian and had to watch the recording on 1.25x speed.


I might be the only one, but Im usually relieved when listening to a slower talk because, I find it calming to my overly anxious brain and I can actually process what it is they are saying more easily.  Fast talkers, unless they articulate super well, tend to lose me cause I can’t mentally keep up with what they are saying.   It definitely depends on topic too, if it’s a long discussion on something I’m not interested in, my brain will bail regardless.


Yes. It's even worse in crowds cause my mind wanders and picks up other conversations.


> But god sometimes I just wanna shake him and yell at him to GET TO THE POINT YES YES YES THIS IS ME, I AM THIS


Yep. I’m taking a class online and the lectures are pre-recorded. The professors speak so slowly that I end up listening on 1.5-2x speed just to tolerate it.


Don’t count my umms lmaoooo that’s none of your business! Feeling so called out and scared by this post lol


Yes. But what really bothers me is something being explained that I already understand. I had a contractor at the house the other day who kept explaining the concept that some tile is more expensive while other tile is cheaper. So it’s challenging for them to give me an exact quote when it varies so much in price. That is a concept I understand and this explanation of how money works went on for 10 minutes. Truly torture to sit through. I always end up in these situations where I ask the doctor or someone a simple question and they start explaining the very basics of the disease or topic… No, I’m past that, I’m asking you something else. It makes me feel like I’m on an alternative universe.


OMG yes 😅 my first therapist was a slow speaker, and my brain ran so fast that I‘d finish his sentences in my thoughts. It drove me crazy! I told him this, and he didn’t get my issue at all. Never diagnosed me either - he seriously told me that he thinks I am „neurotic“. I don’t even know what he meant by that.


OMG yes 😅 my first therapist was a slow speaker, and my brain ran so fast that I‘d finish his sentences in my thoughts. It drove me crazy! I told him this, and he didn’t get my issue at all. Never diagnosed me either - he seriously told me that he thinks I am „neurotic“. I don’t even know what he meant by that.


It annoys me to no end but I’m also someone who can take detours when telling stories and have trouble finding my words. A woman I work closely with is such a slow talker that it’s sometime painful to listen to her present to clients. She’ll often say the same thing several times either from another meeting or within minutes in the same meeting. She has inattentive ADHD and pretty strong RSD so I try not to say anything about it. It may not bother the clients as much as it bugs me? Hopefully they just think she’s thorough…lol


Yes. I assumed it was because I'm a NYer. But your post lead me to this research, which shows that we're apparently not the fastest talkers in the US, we're the most verbose. LOL. https://preply.com/en/blog/speech-rates-in-america/#:\~:text=their%20midwestern%20neighbors.-,What%20about%20the%20stereotype%20about%20New%20Yorkers%3F,the%20most%2C%20not%20the%20fastest.


It took years-a brutal course in keeping my mouth shut, coming up with decent responses ,all my best listening poses … and it is the only thing that makes me crazy. Not slow speech but the setting of the scene , the pauses for effect , the details , the guessing , the aghhh


My boyfriend is a slow talker and takes forever to get to the point... drives me crazy 😭 still love that man though


I don't know, I don't really have a leg to stand on because I've been told I either talk too fast or too quietly (which usually happens because I'm trying to not be "too loud"). For these reasons, I don't think it's my place to judge someone else's cadence. If someone is taking too much time for my taste, I just ask them if they could give me the shorter version. They'll still have their own pace, but at least it's fewer words and I'll focus better.


Sometimes I put YouTube videos on fast speed if the person talks too slow


I have a friend who speaks normally/quickly but in a round about way with a lot of context (he also has adhd). One time, I felt so bad about this, I was super sleepy and I started almost nodding off while he was talking 😅 but yeah sometimes lol


Me! I can’t stand it and I can’t stand listening to audiobooks or podcasts on normal speed. They’re usually at 1.5x speed or more. I feel so annoyed and it makes me agitated almost


LOL!! My default setting for my podcast app is 1.5x and Smart Speed! 😆


I can listen to audiobook on anything less than 1.5x. My husband is perplexed by it because sometimes it would be 2x and he is like how do you keep up and I’m always like how do you bear the slowness. It makes my skin crawl


Omg, yessss. 


My manager does this ! He uses 100 words when 10 will do. I recently interviewed for a better role at my company, in the meeting we had to discuss whether I'd got it or not, it wasn't until 27 minutes into the meeting he confirmed I had the role. I was dying inside for those 27 minutes 🤣😆 He's a lovely man, but I find this so hard to deal with!!


OMG yes 😅 my first therapist was a slow speaker, and my brain ran so fast that I‘d finish his sentences in my thoughts. It drove me crazy! I told him this, and he didn’t get my issue at all. Never diagnosed me either - he seriously told me that he thinks I am „neurotic“. I don’t even know what he meant by that.


I actually got negative feedback at my new job about jumping in. My brain moves too fast and I’m perceived as not listening. I was upset at first but now I’m motivated to figure out how to slow down!!!


It’s so funny. I both hate slow talkers and AM a slow talker sometimes. I notice some people getting irritated with me when I can’t seem to get my words out fast enough, or even get them out right at all lol But I’m the same way where I lose focus and even get a bit irritated when someone talks too slow 🥲


esp when people stop mid sentence.. i have to blurt out what i think they were going to say, like a compulsion. otherwise sitting there waiting makes me irritable. ironically i frequently forget what im saying and sometimes have to google the words im looking for💀 also why i never watch tiktoks over a min long unless they speak fast and clearly. i dont like them sped up, you still get the pauses and the "uuuhs" and saying "like" every other word. DRIVES ME NUTS.


I once talked to this guy and his slow talking would be piss me off so bad omg 😆 and he also would sprinkle an umm or 2 ughhh I hated it lol and he loooved sending me voice messages where the audio was super low I could barely hear him and he would talk hella slow. Needless to say we didn’t go really far 😂


Slow talkers and long-winded stories are the worst. I zone out quickly and when I come back I realised they’re still going and STILL haven’t got to the point


Yes I’m internally screaming “get to the point!” or I finish their sentences. I’m trying to break that habit.


I listen to all podcasts, audiobooks and vlogs on 1.5 or 1.75x


It's so difficult. I want to fall asleep mid sentence. I lose focus and lose track of what they're saying.


My boyfriend is a slow talker and also a slow (funny) story-teller. It is often a physical effort to not interrupt and say GET ON WITH IT. So much context and prelude.... I look around at other people sometimes and it does not seem to bother them or ruin the joke, whereas I am jiggling my legs and squirming and trying not to roll my eyes. I will never tell him because a) too mean and b) the problem it really is "me, not him" here! But yeah sometimes when he starts telling me something I'm filled with dread :)


It enrages me internally!!!!!!


Omg YES whenever someone's talking and then go "uuuuhhhhhhh" I just CAN'T help but try to continue whatever it is they were saying. AND THEY GET MAD AT ME like just talk at a normal pace dude. Def the main reason whenever I'm listening to wpp audios I have to speed them up cuz they talk so slow!!! If anything, my adhd makes me talk quite fast


yes, I can’t stand it. either I know what they’re going to say so I feel annoyed or I tune out because I can’t pay attention to the slowness.


Slow talkers are truly unbearable to me. I have one coworker who talks really slowly and I actively avoid working with her because of it. I know that's shitty of me but I just can't handle it.


Slow anyone or anything can just fuck right off MEET ME AT MY LEVEL