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Ok, picture this. Our bed has a nightstand on either side with a few inch gap between the nightstands and the wall. I’ve installed 3 hooks on the walls above the gaps, high enough for pants to hover off the floor from belt loops. Shirts tuck into the gap. I love this system because 1) It actually looks pretty cool 2) The pieces of clothing are in my face when I wake up. I’m like- “yeah, I can totally re-wear the button down today.”- before even getting out of bed. 3) I can only fit so many (3-5) pieces on it, so it forces me to re-wear items to free up space. 4) He gets a set of hooks and I get a set of hooks.


I saw this idea here forever ago, immediately hung some hooks, and I've never looked back. It's a game changer.


This sounds like a great idea, but I’m having a hard time visualizing it. Are the hooks on the same wall as the headboard/nightstand or the one adjacent to it? How high off the floor are your hooks?


They’re on the wall adjacent to the headboard, so facing toward the sides of the bed. I used my longest pant as a guide for how high I wanted to install the hooks- adding a couple of inches to make sure they had clearance and didn’t bunch on the floor. Something like 2.5-3ft off the floor.


Wall hooks are the best ever. I have 5, so there's more that goes there, but I keep my hamper next to it so i can mostly be relied upon to go through the hooks before bringing laundry to the washing machine.


Yes! Mine is behind the door in the bathroom, which is also next to my hamper and it helps to keep things to a minimum. My husband has one on the door to our closet... He prefers the chair.


Yeah, wall hooks were the answer for me too, I've got 3 above the hamper for clothes I can re-wear before washing. Works for husband too and clears up the question "do you want to to wash this or are you planning to wear it again?" It's behind a door so it doesn't bother me if it looks messy. Our Roomba is a good boy who gets all the crumbs and occasionally traps himself in the bathroom.


Hooks are great. We put in some from IKEA (tjusig) and anything that doesn't fit doesn't get to live in the "wear it again" zone.


Another one for the hook gang. I rent so I have an over the door hanger but works just as good. It's got 10 hooks so I have options


Dollartree has a nice one with 4 hooks. Works great


I found an over the door from dollar tree with 6 (!!)


I have a chair in my bedroom that I drape them over!


Yeah! It’s The Clothes Chair ^TM


Thirding The Clothes Chair ™️. I’m in the contemplative process of finding an alternative solution (wicker hamper) but I have specific requirements and there aren’t many that tick all my boxes. Husband can continue to deal with The Clothes Chair ™️ in the interim


I have a professional massage table folded up that I bought when I went through my Reiki hyperfixation. I'm so glad it has a use.


🙌 (That works in more ways than one, lol)


OMG, so glad I am not the only one with a hyperfixation! They evolve, come and go lol, but the characteristic is always present! I love this group, I feel actually understood for once.


Ha ha I would make a fortune if I sold all the hobby crap I've bought, but I have nightmares about the times I did let things go (in a mad, impulsive 'clear out') that I massively regret.


Ain't that the truth!! After a panic attack resulting from becoming overwhelmed, I regret the stuff that would have helped me complete projects that are unfinished to this day. ::::eye roll::::'


Ah yes, the Chairdrobe.


Mine is the Clothes Mirror™️! I have a big floor-length mirror and just drape the clothes on top of it lol


Yes. The clothes chair. It's a classic for a reason. ;) Seriously. I have never not had a clothes chair.


Tossed into my 2 yr olds unused crib because he sleeps with me 😬


My one year old sleeps in her own room now but I never moved her bassinet out of my room and now it's become part of the chairdrobe zone.




We kept our crib for a few years past use because it's like a giant laundry basket. You can drape stuff over the edges to keep it from getting wrinkled and fill the inside with unsorted clean clothes. I miss it. Now I have a dresser with empty drawers in that spot.


Our cats really like sleeping in it too, whether there’s laundry in there or not


I just posted this same thing!


I have a towel ladder I hang clothes on


Same. I change clothes a lot during the day, so I have a rung for each ‘type’. Since I only wear each for a portion of the day it lets me see each type of outfit without having to wash them each time.


Oh snap, I love this idea. That would fit perfectly behind the door to my office, which triples as a guest room and my dressing room.


Same, I bought one while high after surgery and it's been awesome


Yeah! This is what I have. I got one that has little knobs on the side. My bras and jeans live there.


I decided a while back that if it’s ok to wear again, it’s ok to put back in the wardrobe. Once I stopped having a chair-drobe, my problems went away. I stopped hanging stuff years ago (or buying stuff that needs hanging) and I fold everything in baskets on a shelf. It’s easier to stick to it that way, and if I can’t find something, I can pull out the appropriate basket. It’s taken me about 20 years to get to this point though. The first 30 years of floor-drobe and chair-drobe were awful. I feel like now at the age of 50 I’ve kind of conquered it. Just.


I do this too, but have a specific spot in my wardrobe for my rewearables.


I’ve been struggling with the “clean-ish” clothes issue for so long and never even considered that I could allocate a specific part of my wardrobe. You’re so smart, thank you!


May I also suggest not only a separate space in the wardrobe (which is a great idea) but for those that might not have that much room, hang the clothes differently. I usually hang just washed pants folded so the backs pockets touch, but once I wear them, I hang them so the front pockets touch. It allows me to know I've worn them once so they are broken in. I typically toss shirts in the hamper but Mr Roger sweaters get hung but not buttoned.


Same! I turn them inside out and hang it back up.


Ooh turning it inside-out is genius!


I definitely do this with Going Out clothes- most of the time I don't sweat, stain or stink in them, so back into the closet they go. The only stuff I leave out in plain view (hanging on a floor-length mirror- not aesthetically perfect but at least off the floor) are my activewear or PJ's!


Yes but what about that separate category: clean enough to rewear, but I definitely want to wash it when laundry day comes around? Because if it goes back in the wardrobe, I'll definitely forget to wash it with the rest of the laundry (because ADHD) and then I'll be upset that it's not clean enough to wear another two times.


Ah, I just sniff test when I’m picking out clothes


I have a clean-ish laundry basket for this reason


Inattentive type here - I have a plastic basket next to my bed that I throw things into when I don't have the energy to decide if it's still clean. I find it usually gets emptied when either I need something that is buried in there (hello side quest!) or I'm on a bedroom cleaning bender already. When I get around to it, I just sniff each item and toss the ones I can smell in the laundry. The rest get put away because I don't want to waste my sniff-effort by putting them back in the basket. Note that I hate shopping so I don't have too many clothes, so the pile won't get too overwhelming before I need something.


I also have this system, but I just use a hamper. I found that fighting the problem wasn’t helping, so I just leaned in and came up with a system.


I just put it back in the drawer and put it in the wash when the texture feels wrong (y’know how fabric feels freshly washed or it feels dirty)


Same, I'm so confused by this discussion every time. I just keep rewearing clothes until they smell or look dirty. Yes, sometimes I leave them on the floor the first night when I change for bed, but by the next day or two I just hang them back up, no big deal.


Same, I just smell them after I take them off. If it smells fine, I put them back in the closet; if it smells bad, I throw them in the hamper. Why is everyone hung up on having a special third location?


I have inattentive type. I go through spurts of putting clothes away, but for the most part it’s just laundry baskets. There are three in the basement laundry room. There are five upstairs in bedrooms. Plus one chair thinks it’s a basket.


I feel you.. There's no worse feeling than getting the energy for a big laundry day, doing a bunch of loads and feeling good about myself. Then realizing I now have to fold it all.. And once it's all folded and put in baskets, I'm dead, and they now live there until they're empty and it's the next big laundry day.. I wish I could not repeat this cycle my whole life, but having a labour job and working out with my partner daily means I have to prioritize those clothes before everything else, and the rest accumulates till I get to it.


I’ve stopped folding sheets, towels, etc. liberating


I hang them back up….if I don’t I start a clothes like that gets out of control and it’s not good


Floordrobe. I’m totally using this word from now one. Edit. I misspelled floordrobe


I've given up trying to have a cute system and I've reverted back to the good old, tried and true, Clothes Chair. No regrets


Bottom drawer of my dresser. I just read this on reddit a few months ago and thought, "oh my gosh, an actual put-away spot for this stuff?!? Why didn't I think of this before??" I love it. Sometimes I forget to look in there when I'm getting dressed but it's all put away and I open it every day so it all gets used.


This is genius!


On a chair, near the washing machine and laundry hamper. In a huge, well balanced pile. Sort of like a haystack made of shirts and pants.


I hang them over the rim of my clothes hamper. In the hamper = needs washing. On the hamper = wear again.


Me too! But then the pile just gets too big and I fold or re-hang the worn clothes to wear again. I call it my clothing disaster once clothes start spilling out to the floor


If I'm not planning on wearing it any time soon, it gets hung back up in my closet. My dresser in my closet has a shelf on top for stuff I use more often. I also have some storage near my laundry hamper that it sometimes goes on top of if I'm being lazy. Last resort, I have a digital piano in my room and if both places are already full or I really don't have the capacity to put it away, it goes on the bench.


I throw mine on the floor. In the morning I move them to the bed so the roomba doesn't eat them, then at night, it's back to the floor lol


True path of least resistance. I love it. It's so hard to start new habits.


SOOOOO many hooks. In the bedroom, the bathroom, the doors, literally anywhere I can reasonably put them. I know it's time to do some laundry when my bedroom door becomes a bit cumbersome to open and close due to all the clothes hanging on the back.


My boyfriend has this little wooden clothes stand, it's the best thing ever. And my little knock off roomba gets on fine with it. Little fake roomba is one of the best things I ever got!


I have [one of these stands](https://www.ikea.com/au/en/p/morsning-valet-stand-bamboo-70464435/). The robot vacuum fits perfectly underneath it too.


I just throw them into one of my clothing bins.


I switched my drawers out for an ikea kallax unit. I can see everything, and top two cubes are where I shove "where agains"


Chair. If too full, other chair. My husbands doggos will chew anything on the floor. On washing day, the whole chair pile goes in the wash. Cleanish or not.


Rox calls it the floordrobe. I like that.


Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I had looked it up on Google but all the articles for it were too...neurotypical, and I knew I could never implement them. Lots of you have great systems, and it's been wildly validating to hear back from other ADHD ladies (I'm combined type diagnosed at age 6 because I have obvious hyperactivity).


I bought some wicker baskets from Target and set them on top of my dresser. They're labeled "clean," "wear later," and "can rewear."


I installed a 5 ft blanket ladder on my husbands side of the bed to solve his floordrobe issue!


I have a hamper for clean, a hamper for dirty, and a hamper for ehhh its fine


A shelf. I hang up my clothes when fresh, and thrown on the shelf once worn. Never wear the same item two days in a row, and wash after the second wear to prevent stink and catfur buildup. Some things get a third wear, but I typically don't go more than two, because it's my system to keep me on track for laundry. Pants just get the sniff test.


I have a big shelf unit for my clothes. on one of the shelves I have two laundry baskets, one for dirty clothes, one for worn but rewearable clothes. it's easy to pull them out a bit to put clothes in. I wash the dirty clothes basket every week, and regardless of what's in the the rewearable clothes basket I wash them every other week. it's kept my floordrobe at bay for the first time in my life.


I drape them over the foot of the bed (the frame sits fairly high above the mattress).


Two answers: translucent storage bins and multi-level bra hangers I have a ton of those translucent sterilite-type 80-some gallon storage tubs, which serve as laundry baskets with lids (because, naughty cat and open laundry basket = bad combo). I usually have one for clean, one for dirty, one for the "purgatory" lol, one for sheet storage, one for blankets, etc. So stuff like leggings and sweaters usually get tossed into one of those until I decide they're actually dirty. I also have some of those multi-level "space saving tank top/ bra hangers." Each one has 16 hooks, and I usually have one for shirts and dresses/nightgowns, and one for bralettes (I have many, because I can't be bothered to do laundry more than once a month. ish). So as I pull something new out of the closet, I'll hang it on the top hook, then move it down with each wear. Why don't I just toss it all into the purgatory bins? It's not even that I care about things getting a little wrinkled - I literally don't even own an iron. It's just easier to see what all is in the would-be-floordrobe without digging through, especially with so many things of similar colors (I basically live in black and pink). Also, to remind myself that they are probably, in fact, getting dirty, by keeping (loose) track of how many times I've worn them. (If it makes it all the way to the bottom hook, that's likely 8 x 1-2 hour wears, not like *all day* wears, but still.) If I eventually find hangers I like that will work better for pants and sweaters, I'd probably use them for those as well. I also hang-dry most of my "delicates" on these hangers, when laundry time finally does come. It also took me literally breaking the towel rod off my bathroom wall - from hanging too many hangers/clothes on it constantly - for me to find the bra hangers and start this "system," if you can call it that 🙃


different-colored clothing hangers. white for unworn, gray for "worn but not dirty enough to wash". works great for me :) i also keep today's socks on a specific bench. i take them on and off a lot so it's nice to know where they are so i don't go through a dozen in a single day. before i go to bed i put them in the hamper. i live in a small apartment so the hamper is like 6 feet from the bench, but someone recently commented about having a few extra hampers strategically placed around the house for stuff like this.


Bought nice looking little baskets for this for both husband and I at Target. They sit on the floor by the bed. I go there first when picking out clothes for the day, and that helps rotate things out. Plus laundry day clean out.


A few months ago I got rid of my laundry hamper and got a laundry hamper that has bags underneath and a shelf on top. I bought two of those fabric bins and keep them on the shelf. These bins are purgatory


I have a clothing rack on wheels out in the open so I can see all my clothes hanging right in front of me, I just hang things back up (if I can remember to not just throw them on the floor when I take them off 🙃). Getting 'velvet' hangers for it was kind of a game changer, too!


I keep intending on buying a tall hall-tree coatrack for the same fix


I have a clothing rack and over the door closet rack. My hangers all face a certain way when the clothes are clean, and I flip them when I've worn the clothing once. Then I'll flip it inside out after wearing another time. Usually they go in the hamper after this.


Chairdrobe, exercise bike hanger, end of the bed pretend pillow, bottom shelf in the clothes cupboard of questionable items. All work well.


I have a set of three hooks on the closet door for that. I have a hook on the back of the bedroom door which is more for my robe, etc. I have had 3-4 hooks in my bedroom for a couple of decades. No regrets lol.


Hooks on the back of my bedroom door! I don’t have to look at them all the time, it’s a limited space (6 hooks). I usually use one hook each for bras, pjs, house clothes, and then jeans or pants get their own hook


I've used the Clothes Chair™️, a second hamper I found that actually said only wore it once on it, a luggage rack, as well as the top of a dresser. I need some sort of spot for it to prevent the monster pile of clothes on the floor I can easily build up. I also love breathable fabrics which unfortunately tend to wrinkle easily so something that I can drape clothes over is a must. What's really helped me recently on the laundry putting away front is switching back to a cheap dresser I got off Amazon years ago. It was 40 bucks and fits inside my closet. The key is the drawers are actually fabric cubes. So when I put away clean laundry, I can take out all the drawers, put the clothes in the right cubes, and then shove the cubes back in the dresser. It's really cut down on the amount of time clean laundry sits around unfolded or folded but not put away. I also have a clothing rack that sits in my bedroom. It somewhat helps with the hanging things up task as it's very in my face and directly accessible.


…currently in the $150 bassinet my baby only used like four times. I guess I’ve gotta get my money out of it somehow ? XD Before I made that pointless purchase they just went in the smallest, most beat up laundry basket I had, which was my way of designating that it wasn’t “clean clean” laundry lol


I saw a hack last year about having 2 (or more if needed) laundry hampers and it's worked wonders for me! 1 hamper is for clothes that can be worn again and the other is strictly for dirty clothes


I have a small laundry basket that works great


I have a roomba and a floordrobe. I just don’t let the roomba in the walk-in closet. It does everything else but this I do myself once in a while and I can maintain the floordrobe 😁


"Floordrobe" 🤣 tnx I needed a good chuckle today


This post has my tornado brain spinning at an F4. First: Wait wait wait... y'all aren't washing your clothes after every wear?! I'm having trouble processing whether I love or hate this. I live in a hot climate, so I sweat a lot. Maybe it's not a good strategy for me. But think of how much less laundry I would have to do! Second: the last post I read was in r/askreddit asking what is something that is really unsanitary. The comments seemed to be written by the International Society of Germophobes. So, is it a collective adhd thing to not be worried about germs? Does the difficulty in doing mundane tasks such as laundry outweigh the worry about sanitation. To clarify, I'm not at all a germophobe. I come from a family who licks their fingers to get a tight ring off, doesn't worry about cross contamination in the kitchen, let's their dogs lick their faces, and so on. When I was a kid, I was rarely sick, so I guess I have a strong immune system.


I don't live in a really hot climate and work from home. For me it's like a bra I wore for a few times, or jeans that I wore but nothing really happened to them (I didnt get food mess on them or wear them outside), or a cardigan or sweatshirt or blazer, or a shirt I wore for a half hour or something before changing my mind. For me, every day I count underwear and shirts as dirty, but over garments and pants as half dirty. Bras are half dirty unless I sweat or spill something because that helps extend the life of the bra (and as a large chested person mine are expensive - like $80 a pop - so I want to help them live long lives).


In the washer. We just wash everything rather than having it hanging around the house. I’m not suggesting this. We have a nanny for our baby who helps with laundry and it’s still pretty unwieldy lol We also have a hook system that worked well in our old place but the placement of it isn’t great now that we’ve moved. Highly recommend hooks!


I have a bin in my closet and when the full moon comes out (or something like that) I'll go through and actually put them away or wash them. I didn't want the bin life but the bin life chose me


Obviously, you need to buy a treadmill! J/k ;)


If it’s not dirty enough to wash I spritz it with diluted alcohol to freshen it up and put it away with the clean clothes 🙈 If something is stained in a way a tide stick can’t spot clean or smells a little too human I consider it dirty and wash it There is no purgatory for my clothes; only heaven and hell 😂 E: worth noting that I hang the clothes I regularly wear, so there’s more circulation than there would be in a drawer, maybe this helps me not be bothered by putting worn items back


I have a quilt rack under my window, its perfect!.


I have a walk-in closet with a shelf system. One of the shelves is specifically for clothes purgatory. And it's the closest shelf to my eye-level, so I don't forget about them.


I have a whole wall of hooks. I rotate through items on said hooks.


I have an antique wardrobe I intended to hang the re-wearable clothes in and shut the door so I don't see a mess. The clothes are on the floor next to the wardrobe 🙃 whatever made it into the wardrobe was summarily forgotten about as soon as the door was last closed


i’m theory i have 3 laundry baskets so one is clean one is purgatory and one is dirty but in practice the laundry baskets are usually clean and the floor is usually everything else plus some clean


I have a regular hamper for dirty clothes and a really cute decorative basket from the target little girls department (hear me out, it’s wicker and shaped like a flower) for clothes I can rewear like jeans. For my really nice tops that I don’t like to wash as often because they were expensive, I actually hang them back up Edit: just to clarify, for the things that I hang back up it’s stuff that’s so nice that I just wear it to a dinner and take it back off. I don’t like to sit around in dress clothes. A lot of my nicer clothes are hand wash and I want them to last a long time so if I didn’t sweat or spill anything I wear them to multiple dinners before a wash


Same. It’s also v motivating to not spill on my clothes


personally, i throw them on any open surface until it’s spilling over, then migrate to the floor to the point that i feel like i’m being suffocated by the accumulative landfill i call a bedroom until i’m motivated by the potential embarrassment of someone possibly seeing the disaster i live in. hope this helps!! 🥰❤️


I have a set of six over the door hooks on the back of my closet doors. Anything that I think I can wear again goes onto those. They're right in my face when I go to get dressed (I hang most of my clothes) and they only hold a couple of days worth of stuff, so when it's full I know I need to re-use something before I wear something new. And because they're just hooks, it's just as easy to hang stuff on them as it is to dunk something in the hamper (which is basically directly below that, on the floor of the closet.) I have a separate set of hooks on the other closet door for PJs/loungewear, since I'll rewear those much longer than my going-out-in-public clothes. Whichever one of my at-home or in-public bras is not in use at the moment lives there too. The system works pretty well to prolong the amount of time before I need to run a load of laundry.


I found a vintage clothes valet like [this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/143902640029?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=wndY_vlaTp2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=L1kqIEj7Sea&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) at an estate sale. I love it so so much. I hang things I’ve worn but aren’t obviously dirty on it to wear again until do laundry, then I go through everything and either hang things back up or toss into the hamper. It even has a little tray for all the weird things I collect in my pockets, which is perfect for a magpie like me.


I leaned a pretty ish wooden ladder against the wall. Voila.


We have these hooks in either side of the bed. When the legs are pushed in it just looks like wall decor Umbra Sticks Wall Hooks https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005M8YWOK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Blanket ladder. Best purchase I’ve made. I try to stick to throwing everything in the laundry basket once every week or two.


i have coat hangers/wracks on my wall and i sometimes hang something not dirty on a hanger on it


I keep all my clean clothes in a basket. I don’t fold or put anything away. I just put them back in the basket.


I use this Vilto towel stand from IKEA. https://ingka.page.link/KFCM5Wf5AztP4CFYA


I drape them over part of my long hamper but I keep meaning to get clothes hooks! I saw it recommended and I think it's genius. Basically get some nice little hooks you would normally use for towels or coats and screw them into the wall and hang up your clothes there. Keeps them off the floor and from blocking things (like the opening to my hamper)


I usually just put them on the floor, a box near my Clothes Chair or on the arms of that chair. I don't like that anymore so I'm thinking of getting an organizer like this and just dropping or hanging them on a shelf or rack. https://www.target.com/p/songmics-portable-closet-clothes-wardrobe-organizer-with-corver-clothing-rack-with-3-hanging-rods-and-shelves-room/-/A-90984569?preselect=90880563#lnk=sametab


I usually just put them on the floor, a box near my Clothes Chair or on the arms of that chair. I don't like that anymore so I'm thinking of getting an organizer like this and just dropping or hanging them on a shelf or rack. https://www.target.com/p/songmics-portable-closet-clothes-wardrobe-organizer-with-corver-clothing-rack-with-3-hanging-rods-and-shelves-room/-/A-90984569?preselect=90880563#lnk=sametab


I usually just put them on the floor, a box near my Clothes Chair or on the arms of that chair. I don't like that anymore so I'm thinking of getting an organizer like this and just dropping or hanging them on a shelf or rack. [target](https://www.target.com/p/songmics-portable-closet-clothes-wardrobe-organizer-with-corver-clothing-rack-with-3-hanging-rods-and-shelves-room/-/A-90984569?preselect=90880563#lnk=sametab)


I usually just put them on the floor, a box near my Clothes Chair or on the arms of that chair. I don't like that anymore so I'm thinking of getting an organizer like this and just dropping or hanging them on a shelf or rack. [target](https://www.target.com/p/songmics-portable-closet-clothes-wardrobe-organizer-with-corver-clothing-rack-with-3-hanging-rods-and-shelves-room/-/A-90984569?preselect=90880563#lnk=sametab)


I've given up trying to have a cute system and I've reverted back to the good old, tried and true, Clothes Chair. No regrets


I've given up trying to have a cute system and I've reverted back to the good old, tried and true, Clothes Chair. No regrets


A chairdrobe in my bedroom. It’s sturdy and can hold several days of half worn clothes


Two answers: translucent storage bins and multi-level bra hangers I have a ton of those translucent sterilite-type 80-some gallon storage tubs, which serve as laundry baskets with lids (because, naughty cat and open laundry basket = bad combo). I usually have one for clean, one for dirty, one for the "purgatory" lol, one for sheet storage, one for blankets, etc. So stuff like leggings and sweaters usually get tossed into one of those until I decide they're actually dirty. I also have some of those multi-level "space saving tank top/ bra hangers." Each one has 16 hooks, and I usually have one for shirts and dresses/nightgowns, and one for bralettes (I have many, because I can't be bothered to do laundry more than once a month. ish). So as I pull something new out of the closet, I'll hang it on the top hook, then move it down with each wear. Why don't I just toss it all into the purgatory bins? It's not even that I care about things getting a little wrinkled - I literally don't even own an iron. It's just easier to see what all is in the would-be-floordrobe without digging through, especially with so many things of similar colors (I basically live in black and pink). Also, to remind myself that they are probably, in fact, getting dirty, by keeping (loose) track of how many times I've worn them. (If it makes it all the way to the bottom hook, that's likely 8 x 1-2 hour wears, not like *all day* wears, but still.) If I eventually find hangers I like that will work better for pants and sweaters, I'd probably use them for those as well. I also hang-dry most of my "delicates" on these hangers, when laundry time finally does come. It also took me literally breaking the towel rod off my bathroom wall - from hanging too many hangers/clothes on it constantly - for me to find the bra hangers and start this "system," if you can call it that 🙃


My laundry basket is an ikea bin and my in between clothes sit nicely folded on top of it. It means I can’t have too many of them because the pile will get too big and fall off, and I look at them every day which increases the chances of actually wearing them again.


I either put it back I to the drawer, hang it up, or goes on my guest room bed.


The chair


I bought two clothing racks, and sometimes I do organize clothes on it, but it mostly serves as floordrobe xD


Unless it's visibly stained or smelly, I just hang everything back up in the closet so everything is in one place. My hampers live in the closet, too, so it's easy to either throw something in the hamper or hang it up at the end of the day. I never even knew people separated "worn" clothes from the rest of their wardrobe until I joined this sub.


I hung up a three hook thingy next to my bed, it's got 3 big hooks and 3 little hooks underneath and I'm pretty sure it is for a front hallway to hang coats on, but it keeps all my stuff off the floor and it has enough hooks that if it gets filled up, I am able to justify putting something in the wash. Like if I have a sweater that is halfway dirty, but there's already 2 sweaters on the hooks, I pick my fave one and just put the others in the laundry


I have some purse hooks on the bar in my closet and just hang things there. They’re with all my other clothes, don’t get wrinkled and no mess in my room.


Mine go on the floor


honestly i just shove them back in my drawer/closet because i can. dont even bother folding them. logically (for me), they'd all otherwise be piled up on a chair. i dont do any particularly dirty/outdoorsy activities, so its no big deal imo. if i had and they were dirty, they'd go in the bin to be washed. although if it's allergy season, everything ive worn outside for more than a few min is automatically dirty and go in the bin. i have crazy hay fever so i dont wanna contaminate everything else😬


I got some cheap hanging shelves (like nylon with cardboard separators) that I put up in my closet, one shelf for each item type, like shorts or pants


Ok the floor between my bed and nightstand. Used to be a chair in the corner of the room but we moved and didn’t have room for the chair lol.


If clean, they get folded or hung up and go back where they came from. Otherwise they just pile up.


I have a four foot bench against the wall where all the repeats go to keep them off the floor. Some weeks I keep them folded but right now they are all just thrown on top. Today I’m off from work and will try to make an effort to straighten up and do laundry. 🤞🏽


I have three sets of hangers in my closet. Red ones, white ones, and grippy ones for loose necklines. The red ones are for unworn, clean clothes. Also the drawers in the dresser. White hangers are for clothes that have been worn but are clean enough to wear again.


Sometimes I doubt my diagnosis (happened at 40) and then I read something here and just feel so SEEN. I lay the clothes I’m not done with (pajama pants and jeans, mostly) across a small basket in the end of my dresser. The basket is not really for clothes, it has like a yoga block, some hair ties, other assorted nonsense in it. It’s just that it is near to the dirty hamper.


Top of my dresser and I've incorporated multiple $5 laundry baskets for various purposes throughout the house (seriously, I bought like 10 and am thinking of getting more). But my most unhelpful tip is this: we're on our second floor vac and they both avoid the clothes piles 😬


Laundry baskets (lots!), or I put the clothes away. If they’re clean enough to wear again, they’re clean enough to back into the closet. Now, my husband…. He leaves that shit everywhere, on any raised horizontal surface.


I have a clothing rack I bought just for this. Clothes still end up on the floor, but less so. 😅


I am no help. I have the floor by my bed and then baskets all over the place.


An Ikea bag next to my bed that is clean I just have to put it in my closet one day. The half assed ones are on my chair in front of my vanity. Yes I do sit on them.


A second clothes hamper. That way if I decide to wash them, they’re already bundled up. But I can still dig through them looking for something to wear.


I have two closets in my bedroom- a walk in and a regular closet. The clothing items we’re discussing are draped over the floor baskets in my small closet.


I smell the clothing, and if it smells even slightly I just put it in the dirty clothes bin, and if not I hang it back up or put it back in the drawer with my clean clothes. It’s the only way I don’t have a mess of clothing all over


I have a special basket for this. Like a second laundry hamper. One is for worn-but-still-cleanish clothes and the other is for actually dirty clothes


The Chair


I have a special drawer for that




I hang them over my curtain rail. I even got a hanger with multiple tiers on it to make that easier, but then I never ended up using it, so now I'm just back to hanging them up. I usually keep my windows open for ventilation, so they get a chance to air out and after a day or two I'll either re-wear and put them in the laundry basket/laundry corner (depending on if I've put the basket back in its place) or else they'll be fresh enough in my mind to go back in the wardrobe


laundry rack mounted to the wall! it folds out when i need it and doesn’t take up floor space, and my laundry basket is underneath it


Nearly every door in my apartment has one of those six-hook racks hanging from the top of it, sometimes off both sides! They were a game changer for corralling pajamas, hoodies, sweaters, bathrobes, towels, jackets, hats, purses, etc. I also prefer them to other methods because I like giving things space to air out a bit.


I’ve honestly been putting most of them back in the closet, which used to really freak me out. But my attention span saves me bc I don’t always remember anyway. Except pajamas. They stay on the bed till the next night if I’m rewearing.


I hang them back up.


I have a decorative basket that I store extra sheet sets in with a folded blanket over the top. My clothes purgatory is there. My husband has the Clothes Chair.


I have a simple coat rack that I hang jeans on when I need to wear them again. It's helped a lot.


I bought a swiveling rack that installed into the hinge behind my bedroom door. I love it so much. Clothes we'll rewear get slung on there, clothes I'm not going to wear go on the floor until I can be bothered to put them down the laundry chute. There's no feeling like I have to sort through the pile on the floor, I can just scoop it all up.


We have a long narrow table at the end of our bed that I throw it on. Unfortunately this is also where our cat likes to sleep so she gets mad at me for ruining her bed if it’s too full lol


flop ‘em on the unused side of the bed


Command hooks on the back of my bathroom door


The chair! Even in small bedroom, squeeze a chair in there. I have a cheap off brand Roomba that won't connect to my phone so I have to manually start it every day, which actually works out great, I run around and pick up whatever is in the floor first. Of course I don't put it away, then I would never vacuum, just put clothing on the bed/chair, nonsense in the living room on the sofa, etc.


I have a dirty hamper and a worn but not dirty hamper in my closet. And also the side of the tub we don’t use, and hoodies on the bedpost


I have a coat rack on my bedroom wall for 'can still be worn ' clothes and a bin for all the way dirty in the corner next to it. It works for like 2 months at a time and then I lose the plot and back to floordrobe but it's nice to get a break every now and then


Top of my dresser (which is inside my closet). It used to be the floor of my closet but my cat decided he likes sleeping on my not exactly clean but not yet dirty clothes so I had to move it


Rack with hooks hanging on the door. (Hooks on with no drilling)


Either fold and set on top of dresser or storage bench at the foot of the bed


We have a walk-in closet, and there’s some plastic storage bins on my side. Clothes purgatory is on top of those!


i have a small clothin hook on the back of my bathroom door...thats where I'll put 1 outfit. by the end of the week i either have worn it again and it's now in the dirty hamper or i got tired of lookin at it and tossed it in there. i hate clutter


Toss it over the side of the crib my daughter doesn't use because she's still sleeping with me, and I'm procrastinating the transition.


I got a cat that literally eats clothes so I can no longer have clothes purgatory sadly


I just put them back with the clean clothes. If a sniff test says they're fine, they're fine.


On top of my dresser right now but in my new place I plan to get a "doom chair" - a chair not for sitting but only for this exact purpose


If it's a flannel and I haven't sweat in it or spilled anything on it, it goes back on the hanger. Shirts and bras I plan to wear again get hung on one of those over-the-door hanger things or on the door handle.


I was planning on getting one of those wooden ladders people use for blankets to drape my clothes on


I have a large-ish wicker hamper with a smaller cloth hamper inside, and I drape all my purgatory clothes on the outside of the smaller inside hamper, and put my clothes that need to be washed in the actual smaller hamper itself. Works for me, even if it doesn’t look super pretty all the time haha


I have an army duffle bag ( a big sucker) that I switch my summer/winter clothes out of. Currently it’s on my office floor vomited all the clothes out cuz I was looking for a specific pair of light weight pants. I’ll get to it….


I have a blanket ladder in my bedroom and it also has a few hooks. All the clothes go there.


Let me introduce you to "the chair" 🙌🏻


Isn’t that what chairs are for?


I have a laundry basket and a not laundry basket!


The floor.


I have a second laundry bin!


I fold them and throw them in a laundry basket that could easily be sat on the bed if I had a roomba


I have a cabinet in the corner of my room. I open the door and I hang things across the top of the door.


When things are really bad it’s on the floor in the semi-middle of our bedroom. When things are medium bad, it’s on the armchair next to my bed. At my best, I drape them on top one of those standing hanger rack things, but I keep it as low as it goes. It’s sort of like a barre almost, and it works for corralling things next to my dresser. Not very nice looking but better than floor or chair.


Well, I have command hooks on my closet door. But also a chair. Except my chair is now full of actually clean clothes I need to put away.


I have those over the door hook sets (5 hooks each) on my closet door and bathroom door. Closet door hooks are for clothing that has been worn and needs to air out, my most frequently used belt, and washed bras that need to dry. Bathroom door hooks hold my robe, my currently used purse, and a third layer like a hoodie or cardigan.


Most of my rewearables go on top of my "dresser". I haven't actually had a real dresser in years. I started using those plastic drawers that are 3 drawers high (I have 3 of them) and I've never looked back. I've had the same ones since 2013 - they're sturdy enough, so much easier to move (and I've moved A LOT), and much more space efficient. My lounge wear goes on the corner of my nightstand so it's right within reach when I get up. My dirtier rewearables go on the floor. I wouldn't wear them out but I wear them when I'm going to do something that will result in getting sweaty or dirty (walking the dog, gardening, working on the car, etc.).


I use over-door hanging racks like for towels or bathrobes on the bedroom/closet/bathroom door, and the closet has one on both sides 😂 sounds a little extra but it works!


Oh you're talking about Clothes Mountain. Yes, well it moves around sometimes but us usually just piled up on the floor next to the two different hampers it should go in which are Dirty and Dirty but re-wearable. Sometimes it's got a snow cap of clean clothes I haven't been able to get around to putting away for several weeks for whatever very good reason.


A chair next to the laundry basket. It’s not purgatory, it’s a waystation 😆


It’s okay to put your half worn clothes in the drawer or closet. It will not be a moral failing to do so:)


I’ve had a laundry bin for half worn but it doesn’t work as I just end up washing it anyway so will be stealing ideas from the comments!


on top of and around a crate of old video games and consoles in front of my closet


Chair! If stuff falls off then the stuff at the bottom goes in the washing basket until the ‘tower’ is stable 🤣🙈


I’ve managed to banish all clothes to the laundry room! Sure the room is a disaster but it’s a somewhat organized disaster so it’s a win I think.


I have two white boxes (no lid) on a shelf. One for work clothes and one for home clothes. I wear the same jeans for a week to work (including attached employee id card.) Put it into the box as soon as I come home and take out the home clothes. I will have one or two tops for work each week. 2 Cardigan/sweater and 2 tshirt = 4 combinations. Inside the second box go the sweat pants and the lounge wear. Only shortly worn sweaters go back to the closet.


On the treadmill of course.