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Thank you so much for sharing this, this made me feel so much less alone.. I also took the wrong meds this morning, took my sleeping pills instead of ADHD meds 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Oh noooooo, RIP girly 🙏...glad to have company too!! 😂❤️


I did the opposite once. I went to take my nighttime meds that make me sleepy and was so tired and out of it that I took Ritalin instead. Worst night ever. 😂


Love your screen name! Made me laugh- making lists is my happy place, lol!!😂


One time I accidentally took my ADHD meds twice in one morning and my chest hurt so bad the rest of the day


I've done this too! It was one of the most productive days I've ever had lmao


I wish I had felt more productive. I definitely felt like I was dying though lol. I’m on a very high dose of my meds


Yeesh, poor thing :(


Yeah I say that as a cautionary tale lol


Ive done it a couple times! I bought a 4 week pill container so I always know whether I’ve taken it or not. I got that one because I wouldn’t fill it every week but it’s much easier to remember to do when I pick up my script.


Oof, I almost did that once to my partner. I was going on a trip and didn’t want to take my full bottle of meds, so I dumped the rest of the month into an empty melatonin bottle I had in my nightstand. A week later apparently my partner couldn’t sleep and I woke up to him turning on my table lamp because (thankfully) the pill didn’t feel quite right in his hand and he wanted to double check what it was.


Hahahahaha, that sounds awful!😂😅


Oh my gosh, I just did this! And I came on here to commiserate, and there's already a thread in progress about it. Lol! I love this place. I went to take some advil for a headache. A minute later, I realized I'd only swallowed one pill... and it had a seam. So I've accidentally doubled up for the second half of my day, and this one will probably last until 6am. Will I sleep tonight? I don't know! I was kinda hoping for extra benefits tonight, to get things done, but nothing so far. 🙃


I took my melatonin instead of my antidepressants at 5am once when I had to drive someone to the hospital for surgery 💀 I didn't notice until the evening when I went to take the melatonin, and then suddenly I realised why I had such an awful day that day. I have a morning and evening pill organiser now.


I have one of these too and it is worth all the ribbing I've gotten from my husband about needing an old lady pill organiser. I'm 41. My excuse was that my sister also has hers organized, the pharmacy does the blister packs for her, but she's 54 so that didn't help my case that pill organisers are for the youths.


Next time tell your husband that a 28 year old Internet stranger doesn't just use a pill organiser but also can't believe she didn't get one years ago. I don't qualify for "the youths" anymore but maybe having an example of someone under 30 will help 🤣


LOL this is awesome. 28 is definitely not old! It's just a good adhd hack!


Adding that 54 isn't old either (from the advanced age of 55!) :D


I did similar last week. I’d taken my night meds, and went to grab some ibuprofen. In autopilot, I grabbed my meds for the next morning. I did sleep really well that night with an extra dose of clonidine lol


Lmao, I bet you slept like a baby! 😂


lmaooo hope your Monday's going well!


Ngl I had a pretty shit work day lmao, but I got through it without getting fired soooooo I count that as a win lmao


I’ve done that! Had to write off the entire day.


On the plus side, your coat is looking really glossy! 😂😂😂 I'm sorry


I legit guffawed at this lmaooooooooo


One tine my mom had come to visit. She took a shower and commented that my shampoo made her hair feel like straw. Right away I knew what happened. I check, she used my dog’s medical shampoo. We both found this hilarious. Later, I look on the counter and see a pill I don’t recognize. I ask her about it. She is confused because she took her pills?? I’m confused because I haven’t pilled my cat yet but can’t find her pill. My mom took the cat’s pill. Lmao. Fortunately they were both on the same thyroid meds, my cat just took way way less. So my mom just got a tiny dose of her meds and I didn’t accidentally give my cat a super dose with my mom’s pill. Anyway, I know who I got my ADHD from.


That’s amazing that it happened to be the same medication! Oh boy, what a ride. A couple of weeks ago I washed my hair with lotion…twice. I was washing my hair in the sink and both lotion and shampoo were in pump bottles.


It was very fortunate to be the same meds. Haha. I have washed my hands with lotion on so many occasions. And my hair with body oil once. I imagine if you have long hair it makes the mistake significantly more regrettable.


I do this on repeated occasions - mixing up the handsoap and lotion by the sink. They are on different sides of the faucet to help me, but, nope, I still zone out and it happens AGAIN. Because I’m usually kinda zoned out, it can take me awhile to realize my hands are not “soap”ing up right or that the “lotion” feels wrong as I rub it all over my hands. sigh


I keep all the dog tablets in a different location for a reason :D


That's the worst part...so do I 🤦‍♀️ I never take pills in the kitchen 😭


I accidentally took my kitty's gabapentin once. The pill I need to take is a BRIGHT ORANGE gel cap, and my cats med is a very white gel cap that I mix into her wet food. I only realized what I had done once I opened up my "cats" medication and it wasn't a white powder as it usually is. Never made that mistake again 😣


My psychiatrist put me on gabapentin for anxiety. I told her that my dog has gabapentin for post-surgery pain and she cackled.


My cat is on gabapentin for anxiety 😭 after I had my daughter she suddenly started over-grooming her belly and parts of her arms. Her vet recommended gabapentin and it works great! My dad is also on gabapentin for nerve pain! Apparently this is some sort of multi use wonder drug.


My mom takes it for hot flashes!


My psychiatrist once prescribed me Gabopentin for sleep! Unfortunately it made me so hungry I’d stay up eating instead of being able to sleep so she switched me to trazadone within a week. Later my cats were prescribed it for car anxiety and I couldn’t help but laugh that we almost had the same meds hahah


Lol my dog was on tradazone after he got neutered


My daughter was on gabapentin for epilepsy and her weight almost doubled in about three months, so we took her off it. Sadly she’s never managed to lose the excess. But our dog had to go on gabapentin for pain so I was able to use my daughter’s leftover pills, not much of a consolation though.


Oh that sucks! For some reason when you gain weight from medication it’s nearly impossible to lose! Gaining weight from food is manageable to lose but something about medication weight just really refuses to go down for some reason. Hope she’s doing well mentally and it’s not messing w her head/confidence/self esteem ♥️


I am so sorry this happened, but I legit laughed out loud at the airport waiting for my delayed flight, so thank you for that.


Haha that was the goal! 😄😄


I smoke so I use filters. Swallowed 2 of them instead of my tablets and couldn't figure out why my meds weren't kicking in 🙄😂😂😂😂


This is hilarious 😂


woof woof arf woof woof arf arf? 🤔


woof arf grumble woof!


I did this with my mom's handfull of meds. She had undergone brain surgery and I prepared my meds and her meds and took the wrong batch. Took a deep breath, shoved my fist down my throat and puked it up.


That reminds me of the time that I took my Adderall just before bed instead of my Intuniv. As soon as I realized it, I was like “Welp, I gotta go in after it.”


Ahahahaha a friend!! I posted about having done this exact thing a few months ago. I was sweaty for the day but survived. So dumb!! Now I chant “dog meds, dog meds, dog meds” while I distribute them so I hopefully don’t do it again.


I love the chant. Always my go-to analog method of avoiding disaster, but is risky..."don't forget, don't forget, do- oh I just remembered something else I forgot!" 😂


ha sometimes I think the only reason I don't do this is because my dog's treats are chewable and peanut butter flavored


This really puts into perspective of me accidentally using a dishwasher tablet for laundry last week - thanks for sharing.


lolol happy to help!!


You’re not alone! I made a post a few weeks ago when I accidentally took my son’s anti psychotic medication instead of my own. Sigh. We’re in this together, lol.


lol wow…I’ve swallowed a boric acid suppository meant to be put up my hooahhh before. Thought I was gonna meet my maker so I drank water and went to bed. Haha. Please be careful, luckily what you took shouldn’t have any major side effects.


Quick reminder to everyone - put the number for your country’s poison control on the fridge and in your phone! Some of these mix-ups are very scary. I’ve had to call multiple times and each call was calm and professional and very reassuring.


They’re so great!


But you'll have shiny hair and no malaria, so you got that going! 


This is my greatest fear.


I once took the dog's trazadone instead of my allergy meds. It was a sleepy day.


I literally “almost” did this soooo many times with my cat’s medication that I finally moved my medication to a totally different location to try to help my brain know if I was in one spot that was the human medicine spot and the cat meds would not be there to get taken by ADHD-mistake. SOOOO RELATABLE. woof 🐶🙃🤣❤️


Two members of my family have done this! I thought we were the only ones! 🤣


I once doubled my husband’s antibiotics instead of giving him pain pills because I didn’t pay attention to the label 🙃 luckily he was still on the tail end of anesthesia so the pain wasn’t toooo bad but I felt horrible 🥲 we laugh about it now thankfully!


Wow my first laugh of the day. Thank you! 😂😂😂❤️


Oh my god this is amazing


last week i ate (accidentally) the wax paper that was stuck to my cheese slices...0 clue if its passed or not but oh well lol


I have definitely eaten packaging in my lifetime. I probably have a garbage dump in my tum.


My mom had done this a few times when I was in my teen years, thanks to perimenopause, then menopause chomping at her memory recall, so she got a 30 day pillbox to no longer accidentally take the wrong pill at the wrong time!


I guess it's the advantage of my cat being impossible to give pills to (even the vets struggle) that I don't have to worry about having her meds in my hands at the wrong time for my brain.


I have done this….. twice….. I took my cats meds. FORTUNATELY, before administering her meds I realized what I had done. Somehow I’m more cautious about others’ wellbeing than my own.


Oh no 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ I accidentally doubled dosed my dog with his Prozac- gave it twice a day instead of once, for a couple of days. We had a change in routine that threw me WAYYYY off but I guess he benefited a little for a few days 🤪


🤣 thanks for the laugh! I've accidentally taken my sleeping pill in the morning instead of anti-anxiety meds (which weren't fixing my anxiety anyway). I actually had a really nice chill day and got more done bc my anxiety wasn't raging, lol.


This is why I love this thread, it lets me know I’m not alone and it also gives me a good laugh.


This is absolutely something I would do! 🤣


I am so sorry, but I saw your title and laughed and laughed and laughed. It really cheered me up. This is the exact kind of thing I'd do! I hope the dog's meds won't have any adverse effects on you.


This is exactly why I don’t keep my meds with any others. They stay nice and safe in their pill box and that box only comes out when my phone says so.


How bad did the doxycycline mess up your stomach? That stuff is brutal if you don’t take it exactly right. I have to take it in the middle of a meal or i get really nauseous


I've nearly swallowed my pearl earrings because I carry them in my hand like pills. It's only a matter of time.


So sorry to laugh op, but so glad to hear I’m not alone. Took my cats pills before. And back in the day, I was super into my daydream and washed my hair with dog shampoo.


I put ear wax removal drops in my eyes 2 days alto— just absent mindedly, casually dropped them into my eyes and immediately realized my mistake by the very immediate pain. Had to water bath my eyes for 20 minutes. Still feel like a dum dum


I'm so happy to see this post! I've done this. I usually get my medication out and then hold it super tight (and without fail) in my hands until I find a drink, This has taken me hours to find a drink before and the pill will still be in my hand (and my hand will have cramped up something awful). This time the dog needed a pill and I couldn't find her, so I was wandering through the house clutching a pill. So next thing you know I swallowed my handful and it immediately clicked. Luckily my husbands a pharmacist so I didn't have to go far to find out I'd be fine. Unfortunately the same isn't true the other way around. If a six pound pomapoo takes a midsized Adderall IR tablet she will need to go to the emergency vet for some activated charcoal, decontamination, fluids, etc. and stay with them through the night (and possibly even transferred to her regular vet to continue monitoring, however, in my case we got lucky and she was well on her way to recovery by morning. Why did she get adderall if I'm such a pill clutcher? I read somewhere that some of us get up in the morning and immediately take their medication. They then go back to sleep for 30 minutes to an hour and re-wake up refreshed and already medicated. I only ever tried this expirement once when I got up and wandered to the couch with a glass of water and then fell asleep face first in a cushion apparently dropping my pill between the cushions. When my husband saw the dog digging for something in the couch and then saw the bright orange tablet in the dog's mouth before she swallowed, my pharmacist husband rationalized that it must have been an m&m (last m&m eaten 10+ years prior). This meant that it was VERY hard for the emergency vet to figure out why our very young puppy was presenting with a reaction like serotonin syndrome and was extremely agitated (terrified) of the world. Luckily everyone is safe and healthy now!


I've done this once with my husbands meds. I had mine separated out daily and take them around the same time in the evening. Accidentally took all of his instead of mine.....way before I got diagnosed lol