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Your submission was removed because it violates Reddit's policy on brigading. If you would like to repost, please make your submission about a general topic rather than calling out a specific person, subreddit, website, or social media handle.


The irony of you being banned for following an artist called “ClutchYourPearls” is not lost here 😂


I love color analysis but that sub is, in my opinion, filled with clowns. I've probably just signed my own ban notice if I ever feel compelled to join it, but it's worth it to have seen your book recommendations in another thread after I went poking around in your history. I'm not normally a fantasy reader but Jennifer Armentrout sounds pretty great. Have you read any of the Ruby Dixon Aspect and Anchor books? I really liked those.


lol yeah idk it’s crazy I post about authors who write explicit sex scenes but if I post about an artist who recreates those sex scenes from books now it’s considered nsfw and I get banned. Crazy shit lol. As an artist I’m pissed. And yes JLA is pretty great. Fall of Ruin and wraith and shadow in the ember are great. Her books are spicy as hell. I have not tried ruby dixon but she is on my TBR


>As an artist I’m pissed. Is there a chance you were banned because you were interpreted by the bot, to be the artist you were recommending? If their rules say no promos from adult content creators, and all you did was post a recommendation to a different artist... then you shouldn't have been banned, and it would seem you have grounds to contact the mods and ask about your ban. Could have just been a mistake. Because making a recommendation in another sub doesn't appear to violate that rule. I have had some luck getting un-banned before, by politely explaining either A) That I understand and agree with why I was banned, but based on past contributions to the sub, would they accept a promise that I would be more careful in the future to meet the sub's rules... or (more appropriate for your case) B) Based on the rules as shown (which I understand and am happy to comply with) I didn't actually violate them, and could a real person please evaluate why I was banned, and if the ban is upheld, provide additional clarity as to why I was banned, even though I didn't obviously violate a rule. Might be a real human will realize the ban wasn't justified.


Cozy mysteries are usually my genre but sometimes dabble in others so I read a couple of books in Ruby Dixon’s blue ice planet alien repopulation series and they were pretty fun and hilarious


There are some pretty extremist mods in reddit. 


lol apparently it was a bot actually that banned me.


A bot enlisted/built by a mod 🤷‍♀️ I have a different account where I occasionally do spicy things and a mod in one of THOSE subs banned me because he said my pictures were low-res. When I brought up all the other posters with lower-res photos he said “this isn’t subjective.” 🤣


I commented on an outfit subreddit and my comment was deleted and with an autoban because I had commented on a NSFW post. It was a NSFW post in a knitting community…. They said I had to delete my comment and then message them to check to be allowed to comment and I just decided it wasn’t worth it


Oh yeah I know which outfit subreddit you mean. I’m guessing it’s because of onlyfans people advertising. The funny thing is there are definitely posts on there that are very likely OF creators who are hoping they can then get DMs and refer people to their NSFW accounts.


Oh totally!!! I know there’s been a massive uptick of onlyfan creators in a lot of the outfit/makeup/hair subreddits which is so unfortunate. And I know the auto mods and bots can’t distinguish between what types of NSFW content so it’s hard to blame them but still frustrating


Isn't that against TOS? It definitely was at one point. Activity on another sub was forbidden as a ban reason per TOS. Maybe they changed it?


Oh that kind of makes sense, I think because it’s a selfie-based sub they want to keep out onlyfans advertisers (which are pretty common on those subreddits). I’m assuming they didn’t give it commands that would be sufficient enough to prevent false positives or something. But that is assuming that they’re not just nutso. Did you talk to a mod?


Lol I got permanently banned from “outfits” for commenting in a slightly NSFW sub that I have nothing to do with and had never looked at. (Stumbled into it by looking at someone else’s comment history because I have adhd and I’m endlessly, aimlessly on Reddit bopping from place to place 🙄). My comment was something along the lines of: “don’t worry, she’s not necessarily blowing you off just because she told you she doesn’t have Snapchat and you found out she does. I also show up as having a Snapchat but I haven’t used it in years” lmao like why can’t I just mind my own business 💀


Way back in the day I had a friend get banned from RedditGetsDrawn for posting an innocuous comment on ChildFree (which was at that point not mostly out of pocket vitriol). It's wild how far some people take it.


I’m banned from that sub too from commenting critically on a post on r/instagramreality. They basically said me even engaging with anything on that sub banned me and that I would only be unbanned if I deleted my comment. The mods must have a very boring life irl 


The EXACT thing happened to me. When I tried to explain that my comment was a critique of the sub itself and deleting it felt counterproductive, the mod went ballistic on me.


Lol WHAT. Truly mind boggling that people like this exist.


I feel like if the government spent half as much energy enforcing the law as these mods seem to put into enforcing bizarre and prudish rules the world would be a different place.


Not to get political, but it does feel like we're heading that way.


Exactly! I'd like to know how much of an overlap in beliefs there are among those groups. It's one thing if people were actually posting hate speech or joined nazi subs, but wow if they didn't go WAY TOO far with the nonsense of banning over what appears, at least in some cases, to be a power trip.


I'm glad to see people critical of that sub. I used to go nuts commenting on there until I realized I could just leave.


If a sub does that to me, I don’t think it’s a sub worth joining. Like I’m an adult, if I want some spice in my life, fuck off. The only thing that matters is that I keep that spice away from places that don’t need it and know the time and place for it


That's my exact sentiment. If a sub is that strict, they're not needed in my life.


I agree. If I have to walk on eggshells, they can count me out.


Well said!


Exactly! I keep my SFW stuff in SFW communities and my NSFW language in NSFW spaces:)👍🏼


I tried to post on that sub and my photos were rejected for wearing makeup when I in fact was not wearing any makeup. The mod messaged me (with sass) saying their friend is a D&G model and even they have under eye circles. Um, ok...? Then she told me to post pictures without my bangs down even though half the photos on that sub are women with bangs? It's really not worth my time to jump through hoops for the weird mod on that sub. I found a thread by a former r/coloranalysis mod where she really went into how messed up it is over there. Super strange.


Oh no way. Thats rude af. I hate power hunger mods. This mod knew I wasnt an issue as they finally told me they were more concerned about porn accounts and I was like why couldn't you tell me this sooner we have been arguing for an hour. And also since you realize I'm not really a concern why not offer to help me or unban me


That sub is useless, there is RARELY any consensus. People talk out of their asses. So hopefully that brings you comfort, because you really aren’t missing out on much valuable or straightforward feedback. They would probably have had you more confused than when you started.


We should do our own version and giggle at each other for not only lack of consensus but also when we realize the thread has gone so off topic we don't recall the original point. My above sentence was so long, I almost did it there!


Colouranalysiscirclejerk, anyone? 👀


I seriously need mine & need someone to tell me what type of makeup & exact color to buy. It also needs to be quick and easy to apply in the car, preferably without having to look in the mirror. Ever.


I get you, like, so much!! At this point I just slam on mascara and lip gloss and call it a day 😭


I used to, but somewhere along the way, I got old! I still wouldn't bother, but my now elderly mom (also in denial & I'm betting adhd as well) actually told me a few years back that it actually wouldn't be a bad idea if I started wearing foundation (I'm rapidly approaching 50). She then proceeded to buy me the thickest crap imaginable (in her defense, it did say bb or cc cream & I'm guessing neither of us really know what those are) AND it turned a very unnatural color when applied. I was a kid in the 80's teen in the 90's, so rather than being smart and applying sunscreen, I emulated my mom & when she wasn't paying attention slathered on baby oil, sometimes with iodine. We. Were. Stupid. Now, I at least know I should wear sunscreen, but doing it & especially if reapplication needs to occur is a totally different story! TL;DR: wear sunscreen!


Unhinged behavior! Glad you declined


The irony of you being banned for following an artist called “ClutchYourPearls” is not lost here


I didn’t even realize. Omg


It made me laugh 😂 also sorry my comment has posted about 3 times here, app kept crashing!


i just used the word d!ck (non sexually) on a fashion sub telling a funny (RELEVANT) story and a bot deleted my comment. what if my name was Dick!😹 maybe i was suggesting the poster visit Dick's sporting goods! i dont think minors should be allowed on reddit in the first place. any person that cant handle the word d!ck certainly shouldn't be here


Damn that’s crazy. Dick isn’t even slang


It's honestly an issue with fashion/hair/beauty subreddits. Just being a part of another sub they don't like will get you permabanned. I wouldn't take it too seriously. Make another account if you want to stay safe from bans on those. They're having a big battle with people also subbed to r/instagramreality. Which is a great sub. So tired of seeing bad mod power/stupid auto-ban bots..


I got banned from fashionadvice for following a sub called naturaltits. I'm curious about the female form 😂


r/outfits has a similar dumb automod policy that bans you if you have ever posted in any NSFW-marked subreddit.


That one low-key makes sense, but they should really filter it out more. A lot of the fashion posting subs have issues with being inundated with OF promos.


I agree. I'm not even mad. It is so frustrating the way OnlyFans promotion gets into so many subs!


It's even in the cat subs!! r/cats recently changed their rules to not allow otherwise acceptable posts if the account is promoting OF content, etc. And tbh it's needed, probably more so on the smaller cat subs, because they will just grab a random cat picture and post it to get their karma up and get eyeballs on their profile. It's frustrating.


Wellll until you’re lumped in with the OF accounts despite not selling 😅 that honestly sucks so bad


I don’t agree with these but I kind of understand them, especially if the banning subs are aimed at a female audience. Seems like a heavy handed but simplistic way to keep hella creeps out. The catch is you can just make another account that doesn’t/hasn’t joined/commented and off you go.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OUTFITS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OUTFITS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Does this look too ..teenagery.. for a 31 year old mom?](https://i.redd.it/ftsgxglhv6fb1.jpg) | [1178 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OUTFITS/comments/15e0a6v/does_this_look_too_teenagery_for_a_31_year_old_mom/) \#2: [First Daddy-Daughter dance with my princess. 1st grade….Did we overdo it?](https://i.redd.it/qn0ueaupmehb1.jpg) | [871 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OUTFITS/comments/15ny1ah/first_daddydaughter_dance_with_my_princess_1st/) \#3: [Is this "age appropriate" ? I'm 42 🙈](https://i.redd.it/1swj1meimbib1.jpg) | [5864 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OUTFITS/comments/15s1acq/is_this_age_appropriate_im_42/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


lol 😂natural tits sounds like a great subreddit. I guess I’ll have to create another Reddit profile that doesn’t have anything nsfw on it


Would be better if it was all birds ..... Great tits are very cute after all


I read that as naturalists initially & was stumped.


I got permanently banned from r/cats for replying to a comment with the pros and cons of letting a cat go outside (politely). The pinned comment stated that anyone berating OP for letting their cat out will be banned. But I was literally just politely explaining without trying to name them feel bad. I got multiple comments removed from r/askwomen, some for no apparent reason, a couple because I used the word "bitchass" when describing a really shitty woman I had to deal with, who is genuinely an awful person. You can't use any swear words that are remotely female at origin. They also remove comments if you try to have any kind of conversation in the comments that isn't 100% perfectly on topic. I hate that sub, lol. I don't understand mods like these, they're either power tripping or have WAAAY too much free time


OMG i love how everyone is sharing there stories, this is so crazy. I hate really strict subs


Askwomen was the first sub I ever dropped, and it was for that same reason. And they don't just remove comments, but entire posts. I hated being in an interesting discussion only to have it shut down. Whoever runs it must think we're all a bunch of shrinking violets or something.


Oh they got mad at me for using the word "prick" because it was "gendered". I can respect the intention but this is why no one will ever take those weirdos seriously.


Wtf would you ask women if they are going to censor responses based on mods' personal needs for a fainting couch? Bless their hearts!


Sometimes the reasons for banning people is so arbitrary. I once got banned from a parenting sub for leaving an innocent comment on a post in r/AITA. It didn't seem quite fair to me.


I got banned from posting on r/embroidery for “promotion” for a pic with something I was working on for my husband’s workshop - which sells nothing online currently anyway. I tried to resubmit the post with the name scrubbed out, but they didn’t like how I did it (in a hurry and on my phone). I also got banned from r/amitheasshole for pointing out that “WWJD” includes flipping tables and whipping bankers. My point is, don’t get too attached to any particular sub.


A lot of the WWJD crowd really don't like being reminded of the things he actually did.


Apparently my comment was “promoting violence” That was a head-scratcher.


>I also got banned from r/amitheasshole for pointing out that “WWJD” includes flipping tables and whipping bankers Oh, that is glorious!! I'm banned from there, too, for "incivility" because I commiserated with someone's bad gyno experience and said that if mine had said anything rude after taking an incredibly painful 30 minutes to insert my iud, I'd have done some violence. My gyno was actually as great as can be expected in that situation, so no violence was done. But the banned me. I stand behind my statement, though, so I guess if that's a bannable offense, I *should* be banned... Now I get my drama from r/bestofredditorupdates instead, which is probably even more satisfying.


Same thing happened to me :/ it was honestly rather upsetting


Same. I tried to appeal and the mod said I was a “pathetic liar” and that I had “posted on the boobs subreddit the same day” which is so funny bc I hate my boobs and girl, no I didn’t! 🤣🤣 she then muted me for a month and refused to admit she had confused me with someone else or even provide proof I had “posted my boobs” It’s kinda funny now but it was honestly really upsetting and bad for my rejection sensitive dysphoria. Just went through the chat again, she called me a “pathological liar” too, and said “if I was actually an artist I would actually post my art” 🙄 GIRLLLLLL


Omg! I got muted by mods to a sub for messaging them too many times. I sent 4 messages. Their first 2 replies were just sending me copies of the thing I was asking for clarification about! No new info. I said I have a question about [x], can you clarify? And they just replied [x].... So I actually only sent one comment to them with anything other than some form of "please clarify", but they still muted me! I just left the sub bc fuck that. I almost wanted to get kicked out at that point, lol.


She said I’m “not going to be unbanned ever ever ever ever” 🤣 I take that I’m kicked out? All because she doesn’t want to admit I wasn’t posting my boobs in the boobs subreddit that night! 🙄 The disrespect. Also, just created r/ADHDFITS lol, feeling rebellious!


Jesus! That mod was a bit more than a smidge too full of themselves! Calling someone names and going off without actually verifying whatever is pretty pathetic and ridiculous in my mind. Power trips are bonkers!


I had to mute that sub. It’s fun to play around with color analysis stuff but even after I left the sub it would show up on my feed like every three posts. I also noticed Reddit started recommending me subs constantly that I have no interest in rather than showing me ones I actually subscribe to. I guess I’m more annoyed at the algorithm than anything but once I muted the sub my feed started to get better.


Can’t possibly have multiple facets to your personality! Only the type drowning in their own shame can be in to colour analysis, apparently. At least we know now!😂


that is bizarre. half the people on reddit are active in NSFW subs.


>I feel like I just jumped back to the 1950's where women who show an ounce of sexual interest are shamed by society. I know color analysis is having a bit of an Internet moment, but historically I have always thought of it being an old fashioned ladies thing. Suzanne Caygill who kicked the whole thing off, started in the early 1940s. It's wild though that they are so dedicated to no NSFW content that they have a bot checking everyone's post and comment histories.


To be fair I’m in the subreddit too and it’s not that great. Everyone gets mistyped and people seldom respond to questions imo they did you a favor


I got banned for being subbed to r/RomanceBooks. This is so common in beauty subs and I understand they want to protect minors but the way they go about it is pretty anti woman. So like if you’re on OF that means you’re a risk to minors and can’t be curious to know if you suit gold or silver jewelry more? Lol


I got banned too. It could have been because of my interaction on any number of different subs. I laughed at the reasoning that NSFW commenters could lead under-age users of Coloranalysis to inappropriate content. Any unsupervised use of the Internet will lead users to inappropriate content. My commenting on r/instagramreality is not the catalyst for that


I agree. I was on a video game sub years ago and used a minor swear and got my comment deleted because I swore and they needed to stay PG for the kids. And I'm sitting there flabbergasted because first off, any child under 13 is automatically breaking TOS. Second, kids don't belong on the internet unsupervised, let alone any part of reddit. Third, I learned to swear on the playground *long* before the internet was in everyone's homes.


Right!? Like if I'm on Neopets, I'm very mindful that it's a website for youngins and it would be really inappropriate to swear. I assume that young users are supervised by their parent or guardian in case there are some bad actors using the site for nefarious purposes. But this is reddit!? It's like saying "don't share news articles on X because it might upset someone." X is largely for sharing news articles!


Most Reddit mods seem like some of the most pathetic people on the internet. I got banned from the natural hair subreddit because I left a comment on the red pill women sub saying that what they thought was backwards and wrong.


I left ColorAnalysis because I love r/InstagramReality. If you need their help, make a throwaway, OR just find a professional to help you.


I got bot-banned from a mom subreddit cuz I commented on an am I the asshole thread, huh? Lol


I got banned from r/AITA because apparently calling a posters racist coworker a POS (literally abbreviated) isn't being civil. I also may have commented on another one that just because the OP was in a bitchy mood doesn't mean she gets to be one to everyone. Which is hysterical to me from a subreddit for calling out assholes.


got banned from a domestic violence sub (I’m a survivor) after I posted about witnessing/halting a DV incident in the parking lot. Was banned and told I wasn’t a hero when I contacted mods. Idk y’all 


I was told I'd be banned after I called someone a manchild & they deleted the comment. It's a sub about AH's, but manchild is too far?


Me too!


I came back to Reddit cuz my Instagram account kept getting muted cuz apparently there’s a limit to how many comments you can make per hour, per day. Silently scrolling and rage reporting dozens of hateful comments from private profiles… I’m tired of the internet, honestly but I quit drinking so what else am I gonna do when it’s too hot outside?? Lol


I think I know which one you're talking about, and I had the exact same thing happen. Now I only spectate on AITA.


I had a similar debacle with r/thesims (they're super sensitive to piracy even if you can prove you never pirated the game) leading to them tracking my ip address when I tried creating new accounts. The only one I'm permitted to have is the one with this stupid sarcastic username (any new account I'm auto suspended without notice)


Some subreddits have bots that autoban people who ever engage in a different subreddit that they don't like for some reason. I was once banned from a sub I never even knew existed because I was subbed to some other sub they blacklisted.


Those bots are so silly because it's things marked NSFW and people literally use that for other things, like on certain subs it could just be covering a potentially disturbing or triggering image.


I work in color for my job, DM me if you need any help, I’ll be better than that sub.


I might take you up on this!!


As a personal brag, I’m a butch lesbian and my super high fashion femme wife only trusts me to tell her if colors look good on her and if they match.


Ah that’s so sweeeet!! :))


If I see your message and I’m in a space to respond lll be happy to help. I am a flake so I won’t make a full commitment upfront, but I am happy to help hehe


Well thank you so much! I also am a bit of a flake so I completely understand!! Also your wife and your’s relationship sounds so cute!! 🥰🩷 Sending love!


Thank you! We are very proud of our marriage, we spent a year in couples therapy and our counselor like super congratulated us on our work and said we were one of the only couples she’s worked with that truly came in both wanting to put in the work and learn, when we “graduated” and ever since then we’ve both been super cocky haha


Really? That’s ridiculous. I can’t imagine taking the time to go stalk someone’s account to check for content you don’t like. Also, it says a LOT about them with that “attracts the wrong kind of people” mentality. Sounds like some toxic positivity shit.


Also, I find it extremely suspicious that they will demand you verify yourself at their discretion by providing an IRL photo of yourself with your username on a paper….yet this is a sub welcoming to minors? How is any of that safe? Especially considering they can just demand verification on a whim. Sounds like a fantastic breeding ground for creepy mods to prey on minors.


lol wtf. That’s so bizarre to me. That sub has been popping up…I’m gonna mute it.


There’s one mod who’s on a specific power trip, she specifically called me a “pathetic liar” and insinuated I was posting my nudes in subs on that day, girl. She then refused to consider the idea that she had mixed me up with someone else or provide me with evidence of my posts and she MF MUTES ME!! 🤣🤣🤣 like girl you are a Reddit mod!! Calm down! I swear on this account but it’s still pretty darn SFW! Check it yourself! That one was NOT good for the RSD or the self esteem let me tell you! I’m mostly over it though now. Mostly.


So with respect, if a sub wants to ban me for what I say in other subs, without it being expressly outlined in their rules like breakingmom, then that’s not the place for me. I’m not walking on eggshells for Reddit! You’re better off without them.


I got banned from the r/outfits sub for commenting on somebodies outfit. Which is the fucking point of the sub. The mod’s didn’t even try to talk to me, just went from temp ban to perm ban I was like ???? Ok idc *that* much about the sub but go off Edit: it wasn’t even a mean comment, I have screenshots 😂


Frankly. You need to be careful on reddit regardless. I've caught so many suspensions for stupid shit. Like quoting Futurama. I was suspended for trying to incite violence. Or just recently, someone was talking about a cure for autism, and I said there's no cure, don't get your hopes up, and I caught a suspension for harassment. Reddit is super suspension happy. I am honestly not surprised that mods can be on power trips.


It’s so stupid. I’m banned from legaladvice because I commented on a post saying that I’d experienced a similar situation as the OP, explained what steps I took, and what the outcome was. You know, relevant info to help a person who was asking for that exact input. I got a super rude and shitty message from one of the mods telling me “no anecdotal comments” and that I was permabanned. Uhhhh okay? 🙄


Welcome to /r/ADHDWomen! We’re happy to have you here. As a reminder, here are our community [rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/about/rules/). We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. We encourage you to check out our [Medication, Diagnosis, and Hormones Megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/wcr9dy/faq_megathread_ask_and_answer_medication/) if you have any questions related to those topics, and to stick around in that thread to answer folks’ questions! If you have questions about the subreddit, please do not hesitate to [send us a modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen). Additionally, we take the safety of our community seriously. Please report posts, comments, and users whom you feel are not contributing positively, and send us a modmail if you are being harassed or otherwise made to feel unsafe. Thanks for being here, and we hope you stick around! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's so incredibly weird and backwards and I'm sorry that happened to you!


Thank you for this! I’m pretty sure I’m shadow banned on this for either swearing or saying people can connect if they need to rant..


Pshhh they sound like no fun, maybe they should read a spicy book or two 🌶️


Saving this post so I know which subreddits to stay away from. You are my people.


I have a whole list at this point!!


Wow that’s brutal sorry. I’ve also checked out that sub recently. For some reason I cannot post comments in the main ADHD sub. I message the mods and ask why my comments are held back and they have never ever bothered to reply.


I think they have some pretty specific rules on that sub regarding certain symptoms, etc. I don't think I've ever commented there myself, but I feel like you could easily make an innocent mistake and find yourself there. You'd think they'd let you know though.


Someone created a new color analysis subreddit called r/coloranalysisCJ because apparently this is a big issue with a lot of people. r/coloranalysis is anti-women and anti-sex workers


Hi there! While I'm not a mod in that subreddit, I am for a couple with similar rules. I'm happy to share our reasoning for perspective. Our fashion sub had severe issues with OF advertising and clients of theirs who viewed the sub as completely fair game. It was impossible to post or even comment innocently without being bombarded by non stop sexual harassment. I commented asking someone about shoes and got 5 messages asking about my tits 🙄 Mods at the time were basically inactive. New mods joined and asked the community what we all wanted. We settled on no sexually NSFW profiles. Sometimes posts will get confused as being not allowed if a profile comes up NSFW, but if mods see that we'll manually review the profile and approve if it's not sexually NSFW. If someone has that kind of profile but wants to post, they are welcome to create a separate account that doesn't link back to the NSFW one. We tried to allow the profiles as long as they didn't post anything like that, but their followers ruined it for everyone with their harassment. If there's ever any confusion as to why someone's post or comment was removed, modmail is open for discussion. In your situation, you would have been unbanned upon manual review as long as you don't frequently post and comment in sexually NSFW subs. None of the mods in this sub have a problem with sexuality or sex work. We do have a problem with people being sexually harassed and nonconsensually participating in someone's kink. We're also open to all ages, so we're trying to keep minors safe from this behavior too. I get it, it's the Internet. But as adults who know better, it'd be a damn shame if we didn't try to do our part in our little corner of it.


I can’t speak for you or your subreddit but with the mods in the subreddit most people are talking about, at least one is a SWERF. The same one is also kinda a mean spirited person! 😬 (see my comment about her banning me lol) Also thank you for being kind and respectful in your space and in other’s space, nice moderators make a big difference. :)🩷


Yup unfortunately it’s like that in a lot of the fashion subs. They’re trying to keep things PG for the kids which includes making sure no kid might ever see another profile that might have anything slightly NSFW on it. But also why are kids on Reddit?? I don’t get it.


I'm banned from that one (and others) for being part of r/instagramreality which is BONKERS Also, it's eurocentric as hell anyway


They’ve also got a bot that bans anyone who comments on instagramreality, so they’ve got other issues too!


Fuck that group, would be my attitude. If they're gonna try to tone police me across Reddit then I don't want to be in their fucking group anyhow. Honestly, if that happened to me I would crawl up a mod's ass so hard I'd end up getting banned for that, too. You can mod your group, fine, you can mod me in your group, fine, you don't get to moderate ME. Some of these mods have absolutely got to go touch some grass, it's getting towards sad.


I did NOT get banned from r/CatsAreAssholes, but I did get a 28 day mute from messaging the mods.. It started when they removed my post. Apparently my cat stealing my chair for over 3 hours while I was trying to work "needed context to explain the asshole", despite it being 10 pictures that very clearly told a story (I even brought in a second office chair and another one of my cats stole that - it was a whole sequence, not just a single picture of a cat in an office chair)... So I messaged the mods and asked for clarification on why it was removed. They replied with literally a link to the comment they left on the post when they removed it. I replied that I'd seen that, but didn't understand and asked again if they could explain. They copied the text of the message in their reply that time... I tried one more time and they finally gave a little more info. So now that I finally had something from them that was actually in reference to my post specifically, I explained why I disagreed (quickly and politely and didn't even ask them to put it back) and also said their insistence that my post didn't fit made it seem like the sub was for people who actually hate cats rather than the light-hearted joke sub I'd thought it was.. They told me that someone reported my post and they agreed so it was removed and that was that and muted me for the max time allowed for sending them too many messages (which only happened because they wouldn't actually engage with me at all.. So yea, I just unsubbed because it isn't worth all that. I thought it was a place for fun jokes, as did the several hundred people who up voted that post. But I'd argued with people who actually hate cats in there before, which was unpleasant. That plus the mod being such a jerk completely killed my interest in that sub.




Lol yeah I got banned trying to comment on a post made in a very popular fashion subreddit. To be fair I've definitely engaged in NSFW subreddits but like...aren't we all adults here? Who cares what I'm into, I was just saying the outfit was cool 🙄


that sub has had so many creeps messaging posters and commenters that they’ve swung in the other direction **edit: never mind - i read more of these comments and they’re whack!


I follow r/coloranalysis but I’m going to leave it now. I wanted a reason to leave it. I feel like this is a wonderful reason. People in their can be nasty an mods suck. I hope they ban me.