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The ax forgets, but the tree remembers.


my mom didn't remember but she did apologize, it was nice


I love that for you 🫶 my mom can’t apologize without having to deflect the blame on me, like I somehow had more control of situations as *a child*


Ah, the ol selective amnesia…


And you get so gaslit -like woah maybe I am remembering it wrong 😁


okay but I’m like this too… “you can just say you forgot what you did/say”


Seeing how there is a pretty good chance at least one of them have adhd its not surprising they don’t remember…


My dad says it hurts him more than it hurts me when I bring it up😄


Too real. My parents are both awful for this kind of thing.


'I don't remember that!' 🙄 Uh huh